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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

haha thats hilarious.

ps, anyone getting the new pokemon mystery dungeon? I might, but I don't know anything about it.

edit: top of the page needs a picture


That's the one where you can visit new dungeons by looking at circles, right? They limited the number of Pokemon you could play as to these five:


No idea what the actual story is about though.


Good news everyone! I have a new computer! Which means I can record a ton easier. But it also means I probably wont have a new episode until Monday.

Good thing I did that 2 parter! ;)


Any general team tips? I managed to make it to the Elesa (gym 4 leader), but got worked. I think I'm a little under-leveled since my highest is 25-26 and hers is 30 (some weird electric/fire/rock zebra that busts my team up). Should I level more or is switching types enough?
Any general team tips? I managed to make it to the Elesa (gym 4 leader), but got worked. I think I'm a little under-leveled since my highest is 25-26 and hers is 30 (some weird electric/fire/rock zebra that busts my team up). Should I level more or is switching types enough?

Try to keep up with the levels - switching types usually won't help much in Generation V games because of move diversity.
Any general team tips? I managed to make it to the Elesa (gym 4 leader), but got worked. I think I'm a little under-leveled since my highest is 25-26 and hers is 30 (some weird electric/fire/rock zebra that busts my team up). Should I level more or is switching types enough?
Zebstrika's pure Electric-type, just for reference (and so you can perhaps figure out what attacks you should be using on it).

As for Pokemon, I can't say anything much without knowing what your team currently is, but if things really aren't working out for you, she specializes in Electric-types, so Ground-type Pokemon in Route 4 (the desert area) like Sandile might help. Just catch one, and get it to at least Level 29 so it can evolve into Krokorok and you should be good (of course, it's Ground-type moves won't be any good against her Emolga, her Electric flying-squirrel Pokemon, but the main point would be just to have something that's immune to her electric attacks).

But just training and getting your levels up to match the level of her Zebstrika should hopefully be all it takes (again, I can't say anything for sure though without knowing your team). A good spot to get your levels up where you are would be to exit east out of Nimbasa City and keep going until you can get into a little forested area and follow the path to a new place. There will be a Pokemon Breeder right at the entrance of that new area, the Lostlorn Forest, and you can just keep switching between the Lostlorn Forest and Route 16 to battle them as much as you need to get your levels up, which was pretty helpful to me when I got to Nimbasa City playing White 2.


Zebstrika's pure Electric-type, just for reference (and so you can perhaps figure out what attacks you should be using on it).

As for Pokemon, I can't say anything much without knowing what your team currently is, but if things really aren't working out for you, she specializes in Electric-types, so Ground-type Pokemon in Route 4 (the desert area) like Sandile might help. Just catch one, and get it to at least Level 29 so it can evolve into Krokorok and you should be good (of course, it's Ground-type moves won't be any good against her Emolga, her Electric flying-squirrel Pokemon, but the main point would be just to have something that's immune to her electric attacks).

But just training and getting your levels up to match the level of her Zebstrika should hopefully be all it takes (again, I can't say anything for sure though without knowing your team). A good spot to get your levels up where you are would be to exit east out of Nimbasa City and keep going until you can get into a little forested area and follow the path to a new place. There will be a Pokemon Breeder right at the entrance of that new area, the Lostlorn Forest, and you can just keep switching between the Lostlorn Forest and Route 16 to battle them as much as you need to get your levels up, which was pretty helpful to me when I got to Nimbasa City playing White 2.

My team is Pignite, Leavanna (? I think thats what it's called) both ~25, Growlithe at ~23, Magenite at ~24, Sigiliyph at ~23, and I don't remember the last one (it's a rock type from the ruins at ~23) but I do have that Crocodile that I can level.

I've been swapping around an exp share to level the lower guys. Is this wise?

Stage On

When you really think about it though, Ash is a loser.

Hear me out, most of his gym badges were obtained without properly defeating the gym leaders (for example: Brock gave his badge out of pity, saving the Celadon gym from a fire, etc.), he doesn't take chances to catch powerful pokemon in the wild or legendaries for that matter, and when his pokemon do become powerful he either releases them (Charizard, Pidgeot, Lapras). The most important thing to note however is that he has never won/completed a pokemon league, ever. He can turn his cap backwards all he wants, that's no going to help him win any matches or, dare I say, become a pokemon master.

In addition to what Serebii said Ash has also taken down all of the Kanto Frontier brains. Think Gym leaders only much stronger and exclusive since only Advanced trainers are allowed to challenge them.

