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Pokémon Community Thread 3: "Soon, All of Hoenn Will Be Under Its Withering Glare…"




Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Whoa, stay away from PokeBeach, according to WPM's twitter he's gonna drop some new leaks soon...



I just noticed that a lot of Sinnoh pokemon have arm mounted weapons or claws, Lucario, Gallade, Magmortar, Garchomp, Rhyperior, Toxicroak.
I'm one of the rare people that like Magmortar. Mainly because I absolutely hated Magmar.

Whoa, stay away from PokeBeach, according to WPM's twitter he's gonna drop some new leaks soon...

I don't know what's worse: you saying it so people will be tempted to check out pokebeach or people not knowing and going to pokebeach.

I am so going.


Whoa, stay away from PokeBeach, according to WPM's twitter he's gonna drop some new leaks soon...

I just noticed that a lot of Sinnoh pokemon have arm mounted weapons or claws, Lucario, Gallade, Magmortar, Garchomp, Rhyperior, Toxicroak.
I'm one of the rare people that like Magmortar. Mainly because I absolutely hated Magmar.

Or maybe you have a thing for big, imposing cannons.


If people on blackouts have any sense they are just avoiding game-related websites entirely up til launch anyway.

You know there's probably some poor schmucks who don't.

Or maybe you have a thing for big, imposing cannons.

I own 5 RPG launchers at home. I'm a blades guy. Gallade, Scizor, Kabutops,
Mega Garchomp
, Scyther, Bisharp. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to my favorite boutique


I just noticed that a lot of Sinnoh pokemon have arm mounted weapons or claws, Lucario, Gallade, Magmortar, Garchomp, Rhyperior, Toxicroak.
I'm one of the rare people that like Magmortar. Mainly because I absolutely hated Magmar.

I don't know what's worse: you saying it so people will be tempted to check out pokebeach or people not knowing and going to pokebeach.

I am so going.

From duck face to clown face. Its like GameFreak knew what future trends there would be.
They are truly ahead of the curve.
Rhyperior's actually kinda okay looking if you ignore the cannons on its hands.

Why the hell does it need cannons anyway? It's a giant ankylosaurus/rhino/drill hybrid made out of rock.

Yeah out of the list of things that got new evolutions in gen 4 he is one of the better ones, alongside the eeveelutions and Magnezone.
Rock Blast, probably. I think there was a pokedex entry about it where it shoots Geodudes out of its hands or something.

Either that or the cannons are for its amazing special attack stat.
PokeBeach spoilers
Trusk is a Grass/Rock boar Pokemon with long green tusks coming out of its mouth. He is gruff, has grey skin, and features green leaf-like ears. It has an "adorable" pre-evolution with tiny tusks and a leaf at the end of its tail.

A Normal/Poison porcupine Pokemon named Quillom can be found quite early in the game in the forest. It has white skin with light purple quills. He has a Poison-type quill attack which damages and has a high chance of poison.

A Ghost-type spider Pokemon is found in caves. It is dark gray with blue spots and multiple light grey eyes. It has a feint light blue mist around its abdomen. The source doesn't remember the spelling of its name, but says it was something like "Apparachnid." He thinks it may have an evolution.

There is a Ground-type badger Pokemon that is dark brown with black stripes going up its face. It knows Slash and a new biting move.

Reconfirmation that Froakie's final evolution is Water/Fighting. It looks similar to a poison dart frog. The dark blue now takes over its body almost entirely. There are a few even darker (almost black) spots on his sides and face and it gains more of the bubble foam around its neck and down the back. It's also a bit bulkier. It uses its hind legs a lot and has kicking attacks.

Bunnelby evolves into a Ground/Dark type rabbit that is larger and much rounder. Its color scheme is reversed, with the dark brown now being the prominent color. It can be found in caves. It is useful because you can get it early in the game and use it to evolve Pancham into Pangoro.

Helioptile has an evolution. It is bipedal with a second yellow triangle on its face. Its ears become more jagged and it looks meaner. On its back are what look like spikes with jagged parts at the very top. It can learn a new attack called Thunder Roll, where it rolls up like a wheel and strikes the opponent.

Reconfirmation that Meowstic has a pre-evolution named Espurr. There is no gender differentiation until it evolves. It is mostly white, similar to the female version, with cuter eyes and a single puffy tail. It has a little patch of fur under its head (similar to its evolutions). The fur is dark blueish with little tufts of white in it.

