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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Who'd be interested in a Pokemon X/Y Speculation Contest like the Smash Brothers one?

Guessing the amount of Pokemon per type, the overall number, what old Pokemon will get evolutions and baby Pokemon, and type/order of the Gym Leaders.

It'd be pretty fun I think.
Who'd be interested in a Pokemon X/Y Speculation Contest like the Smash Brothers one?

Guessing the amount of Pokemon per type, the overall number, what old Pokemon will get evolutions and baby Pokemon, and type/order of the Gym Leaders.

It'd be pretty fun I think.

Since accurately predicting something of that scale is nigh-impossible, wouldn't it be more of a fantasy roster-style "this is want I want in the game" type of thing? If so, that'd be cool. I'd love to come up with types, designs and punny names for a hundred-odd creations :)


As in "Heathcliff"
Who'd be interested in a Pokemon X/Y Speculation Contest like the Smash Brothers one?

Guessing the amount of Pokemon per type, the overall number, what old Pokemon will get evolutions and baby Pokemon, and type/order of the Gym Leaders.

It'd be pretty fun I think.

Hmm, I can started with Dolphin Pokemon, Evolution of Jynx and Evolution of Pinsir.


Junior Member
Who'd be interested in a Pokemon X/Y Speculation Contest like the Smash Brothers one?

Guessing the amount of Pokemon per type, the overall number, what old Pokemon will get evolutions and baby Pokemon, and type/order of the Gym Leaders.

It'd be pretty fun I think.

Sure, but not a whole thread for it. Just do it here.
Problem is that most of the members don't really follow Community Thread.

The problem with putting it in Gaming though is that the thread will quickly be de-railed by crap posts like "I'd just put all the Gen I Pokémon in the game" and other such comments attempting to crap on the series. There would definitely be some good, thoughtful posts, but I'd rather this be a more team-effort, internal thing.


The problem with putting it in Gaming though is that the thread will quickly be de-railed by crap posts like "I'd just put all the Gen I Pokémon in the game" and other such comments attempting to crap on the series. There would definitely be some good, thoughtful posts, but I'd rather this be a more team-effort, internal thing.

Well the OP could state it would be strict on gen-wars and stuff and ask a mod for them to be strict about it. It may be a bit much, but I seriously doubt there would be much of that stuff.


Well the OP could state it would be strict on gen-wars and stuff and ask a mod for them to be strict about it. It may be a bit much, but I seriously doubt there would be much of that stuff.

I can see stuff like that happening but if a mod was strict on it and the op mentioned it then I think it would go a lot smoother. I didn't really start following this thread til today either so I wouldn't even see this if it was posted here say... a week ago or something.

Also speaking of gen 1... one Pokemon I wish was easily acquirable near the start of one of the Pokemon games is... Seal. Why? I don't know, I just love Seal and it's evolution, Dewgong. On the bright side though, B/W2 has Riolu 10 minutes into the game more or less, Growlithe near the 2nd gym I believe and you even get an Eevee (including the ability to get a wild Eevee) not that long after in Castelia City.

So some of the options for Pokemon I like are more easily acquirable at least early on in the game :D


I'd rather have the speculation thread be somewhere else so I don't keep clicking into this thread and having to read it :p I couldn't really care less about 99% of speculation.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I was actually working on a little Wishlist Dex a bit back for Bulbagarden, although the list was deleted when my old laptop crashed.

I had ideas like:

* Regional Bird was a Barn Owl. First form was shy, and had a bald head, so it covered its face with its feathers like a makeshift mask. Second form was very powerful and had an elaborate feather-mask but, if it fell off, it'd go back to being shy.
* Regional Rodent was a little Kangaroo Mouse, its evolution expanding on the kangaroo-aspect. Think Hippety-Hop from the old Sylvester Cartoons.
* Poison/Ghost Fungus, based off this fungus I saw that resembled a hand so like Thing from Adams Family. The evolution would be based off this other mushroom, one that looks like a pulsing white-brain oozing red liquid, and would be an Alien-like creature that's a head, a spine-like tail, and crawls on its large hands.
* Little Steel-type Pokemon that moved by powering up its body by shifting around its arms and legs in a train motion. Using the Electirizer and Magmarizer, it becomes either an Steel/Electric Electric Train Pokemon, or a Fire/Electric Coal Train Pokemon.
I'm not a devotee of this thread or anything, but it would be nice not to have to scroll through speculation. I don't think I'll be buying XY at launch anyway.

And somebody recommend a 4th move for physical Lucario. That isn't Earthquake. Or maybe I should Earthquake.


I'm not a devotee of this thread or anything, but it would be nice not to have to scroll through speculation. I don't think I'll be buying XY at launch anyway.

And somebody recommend a 4th move for physical Lucario. That isn't Earthquake. Or maybe I should Earthquake.

Swords Dance, Close Combat, Extreme Speed, Ice Punch, and Crunch are all pretty good.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
And people say genwunners only exist in the minds of people who like the new gens more...

Just go to Pokemon's official facebook page. Good god...


Nothing wrong with gen 1.
Yeah, it's my favorite as well, but great googly moogly it's all the comments are about on that page.

"It's camping weather! Where would you want to go camping with Iris and Cilan?"

"i'd ditch them both and move to kanto misty and brock for life #youonlyfaintonce"

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You know what?