He's never going to be allowed to have a legendary since then the writers wouldn't be able to explain how he doesn't steamroll everyone in his path after that. There wouldn't be any dramatic tension left if he had one. But he has beaten legendarily several times including a Darkrai that swept all of the Sinnoh Gym leaders and everyone else in the sinnoh league.

So what if Ash hasn't won a league. That's only because the writers suck since they obviously have no clue what to do to keep the show going once they actually let Ash win won and the show can't end since it's essentially a perpetual advertisement to sell the games and other Pokemon merchandise.


Sooo... Should I give the anime a chance ? I watched it years ago, then drop it (in French - it seems that I missed a lot of fun with the 4kids dub). I heard that the Best Wishes seasons are quite good.



It's funny but I have actually experienced something like that...on numerous occasions. Through the net though, as I haven't really gone to anywhere IRL where Pokémon fans congregate...yet! Considering going to London's MCM Expo this May.

haha thats hilarious.

ps, anyone getting the new pokemon mystery dungeon? I might, but I don't know anything about it.

It's a good game, but the reduced amount of Pokémon reduces the variety in dungeons which can make it a bit repetitive. However, it fine-tuned a lot of the more annoying game mechanics for Dungeon games which made me like it a bit more.

Sooo... Should I give the anime a chance ? I watched it years ago, then drop it (in French - it seems that I missed a lot of fun with the 4kids dub). I heard that the Best Wishes seasons are quite good.

The Best Wishes seasons are closer to the original in terms of speed and progression. Unfortunately, it means there's less character focus due to less fillers, but when things get serious such as with Gyms, tournaments Team Rocket (before Episode N's reversion to pseudo-serious) and Team Plasma stuff, the new season is second to none.


It's funny but I have actually experienced something like that...on numerous occasions. Through the net though, as I haven't really gone to anywhere IRL where Pokémon fans congregate...yet! Considering going to London's MCM Expo this May.


Just kidding. Site's pretty good though.

I have had one person recognise me from the internet at the 2009 VGC UK nationals; I had stickers of some fakemon I made on my DS. We had a battle and he uploaded it to YT. At the same event, a grown man asked my then-12-year-old brother for an autograph. It was all slightly surreal.

You should go to a VGC event; they're a lot of fun even if you're not a good battler (I haven't ever made it past the third round).

Completely off-topic, one of the moderators over at the Psypokes forums has stolen my pixel-Riki avatar. I feel violated. But I don't know whether I'm bothered enough to complain.



Just kidding. Site's pretty good though.

I have had one person recognise me from the internet at the 2009 VGC UK nationals; I had stickers of some fakemon I made on my DS. We had a battle and he uploaded it to YT. At the same event, a grown man asked my then-12-year-old brother for an autograph. It was all slightly surreal.

You should go to a VGC event; they're a lot of fun even if you're not a good battler (I haven't ever made it past the third round).

Completely off-topic, one of the moderators over at the Psypokes forums has stolen my pixel-Riki avatar. I feel violated. But I don't know whether I'm bothered enough to complain.

Problem is, as I'm also in the UK, the VGC is always in Birmingham which is a 4 hour train ride each way, and costs like £150. It's a time and money thing.

One of my friends said that MCM is the largest congregation of Pokémon fans in the UK, so that's why I'm considering it. Don't think anyone would recognise me though, I don't exactly look how people would expect a Pokémon website owner to look.


Problem is, as I'm also in the UK, the VGC is always in Birmingham which is a 4 hour train ride each way, and costs like £150. It's a time and money thing.

One of my friends said that MCM is the largest congregation of Pokémon fans in the UK, so that's why I'm considering it. Don't think anyone would recognise me though, I don't exactly look how people would expect a Pokémon website owner to look.
I'm fairly sure VGC is bigger in terms of Pokémon - I didn't go last year, but in 2011 there were over 1000 people there. I went to MCM in October, and got only about 50 passersby in Pokémon White.

I think it's definitely worth going to a VGC event at least once. Hopefully they'll split the single central tournament into two now that it's getting big; London and Manchester should be good. London is also better for me (not 4 hours better, but still way easier to get to than Birmingham).

Also, if you buy train tickets way in advance, you can get huge discounts ;)


I'm fairly sure VGC is bigger in terms of Pokémon - I didn't go last year, but in 2011 there were over 1000 people there. I went to MCM in October, and got only about 50 passersby in Pokémon White.

