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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


But why didn't the cartoon go with Eevee or something as the main Pokemon.
I mean Eevee represents the franchise much better, since it's normal, but can evolve into all sorts of different types.

To be honest, Eevee would have just been tackling everything. Once it evolved, that would have been it.


anyways, for realsies, I'd guess one of the biggest contributing factors to pikachu's popularity was that it was a hard to find pokemon in viridian forest so most players probably passed it up, so then word of mouth started about this weird ass electric rat appearing there if you're lucky so that must've spreaded like fire as pokemon started catching on


Eevee had Bite and Take Down!
And it didn't need to evolve either, but it just could've represented the idea of the series better.

Plus there could've been a lot more of those stupid evolution denial episodes.


Eevee had Bite and Take Down!
And it didn't need to evolve either, but it just could've represented the idea of the series better.

Plus there could've been a lot more of those stupid evolution denial episodes.

If it makes you feel any better, Eevee destroyed Ash's Pikachu.


Eevee had Bite and Take Down!
And it didn't need to evolve either, but it just could've represented the idea of the series better.

Plus there could've been a lot more of those stupid evolution denial episodes.

You're right, it would have represented the series pretty well. So much potential to evolve and yet it never does.

Stage On

At the time, I couldn't get over that fact. Now, Pikachu is getting smacked by Magikarp, so I'm not sure if I'd be able to get into the show now.

Meh just the writers being derpy most of the time. Plus that Magikarp was like the strongest Magikarp ever to exist.

This is the same Pikachu that beat a Regice and tied with a Latios after all so on a good day he's pretty beastly


my theory is so smart that it probably killed all of your neurons and you guys had to go back to talking about the anime


At the time, I couldn't get over that fact. Now, Pikachu is getting smacked by Magikarp, so I'm not sure if I'd be able to get into the show now.

Magikarp family is the real mascot of the series.

* Available in every main Pokemon game, Pikachu is not.
* Has its own Territory (Lake of Rage), Pikachu does not
* Is used more by E4 champion than any other Pokemon.
* Basically the first shiny in the series


Pokemon is just a ripoff of Tom and Jerry.

In T&J, a cat chases a mouse every episode.

In Pokemon, a Meowth (Cat) chases a Pikachu (mouse) every episode.


Johto was the worst season/region the show's ever had.

Advance and Diamond and Pearl are so much better then Johto ever was that it's not even funny.


PK Gaming

That article is plops. TWEWY, FF9 and Kingdom Hearts II not even in the Top 50? Shameful. All three are easily in my Top 10.

And yes, people who think Red and Blue are better than Black and White (or even FRLG) for any reason other than nostalgia are deluding themselves.

That's right, Kokonoe! I'm calling you out! /jk

Damn you really are like my... celestial twin or something. We agree on almost every level; Black & White is so far ahead of RB its not even funny. Not just in terms of content, but presentation, storyline, battles, online, etc. Fucking rose-tinted glasses.

Damn you really are like my... celestial twin or something. We agree on almost every level; Black & White is so far ahead of RB its not even funny. Not just in terms of content, but presentation, storyline, battles, online, etc. Fucking rose-tinted glasses.


Maybe we were secretly seperated at birth.

Or maybe we're the same person.

(Regardless, I'll just pretend this Weavile is a Haxorus)


Stage On

If you are trying to imitate Wiseblade, needs more Avatar gifs.

Ah man I don't want to imitate anyone.

Best part of Johto was Ash vs Gary! Seeing Heracross, Snorlax and Charizard kick ass was great

Thought I'm not a fan of how they added in the split pokeball back story at the last bloody second.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Yeah the Johto saga was slightly mishandled. Lots, lots, and lots of filler, and the GS ball went nowhere.

Sinnoh I think is the best saga. It has some filler, but things still moved at a good pace, Ash was at the top of his Fing game (seriously, no contest, Sinnoh Ash could take on all the other Ashes at once and still win handily), and oh lordy lord, the conference and Ash/Paul battles. The anime really hit new heights with those.

Stage On

Yeah the Johto saga was slightly mishandled. Lots, lots, and lots of filler, and the GS ball went nowhere.

Sinnoh I think is the best saga. It has some filler, but things still moved at a good pace, Ash was at the top of his Fing game (seriously, no contest, Sinnoh Ash could take on all the other Ashes at once and still win handily), and oh lordy lord, the conference and Ash/Paul battles. The anime really hit new heights with those.

The fact he hasn't used counter shield at all during Best wishes makes me very sad :(

Stage On

Started a new game in White and just got my third badge~

Current team is Simisear, Scraggy, Dewott, and Cottonee

Man I tried to use Pansear on my team but he's just so bloody weak. The worst part is you can't evolve him until he gets to a pretty high level since he only learns good moves in his base form.
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