Then you also have Sky Battle eligibility rules, where Flying-type Pokemon have to actually be flying in their battle animation or they don't count.
I'm still pissed certain Pokemon didn't get alternate models for that shit because now we're stuck with those models for a while and Flying Battles are going to get put in the garbage where they belong.Then you also have Sky Battle eligibility rules, where Flying-type Pokemon have to actually be flying in their battle animation or they don't count.
I think Garchomp is a bit of a stretch tbh, but like yeah
Diamond said:When it folds up its body and extends its wings, it looks like a jet plane. It flies at sonic speed.
Pearl said:It flies at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane. It never allows its prey to escape.
But then...
See I know of those Dex entires, but I always saw it doing that on the ground like "That car is flying as fast as a Jet Plane" rather than "That bird is flying as fast as a jet plane"
Smash said:There's something about Garchomp that appeals to the kid in all of us. It's basically a mach-speed flying dinosaur with spikes. What's not to love? When it folds up its body and extends its wings for flight, you might mistake it for a jet plane. And with a little Garchompite, it can Mega Evolve for extra firepower!
I liked the silhouette of the Moon box. If the legendary is an eagle or something like that, I'm totally down. I also like the idea of a fire bear, but it'd just be another fire/fighting type.
Which Pokedex entry said that Machamp's belt can be taken off and basically remove limiters?
Wait, was there a better scan? I can't make anything out on the one on Serebii.
Wait, was there a better scan? I can't make anything out on the one on Serebii.
None of them, that's Machoke =p
Does this include the ones for Platinum?
Tell me more
Can you link me to more information?
1. PkHex is a thing that exists already.
2. Duping is a thing that exists already.
3. Downloading a JUN2015 GS Dragonite in 2016 does not make it legitimate. Surprise.
The blog post is interesting from a technical perspective, but there was nothing holding back people from just generating a mon that has stopped being distributed.
It was this picture. It was confirmed fake IIRC.
It should've been Machamp.
yeah, that guy looks way too old to be the player character
plus doesn't have enough fashion mistakes
The player characters in B/W were designed as 14 year olds.
The player characters in B/W were designed as 14 year olds.
Then you also have Sky Battle eligibility rules, where Flying-type Pokemon have to actually be flying in their battle animation or they don't count.
I'm still pissed certain Pokemon didn't get alternate models for that shit because now we're stuck with those models for a while and Flying Battles are going to get put in the garbage where they belong.Why didn't they make Inverse Battlers a Trainer Class? Those were much better ideas.
The player characters in B/W were designed as 14 year olds.
I don't think ages were ever said, just that they weren't "Children". I always assumed 16.
15/16 actually.
But to Coltraine's point, and by your admission, isn't there no practical differentiation between a player-generated Genesect with all the right data/flags set, and one generated by obtaining the key from the Nintendo server in whatever manner? Or am I not understanding how Mystery Gift works? Wouldn't that just make this a "because I can" thing for people with homebrewed 3DSes?The thing is that this will allow to get legal Pokémon early. Before this we had no way to know the SID of future events (and thus be able to generate a full legal unreleased Pokémon).
Yes, they are not legit, but nobody cares, there's just no way to tell if a Pokémon is legit or not.
Yeah, they were designed around 16, but at some point they were officially confirmed to be 14, allegedly.
Edit: There's supposed to be an interview where it was stated as 14, but I dunno where it's at. Either way, they're not 10 and that misconception needs to die lol.
Here's the link to the tool.
You need homebrew access
Meanwhile, Ash is still 10. Where have they said Serena/Calem's age?
They haven't, but Emma, from the XY postgame, is 16 and younger than our protagonists, so...
If the mon has yet to be released, then it would be obvious that it wasn't legit, because the event wouldn't be active yet and no one would have it. If it was gotten during the event, it doesn't matter since people will be getting it legit or duping ones already gotten. If after, then it's a moot point since you could always dupe event mons from past gens for years. If the event is never released, then it's akin to constructing something out of someone's sketchbook of unfinished ideas and would be no better than hacking together your own mon.The thing is that this will allow to get legal Pokémon early. Before this we had no way to know the SID of future events (and thus be able to generate a full legal unreleased Pokémon).
Yes, they are not legit, but nobody cares, there's just no way to tell if a Pokémon is legit or not.
The starters look too "fakemon"-y in design
the tell-tale signs is that they somehow miss the standard pokemon designs and instead go for stereotypes
that looked like someone stole Fennekin's face
I like this new set of almost definitely fake starters even more than the last:
Okay, so the cat is a lot worse, but that owl is awesome. And puppy seal is so gooood!
I am just looking at that and I am wondering have people actually studied how Game Freak designed their starters and I mean really studied them?
Every starter look unique and carefully designed so that they don't too different when the evolve but they also don't stand out among the group of the starters.
That picture just looks like three random Pokémon, with the Seal being the worst, grouped together and the artist saying look at my fake starter.
There's a good reason why the Starters are the last Pokémon that Game Freak design as a lot of effort and work goes into them.
Where was it said that the starters are always the last Pokemon design because that sounds really suspect to me. To be honest, I disagree with your assertions that starter are especially special and I think this batch could easily pass for real, although I agree that they aren't
How long does it typically take for a Pokemon to go from a concept drawing to being in the actual game?
Masuda: The first thing I do is determine what direction we want to go in with the character. We look at the concept and determine is this a strong character? Is this an evolution of a current Pokemon? Is it a legendary Pokemon or a more basic one? The fastest ones take around six months, but the ones that play important roles in the game, like the starter Pokemon, they take more than a year.
Has it been confirmed we're getting starters? CoroCoro just said there would be info in the next issue, nothing specific. The only thing I'd say we're definitely getting is cover legends from the boxart.I just remembered that this whole thing will be done in two weeksWhere we then move on to phase to of fakemons (evolutions and regional Pokémon)
I can't imagine we wouldn't. At least by E3. The starters silhouettes for X/Y were revealed before E3 and were fully revealed at E3, IIRC.
Basically the starter are designed in group as they all fit a theme, which is reflected in their secondary typing, stats and move pool so they can not feel out of place. They are also very simple in design so that the player straight away can tell what type they are which is why they are all single type till they evolve, barring Bulbasaur who is abnormally.
With that fan art they don't pass as real starter as the fire cat looks more like an early wild Pokémon, the seal looks like a deformed Fennekin the grass bird doesn't give any impression that its' a grass type other than its head being green.
Has it been confirmed we're getting starters? CoroCoro just said there would be info in the next issue, nothing specific. The only thing I'd say we're definitely getting is cover legends from the boxart.
That says that they take longer, not that they're designed last. That said, I do see you point about the owl, but disagree with you about how they correspond as a group. Often times the shared theme between starters isn't immediately apparent like the RPG elements of Gen VI's starters not really coming in until their second stages.
Of all the possible things to waste my luck on and randomly catch as a shiny, it had to be a Ledyba from one of the berry trees I'm farming in XY.
I mean, it's orange instead of red. Hardly impressive.
How??? There is literally no common trait between the three.![]()
You can see that with the gen 6 starter the theme that Game Freak was going with.
I have no doubt in my mind that the starters are most likely designed together to fit a theme.
Of all the possible things to waste my luck on and randomly catch as a shiny, it had to be a Ledyba from one of the berry trees I'm farming in XY.
I mean, it's orange instead of red. Hardly impressive.