I think it's definitely worth going to a VGC event at least once. Hopefully they'll split the single central tournament into two now that it's getting big; London and Manchester should be good. London is also better for me (not 4 hours better, but still way easier to get to than Birmingham).

Also, if you buy train tickets way in advance, you can get huge discounts ;)

Well if it's in London, I will without a doubt, but anywhere further out and I really can't, which is a shame.

Then again, I don't want to be mobbed, though I do want to change a view about me. There's people going around who claim I went to one in America and blanked a kid who was going on about liking my site. Seems people are pretending to be me at these things and people are buying it
It's funny but I have actually experienced something like that...on numerous occasions. Through the net though, as I haven't really gone to anywhere IRL where Pokémon fans congregate...yet! Considering going to London's MCM Expo this May.

There's quite a few Pokémon fans down at the MCM Expo! I've gone a few times now and I always see quite a few. Although I would agree going to the VGC is your best bet for meeting more fans.


There's quite a few Pokémon fans down at the MCM Expo! I've gone a few times now and I always see quite a few. Although I would agree going to the VGC is your best bet for meeting more fans.

It would be nice to meet fans of the franchise, and even of my site. I intend to go to MCM unless anything comes up so it should be good, though I have never done it before, contrary to what many believe (as mentioned before, it has been going around on Smogon, and even in a post here that I have been and acted mean to other players - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=44937474#post44937474). It's not nice that people think this stuff of me and that it spreads. I'm fine if people have a bad opinion of me, considering I can be arrogant at times, but when it's based off lies it hurts :/

ANYWAY, I'm starting to look forward to the Wii U Rumble game a bit more. Any of you guys a fan of the Rumble games?


The lack of news feels dry

So let's look at some rumors instead. They come from an anoymous user from 4chan, so take it with a huge grain of salt.

  • Main characters are Jean and Jane; names are non-customizable
  • Trainer now appears in the bottom screen during battle, with a speech bubble interface holding the trainer commands inside
  • Trainers now have their own leveling system that affects how in-game NPCs react to you and grants various bonuses such as increasing capture rate and the rarity of Pokémon encountered
  • A new key item called the Whistle can be used once per battle with differing effects, such as waking up a Pokémon or snapping it out of confusion.
  • A bond level replaces the happiness meter from past games; higher bond levels grant bonuses such as experience or stat gain for Pokémon
  • Bond level bonuses and the whistle feature can be turned off in PvP matches for the benefit of competitive play
  • A new item called the Bond-EYE that resembles a pair of sunglasses allows players to view the nature of wild Pokémon and their capture rate
  • The Bond-EYE also allows players to see visual avatars of other players and send them messages or trade and battle requests; this feature, akin to the Miiverse function in Nintendo Land, will be the first of its kind on the 3DS
  • Wireless co-op is now possible, with one player being the leader and the other aiding in battle
  • Players not able to play cooperatively will be allowed to request aid from NPC trainers in their adventures via a juice bar located in every town
  • The PokéDex resembles a tablet with a 3D display that allows players to view Pokémon models, read full paragraph descriptions of them, hear their cries, view their locations, compare their sizes and weights with others, and read comments made by other trainers around the world about them
  • Excess money can be stored in banks that grant interest and special gifts upon depositing certain amounts
  • Using a special wristwatch device, players can travel 30 years into the past which features different characters, younger versions of current characters, different layouts, and different wild Pokémon
  • The rival faction is Team Gear whose members wear purple bodysuits with black clock hands on them; they mess with events in the past that affect the present
  • In one part of the game, you must catch a Munchlax in the past to clear the road of a Snorlax in the future, suggesting that past generations of Pokémon will be available from the start
  • The professor is Professor Bristle and the rival is Ricki, a magazine writer who documents the strange events occurring in the past
  • The new generation consists of 99 new Pokémon, many of them baby Pokémon and new evolutions of current Pokémon
  • Sylveon is a Normal Pokémon that evolves based on the new bond level; it is the only new Eeveelution
  • There will be a total of six legendary Pokémon that include Xerneas (Psychic/Rock) and Yveltal (Ghost/Flying) along with four black and white Pokémon based on card suits: a cobra with a heart-shaped hood and tail, a tiger with diamond patterns, a t-rex with spade-shaped eyes, and a peacock with a club-shaped tail
  • Most of the brand new Pokémon will be new type combinations such as Fire/Ice and Dark/Electric
  • The types of the final evolutions of the starter Pokémon will be Grass/Flying, Fire/Psychic, and Water


ANYWAY, I'm starting to look forward to the Wii U Rumble game a bit more. Any of you guys a fan of the Rumble games?

