I guess I can extend my request here, but I'm looking for different Vivillon patterns. I got into the collecting craze too, but there's a catch, I'd want them to be flawless 5IV Timid (31/x/31/31/31/31) or 6IV. Shiny would be amazing but that's not really important.
I can provide 5IV Timid Scatterbug parents, both if you don't have a 6IV Ditto, and the Scatterbugs will be in fancy balls.
The patterns I'm not looking for are: Meadow, Polar, Garden, Monsoon, Sandstorm, and Elegant.
What I can offer in return besides the Scatterbug I would trade for the request are:
Various 5IV competitive + egg moves Mawile, Gible, Machop, Axew, Starly and Larvitar.
I also have a 6IV Timid Polar Scatterbug available in a premier ball.
I can also generate through Dream Radar Gen 2, 4 and 5 legendaries with HA, Johto Guardians, Sinjoh Dragons and Unova Genies. I can also give them your OT name/gender too.
And I also have some spares lying around too of those.