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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"



I think it would be an more interesting project if they were trying to make just a harder pokemon campaign. I could see many enjoying something in that sense.

However, by what I've just read and watched on Youtube it seems one more of those games where they add some psychological horror elements to make it feel strange, depressive and aggressive.

I think that, like that, they could be doing it without using actual pokemons.
Why? What's so "inmaturily mature" about it?

Pokemon's already covered all of these things and surprisingly well in several instances. Sea Mauville is probably the best "mature" story point to compare and I doubt this fangame has any chance of coming close to how well handled that was in ORAS.


Sorry for The Spam but Yvetal Shiny is Live in America




So I just got a N3DS XL. I also have a DS Lite. Do I need a cable to transfer Pokemon from one console to the next? Thanks.


I think it would be an more interesting project if they were trying to make just a harder pokemon campaign. I could see many enjoying something in that sense.
Oh there are a couple of hacks like that, actually. I actually have a copy of Blaze Black and Blaze Black 2, which make some additional changes as well as making the games harder, on my computer.


Damn I missed the shiny Xerneas event. :(

Anyone willing to give a spare away...? (Probably no one, but thought I'd ask)

Also, does anyone know when the next Pokemon newletter comes out? Missed the legendary birds event since my Pokemon account refused to send me an email. Changed my email to a different one and want to make sure it'll actually start sending again.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
Today's episode was both hype and somber holy shit.


And Shota's pedestal view of Ash being broken.

Also fuck that depressing preview. Just silence.

Also hilariously enough, in the OP of XY&Z it was Greninja leaving Ash. Turns out, it was Ash leaving Greninja!



EDIT: webm form https://a.pomf.cat/fimeel.webm

Holy hell this episode, didn't feel like a Pokemon episode at all (though the sad music before sad shit started was kinda on-the-nose). I'm really liking the themes they're using, with Ash wanting to win too much and relying too much on Greninja, as well as being upset because he lost to Shota.

Speaking of music, I liked how in the last episode they did that whole "theme music starts up and then abruptly stops cuz you ain't shit" thing.


Shiny Yveltal is so ugly I'm not even going to download it.

Literally baconbird.

You know, if you don't want it there's a plethora of bacon-less Brits and Europeans who'd happily take it off your hands. Hint.

Also, holy crap those anime gifs. I really do need to get round to watching this season.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah I love beyblade avalugg, glad he's given time to shine now since in the rematch it's obama time

oh movie stuff courtesy of Adamant

>10 Keywords that will make you enjoy "Volcanion and the Ingenious Magearna" even more!

>The object that corresponds to a heart for "Magearna", the Pokémon given birth by human hand.
>It is said that the Soul Heart houses enough power to shake the very world itself, a power that Cabinet Minister Jarvis is after as well.

>An art handed down among the people of Azoth Kingdom inspired by Pokémon's powers.
>Cabinet Minister Jarvis used Mystery Science as the foundation when he created the dark art called "Neo Mystery Science".

>Developed by Jarvis using Neo Mystery Science.
>It completely ignores the bond between Pokémon and Trainer and is capable of mega evolving multiple Pokémon at once.

>A city of super ingenuity that grew to prosperity thanks to Mystery science, and which is characterized by the cogwheels that constantly rotate in the middle of the city.
>The city prides itself on its scientific excellence, and is a place admired by many scientists, including Citron.

>A plateau where Volcanion and Magearna live together with Pokémon that have been injured by humans.
>It is symbolized by giant tree that resembles Volcanion's arms, which is surrounded by grand nature like lakes and waterfalls.

>A mysterious chain that links Satoshi and Volcanion together, created through Neo Mystery Science.
>It connects them through an invisible electromagnetic pulse that makes it completely impossible for them to separate.

>Volcanion's favorite phrase, and the catchphrase it says when it fires steam from the arms on its back.
>By shooting towards the ground, Volcanion can "blow away" itself into the sky!

>The ingenious Pokémon "Magearna" has all kinds of abilities built into it!
>It entertains everyone with all kinds of ingenious tricks, such as turning into a monster ball-like form or making flowers appear from its hands.

>As you'd expect from a place called the city of super ingenuity, the people of Azoth Kingdom produce all kinds of devices!
>Cabinet Minister Jarvis commands a huge flying boat, and the active princess Chymia makes use of a small flight device.

>The complete form of Zygarde, which is expected to play a role in the anime, will appear in the movie!
>As Zygarde gets dragged into the battle over Magearna as well, the most intense developments in movie history take place.

So it looks like Zygarde will be in it after all!