My brothers are fans of the first one. I haven't played it much myself, but it was fun, if not extremely repetitive.

None of us has played the second one.

So let's look at some rumors instead. They come from an anoymous user from 4chan, so take it with a huge grain of salt.

First point already invalidates it. MC names are usually only decided on very closely to the game's release. Besides, not letting you name them kinda breaks up some of the series' core ideas.
ANYWAY, I'm starting to look forward to the Wii U Rumble game a bit more. Any of you guys a fan of the Rumble games?

Yeah, I played the Wii one quite a bit actually and I liked it, my brother has put in about 40 hours on the 3DS one, shame there was one save slot on that one. As for the Wii U Rumble game, I would like to know more about it, tentatively interested in that one.

Stage On

How come Ash winning Orange Islands doesnt count?

Because while impressive it was never a full league. He only had to beat half the amount of Gym leaders as usual and some of those weren't even fights. Afterwards he only had to fight one person instead of a full tournament so the sense of achievement isn't quite the same.
Does anyone else kind of want a Legendary war movie where they throw ALL of the legendaries at once into a grand royal fight?

Yeah, it could be if a huge battle tournament was starting and all the legendaries gathered to engage in a massive battle royale. It's started by an evil businessman who is making loads of money collecting bets on the battle. It's later found out by Ash and the gang that the evil businessman is using strange brainwave equipment to force the legendaries to fight each other. Then Ash, after a huge struggle with the legendaries destroys all the brainwave equipment and evil businessman is sent to jail. The end.

I think that's how it would go.


Yeah, it could be if a huge battle tournament was starting and all the legendaries gathered to engage in a massive battle royale. It's started by an evil businessman who is making loads of money collecting bets on the battle. It's later found out by Ash and the gang that the evil businessman is using strange brainwave equipment to force the legendaries to fight each other. Then Ash, after a huge struggle with the legendaries destroys all the brainwave equipment and evil businessman is sent to jail. The end.

I think that's how it would go.

The businessman actually invited Professor Oak, due to him once being a famous battler. However, Oak has long since quit battling, so he sends Ash to enter the tournament in his place. When he gets there, Ash smells something fishy.

Also, the businessman's name is Mr. X.
Sorry to butt in, but I have a couple questions.

1. I'm playing Black 2, and missing some Pokemon in the Castelia City area. Apparently, there is some grass in the city, but I cant find it. Could some tell me where to find it?

2. Also, I lost my main ds cart with *all* my pokemon; legendaries, shinies, and the full 'dex. So, im pretty bummed right now. would someone be able to trade a Oshawatt to me? I really don't have much, but I do have a riolu. Maybe later I will come back and see if someone can at least help me out with my 'dex.

It would be nice to meet fans of the franchise, and even of my site. I intend to go to MCM unless anything comes up so it should be good, though I have never done it before, contrary to what many believe (as mentioned before, it has been going around on Smogon, and even in a post here that I have been and acted mean to other players - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=44937474#post44937474). It's not nice that people think this stuff of me and that it spreads. I'm fine if people have a bad opinion of me, considering I can be arrogant at times, but when it's based off lies it hurts :/

ANYWAY, I'm starting to look forward to the Wii U Rumble game a bit more. Any of you guys a fan of the Rumble games?

Can I ask you something and I'm not trying to be a dick, but for as much information your website has, and being the go-to Pokemon website... Why is the actual design so terrible? Serebii.net is something straight out of 2001. I mean what website still has splash pages? Not to mention navigating through old games pages is awful, as the design is either worse or often times broken. Why isn't this addressed? I mean I understand that probably 95% of your reader base doesn't care one or the other but it just reaks of being an unprofessional website. Do you ever plan on completely revamping the website or will it forever be stuck in the era of all other Pokemon websites from the Gold/Silver/Crystal days?
Sorry to butt in, but I have a couple questions.

1. I'm playing Black 2, and missing some Pokemon in the Castelia City area. Apparently, there is some grass in the city, but I cant find it. Could some tell me where to find it?

You have to go through the castelia sewers. There should be some stairs where there was a kid who dropped his contact lens or something which leads you to a small area with grass. Good luck, wild Eevee can be found here!

Edit: Beaten like an egg!


I just recently beat the E4 in Black 2. First time I've 'beaten' a Pokemon game since Pokemon Crystal. I know there's post-game content, but I really enjoyed the time I put in B2. None of the other games so far have really gripped me as much. I've played every gen and almost every Pokemon game as well, but never finished most of them.
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