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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe

every fucking time

people will never learn won't they

oh well, the preview was pretty funny



So can someone help explain how exactly the DexNav works? Even after using it in game a bit and reading up on it I'm still not entirely clear. As far as I can tell its two main uses are:
1) lets you see the data on Pokemon on rustling grass, if it has high stats or a special move or ability (which becomes more likely as you catch/kill more of that species)
2) lets you attempt to "force" a Pokemon species that you've caught before to show up in rustling grass, which if done enough times in a row makes it even more likely to have the above-mentioned bonuses
Is that it?


So can someone help explain how exactly the DexNav works? Even after using it in game a bit and reading up on it I'm still not entirely clear. As far as I can tell its two main uses are:
1) lets you see the data on Pokemon on rustling grass, if it has high stats or a special move or nature (which becomes more likely as you catch/kill more of that species)
2) lets you attempt to "force" a Pokemon species that you've caught before to show up in rustling grass, which if done enough times in a row makes it even more likely to have the above-mentioned bonuses
Is that it?

Basically once you catch a pokemon and its picture is filled in on the bottom screen, you can press it and "search" for it. If found, you'll hear rustling and it will be that pokemon guaranteed. If you use a repel, you will never find anything but the pokemon you are searching for. If it isn't found, just take X number of steps (not sure the exact amount) and search again and you can find it. Even running back and forth in a 2 foot area for ~10 seconds and searching the same patch of grass should work.

Pretty much it is useful if you want to find a specific pokemon with a specific move or hidden ability or something. I don't think you can actually see nature on DexNav tho. Lets say you are starting the game and you want a male Ralts with synchronize as its ability. Normally it would be annoying as Ralts is rare in early grass. With DexNav, you just catch it once, then you can find Ralts over and over until you have the exact one you want.

Other features are that the more you "chain" (which means finding the pokemon then catching or KOing it and not running or fighting any other pokemon in between) the higher a chance at hidden ability pokemon/higher levels etc., a higher overall chance at shiny pokemon, the ability to get up to 3 perfect IVs of 31 (noted by the filled in stars), and catching pokemon with egg moves (so you could get something like a Lotad with Giga Drain at the start of the game).

One thing to distinguish, "chaining" is finding the same pokemon through DexNav and killing/capping it. But there is also a number on the top right of DexNav which is how many times you've seen this pokemon. That is different from a "chain" but also effects chance at hidden abilities, perfect IVs, egg moves, etc. Higher the number better the odds at good stuff.

All this describes why I don't like DexNav hah. I don't feel like you "work" towards anything with it. Put on a Max Repel, search a pokemon, then walk between grass patches killing the same pokemon 20 times until you get a good one. Super easy, boring, and guaranteed results with no real effort. But it does work, and like I said before if you are a competitive battler that needs to catch 20+ pokemon with good stuff to get them battle ready it is a solid option.


Yeah, typed nature when I meant ability, keep making that mistake for some reason.

So it's basically just a less-time-consuming and slightly less tedious method than breeding for min-maxers to get a Pokemon with the exact stat/ability layout they want?


Yeah, typed nature when I meant ability, keep making that mistake for some reason.

So it's basically just a less-time-consuming and slightly less tedious method than breeding for min-maxers to get a Pokemon with the exact stat/ability layout they want?

Eh, you can only get a max of 3 IVs perfect when using DexNav so it can't replace breeding (you generally aim for 5 perfect IVs there). It is pretty much 90% used to get Hidden Abilities, since the only way to get those in Gen VI is DexNav in ORAS and Friend Safari in X/Y. It is also a quicker way to get a decent starting point for eventual breeding, but basically if you don't need the hidden ability, it is just a quicker way to catch a specific pokemon you want to breed, since you can encounter the same pokemon over and over versus having to get lucky in normal grass to find what you want.


I expected better from some of you PokeGAF. I understand the more casual fans hyping themselves to death over nothing, but not you guys who should know better by now :/
I expected better from some of you PokeGAF. I understand the more casual fans hyping themselves to death over nothing, but not you guys who should know better by now :/

Yeah I'm guilty but don't regret it.

I put over 1200 hours into X

Over 1100 hours into Y

Over 200 hours into Omega Ruby

Over 400 hours into Alpha Saphire

I'm thirsty for new info already.
Heya, PokeGAF.

Earlier today I took a break to draw some very scribbly Pokemon in digital chalk and ink:


And now I think I want to draw a few more, but obviously drawing all 700+ Pokemon would be a ridiculous task, so I thought I'd offer to make a few for avatars.

tl;dr I'm going to disappear for a little bit, and when I come back the first five people to have quoted this and told me which Pokemon they want will get an avatar. Assuming anyone wants scribbly Pokemon avatars. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Heya, PokeGAF.

