Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I think he's from Hoenn, but I find it weird that he is doing Kalos badges and not Hoenn's.
I'm calling it, Serena at the very least will continue to travel with Ash after XY&Z ends.for me I feel Gen VI has the best mons designed
I'm calling it, Serena at the very least will continue to travel with Ash after XY&Z ends.
I think he's from Hoenn, but I find it weird that he is doing Kalos badges and not Hoenn's.
So じめん=Ground type right
Making sure I have the right HP before saving this Raikou. Though I can SR more whenever so I'm not too worried, I still want to make sure I didn't F up this one.
Yeah those repeat jokes can get annoying. I do like Clemont and Bonnie as characters, realisticly though they would be the two who would make sense to stay in Kalos.I hope so. They've been pushing this ship way too hard to go nowhere with it x.x Plus she's an actually decent travel companion.
I do hope Clemont stays in Kalos, though, and that the next dude's shtick isn't as annoying x.x I like Clemont, hate the exploding inventions. Hated Cilan's shtick too. I mean, they all have one, but Clemont's inventions always try to have some plot relevance, usually in an annoying way just like Team Rocket shenanigans which we also get constantly, which makes them more annoying. Brock at least would hit on a girl, get beaten up by someone and be done with it.
Thanks. <3Yeah.
th are the 7th gym leaders of their region.
Blaine shares Sungalio's Mustache, colors, and potential fire type relations. (Sun = Fire)
Olympia shares Lunala's colors, magical cape thingy (wings?), hair, and potential Psychic Typing.
I asked this in previous threads and hopefully I will get some thoughts on it here. Is there a possible relationship here, it can't be a coincidence it's way too on the nose. Does this tie in with the Ash Greninja synergy thing? Or is this alluding to something much more like reincarnation?
Shiny Xerneas mystery gift is live for NA.
Thanks! I got it!
I have some questions regarding legendaries:
1) If I capture a legendary once, could I capture it again somehow? In case I want a shiny or better stats for example.
2) I won't use Power Saves, but reading about how common it is to find people hacking Pokemons, is it worth hunting good stats Legendaries?
I'm not sure if I should just capture the legendaries that I find, or if I should make sure they're shiny or with good stats.
1. No, not without restarting your game.
2. IMO, no, it isn't worth the time. Also keep in mind some are "Shiny locked", which means they can't be caught shiny, be sure to look that up before wasting days of your life.
So I probably should just capture the legendaries I find. I guess it would be too much work to worry about their stats...
I'm calling it, Serena at the very least will continue to travel with Ash after XY&Z ends.
Also helps the main characters for sun and moon are pretty generic looking. I can't see the girl protag tagging along with ash. Give Serena another hair change and outfit and bamI hope so! If they don't, it'll be the biggest waste of time since Star Ocean 3.
One reason I do think that's going to happen is that the main reason Serena is traveling is to be on an adventure with Ash.
Red and white is a commonly used combination to represent very high temperatures. Ever heard of the term "white-hot"? Lions also have whiskers so I don't see anything special there.
Purple is often associated with mystic and cosmic powers. If you look at fortune tellers in other Nintendo games for example, like Zelda, Animal Crossing or Luigi's Mansion, you'll notice that the color purple is often present. Olympia is also implied to be able to tell the future, what with her talking about destiny and fate, and the stars her cape represent her skill to read the stars. Dark blue and purple are also probably the most commonly used colors when visualizing outer space and night sky (excluding black, of course), so the colors for Pokémon Moon's cover legendary makes sense.
But yeah, the colors definitely give off a Psychic type vibe. The devs also have a background with associating psychic powers with space (Olympia, Cresselia, Deoxys....) so my guess for the Pokémon'ns typing would be Psychic/Flying.
I doubt synchronization between trainer and Pokémon á la Ash-Greninja is anything they'd add to the games. It's not substantially different from Mega Evolution, and remodeling many Pokémon probably wouldn't be worth GameFreak's time - especially now that trainer customization seems to be back, so they'd have to take that into account.
Also helps the main characters for sun and moon are pretty generic looking. I can't see the girl protag tagging along with ash. Give Serena another hair change and outfit and bam
It's worth it if you're really interested in competitive battling, and it's a good legendary. But for most people not worth it. SRing a perfect legendary can take a long time.
As for shiny, the only wild legendaries that can't be shiny in ORAS are the four linked to story/postgame story events. All of the others can be shiny, including Reshiram and Zekrom which couldn't be in Gen V.
