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Pokémon Community Thread 3: "Soon, All of Hoenn Will Be Under Its Withering Glare…"

Potentially, though if the enemy has Choice Scarf (which Garchomp will have to leave behind for the Mega Stone) Gar is still going to be severely weakened if it survives to the second turn.

I am pleased how elegantly this hold-item solution works as far as balancing the Megas.
True. Yeah, hold items work pretty well for balancing, although Mega Mewtwo is probably going to end up op.


Have they mentioned what stat changes the Mega Mewtwo's are getting? Since Mega Garchomp loses speed I'd imagine Mewtwo drops some stats as well.

My guess is that Y Mewtwo would have boots on its attack+spec and lowered defense+spec defense attack while X Mewtwo would be the reverse of it.
Am I the only one that hopes that with the next games they let you pick the background or "stage" of the battles in multiplayer games. The generic digital room is boring, what if I want to fight my friends on the ocean or in a cave or on an island?
Honestly Mega Garchomp is likely going to be worse than Garchomp simply from the lowered Speed.

Speed is the most important stat in the game and Garchomp can't afford to be any slower. It's positioned at a very good spot as is.


because whatever revamped movepool Mewtwo gets, you'd invariably have to choose between properly training either Mewtwo or Mewtwo X. you're making vanilla Mewtwo inviable, basically. well... relatively.


Well it's Psychic/Fighting. It'll probably be able to pull off a good mixed set (since the best physical Psychic move is Psycho Cut and it'll probably get Close Combat or something)

No No...his new attack for X will be psycho crusher. A fighting type attack that's also psychic :p

PK Gaming

yeah, but I can imagine Mega Mewtwo potentially being too strong for Ubers.

For what it's worth, Arceus is the strongest Pokemon in ubers, by a fairly large margin and it never got banned. It was so dominant, to the point where nearly every high level ubers players use one of its 8+ types in a match) that i'm sure Mega Mewtwo will probably fare the same way even if it gets like 160 Special Attack.
yeah, but I can imagine Mega Mewtwo potentially being too strong for Ubers.
The point of Mega Mewtwo is so people who play the game more casually can just destroy things ingame and have a blast.

There is no GF-supported format with Mewtwo. Therefore, Mewtwo's balance is irrelevant in GF's eyes. And since Ubers is primarily a banlist, I doubt Smogon will care too much either.


because whatever revamped movepool Mewtwo gets, you'd invariably have to choose between properly training either Mewtwo or Mewtwo X. you're making vanilla Mewtwo inviable, basically. well... relatively.

Any Pokemon you give a Mega Stone is gonna be gimped before you evolve it anyway just from the lack of a hold item. Mewtwo's Attack really isn't terrible either.

Dr. Buni

Am I the only one that hopes that with the next games they let you pick the background or "stage" of the battles in multiplayer games. The generic digital room is boring, what if I want to fight my friends on the ocean or in a cave or on an island?
You are not, but more important than being able to pick the background, would be being able to change the battle music of the wifi matches. Listening always to the same music in every battle will be a pain in the ass.
You are not, but more important than being able to pick the background, would be being able to change the battle music of the wifi matches. Listening always to the same music in every battle will be a pain in the ass.

They confirmed that you can pick the music in multiplayer battles at E3 :)
You are not, but more important than being able to pick the background, would be being able to change the battle music of the wifi matches. Listening always to the same music in every battle will be a pain in the ass.

I seem to recall hearing you can do just that in X/Y


Pokemon DP came out seven years ago in Japan today. Seven years of Arceus. I maintain that it has the best overworld in a Pokemon game after GS.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Pokemon DP came out seven years ago in Japan today. Seven years of Arceus. I maintain that it has the best overworld in a Pokemon game after GS.

