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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Let me tell you all why I am the greatest Pokermon player of all time

my charizard knows 4 fire attacks, and pikachu is super strong.

yes that and

Today I beat a Speed Boost Blaziken with my little ol' OU team. Not only was this Blaziken Boostin' BUT he had also Baton Passed a Belly Drum AND a substitute on to this uber fuck... And I beat it. Not only did I take down the behemoth Blaziken but I also beat the rest of the team with a 4 to 2 pokeman deficit.

I am too fucking good.

I have video evidence.

Check the tape.


Will QA for food.
Poison definitely. Doesn't help its weaknesses are super numerous. Grass is also pretty fragile.

Ice makes Poison look like an amazing defensive type (because it is and Ice is the worst in the game). Ice has a dozen Pokemon with base stats to be walls, but lol Ice.. it's weak to everything and resist nothing except itself.

Make it the second type to resist Dragon, and resist Grass and Bug. It'd be a nice check to a lot of powerful Pokemon suddenly and give all those throw away walls a use.

Poison needs much less tweaking, and only offensively; Just make it Super Effective against Water and it instantly becomes an acceptable STAB move. Poison is a good defensive type and doesn't need to be an monstrous attacking type.

Poison has more useful resist than people think, against common types like Fighting, Grass and Bug. Being weak to Ground is bad (unless you're Levitating, or Flying of course), but Psychic attack moves are only used as STABs, so they're rare and easy to read when they're coming.

If anything, complain about the Pokemon that receive Poison typing. Less than a handful have the stats to really compete and even less that have defensive stats like the typing wants. I want my Levitating Poison / Dragon (resist Fighting, Fire, Water, Electric, Bug, x4 Grass, immune to Ground) with defensively inclined stats.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Is it me, or do Pokemon level up faster in Leaf Green than in Ruby?

Like i just beat Erika, and I have 4 Pokemon near Level 30 (Venusaur, Jolteon, Gyarados, Doduo) where as in Ruby, I only got Groeyle to Sceptile right before Wallace.

Trainers have higher level pokemon and more mid forms which have higher base exp.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Hmmm my friend is saying I should run Psychic on Latios over Psyshock.

Psychic is more damaging but Psyshock let's me get through special walls.

Which one should I use?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
A lot of the Pokémon that you'll use Psychic against are much stronger defensively than specially defensive including almost every single fighting type and most poison types.


Will QA for food.
Hmmm my friend is saying I should run Psychic on Latios over Psyshock.

Psychic is more damaging but Psyshock let's me get through special walls.

Which one should I use?

Psyshock is almost universally used now. You can run some damage calculations to see if it nets you any more OHKO / 2HKOs that you might need, but I doubt it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Psyshock does give you variety on which stat you hit which is the main utility. Psychic is a good neutral hitting attack type.


Will QA for food.
Gah the conundrum continues.

It's simply there to compliment your Dragon type attack. Fighting types always having higher defensive stat is just a myth. Hitmontop (and his brothers), the most common VGC Fighting type, is much better on the Special end, but Intimidate makes people lure people into believing his defense is superior. Gallade has a massive SpDef stat. Machamp has a slight SpDef edge.

Terrakion, Hariyama, Toxicroak, Infernape are equal in defense.

Conkeldurr and the rare Cobalion are the two that have an edge in Defense, Conkeldurr is not going to enjoy taking your Dragon type attack to begin with.

As for common Poisons, there are very few that have better Defense than SpDef. Amoonguss has an edge in SpDef, Roserade has massive SpDef and no defense, Tentacruel has massive SpDef, Gengar has a slight advantage in SpDef, Venusaur has better SpDef, Nidos are nearly equal, Crobat has equal stats.

The two Poisons with great Defense advantage over SpDef are Weezing and Drapion. The former you'll never see, and the later you'll be using Dragon type attacks against.

But really, anything you're hitting for Super Effective damage is going to melt. You should be thinking about things you'll hit neutral and if it's an advantage to run one, or another.

PK Gaming

It's simply there to compliment your Dragon type attack. Fighting types always having higher defensive stat is just a myth. Hitmontop (and his brothers), the most common VGC Fighting type, is much better on the Special end, but Intimidate makes people lure people into believing his defense is superior. Gallade has a massive SpDef stat. Machamp has a slight SpDef edge.

Terrakion, Hariyama, Toxicroak, Infernape are equal in defense.

Conkeldurr and the rare Cobalion are the two that have an edge in Defense, Conkeldurr is not going to enjoy taking your Dragon type attack to begin with.

Terrakion's SpD boost in the sand should also be considered!


it really depends on the Pokemon tbh. I try to avoid using Psyshock if I can. Latios definitely wants Psychock since it prevents Blissey & Gastrodon from walling you.


Will QA for food.
Terrakion's SpD boost in the sand should also be considered!


it really depends on the Pokemon tbh. I try to avoid using Psyshock if I can. Latios definitely wants Psychock since it prevents Blissey & Gastrodon from walling you.

Even running a Psychic move is optional at best in many cases, depending on if you need to cover Fighting types, or not. If you are running one Psyshock gives you the most options and limits you in very few situations. Not to mention it's the far superior move to use on anything that's boosting. Boosting Cresselia now in doubles is a nightmare.

