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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe

Pokemon would be even more amazing
lol jk Fairy type would never exist lol

Serena's hilarious cry of Ash's name and that most of her dialog in the recent ep was just shouting Ash's name, sorta like how in the Tripokalon finals most of Ash's dialog was just shouting Serena's name

and nah fairy type would still be around, hell it'd instill the theory about fairies being child predators or something


Serena's hilarious cry of Ash's name and that most of her dialog in the recent ep was just shouting Ash's name, sorta like how in the Tripokalon finals most of Ash's dialog was just shouting Serena's name

and nah fairy type would still be around, hell it'd instill the theory about fairies being child predators or something

Hypno confirmed for Fairy type ;>_>

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
well, in anime circles there's a joke that Valerie likes to lure boys (bullying Shota and all that)


So there's a event in Europe over Nintendo Network and this what they went with.


I am just laughing so hard over the fact that it's "hard to find" and being the envy of my friend when I have already had a Zygarde sitting in my PC from when I last played Pokémon Y.

#Zygardewasrobbed #Zygardeisaloser


Thinking about Zyguarde, weren't there also supposed to be new Regigigas forms?

You're thinking about Zygarde perfect form which a lot of people are guessing that it will tie into Pokémon Sun and Moon, personally I given up on Zygarde and more interested in the new gen 7 Pokémon, including any legendary.


Technically it is hard-to-find.
i never bothered catching one lol

Also I've never heard anything about Regigigas form

He's talking about Zygarde perfect form.


No, I'm pretty sure he's saying "Thinking about the unused Zygarde forms, wasn't Regigigas also supposed to get some extra forms, too?"

Yeah that's what I meant. I remember seeing some weird art of Regigigas that looked like a rocket. Kinda glad it didn't because it looked dumb, IMO.

Nope, I'm an idiot. Just some fake stuff from when Platinum was coming out.
Regigigas Sky Forme was a rumour back when we knew that the Shaymin movie would have two new formes and would have Regigigas in it, and not a lot besides.

That's a blast from the past, alright.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Gotta admit, "Roothoot" and co. are really growing on me...


Bit of background, awhile back on /vp/ someone shared some rough sketches of supposed Starters, and then the possible trademarks kind of matched---'specially the owl. It's pretty much turned into an in-joke but I gotta admit I sort of like 'em.


So I was playing Pokémon Silver and I arrived in Goldenrod and I met this guy;


I think he's masturbating :|

Moving on from that both Utsu;


and Haros evolved;


Tomorrow we will be taking on Whitney's gym and her dreaded Miltank, Hera the Heracross will be my ace, speaking of Heracross I am loving Hera he is soo strong and take hits like nothing.


Gotta admit, "Roothoot" and co. are really growing on me...


Bit of background, awhile back on /vp/ someone shared some rough sketches of supposed Starters, and then the possible trademarks kind of matched---'specially the owl. It's pretty much turned into an in-joke but I gotta admit I sort of like 'em.

See I'd call those butt-ugly but that'd be an insult to most butts. What is the middle one even supposed to be? It looks like a rabbit got possessed and started walking on two legs.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Volcano dog or cat, or something. That's actually my favorite.

These were apparently based on sketches so if you believe them (because they got the "wood owl" right long before Mukurou was revealed as a possible trademarked name) these are mock-ups, perhaps.

You know I'm hesitant to completely write this off because back in Generation IV a dude claimed to have seen the Sinnoh Starters and described them near perfectly, except thinking Turtwig was a beetle---and that was because his Japanese name, Naetle, could suggest that and looking at the sprite you could see his twig as a horn.


Gotta admit, "Roothoot" and co. are really growing on me...


Bit of background, awhile back on /vp/ someone shared some rough sketches of supposed Starters, and then the possible trademarks kind of matched---'specially the owl. It's pretty much turned into an in-joke but I gotta admit I sort of like 'em.

Only issue is the claim that they were posted on 2ch and then on 4chan. They were never on 2ch except when they were linked to from 4chan.

There's nothing supporting them.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
There's a lot of things wrong with those starters. That version of the pic is edited with colours, but the editor also messed with the anatomy of the original leaked sketches to make them more sensible.
The perspective of the Owls face is all over the place, the dolphins "face mask" was originally a massive protrusion that just looked odd, and his tail didnt make any sense at all, and Im guessing thats why the editor hid it behind the Fire starter. And the Fire starter itself isn't exactly starter material. It just looks too demonic compared to the other starters, as they're supposed to be cute for marketing purposes. And its finger is messed on its right hand.

I understand it could be beta art, but people who've been designing these creature for years shouldnt make such school boy errors even on sketches.

Plus, if the trademarks are based on the starters, they got the owl right, but I cant see the Fire one being Nyabby. Its not cat like at all apart from the ears, plus with having "Nya" in its name, its the last type of noise I'd expect to hear coming from that. And the Water one is more of a dolphin, while Ashimari is expected to be a seal/sea lion or octopus.
Dunno, I just dont buy them. The only thing they have going for them is that they haven't been debunked, but for all anyone knows, some 14 year old troll drew them and hasn't come out and said it.
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