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Pokémon Community Thread 3: "Soon, All of Hoenn Will Be Under Its Withering Glare…"

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It kinda sucks because some of Ash's Pokemon in BW are teeming with personality but are held back. Krookodile for example.

Also I really doubt Scraggy will evolve - its friendship with Axew dictates that it won't.
What if they both evolve? It was stated in the Fennel episode that Axew's dream is to become a Haxorus someday, so it's not outside the realm of possibility!

I just want to see a non-jobber version of my favourite Pokémon in action T^T


It's a common theme among many Nintendo related stuff.
It's not so prevalent, but when it appears, it gets noticed and people do get upset.


I don't think it was so much that as the reactions from the Animal Crossing New Leaf and Super Smash Bros stuff.
But Pokemon complaints predated those incidents as well.


Doubt it. They'll drag some inconsequential detail from Coro Coro out for twenty minutes.

No they won't. They only do that in the middle of the month when CoroCoro is new. Every other week they do a 3 minute skit featuring the new Pokémon, showcasing one of their core moves, and then doing one of their skits about it.

Do note that neither CoroCoro or Sunday have shown Skrelp or Clauncher yet. CoroCoro didn't show Talonflame either
Let's hope his team doesn't get reset to zero yet again. It's kind of weird to throw away everything, but then again, I think I'm getting way too attached.

Cool, cute, smart, tough, beauty. In your personal opinion, what Pokémon (either individual or lone) suits them best?

Stage On

Stage On deserves a better written show

With luck they'll give me one with X and Y but I'm not holding my breath about it.

I wish they would handle his Pokemon better. So many of them where underused in this region and we didn't have anywhere near as many evolutions as we should have had.

That was one thing not to evolve them back in the day, but after Diamond and Pearl when virtually all of his Pokemon evolved it feels weird that his team is so under developed in Best Wishes.

Still as much as I rag on Best Wish's I'm going to miss Cilan and Iris when their gone :(


I know it was mentioned in a Pokemon related topic a WHILE back and I'm sure I was more familiar with the changes back when they were new but could someone go over briefly the changes in how Pokemon data was created/stored/manged by the games that made Generations I & II incompatible with the Generations that followed them?

The Elesa battle incident was overconfidence, but then ended with a strategy akin to the "counter spin" one you reference

I was up early one morning doing work and I caught that episode on CN. Pretty indefensible. Like for a character who's been in multiple leagues that was just an embarrassment. I know I've long since stopped being the target demographic for the show but I don't know how anyone could say Ash HASN'T regressed with a straight face.
Physical hardware compatibility was also a factor. You can't communicate a Game Boy/Game Boy Color game with a Game Boy Advance game, even when you connect a connector. The link cables don't work on one side.

The way Pokémon internal data were handled was also a factor. I think Generation III onwards used a lot more data for a Pokémon anyway.


I know it was mentioned in a Pokemon related topic a WHILE back and I'm sure I was more familiar with the changes back when they were new but could someone go over briefly the changes in how Pokemon data was created/stored/manged by the games that made Generations I & II incompatible with the Generations that followed them?

Aside from link cable changes, Gen 3 remade the way Pokemon data is calculated. IVs stored 5 bits instead of 4. The EV system was changed entirely. The Special split was from the ground up, unlike Gen 2. Abilities. Natures.
All of those are quite a few changes from the previous games.
Sometimes things like this make me think "if only save data over 15 years can be in good use today".

The oldest we can get is RS. Was that 2002 or 2003? Let's hope it has some kind of special note for anything transferred all the way from there to XY.


When this baby comes out I'll finally be able to play my Gold, Red, Blue, and Yellow cartridges again safely.



When this baby comes out I'll finally be able to play my Gold, Red, Blue, and Yellow cartridges again safely.


Hopefully it'll work better than the previous one.

Luckily, I still have my GBC.

I wonder how reliable is that system when ot comes to actually running the games. Emulation or special chips?

A mixture of both. Not perfect, but nice for a clone system. (considering the previous one.)


I wonder how reliable is that system when ot comes to actually running the games. Emulation or special chips?

It's emulation, but it's hardware emulation.

It's actually quite a device, even allows firmware updates and is run over HDMI with tons of modes and options. You may read more about it here.


Hopefully it'll work better than the previous one.

Luckily, I still have my GBC.

It's not about owning a GBC, we're talking about the batteries inside the Gen I-II Pokemon games dying out.


It's emulation, but it's hardware emulation.

It's actually quite a device, even allows firmware updates and is run over HDMI with tons of modes and options. You may read more about it here.


It's not about owning a GBC, we're talking about the batteries inside the Gen I-II Pokemon games dying out.

How will playing them on that help the batteries? They are still inside the cart, and they will still work as always.

