I guess Ash has a Mega Ring now
I guess Ash has a Mega Ring now
Is this thread for the games or a anime or both?
I just broke a 10 year hiatus of Pokémon. I last stopped with Diamond, and I just best Heart gold yesterday. I'm finally going to reattempt to catch them all since I was just 20 shy in Diamond.
I'm planning to buy a copy of black or black 2 to be able to transfer my old mons to bank and into my copy of X. I finally decided to actually play through and enjoy X version since I got the game for free 2 years ago digitally from the Nintendo promotion.
Just started a new game in X today, and here we go.
I guess Ash has a Mega Ring now
Everything Pokemon-related.Is this thread for the games or a anime or both?
You should get both, they're some of the best games in the series (and way better than XY, or ORAS for that matter). Good luck on your X playthrough, not that you need it.I'm planning to buy a copy of black or black 2 to be able to transfer my old mons to bank and into my copy of X.
Just started a new game in X today, and here we go.
I think that rival is one of the best in the series.
Meanwhile, while I quite liked Barry as a rival.
I've never entirely understood why people feel this way. I guess you're right in that he has a very noticeable character arc, but he starts off such an edgy asshole that I can't take him seriously.
His dialogue of "rahhh you're a weakling pokémon are tools rahhh" just feels completely unimpressive and stale after the first time and he always proclaims this AFTER you've royally kicked his ass. There's no catharsis in owning him since he doesn't actually seem to notice. His arc also seems to take place over a rather short period. He doesn't show any real signs of learning anything until late game.
Meanwhile, while I quite liked Barry as a rival. He's no Blue, but he's still fun to compete with, even if he's a fairly static character.
did he even do anything?
I wasn't hating on Barry. Barry is awesome, He's such a likable character. The rivalry you have with him is like Ryu and Ken but more hyper.
As for Silver, your criticisms are completely fair. I guess another reason I really like him is because of his visual design. Also, his character is a nice change of pace from the typical happy rival.
He meant anime!Barry.
He accidentally stole a pokémon, repeatedly ran into you, briefly became Crasher Wake's apprentice, helped you fight team galactic with varying levels of success and his dad runs the battle frontier and I think he's second only to Red for highest level boss fight.
More then Hugh, Tierno, Trevor, Callem, Serena, Brendan and May, certainly.
Whoops. I jumped the gun, since I see a lot of people complain about him, and you put him in the same sentence as Brendan.
I guess he's a nice change of pace in HGSS, but I remember him more from GSC where we'd only had Blue beforehand, and the trend of damp rivals like Brendan or Dawn weren't yet a trend.
I've never entirely understood why people feel this way. I guess you're right in that he has a very noticeable character arc, but he starts off such an edgy asshole that I can't take him seriously.
His dialogue of "rahhh you're a weakling pokémon are tools rahhh" just feels completely unimpressive and stale after the first time and he always proclaims this AFTER you've royally kicked his ass. There's no catharsis in owning him since he doesn't actually seem to notice. His arc also seems to take place over a rather short period. He doesn't show any real signs of learning anything until late game.
Meanwhile, while I quite liked Barry as a rival. He's no Blue, but he's still fun to compete with, even if he's a fairly static character.
3.) Zinnia is a fucking amazing character, and the closest thing to an "No type character" I've seen yet. She is better than AZ by far, and her theme is godly. It's just a bummer you can listen to it only once if you capture Deyoxys on the first try.
So yeah, ORAS is definitely better than XY, but not by much. In my eyes GF still completely neglected the ones who don't play that much online during Gen 6, but I can't fault them for trying to build the best possible online experience, and I just hope that they get back to fix this in Sun and Moon![]()
did he even do anything?
He did more than what Tierno, Trevor and fucking Wally the loser ever did.
So much this. Wally felt like the most one sided rivalry ever. He didn't feel like your equal, and that's the core concept of a good rivalry!
Naaaaaaaah, that's the XY Rival.
I'm gonna have to replay X before Sun and Moon comes out. I don't remember Serena in the games at all. I guess that proves your point.
I remember Serena. Your love interest in the story was laid on thicker than ever before
I remember Serena. Your love interest in the story was laid on thicker than ever before
Wally is a really good character though. I wish they increased his role is ORAS because I really love his arc of a sickly kid that everyone underestimates and proves himself by becoming your full-on rival by the end.
... That's Shauna...
So May is my rival in Hoenn and I am glad that she got fleshed out in the remake as it just felt odd that she just kinda stopped her journey at Lilycove City
Your XY rival came across as salty as hell in the most pathetic way possible to me, not a love interest lolI remember Serena. Your love interest in the story was laid on thicker than ever before
I know it's higher, but I still don't think it's high. You have been chaining them though, right?Bit off-topic to what you're all talking about but does anyone know if it's confirmed that the DexNAV has a greater shiny encounter rate? I know a lot of people say it does but I've spent all day looking for a Shiny Zorua and I haven't found one yet.
On-topic, my favourite rival is probably Barry tbh. I don't know, he was just likeable while also actually being a bit of a challenge.
