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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Are you, perhaps, allergic to cuteness and can't find things to be cute? Do you find things to be too cute here? Don't worry about that too much, cause... well... I don't know. :p

Perhaps he is having, shall we say, a cuteness overload? :D

no no...i just....im so weak for buizel.
Never reveal your weakness!




I liked Alder, even if he wasn't that tough to beat he's probably my favourite champion coming to think of it, certainly more interesting than boring old Lance and his barrage of yet more dragons (and of course Wallace is miles below them all).

Or maybe it's just because I really like his theme music.


I liked Alder, even if he wasn't that tough to beat he's probably my favourite champion coming to think of it, certainly more interesting than boring old Lance and his barrage of yet more dragons.

Or maybe it's just because I really like his theme music.

maybe i hate him because of that sap sippler buffalo of his.....and the random vaniluxe
maybe i hate him because of that sap sippler buffalo of his.....and the random vaniluxe

Do you hate N as well for his random Vaniluxe? lets face it, Unova's top dogs all wield the ice cream, I hear that Ghetsis may return in B2/W2 with a team of six Vaniluxe as the only way to attain his goals.

Then again I don't really judge Alder by his team, he pops up enough in the game to make me like him in general.


Hmm N has a kid mind and kids love icecream sooo.

I guess I can't say I hate him, simply wish he was a tiny bit harder.
Alder is so boring as a champion and character, he just never connected with me as much as Cynthia or any of the others. Heck even if lance is limited by the pokemon available to him for his theme he at least felt pretty cool.


fucking balls


that gives me an idea

get your mod pm's ready girls

Okay, I'm going to write this as you're numerous attempts at flamebaiting is getting rather bothersome. I don't appreciate how disrespectful you are, I don't appreciate your motives, and I have not once replied to your rude comments with a rude one in return.
Because someone doesn't appreciate you being a pervert in a thread about Pokemon, you go out of your way to target them. Really, what is wrong with you? I suppose it's because you only care because someone said something you didn't like, and not because it effects you in a negative way. Since I merely asked for you take your discussion and imagery to the IRC or the thread it was created for, and that it's used for in a much higher degree, you consistently nag me at an attempt to fulfill I believe petty revenge. Will it stop when you get your way?

I didn't even like to write this, but I dislike what you're doing even more.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I like Alder's Team, and he's certainly a better champ than Wallace or Lance, and a bit ahead of Steven Stone.

Ain't got shit on Rival/Cynthia though.


Making fun of one of the biggest tragedies to have ever happened, where close to a thousand people died and others lost their whole family, kids, and friends by being murdered by a fucking psycho is totally ok

but god forbid someone enjoys talking about just off topic stuff, like we all used to when the this thread started.

at least say sorry to chet for getting him banned


Making fun of one of the biggest tragedies to have ever happened, where close to a thousand people died and others lost their whole family, kids, and friends by being murdered by a fucking psycho is totally ok

but god forbid someone enjoys talking about just off topic stuff, like we all used to when the this thread started.

at least say sorry to chet for getting him banned

Gosh forbid you have any decency, but it appears that doesn't matter over sexual imagery. You clearly have a place to go to where you can discuss it without the shackles of NeoGAF, with the people of PokeGAF, but it's simply not good enough because it's not everywhere.

I didn't get Chet Rippo banned, I don't believe moderation works that way.
Can we please keep the morality wars out of this thread? If you two want to discuss this further do it through PMs as to keep those who would rather not get caught up in this dispute. I can't speak for anyone else, but it makes me feel awkward when this kind of fight goes on.
Can we please keep the morality wars out of this thread? If you two want to discuss this further do it through PMs as to keep those who would rather not get caught up in this dispute. I can't speak for anyone else, but it makes me feel awkward when this kind of fight goes on.

I'm really sad this thread has turned into this over something that up until a few months ago was nothing, and now a good few members of the community are either alienated, or can't be bothered because of this petty squabble, that by the way is not about pervy fanart, but the general air of overbearing , annoyance and control and the counteracting resistance that's counterintuitive to being a community, that leaves no room for actual discussion or light heartedness or anything fun .Honestly, I'm tired of it. So I guess I'm just gonna go until people stop acting like children or dictators and there are rules and regulation actually conducive to both discussion and being a community.


