It's obviously bogus, but that doesn't mean I'm not intrigued. Only 99 new Pokémon (with many being new evolutions/baby forms) would be a huge bummer, though.
I want......a physical hydro pump without the horrid accuracy.
Waterfall is already good enough imo.
Of the stuff posted in the rumor, the thing that scares me the most is X/Y being the first 3DS Miiverse game. Does that mean we won't see 3DS Miiverse until October?
I need my physical high risk, high return water attack darn it!
I'm more of a aqua tail user tho that accuracy has screwed me over on occasion.
Haven't had a good rumor in awhile, just saw this on 4chan...
The first Pokemon sent out in every match by a trainer will do a little stomp pose that spread the field around them. You never see your Trainer on the top-screen, as he's always on the bottom, instead it's like Stadium where Pokeballs appear from off-screen and such. They may change it up and spruce it some by the time it comes out in October, though.
They're planning to reveal all the Starter Evolutions pre-release this time around, so I've already learned quite a bit about them.
Grass/Flying, Fire/Psychic, and Water. Chespin is based on a helicopter/samara fruit (think a mammalian Garchomp), Fennekin looks a lot like Ninetales, with "lotus-shaped" ear fluff and tail, and Froakie becomes a giant, horned toad with tons of cloudy-fluff covering his body.
It's (Sylveon) Pure Normal. It evolves through the Bond System. Umbreon and Espeon are receiving new items to evolve them like they did in XD since Happiness has been replaced with Bonding, while other Happiness Evolutions are now Bonding Level Evolutions.
No new types. As I mentioned, thought, most of the New Pokemon I've learned of appear to be new dual-typing, so they seem to be trying to fill in all the holes.
Xerneas is Psychic/Rock and Yveltal is Ghost/Flying.
"Large amount of New Baby Pokemon and New Evolutions" when those are put together. There's about 10 Baby Pokemon, and around 20 Evolutions. And yes, Sylveon is the only new Eevee.
Yes. However, they're not focusing as much on the New Pokemon this time around since they introduced so many last Gen, instead focusing on new gameplay elements. It's up to you, though, as to which you prefer for them to put resources into.
I've seen a good amount of the Pokemon, although how much I know about them varies depending on when they're going to be showcased (some I know simply their design and typing, others I've only heard general descriptions and have yet to see), and, well, I can say this Gen will probably get a lot of mixed reactions.
Nope. And no Walking Feature has been implemented yet, and doesn't seem to be planned.. The Status Screen lets you "pet" them, which has their model perform different animations they have, and also the Bond System displays a little message about how the Pokemon feels towards you.
There doesn't seem to be any (Z-Legendary). Just Xerneas and Yveltal. At this point."Non-Cartridge" DLC Pokemon is a possibility thanks to the added power of the 3DS, so it may come later.
The other 4 Legendaries are a quartet, they're white and black animals, with the black parts resembling card suits. A large cobra with a heart-shaped hood and tail, a tiger with diamond patterns, a t-rex dinosaur with spade-shaped spikes, and a peacock with a club-shaped tail. Not sure about their typings.
Basic. Bonding is mainly done through methods akin to Happiness, raising as you play normally, so you don't necessarily need to go out of your way to do it. Petting doesn't actually raise the Bond.
Okay. I've seen atleast one evolution per Gen.
Pinsir. Has four-arms, four horns. It can remove its horns and hold them like swords it appears. Pure-Bug.
Flaaffy Split-Evolution. Quadrupedal ram with tesla-coil horns. Pure-Electric.
Hariyama Evolution. Mountain-colored (green bottom, brown top), with white hair and beard resembling clouds. Pure-Fighting.
Lumineon Evolution. Fins resemble figure-eights, like the infinity symbol, and it's got neon-red lines running on the edges of its body. Pure-Water.
Darumaka Split-Evolution. Turns into a snowman-looking ape, with little orange spots running down its chest, and its eyebrows are duller flames. Fire/Ice.