How Gen2 special weren't split from the ground up?

They had shared a shared IV in Gen 2.


How will playing them on that help the batteries? They are still inside the cart, and they will still work as always.

You cannot keep a save file on Game Boy cartridges, you would have to replace the entire battery, and even then it's only temporary. It's not like Game Boy Advance games where you keep your save file, just certain events stop happening. You literally can't save at all, it'll always whipe.

This device allows you to save files onto the device, and also supports save states. You may also back up your save files to a SD card.


You cannot keep a save file on Game Boy cartridges, you would have to replace the entire battery, and even then it's only temporary. It's not like Game Boy Advance games where you keep your save file, just certain events stop happening. You literally can't save at all, it'll always whipe.

This device allows you to save files onto the device, and also supports save states. You may also back up your save files to a SD card.

Ah, that makes sense. Still, not an issue for me, because mine are still running, and in case the worst happens, I will just change the battery.

That device is really cool for other reasons, though.
I think I'll play X or Y blind, without any guides, too. It feels... more exciting that way. I'm more of a hands-free person when it comes to games that I can play at my own leisure.


I've always played the Pokémon games without knowing all the Pokémon and without a guide. To me, it is more fun to discover the stuff in the games.
I've always played the Pokémon games without knowing all the Pokémon and without a guide. To me, it is more fun to discover the stuff in the games.

I find it awesome to find that I've actually missed a good section months after I'm mostly done with White 2, while trying to fill up the Pokédex by myself.

qq more

Ah, that makes sense. Still, not an issue for me, because mine are still running, and in case the worst happens, I will just change the battery.

That device is really cool for other reasons, though.

Problem is when you change batteries, your save file goes RIP dedddd, so you have to deal with starting over... :(

Then again there is that memory card cartridge where you can preserve the gameboy save files.


Problem is when you change batteries, your save file goes RIP dedddd, so you have to deal with starting over... :(

Then again there is that memory card cartridge where you can preserve the gameboy save files.

If your battery is dead in those games, so is your save, so that doesn't matter at that point. :p

qq more

Yes, but then I have to worry that it won't run perfectly.
And I'll be forced to play the game on a TV.

Okay you have a point there.

As for performance, from my experience with the RetroN 3, a lot of the games ran perfectly outside of bad audio (which they are fixing on the RetroN 5).

EDIT: Megermans taking over PokeGAF
I know it was mentioned in a Pokemon related topic a WHILE back and I'm sure I was more familiar with the changes back when they were new but could someone go over briefly the changes in how Pokemon data was created/stored/manged by the games that made Generations I & II incompatible with the Generations that followed them?
In Gen 1, you had Stat Experience (EVs), and determinant values (DVs/IVs). In a Pokemon's structure, there was one EV field for HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, and Special, and each EV field is 2 bytes (range 0 to 65536). All IVs were stored in 2 bytes (16 bits), with 4 bits for each of Attack, Defense, Speed, and Special. The HP IV was determined by taking the last bit of Atk, Def, Spd, and Spc IVs and connecting them together. So for example:
Attack:  0010 - 2
Defense: 1010 - 10
Speed:   1101 - 13
Special: 0101 - 5
HP:      0011 - 3
So from this, it can be seen that each IV ranges from 0-15, and the HP IV varies depending on whether the other IVs are even or odd.

When an enemy Pokemon is defeated, the winning Pokemon gains stat experience equal to the base stats of the defeated Pokemon. For example, defeating a Bulbasaur would give 45 Stat Exp. in HP, 49 in Attack, 49 in Defense, 65 in Special, and 45 in Speed. There was no cap on the overall Stat Exp. gained - you could, over time, max out the Stat Exp. for each stat. You could also box a Pokemon so as to update your stats even if you were at lv. 100, since you were still getting Stat Exp. even when not getting experience.

In Gen 2, you had the split of Special into Special Attack and Special Defense. You also had shinies, gender, hold items, friendship, Pokerus, details about where and when a Pokemon was captured (Crystal), and this was to be backwards compatible for G1. So as a result, a few fields were reused and repurposed - for example, the Pokemon's catch rate (1 byte) was stored with a Pokemon in G1, but never used. This is used as the index of the hold item in G2 (this also explains how some Pokemon come over with items from G1). Other things like friendship and Pokerus disappear when a Pokemon is traded back to G1, due to not being part of the 44 byte structure in G1 (which is now 48 bytes in G2).

The Special IV is now used to cover both Special Attack and Special Defense.

Gender is determined by taking the Attack IV and comparing it to the gender ratio for that specific Pokemon species. If the IV is lower, it's female. Otherwise, male. This has the silly side effect of making all female Pokemon weaker than male Pokemon on average...

