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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."


dude is holding Newtwo the wrong way though, lol

you'd have to flip it over for its hemi-halo to work as a bottle opener


dude is holding Newtwo the wrong way though, lol

you'd have to flip it over for its hemi-halo to work as a bottle opener


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah, if both are flipped people would complain where its brain went down to the groin and why its halo turned into another neck.


In Mt Silver in the OG Gold/Silver/Crystal, there is a waterfall (that you can't access without cheat codes) and there's a door on the top. I swear it leads to some narrow pathway, but that's it. Nothing more. It was fucking weird.

(Top left corner of Room 2)
In Mt Silver in the OG Gold/Silver/Crystal, there is a waterfall (that you can't access without cheat codes) and there's a door on the top. I swear it leads to some narrow pathway, but that's it. Nothing more. It was fucking weird.

(Top left corner of Room 2)


Now I'm tempted to find a way to make my way up that waterfall! If I had a GameShark I could use it on my Gold version without worries; everything useful I had on it was transferred to my Crystal version, many years ago.

[quote="Zeer0id, post: 60570361"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v475/gray9lives/pokemanz/1312868107849.png

This is really cute!
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