Well, what do you need them for first, because I can tell you some popular OU Doubles Picks, but if it's Singles you're looking for i can't help you.What are the best Poison-Type pokemon?
What are the best Poison-Type pokemon?
i find it surprising that alan has more pokemon besides his charizard
I remember Serena. Your love interest in the story was laid on thicker than ever before
What are the best Poison-Type pokemon?
If you're going to use a Grass and Poison combo, I'd go with Amoongus. Spore, Rage Power, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, and a bunch of other really annoying moves are at it's disposal. It's frequently janks with my team on Showdown tbh.Roserade
Did Serena recently wear Ash's clothes?
She even wore it in front of him inside the tent.
Also was bored so did this
I thought Scyther was obnoxious to draw. Kyurem is like an order of magnitude worse.
I'm currently going through all of the DS Pokemon games I have.
I finished Platinum yesterday, and all I have to say about that game is fighting Cynthia underleveled is a trip. What a great game.
I started up Soul Silver today. I think that rival is one of the best in the series. He starts out hating you and gets super salty when you beat him. By the post game, he's fighting with you which is awesome. It definitely shows more progression as a character compared to Barry or Brandon. At least that's what I think. Also, I didn't know that if you play as a girl, the music that plays when your friend shows up is different.
Can't wait to get to the spin-offs. I remember having so much fun with Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia and Guardian Signs.
I've never entirely understood why people feel this way. I guess you're right in that he has a very noticeable character arc, but he starts off such an edgy asshole that I can't take him seriously.
His dialogue of "rahhh you're a weakling pokémon are tools rahhh" just feels completely unimpressive and stale after the first time and he always proclaims this AFTER you've royally kicked his ass. There's no catharsis in owning him since he doesn't actually seem to notice. His arc also seems to take place over a rather short period. He doesn't show any real signs of learning anything until late game.
Meanwhile, while I quite liked Barry as a rival. He's no Blue, but he's still fun to compete with, even if he's a fairly static character.
Well, I think that he's great precisely because he's an edgy asshole. He's hateable, it's satisfying to beat him and prove him wrong. Not on the same level as Blue, who is also an edgy asshole, but he's more tied to your character and you grow up as the same time.
But Silver was fun to beat. I think he was the last real Rival, all the other are just your friends (maybe with the exception of N, but that's another story), and ultimately it's sad to crush them everytime. Serena was so in high hopes to battle you everytime, and you never lose to her. It's nearly impossible to lose to her, let alone the other guys.
N gave me the feel of a real rival, but he's more an hybrid of rival and antagonist.
By the way, a question. I only played BW, but not BW2, I was reading that the PWT with the gym leaders of other regions is avaliable in the game, with no download necesary? I thought it was japan only
Well, what do you need them for first, because I can tell you some popular OU Doubles Picks, but if it's Singles you're looking for i can't help you.
I'm not super deep into the technicalities of Pokemon, but from my experiences, Drapion and Nidoking come to mind. Toxicroak is good, but 4x weak to psychic.
Edit. These being doubles. Poison/Dark, Poison/Ground, and Poison/Fighting respectively.
Drapion, Scolipede, Gengar, Weezing, Roserade
I never used one on a playthrough and just wanted some considerations.
To be fair only Silver, Cheren, and Serena/Callum had outright goals of beating you. The rest were more or less battling you for the fun of it.But Silver was fun to beat. I think he was the last real Rival, all the other are just your friends (maybe with the exception of N, but that's another story), and ultimately it's sad to crush them everytime. Serena was so in high hopes to battle you everytime, and you never lose to her. It's nearly impossible to lose to her, let alone the other guys.
N gave me the feel of a real rival, but he's more an hybrid of rival and antagonist.
Nope, you just gotta beat the E4 and Iris, then beat the Unova Leaders Tournament, and then that unlocks the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh Leaders Tournaments.By the way, a question. I only played BW, but not BW2, I was reading that the PWT with the gym leaders of other regions is avaliable in the game, with no download necesary? I thought it was japan only
I don't think friendship is necessarily a hindrance to a good rival, as long as they're competitive. Yes, Barry doesn't have the mean-streak that Blue or Silver do, but he makes everything into a race or a competition and he's got enough of an ego so he's still fun to beat. I agree that all the other friend rivals are rubbish though, Serena especially.
Meanwhile I don't really feel that you get to prove Silver wrong. It's not like he calls you weak, you own him, he runs off. He's angry when you beat him because he's just perpetually angry all the time and I end up feeling like I needn't have bothered.
I guess this stuff is really subjective though.
As your question, the PWT is just naturally there in BW2. There's a few download exclusive tournaments (now sadly lost to time), but they only introduce new teams for characters already there. You can fight any gym leader you want (except Koga) in the base game.
401 DexNAV encounters and still no shiny Zorua. Makes a change from the Spinda, Seedot, Foongus and Whismur I caught quite easily earlier in the week I guess but it's taking a while if the YouTube videos I've seen are anything to go by.
I never used one on a playthrough and just wanted some considerations.
Miyamoto's Pokémon20 message video. Pretty cool.