Dub, I usually stick to subs, but the convenience of it being on Netflix has persuaded me to it.
If I was to switch to subs at some point what group do you recommend?
sun lion and moon rabbit sounds suspiciously like Digimon
IIRC, there was a pair of digimon DS games that had such creatures as their mascots. I'll go look them up.
Which bit of the name gives away moon rabbit?
And I dunno, usually in Japan moon = rabbit because muh moon bunnies legend
Has Joe posted about the leaked legendaries on his site? If not then I'll wait before talking about them.
thanks, looks greatAll right, I'll get the official art a--
You had an opportunity for a dog in a top hat and you DIDN'T TAKE IT
I'm sorry, I'm going to have to employ a little artistic license here. If I can't put it in a top hat, I'm at least making it as snooty as I can.
Seriously though, this was a fun set.
Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs is so fun. I wish they made another Ranger game. They're easily my favorite spin offs of any series.
I think the second game is the best one like with PMD, but there definitely wasn't as drastic a drop in quality like there was with that one haha. I wonder why there hasn't been a 4th PR game though. Did Guardian Signs perform poorly?
If Moon having a rabbit legendary becomes true, there goes my hope of the next pikaclone being a rabbit. :/
I always look forward to the pikaclones of new generations. :3
Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs is so fun. I wish they made another Ranger game. They're easily my favorite spin offs of any series.
So the possible Water-type Starter name (it seems the Legendaries + Starters are gonna be revealed soon I'm guessing if the trademarks are legit) indicates it might be a sea lion...
So are we gonna have a sea lion turning into an otter this time?
Have you tried Pokepark? I love them
I never gave those games a fair try. The art style put me off. I'll have to eventually.
The second one is a quasi sequel to the first one so play them in order, and after you play them join me in the Waiting for Pokepark 3 train
So the possible Water-type Starter name (it seems the Legendaries + Starters are gonna be revealed soon I'm guessing if the trademarks are legit) indicates it might be a sea lion...
So are we gonna have a sea lion turning into an otter this time?
So what are the odds that White Phantump gets captured? Need that team of 6 thooo
So what are the odds that White Phantump gets captured? Need that team of 6 thooo
Synchro...honestly a little jealous ash reached that level of bond before our avatars
How has he not with Pikachu?!
How has he not with Pikachu?!
maybe Pikachu doesn't have satsui no hado
Whoever took those screencaps really hates Bulbapedia, huh.
I'm replaying Pokemon Black, and holy shit Chwren is annoying as fuck. Bianca is too, but somehow only slightly less so. Her dad drama can take a hike though.
If you think they're annoying I recommend you never replay B2W2 or X/Y.
or any pokemon game tbh bc they're easily the best rivals in the entire series lol
But they're not Gary/Blue or Silver though, aka the best rivals.
Wait, what's the story there? One of the people who runs the site stole... anime screenshots? That anybody could get by just screencapping a raw?specifically one of its users stole screenshots and claimed he owned it and were then used on bulbapedia's site
Wait, what's the story there? One of the people who runs the site stole... anime screenshots? That anybody could get by just screencapping a raw?
And on the topic of rivals, it's been so long since I played any of the older games that I hardly feel qualified to rank anything, but Bianca/Cheren definitely offered the most from a gameplay perspective in terms of combined number of rival battles, if not from a story one. And if you include N as a "rival" and not a recurring villain team member, then that's even more.
I'd say N isn't the main rival of BW. He's still a rival, but he doesn't have a team that progresses like the other rivals. N is still a great character regardless.
Also, more reason as to why Best Wishes sucks: There was supposed to be a two-part episode with Team Plasma and Team Rocket having basically a war, and that didn't happen!
you really can't blame x/y for not going forward with that especially why they basically shelved the entire plot point
i mean it was bad they could never really follow up on it or try and squeeze it back into the plot somehow and took until bw2 stuff to actually ever address Team Plasma again
This is still the dumbest thing.How has he not with Pikachu?!
Wait, what are you talking about? You're bringing up X/Y, but I'm talking about the Black/White anime.
i meant bw, i even mentioned bw2 afterwards, so yes, i meant bw
Wait, what's the story there? One of the people who runs the site stole... anime screenshots? That anybody could get by just screencapping a raw?