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Pokémon Community Thread 3: "Soon, All of Hoenn Will Be Under Its Withering Glare…"

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe

Japan getting good stuff again :(


Pre-ordered both X and Y for me and my bro (I'm 'having' X since its the best clearly but I'll play both since I'm paying for both!). Got them for £27 each from Toys R Us. But I also got a copy of X from GAME for pre-order for the Pokeball lol. I'm crazy right?


Not really no. It's not an overhyped, "graphically-taxing", cinematic AAA game.

Haha to be fair there's a fair share of good AAA cinematic games so its not all bad! I don't think any game will bring GAF down apart from bombshells and crazy 'betrayal' announcements.

I'll be honest with you guys. I don't post here much. I used to LOVE Pokemon. Went to the cinema to watch the movie with my mum and everything lol. Had all the games, had a crap-load of cards. My days were consumed by two things. Pokemon and DBZ. My mum is actually the one who put Pokemon on the TV for me when it first aired. I remember waking up for school coming downstairs and she put it on.

But during the GBA games I got out of Pokemon. I was more into my DMC and the like. 'Hardcore' games. But I remember driving past a billboard near my house and it had a Ruby and Sapphire ad on it and I remember looking at it as we drove by and being filled with sadness. I had abandoned the thing I loved.

Then recently my little brother started playing Pokemon again. I thought "why not!" and I bought both White 1 and 2 immediately but was scared of starting the task that was ahead of me. In the end I played them each for 200 hours minimum and absolutely loved it.

I loved the story! I didn't think it was possible. But I thought the story was actually deep. About friendship and all that good stuff. The bit with Bianca and her dad actually put a tear in my eye ;(

The music was amazing. Played the whole thing in bed after university and before I'd go asleep with my headphones on.

I admit I'm not fully versed with all the names of the Pokemon apart from the main ones these days and it puts me off. I feel like an outsider. I used to know them all by heart. My brother will point a Pokemon out and ask me to name it and I just shrug and say "leaf guy" or "rock man" :(

I hope people don't judge me for that. I really truly love Pokemon and can't wait for X and Y!

If you read this, thanks. Its just a bit of rubbish but yeah. Can't wait, its been absent from my life for a while but its good to be back and it's always been in my heart :)


Welcome home, brother. :)

Welcome home, brother. Cerish your every moment with the game. Remembered how magical your first experience with Pokemon. Keep it, as these picture said.

It's good to be back :) X/Y is my most hyped game easily. Pokemon is just magical. It's so fun, and interesting, and interestingly emotional. You step outside of your house and go on a grand adventure. The end battle is a culmination of everything you've done. It's really cool. I always feel sad for your Mum at home all alone worrying :( Am I weird that I find these games emotional?


High hopes for X/Y, despite not feeling B2/W2 at all. I normally put over several hundred hours in each title, but those two were just.. I dunno. Wasn't feeling it.

Made me wonder where I rank the games, so I figured it out. Put the various tiers together.

1. Heart/Soul
2. Black/White
3. Fire/Leaf
4. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
5. Gold/Silver/Crystal
6. Red/Blue/Yellow
7. Black2/White2
8. Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald


High hopes for X/Y, despite not feeling B2/W2 at all. I normally put over several hundred hours in each title, but those two were just.. I dunno. Wasn't feeling it.

Made me wonder where I rank the games, so I figured it out. Put the various tiers together.

1. Heart/Soul
2. Black/White
3. Fire/Leaf
4. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
5. Gold/Silver/Crystal
6. Red/Blue/Yellow
7. Black2/White2
8. Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald

I really enjoyed W2 but W1 was phenomenal. I've only played Red/Blue, Yellow, FireRed/LeafGreen, Diamond/Pearl,Platinum, Black/White 1 & 2. I missed out on some of the best. I played Crystal a bit. I want to pick them up but I'm OCD and want them all packaged and they are expensive and hard to find legit on eBay ;(


It's good to be back :) X/Y is my most hyped game easily. Pokemon is just magical. It's so fun, and interesting, and interestingly emotional. You step outside of your house and go on a grand adventure. The end battle is a culmination of everything you've done. It's really cool. I always feel sad for your Mum at home all alone worrying :( Am I weird that I find these games emotional?
Of course not, it is our childhood after all :)
High hopes for X/Y, despite not feeling B2/W2 at all. I normally put over several hundred hours in each title, but those two were just.. I dunno. Wasn't feeling it.

Made me wonder where I rank the games, so I figured it out. Put the various tiers together.

