Source maybe not sure no watermark
yeah like i said. i already knew reason that you always built your team around a Charizard
it just sounds boring to me like to keep using the same pokemon every time (grated your not as bad as people who always use the same team)
it's just part of the fun of pokemon for me is using new pokemon each play though, and sure i have doubled up every now and again but i tend to keep things fresh each time
Lmao come on you guys, stop joking around, we all know that this is the actual Pokemon game tier list
I always play Pokemon with an eevee as my starter and PokeBank the actual starter.
I actually hope there's a few months delay until Bank works with Sun & Moon.
That period before Bank released in X&Y was glorious. The community was on fire, so many people trading and battling. It was amazing.
That must be interesting, I take it that you evolve Eevee to fit your team or does your team adjust to Eevee?
Hoping someone can answer a question for me since bulbapedia crashes every minute on my tablet...
Had a 3DS, it broke awhile back and I never got it fixed. Played through Y, but have never played through OR/AS. For the life of me, I can't find my Y version (probably got lost in a move). Anyway, I want to get through OR/AS before Sun/Moon come out and I want to know if it is possible to get every mega stone in those versions, or are there only some available in X/Y?
Zinnia's battle/encounter themes are so good though.XY is better than ORAS by virtue of having no Delta episode and therefore no Zinnia
XY is better than ORAS by virtue of having no Delta episode and therefore no Zinnia
Ah, crap. Yeah, I forgot about that. That was the main reason I was asking was for the transfer to sun/moon.if you think about taking those mega stones to sun and moon don't bother. pokebank doesn't let you store a pokemon that is holding a item
other wise yeah you can get them all in ORAS
Zinnia's fine, it's just the way that the fandom treats her as a 100% legit source of information when she's clearly dealing with her own shit that's bad.
Should I rewatch Indigo? I already did Hoenn and Sinnoh.
as long as you're ready for bullshit
Eh...A lot of the Pokemon anime is bullshit. Indigo is more because Misty, but it's a sliding scale.
Should I rewatch Indigo? I already did Hoenn and Sinnoh.
So Gamestop again for America.Volcanion's being distributed in America and Europe through instore codes in October, to tie in with the Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel dub.
Getting the last of the Mythicals out at the last possible moment before the new generation, I guess.
I'm incredibly excited for riding, I also really hope regional variations'll be a thing for other regions in future games....
Now, bring back following pokemon....
Eh...A lot of the Pokemon anime is bullshit. Indigo is more because Misty, but it's a sliding scale.
well more apparent bullshit, like your mon loses because it slept
Yeah I'm so pumped they brought back Riding Pokemon in a cool way!
Man, my hype levels are maximum for SM, this feels like the shakeup the franchise needed.
I recently watched a few of the earlier episode and my god Misty is a horrible character and the fans only lover because of nostalgia.
She belittles Ash, was rude to his Caterpie, insulted him and never said sorry to him at all, tries to steal his captures or make bug him that she should capture them with bullshit reason.
But her most dumbest moment was in the second episode when she send out Goldeen to fight Team Rocket when she had Staryu and Starmie but decided not to use them when Team Rocket was trashing the Pokémon Center because...reason.
She is an awful character and her successor are far superior, except maybe Iris as from what I have heard she was basically a Misty 2.0
Poor Meloetta gets crammed in at the end of a generation again. That event starts a few weeks after Sun/Moon are out so I bet a lot of people are going to forget.Getting the last of the Mythicals out at the last possible moment before the new generation, I guess.
Any list that places any 6th gen game above Diamond/Pearl is garbage.
I actually hope there's a few months delay until Bank works with Sun & Moon.
That period before Bank released in X&Y was glorious. The community was on fire, so many people trading and battling. It was amazing.
There's no point in delaying Bank IMO because people can hack in mons effortlessly now. It's a very different situation from XY.I actually hope there's a few months delay until Bank works with Sun & Moon.
That period before Bank released in X&Y was glorious. The community was on fire, so many people trading and battling. It was amazing.
Delaying bank could potentially have an effect on competitive play among other things.There's no point in delaying Bank IMO because people can hack in mons effortlessly now. It's a very different situation from XY.
I just beat the fairy gym in x. How much longer till I'm done? When do I get to Safari Zone?
There isn't a traditional Safari Zone in XY. If you mean the Friend Safari, you can't go to it until you beat the game.