Unbeatable > first Pokemon theme

Nothing wrong with gen 1.

There's nothing wrong liking Gen 1. As someone put it - "I love Gen 1" is fine. It's "I love Gen 1, the rest can go to shit" is the worst one. I'm also laughing at the prospect that people deny these exist. Showing them facebook should be enough, and hell even youtube and non-Pokemon sites.


Unbeatable is the theme from Advanced Battle.

The melody just reeks of good ol' energy that sounded like an anime op.

Hehe, I knew it was from one of the advance series ones.

Btw for anyone watching the anime/keeping up to date with it, according to bulbapedia episode lists, we should be getting by juneish (?)
the return of Charizard and Charizard vs Iris' Dragonite
, looking forward to that one myself :D

This is a cool edit I did of the Pokémon Arcanine. I know that Arcanine is generally not liked by fans and that its design is one of the weakest in the Pokémon world, so I took it upon myself to come up with a badass redesign that I’ll be submitting to Game Freak to hopefully replace the old version. As you can see I made this new Arcanine much taller and skinnier and I gave it big intimidating muscles which show just how cool and strong it is. I took off the fluffy dumb fur that looked stupid on Arcanine and replaced it with badass tiger stripes. I made its ears smaller too because before it looked like a big nerd from that show Big Bang Theory which is my favorite show. Hopefully Game Freak will decide to use this design since it looks infinity times better than the stupid original art!



What do you guys think about Born to be a Winner?
In terms of openings, my list would be:

Orange Islands > Advanced Battle > Advanced Challange = Original theme > Johto Journeys > Advanced > Master Quest > Johto League Champions > jabbing pencils in your ears > P-O-K-E-MON PARTAY

The themes stayed very consistent throughout 4Kids' run; after the dub change, I suppose that We Will Be Heroes is my favorite opening nearly by default. Donuts and cultural changes aside, 4Kids did a better job at localizing the dialogue, handling the voices, and constructing the openings than PUSA has.


Anyone think it's time for a setting change in the main games? Maybe a mainline game in the future or ancient times ( Pokemon Past & Future). I know some spinoffs like Conquest have done it, but I think it would be a breathe of fresh air to the main series.


Anyone think it's time for a setting change in the main games? Maybe a mainline game in the future or ancient times ( Pokemon Past & Future). I know some spinoffs like Conquest have done it, but I think it would be a breathe of fresh air to the main series.

The setting changes with each iteration. It doesn't need to be in the past or future.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I liked the original X/Y Rumor that the game would take place in a futuristic space colony with bio-domes and such. :(


I liked the original X/Y Rumor that the game would take place in a futuristic space colony with bio-domes and such. :(

That sounds pretty bad, TBH. (Like most rumors.)
Part of the basic ideas of Pokemon is you going out on a journey in an environment that is roughly similar to our current world. Despite the kinda futuristic technologies the games always had, the world itself feels like today.


My Riolu evolved into Lucario :D yay, 30 minutes before it becomes 'evening' time so good timing I think.

In Pokemon B/W(2), has anyone tried rotating teams? I'm trying it out in this run, Audio + (when I get them) EXP Share + Lucky Egg makes leveling them up evenly painless and helps for rotating teams.

I even have a Magnemite at the same level as the rest of my party but I won't be using it after the Virbank gym probably (Flaffy/when it evolves, Ampharos is my main electric time. My Pokemon Crystal Ampharos was an absolute BEAST <3 )


Soft resetting for a Naive Deoxys in W2 now. Finally I have him! I have every legendary now :)

Is this event only for B2/W2 or can you get it on B/W as well? Also, does it come with zero EV's?


That sounds pretty bad, TBH. (Like most rumors.)
Part of the basic ideas of Pokemon is you going out on a journey in an environment that is roughly similar to our current world. Despite the kinda futuristic technologies the games always had, the world itself feels like today.

I get that, but we've had so many generations of just that. Different regions, but all with similar types of landscapes. City design has gotten much better as the series goes on, but I don't tend to spend much time in cities outside of Pokemon centers.


I get that, but we've had so many generations of just that. Different regions, but all with similar types of landscapes. City design has gotten much better as the series goes on, but I don't tend to spend much time in cities outside of Pokemon centers.

I disagree, the landscape/setting changes all the time. Just not into something the series isn't.
It's not that regions are underdeveloped conceptually. But they certainly are in execution. For example, Saffron feels like the only town that really represents Kanto, while Ectruteak is really the only city that represents Johto. If you transplanted Cerulean City into Johto, there isn't really any way to tell the difference. And as far as city deisgn goes, the way even Gym towns, such as Mistralton, are still dinky, undeveloped backwaters, despite having the only airport in the entire region, continues to be pretty weird.


It's not that regions are underdeveloped conceptually. But they certainly are in execution. The way even Gym towns, such as Mistralton, are still dinky, undeveloped backwaters, despite having the only airport in the entire region, is just really weird.

I was actually confused by that. Why would you need an airport if you can just use a Pokemon with Fly? I understand they ship "cargo," but why couldn't Pokemon do that as well? If a Pidgey can carry a human, I imagine a fleet of larger flying Pokemon can carry some weight. Even if planes are needed, it could explain why having the lone regional airport doesn't necessarily make a place a thriving metropolis since most people never need to use a plane. It's like in Harry Potter, why use floo powder when you can warp?
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