I'm really sad this thread has turned into this over something that up until a few months ago was nothing, and now a good few members of the community are either alienated, or can't be bothered because of this petty squabble, that by the way is not about pervy fanart, but the general air of overbearing , annoyance and control and the counteracting resistance that's counterintuitive to being a community, that leaves no room for actual discussion or light heartedness or anything fun .Honestly, I'm tired of it. So I guess I'm just gonna go until people stop acting like children or dictators and there are rules and regulation actually conducive to both discussion and being a community.

This is one of the issues, because one thing cannot roll, the exaggeration of that everything is being controlled is simply false. All this looks like is that "I'm not getting my way, therefore this person is a dictator."

This thread and the last thread were quite popular, and you can tell by the numbers of this thread that no one was alienated to stop posting. So please do not attempt to make it seem that way, and what would they be alienated from? Discussing their sexual preferences of the characters in this thread? That's all there is besides Black and White 2 spoilers.

I'm also not having fun with how a select few appears to keep mocking me for it, that actually makes me feel alienated.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Since it's been brought up, I would like to have an honest discussion regarding the type of content that people will accept as acceptable in this thread, as well as how we should go about trying to enforce that.

Clearly, a few people were unhappy with the way things used to be, and more than a few people are unhappy with the way things are now. I no longer think it's appropriate to keep this discussion in PM's and off-site, as it directly impacts this thread and everyone who posts in it.

I don't want this to drag on, so we should get it over with now. Try and be civil to eachother; I haven't notified any mods about anything in this thread to-date, but unabashed hate and insults is a big no-no for me.

I would definitely play this


Anyways, it's probably likely that a Dex 3D Pro OT wouldn't have as many actives, considering the game isn't free... Nevertheless, I expect people to power through the dex like last time, heh (including me :eek: )
Sheesh this thread moves fast >.>

Thanks for creating Haxorus avatar guys (UltimateIke & Cutenessoverload)

Damn, i've gotta hand it to that artist. You've managed to make a complete badass look "cute."
EDIT: You guys are all great.

But I didn't make any of them. Hmm...

Do you want to give him a big hug now?
Since it's been brought up, I would like to have an honest discussion regarding the type of content that people will accept as acceptable in this thread, as well as how we should go about trying to enforce that.

Clearly, a few people were unhappy with the way things used to be, and more than a few people are unhappy with the way things are now. I no longer think it's appropriate to keep this discussion in PM's and off-site, as it directly impacts this thread and everyone who posts in it.

I don't want this to drag on, so we should get it over with now. Try and be civil to eachother; I haven't notified any mods about anything in this thread to-date, but unabashed hate and insults is a big no-no for me.

The rules would have been fine (if not outdated for some since I dont think suggesting to bump months/years since active threads that were created explicitly because we didn't have a community thread at the time is wise), up until that ban threat part. Really "pervy" art shouldn't be posted here if it makes a few members uncomfortable, but there are so much other concessions (such as the unused img tags thing gravijah suggested for pervy stuff) that could have been made without going straight for the ban threat (even if you intended it as a bluff) . Though honestly this seems like a whole lot more moderation and regulation than any other community on gaf, which is another thing to think about.

@Cuteness hmm are which version of B2W2 , not sure what changes in pokemon are in each.


Thank you.

First of all, I'd like to make my stance clearer. I understand perfectly that some people might not enjoy talking about certain stuff that's not strictly about pokemon because first of all this is a pokemon thread, but I feel we created this community because we all started bumping in many other threads discussing other stuff because we all have shared interests. So the all encompasing aspect for all of us was that we all enjoyed pokemon, while some might enjoy anime, fighting games, or whatever else, making it a dedicated place where we all could talk as friends about stuff we're all familiar with and some stuff we're not quite familiar but we ended up liking or not.

Of course this would lead to some disagreements but always in good spirit, like everyone knows avatar is the worst so it's funny having a back and forth talk about you like it, who started watching it here, and those who are still unwilling to watch it. I think this was what made an actual community possible because let's face it, in the dearth of actual news it's hard to keep talking about Pokemon 24/7. We always came back to pokemon because if the news weren't there to spark new discussion some gen2 vs gen3 war would start or whatever random trivia would always make it go back to it because again, this is our universal shared interest.