For a Pokemon to be shiny, it's Defense, Special, and Speed IVs must be 10, and the Attack IV mod 4 must be equal to 2 or 3 (2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15). This corresponds to a 1/8192 chance for Shiny Pokemon in the wild. It also lets you have a higher chance of obtaining Shiny Pokemon when breeding, due to how stats are passed down.


In Gen 3, the Pokemon data structure from G1 and 2 was pretty much thrown away, and a completely different method was established here for determining a Pokemon's characteristics.

First, the core of a Pokemon - the personality value. It's an unsigned 32-bit number, generated using a linear congruential generator function (the pseudorandom number generator, or RNG) seeded at the game's startup and incremented through various actions, that determines certain characteristics of a Pokemon, among a lot of other things in the game.

Shininess comes from the PV and a trainer's ID and Secret ID (added in G3) - the same 1/8192 ratio is kept here. It can't be bred down (though the odds can be changed in G4 and 5 due to a special method). Gender and Nature come from different parts of the PV. These values happen to be interlinked - there are certain gender/IV/nature/shiny combos that are impossible to get.

IVs come from another unsigned 32-bit number that's generated from the same RNG the personality value comes from.

1 bit for Ability (2 max abilities)
1 bit for if the Pokemon comes from an egg or not
5 bits each for Special Defense, Special Attack, Speed, Defense, Attack, and HP

Due to IVs being 5 bits vs. 4, the range for IVs is now 0-31, rather than 0-15. And now since HP is determined on its own rather than from the others, there's no funny business here. Also, female Pokemon are just as strong as male Pokemon now :) Because of when this number is generated, the IV spread is also connected to the PV, though not directly. If you've ever wondered why RNG abuse requires you to start the time at a specific time or (take x steps before going to the grass) or (tap a coin x times) to get a Pokemon with a certain IV/gender/ability/nature spread, here it is.

EVs are now 1 byte for each stat (range 0 to 255), and there's a cap on total EVs gained overall (510). Enemy Pokemon now give EVs based on the effort value yield for that specific species (1-3 in however many stats).

There are many, many other details left out, including changes made in G4 and G5 which made some of these systems less dependent on each other, but the main takeaway here is that the structure between 2 and 3 is completely different. Even if communication between the GB/C and GBA were possible (it should've been, but eh), the Pokemon wouldnt've gone over without massive changes to their stats etc. It wouldnt've been a matter of copying over the numbers into the right places, but of essentially finding a solution to a math problem - what PV and IV number can be used to generate the transferred Pokemon's IVs and such. And then you have the different formula for determining stats... Even if you could get the numbers to align, you'd have Pokemon becoming weaker due to the Stat Exp. being dropped - going from a max of +255 on all stats at lv. 100 to a max of +63 on any 2 stats is a big difference.
Seen on SystemNet IRC, #bulbagarden:
[02:00:33] <Caitlin> <blazevoir> and all the guys that met her flirted with her
[02:00:35] <Caitlin> oh god
[02:00:39] <Caitlin> if this happened to me on the job
[02:00:42] <Caitlin> so many lawsuits
[02:02:16] <Matori> SPPf got hacked
[02:03:35] <Kurisu> yay
[02:03:41] <Serebii> Don't fucking "yay" me
[02:03:48] <Matori> kurisu this is serious
[02:03:54] <Kurisu> wow, 6 second reply o.o
[02:03:55] <Matori> they could hit other Pokemon sites next
[02:04:09] <Matori> and regardless of what you think of Serebii, it's still shitty to go and takedown someone's site
[02:04:11] <Matori> for the lulz
[02:04:18] <Kurisu> wonder who did it
[02:04:21] <Matori> they hit Smogon and Pokemon GTS too
[02:04:24] <Matori> rootkit in a box
[02:04:44] <Matori> rootinabox rather
[02:05:40] <Matori> https://twitter.com/rootinabox
[02:05:48] <Kurisu> I see
[02:06:12] <Kurisu> this is pretty bad
[02:08:40] <vulpix> What all is happening?
[02:09:01] <Caitlin> the world is on fire
[02:09:33] <vulpix> Well shit serebii forums did get hacked
[02:09:43] <vulpix> What fucktard did that
[02:10:28] <Kurisu> the twitter above
[02:17:17] <Serebii> "the hacker, rootinabox, is on irc.synirc.net in #pokemon"
[02:17:56] <blazevoir> you should beat him up sirbee
[02:21:52] <Kurisu> totally going to that channel
[02:22:44] <Fandango> yeah Kurisu
[02:22:49] <Fandango> he hacked showdown too

...Um, stay safe, guys. I hope no more hacks get underway...

I also wonder whether I should edit out anything here.
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