Earlier today I took a break to draw some very scribbly Pokemon in digital chalk and ink:

And now I think I want to draw a few more, but obviously drawing all 700+ Pokemon would be a ridiculous task, so I thought I'd offer to make a few for avatars.

tl;dr I'm going to disappear for a little bit, and when I come back the first five people to have quoted this and told me which Pokemon they want will get an avatar. Assuming anyone wants scribbly Pokemon avatars. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh man I would totally use a scribbly Lucario avatar! Was deciding between that and Galvantula but I think my fiance would more appreciate Lucario as a homage to her old dog, Lucky.

BTW, Gengar family looks awesome, great work. Dat Haunter is especially solid.

(I'm shameless, lol - thanks in advance though)

Oh man I would totally use a scribbly Lucario avatar! Was deciding between that and Galvantula but I think my fiance would more appreciate Lucario as a homage to her old dog, Lucky.

BTW, Gengar family looks awesome, great work. Dat Haunter is especially solid.



There you go. Still willing to do a few more if anyone else wants in, though I might not get to them until tomorrow.
Heya, PokeGAF.

Earlier today I took a break to draw some very scribbly Pokemon in digital chalk and ink:


And now I think I want to draw a few more, but obviously drawing all 700+ Pokemon would be a ridiculous task, so I thought I'd offer to make a few for avatars.

tl;dr I'm going to disappear for a little bit, and when I come back the first five people to have quoted this and told me which Pokemon they want will get an avatar. Assuming anyone wants scribbly Pokemon avatars. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Weavile showing off his claws with a (sick, twisted, evil)smile?


Heya, PokeGAF.

Earlier today I took a break to draw some very scribbly Pokemon in digital chalk and ink:


And now I think I want to draw a few more, but obviously drawing all 700+ Pokemon would be a ridiculous task, so I thought I'd offer to make a few for avatars.

tl;dr I'm going to disappear for a little bit, and when I come back the first five people to have quoted this and told me which Pokemon they want will get an avatar. Assuming anyone wants scribbly Pokemon avatars. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The world needs more Espeon art.


Heya, PokeGAF.

Earlier today I took a break to draw some very scribbly Pokemon in digital chalk and ink:


And now I think I want to draw a few more, but obviously drawing all 700+ Pokemon would be a ridiculous task, so I thought I'd offer to make a few for avatars.

tl;dr I'm going to disappear for a little bit, and when I come back the first five people to have quoted this and told me which Pokemon they want will get an avatar. Assuming anyone wants scribbly Pokemon avatars. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
If you could draw a Goodra or Raichu (whichever would be preferable to you) that would be amazing.


I just saw that my save file on ORAS clocks in at 39 hours.

That's the least amount of time I've spent on a Pokémon game by far...
So finally got my copy of Alpha Sapphire delivered yesterday. Must say, really enjoying it. Underestimated how nostalgic I was for Hoenn, as it was one of the later games I played as a kid, and never really stood up to Gold & Silver, but wow the music and locales are bringing back memories.

I don't remember the gameplay being this smooth for X/Y though it has been a good 2 years since I played them. I don't even know why they bothered adding 3D to certain parts mind, just leave it out and attempt a higher framerate. The game looks great for what it is; it's a shame that apparently Sun and Moon will be beholden to the 3DS's tech again, as from my POV they're clearly squeezing everything they can out of the system.

I'm attempting a Nuzlocke run to start off, but we'll see how that goes...


All your Raichus are cats.

...I'm outta here! *whoosh*

Edit: I guess I'll avatarize Gasly and Haunter in case anyone wants them.


Crud.. I only really have access to Gaf from my phone. I saves the pic to my phone but don't have to option to crop Weavile from the others. Can someone please help?
Now that I think about I need to figure out why my phone won't let me do that.

Also Thank you Mr/Ms Inquisitive_Ghost. My future Weavile avatar is awesome.


Crud.. I only really have access to Gaf from my phone. I saves the pic to my phone but don't have to option to crop Weavile from the others. Can someone please help?
Now that I think about I need to figure out why my phone won't let me do that.

Also Thank you Mr/Ms Inquisitive_Ghost. My future Weavile avatar is awesome.

Here's just the Weavile.

I was gonna say, the avatars are all separate images; there shouldn't be any cropping required! But you got it sorted anyway. :)

I figured that but when I saved the images it saved them grouped up.

I really like my Weavile avatar. I'm going to show it off to my daughter later when she gets home. She loves scribble art so no doubt she'll love your work.


Well, I've learned my lesson...


WHOO!! hype train back on.

I expected better from some of you PokeGAF. I understand the more casual fans hyping themselves to death over nothing, but not you guys who should know better by now :/

I knew that they would show nothing but I still watched it regardless on that 1% chance that they did.

Plus I like seeing people reaction when they get disappointed. >:D

Heya, PokeGAF.