Rules obviously have to be in place to mantain discussion, Andrex has to do that and it's a good thing that he does. However, at least in my opinion, they're not a gospel because this is a thread for and by all of us, so they are to be used as guidelines but at the end of the day just abiding to GAF's ToS and just common sense to allow conversations to mold as they take place as they are not a static thing.

So then comes the whole porn stuff. You don't have to be a genious to figure out what's happening. It's a completely antagonistic and active stance (yes I'm a total grass roots activist deal with it) on what this thread has evolved to. It's borderline what's actually allowed to be posted on this forum and even there it needs to be there because of context, a joke of some sort, such material is actually enforced not to be posted because this is not what this forum is about. And that's exactly the response I'm trying to get, it's an extreme point and a joke about how we can talk about whatever we want as long it's an actual conversation, drawing in participants and having fun with it. I mean how many suggestive pictures have I posted here, 5 between both threads at most? Probably at most one before this whole drama started? If I actually wanted this to be a porn network I'd just go to irc or even ask my (not so good) friend Iza to just humor me.

So then, what am I actually arguing about? Honestly, I'm not so sure. But what I do know is that if something deviated from this new tacit knowledge it was to be directed to the irc channel like if it was some sort of gulag or dumpster so the troublemakers could have their fun without invading the sanctity that is pokegaf. While from my understanding, we made irc because it was just easier means of communicating, not to keep it separate from the thread.

But apparently I'm the only one that actually cares, which I guess makes me completely self centered and a complete outsider of what this community is. I can't speak for anyone here, but perhaps having a space like irc made them just not bother, while others would go somewhere else or some are just not even bothered and even prefer it this way. What I guess that really bothers me is that new members get to decide what's acceptable and what not.
Since it's been brought up, I would like to have an honest discussion regarding the type of content that people will accept as acceptable in this thread, as well as how we should go about trying to enforce that.

Clearly, a few people were unhappy with the way things used to be, and more than a few people are unhappy with the way things are now. I no longer think it's appropriate to keep this discussion in PM's and off-site, as it directly impacts this thread and everyone who posts in it.

I don't want this to drag on, so we should get it over with now. Try and be civil to eachother; I haven't notified any mods about anything in this thread to-date, but unabashed hate and insults is a big no-no for me.


I got on board with this thread about a year ago, and I've made a lot of friends as a result. This thread tolerated different opinions and different perspectives on what the fandom means to people, and, yes, sometimes that constitutes fanart that some people find distasteful. I think, however, that to ban discussion of this stuff is utterly overbearing and completely contrary to what a Community should be.

Let's make this clear; I have not posted so-called "pervy" fanart in my life on this forum. I have no intention in posting pervy fanart in the future. In fact, I tend to avoid discussion of pervy fanart on here. But what I do not do is attempt to stop other people from doing so; why would I? People talking about the racier manga or fanart are absolutely no less valid than me banging on about the anime when there's about one or two other people on the thread who are even remotely interested.

I also do not appreciate people I consider friends being called perverted, either. Frankly, if you think the stuff posted on this thread is pervy, you need to get out more.

This thread and the last thread were quite popular, and you can tell by the numbers of this thread that no one was alienated to stop posting.
Arrant nonsense, I'm afraid. Yes, a few new members have taken up the slack, but more than a few of the old guard have been driven away by needlessly dictatorial rules, be it on posting fanart, gifs or whatever. These are posters who greatly contributed to the thread in a way that went far beyond the old cycle of favourite region, favourite generation and so on.

By any objective manner, what Chet did in this thread was not worthy of a ban in isolation. When a poster is banned in such a manner, the problem is not only his fault but that of the rules in place; yes, he was baiting, but that should have led to a discussion, not someone shopping him to the mods.

Look at the avatars that a lot of the community are wearing. Consider that Chet was banned because of his actions in this thread. Do you feel that most of the community feel his ban was just? If not, why is he being banned from his role within the Community thread?

Frankly, I think limiting discussion and rigidly attempting to force the Community Thread to stay on topic is completely and utterly missing the point of a Community; this is a thread that's built around people with, at the very least, an affection for Pokemon, but also with other interests as well. If these interests overlap, why not allow discussion of them?

