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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Poliwag had a better final evo:

Good read. I've seen all of the pictures before but I didn't know the story behind them, other than that it was all concept stuff.

I really hope they do something similar with Generation 2. It seems like every time a screenshot was released from the game from about '97-'99, the entire game changed. It would be great to know about some of the cut features, like:
-What Lake of Rage's town was supposed to be and why there are prototype maps for all of the Johto cities in the game when they allegedly needed more room for stuff like the Safari Zone.
-Why the overworld changed so much from the earlier screenshots. (Buildings were much more styled after early Japanese architecture, a minecart was found in one of the cave tilesets)
-Why they cut Sweet Honey from the game, replaced it with Headbutt, brought it back in Generation 4, and then replaced it with Headbutt again.

Stage On

These days? He's never accomplished anything or worth.

I wouldn't even call it an illusion of progression at this point.

What you call winning the orange leauge, defeating his main rival and beating the battle frontier nothing of worth?

At least he seemed to be progressing a little bit at a time until Best Wish's came along and regressed everything.

I don't watch the show anymore and haven't since sometime in Johto, but progression would be doing with Ash what they did with Red in the manga or games. Ash hasn't progressed at all in the past 15 years as far as I can tell from reading conversations about the anime.

Like I said he was progressing slowly until Best Wish's back slid virtually everything Advance Generation and Diamond and Pearl had worked towards.

Of course it the anime is pretty shitty these days. Episode N seemed like it was going to be an improvment at first but the entire thing was just throw away. They brought Charizard back randomly only to do absolutely nothing of note with him.

The anime could easily be better but they aren't even trying anymore :(


How does one get involved with this International Pokemon League stuff? Is it the VGCs? Is it the "Friendly" wifi tournaments? Or is it tied to TCG? I'm just curious, because I see downloadable Pokemon tied to this from time to time (like the current Metagross event), but I never read about how to get involved.

If anyone could give me a brief overview or link me to the information, I'd appreciate it.


How does one get involved with this International Pokemon League stuff? Is it the VGCs? Is it the "Friendly" wifi tournaments? Or is it tied to TCG? I'm just curious, because I see downloadable Pokemon tied to this from time to time (like the current Metagross event), but I never read about how to get involved.

If anyone could give me a brief overview or link me to the information, I'd appreciate it.
Yeah, it's the Video Game Championships that you're seeing the shiny Metagross from (and before that, the Ludicolo, Cloyster, and Pokemon World Tournament download events). Those were the Pokemon of the World Champions in each age division.

Best places to read more:
http://nuggetbridge.com (shameless plug)

Where do you live (state or country)? I could tell you more about how you can get involved with it.

They also hold the International Challenges every month or two which are a part of the tournament circuit, but they don't really add up to a whole lot. The next International Challenge (and final one for the season) is at the end of June. The only live tournaments left are the UK National Championships in Birmingham, US National Championships in Indianapolis, and World Championships in Vancouver, Canada.


So it's the VGCs, then, but with "season names" attached to it? That's what was throwing me off. I participated in the 2011 SE Regionals (Masters), and placed in the top 16. I just haven't had time to do it since then due to work (and laziness).

So if I started participating in the online tournaments, I would be eligible for the downloads?

And thanks for the links. I was wondering where people went (aside from Smogon) after SkarmBliss shut down.

Edit: I guess it's not just VGCs -- more of an "all of the above".


So it's the VGCs, then, but with "season names" attached to it? That's what was throwing me off. I participated in the 2011 SE Regionals (Masters), and placed in the top 16. I just haven't had time to do it since then due to work (and laziness).

So if I started participating in the online tournaments, I would be eligible for the downloads?

And thanks for the links. I was wondering where people went (aside from Smogon) after SkarmBliss shut down.

Edit: I guess it's not just VGCs -- more of an "all of the above".
I used to be one of the main people in charge of Smogon's VGC section. Yeah we all decided to quit and start up a new site and it has been live for about 11 months now. SkarmBliss' forums unfortunately never really took off after the first year or so.

They have definitely changed how they do events since the 2011 season. The Regionals themselves are far smaller because they're now tied to the TCG Regionals. They're run by local tournament organizers and don't have all the TVs and music like they used to. However, it's no longer single elimination so everyone gets to play more matches and there are more events (15 instead of 7) so they're also more accessible. Your closest events are probably the ones in Georgia and Florida.

For downloading the Pokemon, you'll need to actually go to an event. Ray's Metagross will be available at the US National Championships in Indianapolis. The World Championships Pokemon hasn't been announced yet. Last year it was a Fly Pikachu which I remember getting but don't think I ever picked up from the guy in the Pokemon Centre...

Edit: When I say season I'm referring to it like you would a sports league or tv show.

The VGC '13 season is September 2012 to August 2013 and there are events almost every month.