PK Gaming

Well you also need to consider the base power difference and what targets you want to hit. Trick Room Reuniclus almost exclusively uses Psychic because it's wicked strong and it nets more OHKOes than Psyshock. Physical defense oriented pokemon like Donphan, Gliscor, Hippowdown can actually survive multiple Psyshocks, whereas Psychic rips each and everyone onf them a new one. There's no overwhelming need to use Psychic on TR Reuniclus since it's not beating Blissey, even with Psyshock. Defensive Pokemon like Support Mew prefer Psychic because of it's higher base power against things like Gliscor(again), Hippowdown(again) etc, and it does more damage in general. Unless a Psychic has a reason to use Psyshock (EX: In BW UU, Slowbro uses Psyshock because of Roserade, Latios, CM Reuniclus & Cress) etc.

EDIT: TL;DR it depends on the Pokemon & what you want to target, I can't really pick one move as "better."


Will QA for food.
Well you also need to consider the base power difference and what targets you want to hit. Trick Room Reuniclus almost exclusively uses Psychic because it's wicked strong and it nets more OHKOes than Psyshock. Physical defense oriented pokemon like Donphan, Gliscor, Hippowdown can actually survive multiple Psyshocks, whereas Psychic rips each and everyone onf them a new one. There's no overwhelming need to use Psychic on TR Reuniclus since it's not beating Blissey, even with Psyshock.

Defensive Pokemon like Support Mew prefer Psychic because of it's higher base power against things like Gliscor(again), Hippowdown(again) etc, and it does more damage in general. Unless a Psychic has a reason to use Psyshock (EX: In BW UU, Slowbro uses Psyshock because of Roserade) Psychic is usually better.

Like I said above, it depends on neutral Pokemon more than ones you're hitting for SE damage, just like you said.

And Reuniclus unlike Latios does not have a primary STAB to fall back on, so unless it's boosting, it will go with the more powerful option. If you're pairing Reuniclus something in TR, its partner should be able to remove Special sponges anyway. I was just talking about it with Latios (and to a lesser extend Cresselia), which are by far the most commonly used Psychics in VGC now. And the other Pokemon you listed are so very rarely seen (Donphan never, Gliscor, Hippo, very rare). I don't know what the Smogon metagame right now, so I'm never speaking to that if that's what you're after.

Actually, I was referring to TR Reuniclus in my example

Speaking of which, TR >>> CM, it's much better guys, you should use it.


Edited after I saw the TR reference. Reuniclus is still good at setting up TR on teams that need the extra fire power, but generally it's been tossed aside for Cress now.
How so in the less threatening department?

Its defenses are so bad that even "not very effective" attacks leave holes in it. Not to mention priority attacks. Its ATK isn't that bad (it's actually pretty good), but if you wanna sweep with it, then OHKOs are even more important than with Blaziken, for example, since Blaziken can afford a turn or two to set-up.

PK Gaming

It doesn't have access to strong boosting moves (in the form of swords dance or work up) ,high base power moves (like 130 bp HJK or 120 Flare Blitz... at best it gets Hydro Pump, but most Sharpedo's opt for a pure physical set) and it's vulnerable to priority. Dark / Water is easier to deal with than Fire / Fighting as well.

If sharpedo takes a hit, it's dead.

#it's #a #beast #though


I'm not sure what exactly are the rules for smogon, (although I really like their balance of tiers), the actual Pokemon tournaments allow almost anything except for legendary ubers. Even Garchomp is allowed.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
And priority attacks beat Blaziken too (it's the reason I won this morning against one lol). It's just that Sharpedo dies a bit faster.

Yeah just a bit.

Both can fuck up your team real good. I'd say they can do it equally. Assuming I can baton pass after a belly drum.

PK Gaming

Is belly drum> baton pass illegal?

Can't I just do that?

the only pokemon that learn that move combination are Smeargle + Hypno.

tbh you're better just sticking with Shell Smash, since speed is ridiculously useful.

And priority attacks beat Blaziken too (it's the reason I won this morning against one lol). It's just that Sharpedo dies a bit faster.

The thing is, Sharpedo is flat out OHKOed by neutral/SE priority (Extremespeed & Mach Punch) and it takes a ton of damage from Ice Shard/Bullet Punch. Blaziken is hit for neutral damage by the former, and actually doesn't take much from bullet punch / ice shard. It dies a lot faster imo

Comparing Blaziken to Sharpedo is like comparing Goku to Vegeta. The gaps too big......

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
the only pokemon that learn that move combination are Smeargle + Hypno.

tbh you're better just sticking with Shell Smash, since speed is ridiculously useful.

Yeah but I'd get the speed with Speed Boost.

And the whole not having as strong base power moves wouldn't matter so much since it'd have 999 attack.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
The thing is, Sharpedo is flat out OHKOed by neutral/SE priority (Extremespeed & Mach Punch) and it takes a ton of damage from Ice Shard/Bullet Punch. Blaziken is hit for neutral damage by the former, and actually doesn't take much from bullet punch / ice shard. It dies a lot faster imo

Ah, didn't know that. Now that I think about it Extremespeed did a good chunk of damage to the Blaizken I faced earlier. Makes sense that it would OHKO Sharpedo.

Totally going to run that Sharpedo now though.


Speed Boost Torchic + Eviolite is the only way to go.



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