Earlier today I took a break to draw some very scribbly Pokemon in digital chalk and ink:


And now I think I want to draw a few more, but obviously drawing all 700+ Pokemon would be a ridiculous task, so I thought I'd offer to make a few for avatars.

tl;dr I'm going to disappear for a little bit, and when I come back the first five people to have quoted this and told me which Pokemon they want will get an avatar. Assuming anyone wants scribbly Pokemon avatars. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh wow that's pretty cool.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The main reason I love the tv show announcements is that I get to watch that show once every two years or so.

Also they did break a ton of stuff for gen v.
if you do any more could you do sceptile

Nice! Well, do you mind doing a Noivern for me?

This is proving a fun distraction from homework when I need a break, so I thought I'd do a few more. But then:

Those are cool man. May I request Scyther?

So I go to Bulbapedia for the official art for reference. Now, I've never really paid close attention to Scyther's design before, but:


What the hell is even happening here? Like, it sort of comes together and it works as a whole--I get why people like it--but the individual pieces are so awkward. And that pose. I legit thought it was standing with its back to me until I noticed the claws on the feet. The hip joints are stuck right on the sides of the abdomen instead of slightly toward the ventral side, which just looks so awkward and makes it look like the abdomen is twisted 180 degrees.

This is proving a fun distraction from homework when I need a break, so I thought I'd do a few more. But then:

So I go to Bulbapedia for the official art for reference. Now, I've never really paid close attention to Scyther's design before, but:


What the hell is even happening here? Like, it sort of comes together and it works as a whole--I get why people like it--but the individual pieces are so awkward. And that pose. I legit thought it was standing with its back to me until I noticed the claws on the feet. The hip joints are stuck right on the sides of the abdomen instead of slightly toward the ventral side, which just looks so awkward and makes it look like the abdomen is twisted 180 degrees.


It just looks like he's about to take a wide swing with his right Scythe. An awkward wide right swing.

I showed your work to my 11 yo and she loves your work. You have an official fan.

If you have the time she asked me if you could do a Victini for her. It's her first favorite Pokemon.

Edit: the Sceptile and Niovern look amazing. Scythe looks good too but the pose has him looking like a bug Superman. Very noble looking.
It just looks like he's about to take a wide swing with his right Scythe. An awkward wide right swing.

I showed your work to my 11 yo and she loves your work. You have an official fan.

If you have the time she asked me if you could do a Victini for her. It's her first favorite Pokemon.

Edit: the Sceptile and Niovern look amazing. Scythe looks good too but the pose has him looking like a bug Superman. Very noble looking.

Me playing it safe with the pose is a direct result of having a hell of a time understanding how that thing fits together, plus what I said about none of the official art actually showing the joints didn't help. Definitely the hardest one so far.
Me playing it safe with the pose is a direct result of having a hell of a time understanding how that thing fits together, plus what I said about none of the official art actually showing the joints didn't help. Definitely the hardest one so far.

I didn't mean it as an insult. It actually reminds me of Tracey's Scyther from the anime who had that warrior way.

It's pretty damn good considering you didn't have good source meterial.


Alright an update on my Pokebank living dex: I have Hoenn, Unova, and Kalos nearly complete! For Hoenn, I only need to transfer over Solrock, Lunatone, Regirock, and Rayquaza. Man trying to get all the Pokemon from their gens of origin really made me hate pal park x_x. I'll transfer Lunatone and Solrock over once we know what the boxart Ubers of Sun and Moon are, because I want to nickname them after that for some reason.

For Unova, all I'm missing is Keldeo and Meloetta, which means I guess I better get prepared to soft reset for them when they're given out later this year x_x.

As for Kalos, I'm only missing Hoopa and Volcanion, I actually have the Hoopa wondercard, but that thing has been a bastard to soft reset for so its still in limbo. And of course, I can't get Volcanion yet!

As for Johto... I'm waiting to see if we get GSC via 3DS VC. If that doesn't get announced by say, September or something, I guess I'll do a Colosseum runthrough. Kanto will be covered by my RBY VC games :D

On a more competitive note, I gotta get myself prepared for flash clash. Probably gonna carry Perish Song Azumarill and Shedinja to try and force my opponents to run favorable stuff in team preview.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I did Colosseum+FR/LG+XD to get a living gen 3 dex...but why not just use HG/SS instead as your backup plan? Much better experience overall.


Kind of starting to regret renting OR instead of buying it, since the Mega Stones that can't be traded back to X are going to be lost to the void. And hopefully there'll be a NPC in Sun/Moon that can reteach Dragon Ascent.


I did Colosseum+FR/LG+XD to get a living gen 3 dex...but why not just use HG/SS instead as your backup plan? Much better experience overall.

I might actually do that instead, I mean I'm trying to get Pokemon from their origin gens buuuuut... I mean if GSC VC ends up not being a thing in time for Sun and Moon, I guess johto mons don't really have an origin game for me to plunder :p
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