No I got that.. I tried this morning before work and it didn't evolve. Does stopping it from evolving lower its happiness at all?
When in the morning did you try? I believe day is 8am to 8pm in HGSS.
No I got that.. I tried this morning before work and it didn't evolve. Does stopping it from evolving lower its happiness at all?
how hard is it for people to make 31 iv dittos? I want to get back into battling seriously as well as get mons ready for gen 7, and that's my first big hurdle
Starts to get better after the SS Anne episode, that was the first wave of episodes and most of them either dropped their character or got more comfortable in the role.Oh god, the early voice acting in Indigo League is so fucking bad.
Starts to get better after the SS Anne episode, that was the first wave of episodes and most of them either dropped their character or got more comfortable in the role.
Showdown in Dark City - Ep. 42I was thinking, in between OS and XY, was there ever a mention of Pikachu's love for ketchup?
to get perfect dittos pretty much requires hacking or insane luck, since dittos can't be bred for better ivs
There is a subreddit that gives them out iirc, but if you can't do that your best bet is to just wait until gen 7 when you can Hyper Train a Ditto.Ah fuck![]()
Or just ask me.There is a subreddit that gives them out iirc, but if you can't do that your best bet is to just wait until gen 7 when you can Hyper Train a Ditto.
Showdown in Dark City - Ep. 42
Video (in Spanish) here
Pikachu finds a ketchup bottle at a local restaurant, and finds that he *really* likes ketchup.
Unfortunately, it took an attack from a Scyther later in the episode and was split open.
According to wiki, the next time Pikachu's ketchup affair is referred to is in episode 276 (AG 2), then again in episode 829 (XY 30). There's even a ship name for it (Ketchupshipping, natch). This new ED only confirms the relationship![]()
SERIOUSLYOr just ask me.
Not tonight tho it's really late.
Or just ask me.
Not tonight tho it's really late.
You know I've been wondering
do we have an actual recent image of Satoshi Tajiri? because from what I heard the ones people use online isn't even him
New interview featuring Masanobu Endo (creator of Xevious), Satoshi Tajiri and Ken Sugimori. Unsurprisingly, they are discussing Xevious and how it affected Game Freak. From what I can gather, Xevious is one of the games that left the biggest impact on Tajiri, and had it not been for it, Quinty (and thereby Pokémon) wouldn't exist. From machine translations, there doesn't seem to be many Pokémon-related stuff, but Tajiri interviews are incredibly rare to begin with, so there may be some interesting insight in here.
About 9am to ten before I had to go to work. I talked to the Goldenrod lady and she was like it really loves you something along those linesWhen in the morning did you try? I believe day is 8am to 8pm in HGSS.
About 9am to ten before I had to go to work. I talked to the Goldenrod lady and she was like it really loves you something along those lines
Why do people always choose the fire starter? Fire starters are lame. It seems from game to game they're the most popular, though.
Also apparently there's a lot of hate against Popplio??
I think this is the best looking set of starters since Gen 1.
Blasian Persuasion said:Normal
Snorlax, Kangaskhan, Smeargle, Chansey, Miltank, and Pidgeot
Looks like Gaf prefers pure Normal types with a lot of bulk.
Half are pure Electric types, but given that Electric has hardly any dual types with most of them coming from Rotom forms, it's understandable. The Mega Pokemon of choice was Mega Ampharos with its unique Electric/Dragon Typing. The odd choice here is Lanturn. It has a unique type, but I found its movepool lacking and the moveset is quite an odd one with no STAB moves at all for the little fish. Gaf's Electric team is highly offense based with powerful special attacks. Thundurus and Mega Ampharos are the two on this team to look out for.
Interesting choices this time. No pure Types at all this time around making for a versatile team. In Blaze Black 2 I fought a trainer with a Ferrothorn with Iron Barbs and a Rocky Helmet... Fuck that Pokemon!
Lanturn, Jellicent, Seaking, Azumarill, Primal Kyogre, and Clawitzer
Arcanine, Torkoal, Talonflame, Darmanitan, Ninetails, Infernape
Disappointed no one picked Volcarona, but there's hope for it when we get to Bug. I do like Torkoal, Talonflame, and Ninetails a lot, so there's that.
Weavile, Krookodile, Liepard, Mega Sableye, Murkrow, and Scrafty
Shedinja, Scolipede, Ledian, Leavanny, Galvantula, and Volcarona
Tropius, Jumpluff, Emolga, Drifblim, Archeops, and Staraptor
Cuz Fire is pretty Awesome, especially when your a kid lol.
However later Gens Iv passed on Fire.
My Starters have been:
Gen I
Gen II
Gen IV
Gen V
Gen VI
I'm super undecided def depends on what their final forms are. This may be the first time I go grass.
It's usually because Fire is a rare type due to the limited number of them and they're rarely at the beginning of the game. For example:Why do people always choose the fire starter? Fire starters are lame. It seems from game to game they're the most popular, though.
I mainly chose fire types for the longest time because people would always mention (when I was younger and the games first came out) that fire types were "hard mode" and therefore dangerous.
Going through the original series was a mistake. Too deep to stop now! Good thing I can just let it play on Netflix.
Also, I've had it with the Poke Rap!
It's usually because Fire is a rare type due to the limited number of them and they're rarely at the beginning of the game. For example:
Gen 1: Oddish/Bellsprout around Cerulean, Growlithe/Vulpix around Celadon, Magikarp around Cerulean (Poliwag around Cerulean in Japanese Blue)
Gen 2: Bellsprout around Violet, Growlithe/Vulpix around Ecruteak, Tentacool/Magikarp/Qwilfish around Azalea
Gen 3: Shroomish around Rustboro, Numel/Slugma/Torkoal around Lavaridge, Wingull around Rustboro
That, and Charizard was deemed the coolest starter by a lot of kids back in the 90s so people still have type loyalty to it.
Mienshao is 100% the best fighting Pokemon. I'm mad as hell it's not in Pokken.
Mienshao is always on my team when I battle randos online