Yeah I love beyblade avalugg, glad he's given time to shine now since in the rematch it's obama time

oh movie stuff courtesy of Adamant


Wait, is the Azoth Kingdom where the past dozen movie villains have been getting their various flying fortresses, airships and floaty segways?

Edit: I say past dozen but I realise I can only remember two of them having such things.
I thought Avalugg was bigger.

By the way, seeing all the talk about the anime, I started a couple of weeks ago watching XY from the beggining, it's been pretty fun, though I try to skip an episode if it feels too fillery. I like Serena, amazing how this time the anime story is better than the game's lol


hawlucha is a star






oh yeah Avalugg given justice




I actually checked that out and somehow I didn't notice the dynamic camera angle, really added to the battle.

But man I really want to use Hawlucha on my team one day, he would have been on my "Z team" had Z been a two version maybe he might make it onto my Sun and Moon team but priority goes to the newer Pokémon first.

amazing how this time the anime story is better than the game's lol

I think that's what I annoyed me as the animé usually complement my enjoyment of the game, but X and Y was so disappointing so I found it frustrating that the animé was outshining the game.

Like for example the Team Flare Scientist in the animé are miles better than the game counterpart and it just annoyed me.


I've been blasting through DP. I'm already at the episodes with May.

It's weird. As a kid, I saw DP as it's own thing. Rewatching it now, I'm seeing it as a continuation of Hoenn. Seeing May again has much more of an impact than when I was a kid.


Finally going through Super Mystery Dungeon.
Only a little over 2 hours in and I am getting destroyed looking for a Budew lol
Makes you wonder if it's overcompensation for Gates to Infinity at this rate I'm hearing things about it.

I'm bored right now, so something to think about...

Why do Noivern look like what they do right now? Ever though why did they evolve that particular look and typing?

(I think my phone is picking up on Noivern.)


I still don't really get where most of the difficulty complaints about PSMD come from. It's not super easy, but I didn't find it hard either. It throws so many items at you that are capable of changing the tide at any moment you're basically obligated to use them.

On the other hand, I've spent a lot of time playing real roguelikes, including those that involve crazy bullshit deaths that could lurk around any corner. But even still, my #1 advice in PSMD is don't be overly conservative with your items. You get a ton of them, and they're generally crazy powerful.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
People who play Pokemon MD games probably are "casual" to the genre itself, so they tend to do things like being conservative to items. Mind you, I'm just guessing.
Finally going through Super Mystery Dungeon.
Only a little over 2 hours in and I am getting destroyed looking for a Budew lol

I once had a team member faint because some jerk used Earthquake the moment I stepped into the room. Turns out that enemies can evolve too, so that quickly got scary.

BTW, the "Wand Items" are your best friends as well as those save devices.
You NEED to use items in PSMD, and wands in particular, but once you get your head round that it really isn't too bad.

Don't go out without a decent assortment of items, though. The game's not balanced for that, and you'll get the shit kicked out of you.


Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon is easy to play once you learn that Emera and wands are your best friends.

Plus them adding mini reviver seed and Elixir makes the game more manageable.

Wait, you have used Hawlucha yet? Fix it, now! A Hawlucha is amazing!

He needs to fit in the team with Charizard which means the team would need a water type that is either Water/Ground, Water/Electric, Water/Grass or Water/Dragon to avoid having a team that is 3x weak to electric. In my Y team I wanted to use Greninja so he couldn't be used and on my X team I wanted to use Walrein so I opted for Pancham instead.

Plus Hawlucha isn't the only flying type Pokémon that I want to use with Charizard as I want to use Staraptor, Togekiss, Yanmega and they need to meet the same requirements that Hawlucha has to meet.


Yeah, I'll have to make the item adjustment next time I play. I'm just so used to my usual never use consumables mentality that it's weird to transition to.

Does the save machine let you start over on the same floor you use it on if you faint? Or is it just an item that lets you quit out of the game mid dungeon without losing progress.


Does the save machine let you start over on the same floor you use it on if you faint? Or is it just an item that lets you quit out of the game mid dungeon without losing progress.

No idea and quite frankly I find it stupid that they made saving an item that you have to buy, meaning it takes up a space in your bag.

I have to look up in advance if a dungeon will have a boss or not so I know if I need to bring one or not and what floor I should use it on.
Enemies can evolve but not the main characters?! Bullshit! I just want to play as Umbreon, damnit!

Well, I've only seen that happen in Super Mystery Dungeon when they defeated a party member so it really made a bad situation worse, especially if it was a guest and I had to look for them afterwards. It's probably better that evolution is locked to post game since every released Pokémon at the time is recruitable.