Other Pokemon that are now Fairy-type: the Chansey evolution line, Dunsparce, the Clefairy line, and Togepi's line.

Fairy Dust is a new move that will randomly cause either Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, or Burn.

Like Magneton, Wailmer is part of one of the Super Training Facility games.

Team Flare makes an appearance right at the beginning of the game. On the TV in your house, one of its members talks about fashion and how your Pokemon should match your style.

The outfit your character wears at the start is colored to match what you've set as your favorite color in your 3DS settings. It can be changed easily though.

The opening cinematic is in 3D. (Have to mention this since most of the game isn't in 3D. :p)
I wouldn't count it out. There's still a lot of pokemon with potential to be iterated on. I don't remember the exact amount of evolutionary relatives Diamond and Pearl revealed beforehand, but the vast majority weren't unveiled until the games came out. (Though that may have been due to D/P's...unique Regional Pokedex.) That and Mega Evolution is being focused on due to being a new feature.

Also I want fried Cloyster.

Mega Evolution is the exact reason I don't think any other Pokemon are getting evolutions. If they were I doubt Mawile would have gotten a Mega.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I think these rumors are fake.

WPM's source last time got shut down, so these aren't the same source.

Plus that Pokemon, Trusk, sounds very similar to a Pokemon we saw in the Pastebin Pokedex that was floating around the other week:

729: Basic, Ground. Little brown pig with spot of green hair, and a red-and-white mushroom cap for a tail.
730: First-Evolution, Ground/Grass. Larger boar, with a spiky hedge of green grass growing along its back. On the end of its tusks are mushroom caps.

Also last time we got all names and less descriptions, this time all the Pokemon are described a lot more in detail and we only get a few names, which makes me suspicious.
Interesting. The only thing that really jumps out for me is a Bunnelby evo is Ground/Dark when Buns is plain Normal.

Usually when a Pokemon evolves, it retains one of it's original typings...Unless there's one I'm not thinking about?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Interesting. The only thing that really jumps out for me is a Bunnelby evo is Ground/Dark when Buns is plain Normal.

Usually when a Pokemon evolves, it retains one of it's original typings...Unless there's one I'm not thinking about?

Azurill, Normal to Water (and now Water/Fairy).

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Although people claim Azurill's data got mixed with Cleffa or something, explaining why it has a completely different type and gender ratio compared to Marill.
The details on the opening make it seem that the source is playing Pokemon Y.

I hope Froakie get's a move similar to Blaze Kick when it evolves. Guess I'll be getting a 2nd Water type since Froakie seems likely to have higher Attack stat than Sp. Attack.

Here I come, Skrelp. :)

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I just realized these rumors appear to be as if the source is playing the game instead of picking out pieces of info, so, does that mean we might have more leaks throughout the coming hours as he plays more?

Magmortar has a badass design.

There, I said it.

I love Magmortar too, made me respect the Magby line.


The details on the opening make it seem that the source is playing Pokemon Y.

I hope Froakie get's a move similar to Blaze Kick when it evolves. Guess I'll be getting a 2nd Water type since Froakie seems likely to have higher Attack stat than Sp. Attack.

Here I come, Skrelp. :)

based on what you're guessing, I'll go and say:

Froakie final evo has higher att and speed
Fennekin final evo has the higher sp att
Chespin final evo to have the higher def/sp def
based on what you're guessing, I'll go and say:

Froakie final evo has higher att and speed
Fennekin final evo has the higher sp att
Chespin final evo to have the higher def/sp def
Yeah that seems really likely, but Grass is awful defensively unfortunately. :(
Chespin will need Steel typing.


Magmortar has a badass design.

There, I said it.


I wish we could get visual proof of the lead, but that'd be leaving a data trail. Ya can't win with these things.


The only things I'm concerned about finding out beforehand are what the starter evos and the third legend look like.


I just realized these rumors appear to be as if the source is playing the game instead of picking out pieces of info, so, does that mean we might have more leaks throughout the coming hours as he plays more?

I love Magmortar too, made me respect the Magby line.

I kinda doubt it because if the person is far enough to know what the starters's final evo looks like they would have been able to leak more info if they wanted to.


PokeBeach spoilers
A Ghost-type spider Pokemon is found in caves. It is dark gray with blue spots and multiple light grey eyes. It has a feint light blue mist around its abdomen. The source doesn't remember the spelling of its name, but says it was something like "Apparachnid." He thinks it may have an evolution.
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