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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


How are you supposed to figure out the Poke Flute thing HG/SS without looking it up? Seriously, I had everything I needed but how was I to know it needed to be tuned to such an obscure "channel"?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So what if it's broken? This is about making Pokemon training as convenient and streamlined as possible rather then being a total pain in the ass.

How annoying is it if you get a Pokemon with great stats but the wrong ability? One less time sink to worry about while breeding can only be a good thing.

Ehh I'd say it can be fixed somehow by indicating the % of abilities appearing on x zone.

Stage On

Who the heck wants roaming Pokemon back? That was one of the worst aspects of the series.

It was slightly tolerable in Platinum when you could track them through the bottom screen but they botched that aspect by taking that feature away.

I gave up on the roaming Pokemon in Soul silver simply because it was a total pain in the ass to use the new tracking feature since you had to load it constantly.


You get good items for winning later on as well.

You can face them more than once?



You can face them more than once?


Once a day I think for Big and Little Stadiums. IIRC, more trainers are there to fight later on than when you first get to Nimbasa. At this point, having beat the Elite 4, I think there are roughly 8-10 trainers in each location for me to fight. Makes leveling up scrubs really easy.

Azure J

Have another Dream World related question (as always), have they released DW ability Eevee as yet? Stupid me totally raised a brand new Espeon with the default ability only to have my OCD kick in wondering whether or not Magic Bounce was available.


Espeon with magic bounce is ace. <3
If only Flareon received something more useful. Guts isn't bad at all, but it's not what it needs. Oh Flareon...


Good moves alone wouldn't be enough.
It needs some better Speed too.

But it will always be the best Eevee evolution regardless.


They had the perfect chance to give flareon speed boost...but nope poor guy got guts instead ....with a lackluster physical movepool.


So, I've beat Cynthia and the Elite 4 for a second round and messed around on the trains and caught the legendaries available in White. Anything left to discover or am I better off moving on to White 2?
D-did something about Magikarps change since I played Yellow, or is it still just to get Gyrados?

He just has an unhealthy infatuation with Gyarados.

Now what you should really do is get into the Scraggy breeding industry. Get your foot in the door now, cause those things are gonna be worth a mint next generation.
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