Yeah, I'll have to make the item adjustment next time I play. I'm just so used to my usual never use consumables mentality that it's weird to transition to.

Does the save machine let you start over on the same floor you use it on if you faint? Or is it just an item that lets you quit out of the game mid dungeon without losing progress.

Let me just tell you, the Pounce Wand and Warp Wand were probably my most used. Pounce Wand for some incredibly quick getaways and the Warp Wand when an enemy you don't want to deal with shows up. Items are great here, especially since the game will kick you down if you don't use them, but you should still be careful with management like bringing enough Apples or Reviver Seeds and leaving space for Emeras (Purple Emeras have the best skills if I remember right).

The same floor, but you will still lose items unless it's the progress device+ one. It should stay there until you leave the dungeon. I had one placed right by the stairs when I felt like a boss was coming soon, so when I lost, I went right back by the stairs. It's basically a replacement for quick-saving, but I'd use it as a fail safe.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah generally you only need certain types of items in hand.

He needs to fit in the team with Charizard which means the team would need a water type that is either Water/Ground, Water/Electric, Water/Grass or Water/Dragon to avoid having a team that is 3x weak to electric. In my Y team I wanted to use Greninja so he couldn't be used and on my X team I wanted to use Walrein so I opted for Pancham instead.

Plus Hawlucha isn't the only flying type Pokémon that I want to use with Charizard as I want to use Staraptor, Togekiss, Yanmega and they need to meet the same requirements that Hawlucha has to meet.
you don't need a Fighting type?

Jay RaR

I don't usually play rogue games and PSMD is my first MD game so playing the game with the "conservative item" mentality I inherited from playing RPGs may have influenced my experience with the PSMD. Even then, after playing Explorers of Sky I still think PSMD is the harder game even with some tools like the Save Device, powerful Blast Seeds, Mini Reviver Seeds, Emeras, and Wands. During the campaign, you don't get many opportunities to grind for money/experience and items that could help you cost money which the game doesn't give you much of. You could abuse Pelipper Island but I didn't realize that until the last 2 dungeons were kicking my ass (and I've only used it twice).
Been playing Pokemon Yellow and just caught the best mon there is, Psyduck, desperately need a nickname for the guy. Any suggestions?

1. Quackers

2. Danger Duck

3. Dark Wing Duck

4. Migraine

5. Scoterfowl

6. Daffy

7. Duck Dodgers

8. Bill

9. Psycho

10. Lemonache

11. Dimwit

12. Zenny

13. Duckinesis

14. Oddball

15. Luck

16. Goose


Thanks for those giving tips. With good item utilization I managed to get through the dungeon pretty easily and the wands came in clutch during the boss fight against the beedrill.

Now I go into Poliwrath River feeling pretty confident before razor wind Heliolisk sends me crashing back down to earth. Time to give that another shot.

Enjoying the game. Music is great.


My tip for dungeon games.

Get Volcarona and get it on your team.

With Silver Wind and Heat Wave, it can help clear rooms so fast. Learned that trick in Gates to Infinity and got Volcarona as soon as humanly possible in PSMD.

Then in the post-game, I taught my starter Heat Wave in order to make things quicker.

Really helped me get through the post-game


I was listening to a podcast lately... Nintendo voice chat or cool games Inc or something... And they mentioned an internal style guide for Pokémon that had recently leaked, going over rules Nintendo / TPC employees had to follow when discussing the series in a public manner. Anybody know what I'm talking about? Google was no help at all - typing "Pokémon" and "leak" into any search bar before a new generation always returns nothing but garbage.


I was listening to a podcast lately... Nintendo voice chat or cool games Inc or something... And they mentioned an internal style guide for Pokémon that had recently leaked, going over rules Nintendo / TPC employees had to follow when discussing the series in a public manner. Anybody know what I'm talking about? Google was no help at all - typing "Pokémon" and "leak" into any search bar before a new generation always returns nothing but garbage.

You sure it wasn't about the Lumiose Style levels? Because I haven't heard of anything remotely like that, what podcast was this?


I was listening to a podcast lately... Nintendo voice chat or cool games Inc or something... And they mentioned an internal style guide for Pokémon that had recently leaked, going over rules Nintendo / TPC employees had to follow when discussing the series in a public manner. Anybody know what I'm talking about? Google was no help at all - typing "Pokémon" and "leak" into any search bar before a new generation always returns nothing but garbage.

I remember reading about that, but it definitely wasn't anything recent, it was a number of years ago now.
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