I think they each have their own strengths and weaknesses for the most part. BW and BW2 are probably straight up the worst; they're just overly linear and the routes never feel like they have the scale of earlier generations. DPPt has an absolutely excellent overworld design, length and variety, yeah, but is somewhat hamstringed on occasion by the overuse of HMs as obstacles. HGSS is pretty perfect. I mean, in terms of the level progression and so on, it's a bit borked, but the actual overworld itself and ignoring how the structure is placed on top of the overworld, it's juts the best for me, by a long way. RSE I find difficult to make my mind up on. I think it actually has the best early-game overworld - all of the game up until Norman is literally home run after home run in terms of pacing and overworld design. After that, it starts slipping a bit, with the routes up towards Lilycove being overly busy and a chore to navigate. Finally, the end-game just collapses entirely into Wingulls and Tentacools. Definitely goes from hero to zero. FRLG is excellent in terms of non-linearity and scale, but there's just not enough variety - everywhere is pretty same-y after a while.

I think I'd rank overworlds something like this:

HGSS > DPPt >>> RSE > FRLG >>>>> BW/BW2.


Unova is the best solely because no goddamn HMs required to do literally anything

After that... I guess I would give the edge to the Johto/Kanto dual pack, followed by Sinnoh, and I never cared for Hoenn much


To be fair, Sinnoh, Kanto and Hoenn are also linear, there's just the illusion of it not being so because the routes overlap

Yep, exactly this. I believe every Pokemon game is actually linear and this is certainly not a bad thing. Unova was probably too linear, but at least there was a plethora of different places. Industrial sites, deserts, ruins, bridges, water, caves etc.

Dr. Buni

To be fair, Sinnoh, Kanto and Hoenn are also linear, there's just the illusion of it not being so because the routes overlap

If that is the case, they did a great job at fooling me then.

Still, even if all of the regions are linear, I like the cities and routes of Sinnoh more than the lifeless ones of Unova.


Yeah Unova is too linear for my tastes, but picking up BW again I did notice it has some clever hidden areas. It's still dwarfed by the variety of DPP and HGSS. I also felt Unova was sort of random. Hey here's a desert in the middle of nowhere! And here's some fog! And an ancient tower why not! DPP also had really different areas including a city covered in a blizzard, but on the map everything was logical and made sense. The snowy city was in the far north. The mining town was near the mountains. A city near the water was modeled after a port. Everything is different yet still ties together.

HGSS may be based on an 8 bit game, but the game world is huge and there is a ton of stuff to find and see. HGSS had an absurd amount of content that highlighted the scope of the overworld. Also a lot of it is based on Kansai and ancient Japan which is personally appealing to me.

I'm not a fan of Hoenn either. Too... much... water.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
To be fair, Sinnoh, Kanto and Hoenn are also linear, there's just the illusion of it not being so because the routes overlap

Kanto isn't really. After you get the PokeFlute, there's two fairly different routes which you can use to access Fuschia, and pretty much all of the gym-leaders after Misty can be done in different orders. You have to do Brock, followed by Misty. After that, you can do Surge, Erika, Sabrina and Koga in any order. Blaine's only pre-requirement is that you've beaten Koga. I can't remember precisely what triggers Giovanni, but I know you don't have to do him last because the very first time I played Yellow, I actually did Sabrina last because I had no idea what allowed you to get into Saffron City and had completed the entire rest of the game first. Possibly defeating Blaine? Anyway, it's much more open than the following games.


Sinnoh is really good in variety and seems to be the biggest, but not much was happening in the many cities. Probably my favourite region when it wasn't causing slowdowns.

Unova had many things happening in the cities. The only problem people really have with it is just the layout of the map. If it was laid out in a way that didn't look linear, people wouldn't at an eye at it.

Hoenn is the weakest due to water, but it's land section had lots of variety.

Kanto really had you travel around, more so than any other region. It's cities were interesting too. It is probably the second best region for me.

Johto is weak due to it really not having anything different and felt so condensed compared to Kanto. It did have some interesting cities though. I think Olivine City may be my favorite in the series.
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