Do it! I bred one and battled one of my friends with it and almost swept. What I did was set up a bunch of Cosmic Powers, using Recover when necessary. When you've reached max bulk, you can either stall with Toxic and more Recover or go offensive with Stored Power. It was hilarious! Crits and Taunt ruin it and Drapion/Skuntank and Bisharp laugh at it. Still, it's totally worth it, if only to say a wind chime can be a destructive force of nature.
That sounds amazing! Though for mine, I think I want to run a support set for doubles, inspired by the Lunatone used at Nationals. They have similar stats, the same ability, a similar typing without Rock's drawbacks, and similar movepool. Having access to Icy Wind, Thunderwave, Helping Hand, Gravity, Trick Room, *Heal Pulse*, Wish, Skill Swap, Knock Off, Recover, Healing Wish, Taunt, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Heal Bell, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, and Substitute... I see a LOT of potential there. ^-^
Just checked out my competition results. Will post them after my shift. I'm very happy with them considering my cobbled together team.