1. Heart/Soul
2. Black/White
3. Fire/Leaf
4. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
5. Gold/Silver/Crystal
6. Red/Blue/Yellow
7. Black2/White2
8. Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
How do you played BW? I played the hell out of it and make me think that is the reason why I just can't get into BW2, then pushed it into backlog.
And your tier nearly same with me, only I separate Crystal, Platinum, and Emerald from its respective original game.

Maybe like this
1. Heart/Soul
2. Black/White
3. Fire/Leaf
4. Platinum
5. Yellow
6. Black2/White2
7. Red/Blue
8. Ruby/Sapphire
9. Gold/Silver

Skipped Tier: Crystal/Emerald

Dr. Buni

Oh hey, ranking time?

1. Platinum
2. Emerald
3. Black/White
4. Crystal
5. Fire Red/Leaf Green
6. Others

Didn't like the Gen IV remakes that much and B2W2 was a huge step back compared to BW imo. Wish they had made an improved third version instead of sequels.


Call me crazy, but RSE are still the best games in my opinion. I could play these forever.

Can't rank the other games :( DPPt are definitely my least favorite though and I think I prefer BW2 over BW


Call me crazy, but RSE are still the best games in my opinion. I could play these forever.

Can't rank the other games :( DPPt are definitely my least favorite though and I think I prefer BW2 over BW

If I have to tier generation, I placed Generation 3 at second best. Gotta appreciate those changes they try to make and the mons :)

Generation tier for me:
1. Generation V
2. Generation III
3. Generation IV
4. Generation I
5. Generation II


I really don't get why some people dislike Gen IV...

I wasn't a fan of the visuals. Everything seemed so... dark in terms of colour palette. I'm a crazy? I actually enjoyed Diamond btw. Gen 4 was great but Gen 5 killed it for me.


I really don't get why some people dislike Gen IV...
Teeny weeny regional pokedex, contested evos and highly unusual looking legends, probably.

For me the tiers go(remakes lumped with originals), D/P headcanonically got replaced by. Platinum.

1. Black/White
2. HeartGold/SoulSilver
3. Black 2/White 2
4. Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
5. Platinum
6. FireRed/LeafGreen
7. Diamond/Pearl
8. Gold/Silver/Crystal
9. Red/Blue/Yellow

The bottom three aren't necessarily bad, but they haven't aged nearly as well as the ones above them.


I can only rate generations based on how much I enjoyed them, so this ranking isn't based on the games' featureset or anything (although I will say that having day cycles in G/S/C was a huge part of why it blew my mind back then, and probably explains my disappointment with Gen 3).

Gold/Silver/Crystal (HG/SS)
Red/Blue/Yellow (Never player FR/LG)

Never played Emerald, Platinum or FR/LG.

I really want X to capture me like Crystal did. I easily put more than 200 hours into that game in school.

qq more

Heart Gold
Fire Red

I find Blue version still very playable to this day for me. Love that game, still so fun. Kanto <3


I'll try too!

Heart Gold / Soul Silver
Fire Red / Leaf Green
Black 2 / White 2
Black / White
Diamond / Pearl
Gold / Silver / Crystal
Red / Blue / Yellow

Yes, I am a big fan of third versions, but hell, who isn't? RBY and G/S/C are borderline unplayable for me now, unfortunately. Thank god for remakes. D/P are terrible, too. Worst games in the series in my opinion :/ Platinum fixed so many issues


Shiny Giratina giveaway begins today (Sept 27th) for those in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe.

Sept 30th for those in the US.


Shiny Giratina giveaway begins today (Sept 27th) for those in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe.

Sept 30th for those in the US.
Damn. My local GameStop closed a WEEK before this promotion began, so I haven't been able to get any if them. Perfect timing, huh :(


Shiny Giratina giveaway begins today (Sept 27th) for those in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe.

Sept 30th for those in the US.

Yay! I won't go today though, last time I tried to get a Pokémon on day 1 of a local distro event, they didn't have it set up.

qq more

I think that's true. Pokemon is one of the only series that progressively gets better.

I feel this way towards the GB/GBC Mega Man games. But with Pokemon it's a mixed bag. I got the most enjoyment out of Gold. Mechanics matter much less to me than the region/atmosphere as strange as that sound. (guess what I'm trying to say is that the battle system never felt too different to me so the overworld matters a lot to me)

I like it when people rank games, it's nice to see a variety of taste.
Yeah, just got mine an hour ago. I pre-ordered because I had heard about the scalpers that went after the Pikachu model, but I guess that wasn't necessary. I was honestly expecting some sort of line instead of being the only one there.

So glad I picked up the red one. It looks amazing.
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