VGC '13 Schedule
September: None
October: Spring Regionals (NA)
November: None
December: Winter Battle (WiFi)
January: Winter Regionals (NA), International Challenge (WiFi)
February: None
March: International Challenge (WiFi)
April: Spring Regionals (NA) International Challenge (WiFi)
May: Nationals (KR, IT, DE)
June: Nationals (JP, UK)
July: Nationals (US)
August: World Championships

Unlike 2011 where you just qualified for the next level of competition by doing well at a tournament (Regional -> National -> Worlds), all events aside from the World Championships are now open to everyone. Depending on how high a level the event is, you get a certain number of "Championship Points" for doing well. The Top 12 people in North America and Top 16 people in Europe receive invitations to the World Championships in Vancouver this August. Japan and Korea have different qualification systems.

Though either way, none of that matters for the event Pokemon. You just gotta show up to the live events to claim them. You don't even have to play!


Thanks for the explanation. It filled a lot of gaps I have right now.

When I was talking about seasons, I meant it in relation to "Driftveil Season" on Serebii's main page or "Virbank Gym Season" or "Aspertia Gym Season" as mentioned on WRAPL (http://wrpokeleague.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/virbank-attendees-get-a-free-garchomp/).

The Metagross I'm talking about has Light Metal rather than Clear Body, so it isn't Ray's. I'm not interested in that pokemon, but they have others that appear to become available from time to time. I was just wondering if anyone knew what this was, exactly.


Thanks for the explanation. It filled a lot of gaps I have right now.

When I was talking about seasons, I meant it in relation to "Driftveil Season" on Serebii's main page or "Virbank Gym Season" or "Aspertia Gym Season" as mentioned on WRAPL (http://wrpokeleague.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/virbank-attendees-get-a-free-garchomp/).

The Metagross I'm talking about has Light Metal rather than Clear Body, so it isn't Ray's. I'm not interested in that pokemon, but they have others that appear to become available from time to time. I was just wondering if anyone knew what this was, exactly.
Oh! Those are from Pokemon Leagues. You can find your nearest league using the Event Locator. As long as you attend one league session per season (I think they change once per month), you can get the associated Pokemon. You'll need to attach the Player ID you get from the League (though you might have one from your 2011 VGC regional) to your Pokemon.com account and synch your game to it. By attending a League session you'll also be able to order a badge case delivered to be picked up at your local league:


They honestly haven't had any good Pokemon available from League yet =/
Guys im trying to build a good PWT team centered around my dw nidoking. Any good complimentary choices?

Starmie's resistances would cover Nidoking's Psychic, Water, and Ice weaknesses. It is also quite fast with a great movepool. And you could maybe try Skarmory on the third slot to cover those two's remaining weaknesses.

I think those three together would give you a resistance or immunity to every type of attack in the game. Let Skarmory set up Stealth Rocks and maybe Spikes too, then destroy everything with Sheer Force and Life Orb on Nidoking.


Oh! Those are from Pokemon Leagues. You can find your nearest league using the Event Locator. As long as you attend one league session per season (I think they change once per month), you can get the associated Pokemon. You'll need to attach the Player ID you get from the League (though you might have one from your 2011 VGC regional) to your Pokemon.com account and synch your game to it.

They honestly haven't had any good Pokemon available from League yet =/
Okay. That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again for the help. And yeah, I still have the player ID from VGCs.


Starmie's resistances would cover Nidoking's Psychic, Water, and Ice weaknesses. It is also quite fast with a great movepool. And you could maybe try Skarmory on the third slot to cover those two's remaining weaknesses.

I think those three together would give you a resistance or immunity to every type of attack in the game. Let Skarmory set up Stealth Rocks and maybe Spikes too, then destroy everything with Sheer Force and Life Orb on Nidoking.

Sounds like a great team. Thank you. Will post results. Gotta train and breed now.



This reminds me: There was a version of Pokémon Gold and Silver, called Pocket Monsters 2 which was being made for the original Game Boy before they made the transition to the GB Color.

I was just thinking how amazing it would be to get our hands on that. Just think about all the towns that were made that we never visited, the music we never heard (though I'd assume most would have been moved to GS). It would have felt a lot like the original games. I wonder if Game Freak still has the source code and assets from this version, as well as the playable demo. It would be really interesting to get to see more of this.







I got these from Bulbapedia
This reminds me: There was a version of Pokémon Gold and Silver, called Pocket Monsters 2 which was being made for the original Game Boy before they made the transition to the GB Color.

I was just thinking how amazing it would be to get our hands on that. Just think about all the towns that were made that we never visited, the music we never heard (though I'd assume most would have been moved to GS). It would have felt a lot like the original games. I wonder if Game Freak still has the source code and assets from this version, as well as the playable demo. It would be really interesting to get to see more of this.

I got these from Bulbapedia

The name for the starting town, though...

No matter what type is revealed, it will be fun to watch some people people explode at the news.

I'm personally hoping for (but not expecting) the story trailer to be shown sometime during E3 week. But it probably will be sometime around August/September, if it comes D:


Waiting for X and Y to release is the hardest thing for me... >.< I would play B2 and try to get the pokedex complete. I have it complete in Diamond just can't bring myself to transfer it all over, so time consuming lol.
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