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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

So, let me ask PokeGAF a question. What gender am I? See if it's as tough for others on the Internet. No cheating :p

You know, I've always wondered about PokeGAF dynamics. I sometimes wonder what plushie best represents the PokeGAF
I like to think my gender is pretty clear, even online.

I think the only people whose genders I've had trouble discerning are Chet's and Gravijah's, but that was more my fault than theirs.

I will also admit that I thought Cuteness Overload was female until he started using male pronouns. Ah, c'est la vie.

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Oh Arceus I just realized that October 8th is freaking Thanksgiving in Canada!!!


Now I won't get my copies of Black 2 and White 2 until Tuesday at the earliest and that's assuming they actually ship it early on Friday again like they did last time :(

Stupid stat holidays getting in between me and my video games.

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Play Pokemon Snap to pass the time.

Nah I'll likely have to work on Thanksgiving. On one side that's time and a half for pay but on the other Thanksgiving is usually hell on earth, especially the dinner part afterwards since I won't get any ME time the entire day. Family dinners always run super late :(

My mind is going to be in an entire other world the entire time....
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