I believe they're referencing the Saint Beasts of Asian Lore, yet taking liberties. Bird, Dragon, Reptile, and Tiger.
Not sure if it's exactly considered a Pikachu, but one of the Pokemon is Electric/Steel, and resembles a metallic mouse, with a "computer mouse plug" tail. I don't see anything else that comes close to Pikachu, so that's probably it.
The last three Pokemon before the Legendaries are Dark/Electric. They seem to be based on "star life cycles", as the first one is little and star-shaped, the second one is huge and spherical, and the final one is more humanoid with vortex shapes on its body. They look powerful, so I'd guess they fulfill the BST layout, but I'm not sure of any base stats.
No Heracross evolution from what I can see, Pinsir is the only Pokemon I've seen this time around who gets both an evolution and pre-evolution. And no Camerupt Evolution, as far as I can tell.
Well, Pinsir is one I consider long-time fans wanting. And there is a Farfetch'd evolution, but it's pretty disappointing. Farfetch'd doesn't evolve, the LEEK itself grows into a cool sword-leek with a little (\___/) face on the end. Honestly I'm still wondering if the LEEK is a new Pokemon and it's a Mantine-Remoraid situation where Farfetch'ds model incorporates it or what. And then there's odd choices, like Sawk and Throh both seem to get one that look like Fist of the North Star rejects.
Last one before bed.
Region is very large, probably the largest thanks to the 3DS extra space, and is indeed based on France, with some of the Scandinavia peninsula located at the top of the map. I'd say the game is decently "open", but there's a solid order of Gyms, but enough side areas that you're not being pushed forward. The most striking thing about the Region from looking at the map is all the rivers flowing through the Region, but don't fret, there's not a lot of required Surfing. Speaking of which, HMs are still in, but none are required to get through the main campaign.
The Past-Era of the Region is broken access different parts of it through the corresponding Present portal, and have smaller, cordoned-off areas to explore.
Damn, I was imagining a ram-like Flaafy form yesterday. :|
Haha, no, nothing like that.Something like this?
Chespin... Choppin!
Anyways, here's a Flareon.
I remember talking to Marriland about this on a podcast we did right after X/Y were announced. It's very possible and I would even say probable that they do this. The 3DS has storage space for this type of thing so why not? It would require you to download the Pokemon before doing online matchup or ban them from use (like the Rotom formes in 4th gen) but it's definitely possible."Non-Cartridge" DLC Pokemon? Pfft yay right.
It's very possible and I would even say probable that they do this.
"Non-Cartridge" DLC Pokemon? Pfft yay right.
Actually, I think that's very likely.
If nothing else, I'd say that the Event Legendaries won't be on the cart this time.
If so....
... CUSTOM POKéMON. I would think the likelyhood people would hack the games and insert their own models/stats/names would be very high if this were the case.
Hmm Pokemon model/texture hacks in the leagues of brawl hacking would be amazing to see.![]()
I remember talking to Marriland about this on a podcast we did right after X/Y were announced. It's very possible and I would even say probable that they do this. The 3DS has storage space for this type of thing so why not? It would require you to download the Pokemon before doing online matchup or ban them from use (like the Rotom formes in 4th gen) but it's definitely possible.
He's looking at his "watch" which was burned. You know how businessmen look at their watches.
Well if it does become true i hope they don't charge money for them. That would be outrageous
Masuda has outright said that he is against making kids have to pay to get more of a game they've already paid for. We won't be getting paid DLC on main series games
Masuda has outright said that he is against making kids have to pay to get more of a game they've already paid for. We won't be getting paid DLC on main series games
Doubt they'd do "Buy Meloetta for $0.99" but they already have a paid application as the only way of getting formes of some Pokemon and went so far as to make both the formes and item untradeable.
Heh, watches that got burnt? Maybe he should invest in something more... fire-proof.
Doubt they'd do "Buy Meloetta for $0.99" but they already have a paid application as the only way of getting formes of some Pokemon and went so far as to make both the formes and item untradeable.