None of the legendaries in X&Y can be shiny.
But it's really up to you if SRing is worth it, whether it be for stats or shinies.
Besides I do enjoy getting the best stuff in RPGs, I think this may be too much work for me. And I usually don't have too much time to play.
I may stick with the collecting and trading. I love this kind of stuff! =)
May also take a look at the breeding stuff... it sounds fun, but I have heard a lot in the contrary.
I'm calling the Bat as Fairy/Dark. It's definitely got a more Dark-type vibe to it then it does a Psychic vibe in my opinion and GameFreak just changed all moves associated with the moon in Fairy types so it would be a pretty significant backpedal if they suddenly made THE moon Pokemon into a type that's not Fairy.
Yeah, it could also be a Fairy type. It's such a strange typing - I really don't have any kind of picture of what a Fairy type Pokémon should look like, unlike with all other types. I know that if a Pokémon is pink or a non-fighting humanoid, it's often at least partially Fairy, but then there are Pokémon like Azumarill and Mega Altaria that I cannot understand why they are Fairy types. I mean, other types have exceptions as well, but I feel like Fairy type has the most.
I told you the battle frontier is the only good things about hoenn even the contests are better.I'm sorry I keep posting about my feelings towards Advanced Generation.
I'm not enjoying the gym battles as much as Sinnoh. I don't know why, but I'm just not. The animation is virtually the same. A Pokemon with a glowing fist/wing/tail in front of some speedlines.
I'm also not enjoying contest as much as Sinnoh, but I think that's because the stuff that May and everyone else does isn't nearly as creative as what Dawn does. Also, I just like gen 4 Pokemon more.
I told you the battle frontier is the only good things about hoenn even the contests are better.
Maybe Solgaleo, Lunaala and Marshadow(?) all share a common type and have a different secondary type?
Solgaleo - Psychic/Fire
Lunaala - Psychic/Flying (Fairy)
Marshadow - Psychic/Dark
Maybe Solgaleo, Lunaala and Marshadow(?) all share a common type and have a different secondary type?
Solgaleo - Psychic/Fire
Lunaala - Psychic/Flying (Fairy)
Marshadow - Psychic/Dark
wait what who is marshadow? just the assumed third?
or marshmallow-themed.Man, I REALLY hope that if Marshadow is real its name is different in English-speaking regions. I know that doesn't happen usually, but that name is way the hell too on-the-nose whether it's a Mars-themed legendary or an eclipse-themed legendary.
Man, I REALLY hope that if Marshadow is real its name is different in English-speaking regions. I know that doesn't happen usually, but that name is way the hell too on-the-nose whether it's a Mars-themed legendary or an eclipse-themed legendary.
god no I don't want too many psychic legendaries, isn't that like the second most abundant type next to dragon? or is it the other way around?
I think you should be fine to just go back up to catch it. I believe you will just need to battle Zinnia again besides that there isn't any penalty.I just reached Deoxys in ORAS, and decided to attack it with Rayquaza's Dragon Pulse, it killed him in one hit.
Thing is... I know after beating Elite 4 again I can try to catch him again. However, do I lose anything for not capturing him in the 1st try?
Also... is it a good idea to use my Master Ball on it in my second encounter?
Solgaleo (Sun, Lion, Galileo) and Lunala (Moon and Wing) aren't already too on the nose?
I'm calling it, Serena at the very least will continue to travel with Ash after XY&Z ends.
I'm sorry I keep posting about my feelings towards Advanced Generation.
I'm not enjoying the gym battles as much as Sinnoh. I don't know why, but I'm just not. The animation is virtually the same. A Pokemon with a glowing fist/wing/tail in front of some speedlines.
I'm also not enjoying contest as much as Sinnoh, but I think that's because the stuff that May and everyone else does isn't nearly as creative as what Dawn does. Also, I just like gen 4 Pokemon more.
I coulda sworn there was one roaming Pokemon in ORAS.
But you will watch the continuing adventures of Ash losing every league?I hope not otherwise I am not going to bother watching the Sun and Moon animé, I do not want to watch another round of "Kalos got Talent" but in Alolo.
Dual-typed cards are back in the next set
Yeah Sinnoh was the best as Ash and Dawn bounced off each other, plus we had the whole Ash Vs Paul which I am still impress that they managed to nail the landing on despite the animé falling apart towards the end.
You're probably thinking of Lati@s which used to be one in the original Hoenn game but they straight up give it to you.
I think that roaming legendary are dead.