Does anyone have Wartortle in their Friend Safari?
Probably not, but I don't know what Pokémon are in my Friend Safari, or even what type my FS is.
Does anyone have Wartortle in their Friend Safari?
The internet has ruined the days of playground rumors.
This is true
Lmao never forget!!!Nah fuck those days. I'm still mad salty about the Mew under the bus and Mewthree nonsense that got spread around and made me waste my time. The less of that we have the better.
Nah fuck those days. I'm still mad salty about the Mew under the bus and Mewthree nonsense that got spread around and made me waste my time. The less of that we have the better.
The internet has ruined the days of playground rumors.
I wouldn't say that they are dead, just been moved to youtube and called "Pokémon theory but really click bait bullshitting."
Is there any hint to catch a good Ditto in Pokemon ORAS?
I finally got access to its Mirage Island, but I can't find any with more than 1 perfect IV.
A lot of Pokemon rumors that most people believe are dumb to begin with. I think that whole "Gengar is Clefairy's shadow" thing is a stretch to say the least.
I'm finally at the Buizel episode. I think this is one of the best Pokemon-catching episodes ever. There's this super awesome Buizel that fights everyone, and they all take turns trying to catch it. That motherfucker.
And it knows the best move!!
Sorry to bother you all, just recently got myself back into the series after casually getting each month's distribution Pokemon and I realized I missed getting Jirachi last month. At first I wasn't all that upset because I assumed I had one sitting in my Bank but when I went to check after getting the Darkrai gift I realized I've never had a Jirachi and now I'm SOL.
Does anyone here have a spare they would be willing to trade or otherwise know of a legitimate way to get one from another game? I have a game from each gen as well as the coliseums for GC although I admit I'd rather not have to play through either of those just for one pokemon (did that for Mew in pokemon ranch and that was quite a chore).
Thanks everyone for being such a great community.
That's the problem with fan speculation especially on early times. It's why you get shit like "Ditto is failed Mew clone!" Ingrained in (plebeian) minds and shit like Game Theory perpetuates the stupidity more.
I believe I have a spare Jirachi (since I have Y and Omega Ruby, and I could get one for each). I think I'll check things out for you right now.
EDIT: Yes, I do indeed have this year's Jirachi event on both games, as well as one extra from an unrelated event in my Y.
It was Gen 2. In Gen 1, Kanto was literally just the Kanto region of Japan. In Gen 2, Johto took up the Kansai region.Ditto being a failed clone has some coinciding evidence, but most of the stuff from Gen 1 is kinda silly because it's implied to be Earth with the whole "South America" thing and that aspect was quickly thrown out the window by Gen 2 or 3. So outside of the main storyline, most of the "lore" of Gen 1 has been retconned.
Ditto being a failed clone has some coinciding evidence, but most of the stuff from Gen 1 is kinda silly because it's implied to be Earth with the whole "South America" thing and that aspect was quickly thrown out the window by Gen 2 or 3. So outside of the main storyline, most of the "lore" of Gen 1 has been retconned.
It was Gen 2. In Gen 1, Kanto was literally just the Kanto region of Japan. In Gen 2, Johto took up the Kansai region.
Catch one and then use the dexnav to make it appear until you find one with 3 stars.
Now they're finally breaking free of the shackles of the grid, I'd like to see the Kanto region get a hefty redesign, since it was designed with the constraints of a 2 decade year old hand-held and it shows.
One of the things they could do while they're at it, is expand some of the free space with other equivalent real!Kanto landmarks or maybe fill in whatever C is, in the huge cove, on that really old concept map.
Just popped in to say that amidst my hardcore evening gaming (Dark Souls 3 and SFV), I recently picked up where I left of in ORAS during lunchbreaks and am finding it a relaxing change of pace to say the least!
Quite excited by the Sun and Moon reveal, so hopefully will finish up before that comes out (just got to the Safari).
Those final evolution "leaks" for the starters sure are something.
I like the GameBoy sprite.
Ya know, Rowlet looks very Gen II, Litten looks very Gen IV and Popplio looks very Gen V, I wonder if that is totally coincidental.
Legendaries both look pretty Gen IV to me. Kinda disappointed in that regard, I really liked how the mascot legendaries in Gen V and VI went back to looking a lot more organic.
That's my main issue with S/M legendaries as well. I like them anyway though... just expected something different.
I'm still divided between sun / moon. As I said, I expected something different, but I did like both. I think I have to wait for the other differences before deciding! =oI know what you mean, but I can't help but think the moon legendary looks sick as hell.
Yeah, I prefer S/M legendaries as well compared to them.The SM legendaries aren't as weird as Dialga and Palkia at least. I think they're pretty neat.
The SM legendaries aren't as weird as Dialga and Palkia at least. I think they're pretty neat.
I'm still divided between sun / moon. As I said, I expected something different, but I did like both. I think I have to wait for the other differences before deciding! =o
Yeah, I prefer S/M legendaries as well compared to them.
Is there a good artwork of the legendaries?
Found those:
Its by code and we are still waiting for the announcement in almost every country.So the Shiny Xerneas distribution has started in Europe. I'm hoping it's the same as it was for the recent Zygarde one and also available in Australia.. I'm at work, can anyone confirm?
Those fake starter evolution's look great. Looks like they could fit in perfect with Gen 1. I also love the sun legendary! Not so much the moon one...
It might be because Gen 4 was my first, but I think Dialga and Palkia are super cool. Time and Space are such good themes.
Done college! Time to get back into the game!