Honestly, what it comes down to is me being saddened by the fact that the rules and certain posters in here are being intolerant of other posters. This community has spent the last few days tearing itself to bits, and I think that it would be absolutely avoidable with a less restrictive atmosphere. Frankly, and as stupid and petty as this sounds, this community is very dear to me, and it really galls me to see this happening.


This explains everything, and I do understand your complaints. (don't ask about the -blanks-)

Dr.Palutena said:
There are a good few posters that posted that have stopped. I dont care about fanart be it perverted or not. the alienation is not from not being able to discuss pervy stuff, get that through your head, it's about the petty squabbles that come up every single time the thread heads that way. it truly was never this bad, people went off topic and then went back on topic, they expressed displeasure about certain topics and then we all went back on topic, much more civilly than we do now. of course the thread over all is still popular, it's pokemon, but you're deluded if you think this issue isn't causing problems and keeping away many members, who do not appreciate it being boiled down to "we are perverts" . No one cares much about the current rules as far as I can tell , not because they want to post pervy fanart but because they are unneccessary and causing more problems than good. If you feel alienated perhaps you should exam why that is, because most dont care much for how you are going about this anymore so than they care for -blank-

I notice everyone from PokeGAF IRC still posts regularly, so it must be some others. Even so, that isn't any proof of why they stopped, and who are these people?

There are only two times I brought this up in the past, I have ignored quite a few posts Billiechu, Boney, Chet Rippo, and a few others who discuss and post these images. Literally two times I brought it up, and it was only until now where I finally said something about it because I'm clearly being mocked by a select few.

Also, it took me an entire thread of dealing with people purposely trying to antagonize into responses with images and discussions to even refer to them as "perverts". You know why? I thought eventually it would go over, people would have gotten over it and moved on. Also, because of all the taunting, it doesn't feel nice to labeled, and that's clearly what was going on. If it's so important to discuss lust/sexual preferences over characters from the video game Pokemon that it's made such a big deal, perhaps it's true.

I've barely seen you post in the thread, but I handle myself usually civilly, as do others in the thread. The only difference that has occurred since I've been posting, (and I have been with both threads the entire time), is that I've been mocked for the two times I brought up the rules of the thread, and why there are issues with people discussing it.

In other words, there hasn't been squabbles until this very moment of the entirety of both threads since the initial two times I brought it up. The first time was a simple request, the second time was done because images were posted in spite because I asked for a simple request.

Unless you can specifically prove how it's not this since I've completely ignored it since then(and the images), it is exactly the pervy stuff that people are complaining about. There is nothing to complain about because I haven't mentioned anything since then.

Dr.Palutena said:
People complained about the pervy stuff because the rules surrounding it were taken grossly out of hand, It should have never came to ban threats (and a ban) , there were much more civil ways to have come about it before then and while you may not have directly had a hand in creating the new rule, it was your simple request that snowballed into this and andrex making such a rule. There are a few that have resentment for you for that since it's clear if andrex made such a rule it was to appease you and some others. -blank- Also you werent with the first thread since the beggining , not that that matters in anything. Anyways all of this is not conducive of being a community, sorry that people are alienating you.

I meant the beginning of which I started posting in the thread, it was a bit before I decided to bring it up for the first time.

I agree that it shouldn't have come to that, but it only came to that because it kept going on. Chet Rippo wasn't banned because of me, he did something else I do not know about. If it really were the case, a lot of people would have been banned. I also do not want anyone to get banned either, nor do I "hate" anyone. I don't even use that word.

As it stands, it was still going on for the remainder of the first thread without me mentioning anything.(a lot of pages) In other words, people were posting and discussing the images still, and I never brought it up again.

1. Request
2. Response to an image post that was intended to spite me
3. Now

Although two pages before I asked if there was anything to discuss to PM me or discuss it there in response. LeleSocho sent me a nice PM, but other than that, the post was ignored and it ended up turning into more pervy imagery.

In short:

I understand the complaint at how severe it is, but it was done because of the people posting them.

At the end of the day, it still is only about that. I also mentioned before I do not see anything wrong with it, and no one is wrong for doing so, just keeping that discussion out of the thread would be nice.
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