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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"


I guess I don't get why this would make it broken... X_X

Can Glaceon get Freeze Dry please? I swear, Umbreon, Sylveon, and Vaporeon are the only eevolutions who have even remotely what any would consider a "movepool" rather than a "movepuddle".

Whimsicott has prankster, which makes non damaging moves have priority.

Spore puts opponents to sleep and has 100% accuracy.


I use Mega Khan for my def damage calculations, what is a good SpA equivalent for damage checks? Primal Kyogre?


no legal way to get it right? or did that change

Its legal, I'm pretty sure. It was event based but its spread all over at this point. Serperior has a coverage (and being grass) problem, but he's otherwise right up there with Blaziken when it has Contrary.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yup, Gary deserved to win that match against Ash. He seems to have come around a lot. He made Ash look like the arrogant big head this time. He also doesn't feel the need to have his cheerleaders around him all the time, which I realized as I'm typing this that that's really hilarious.

the point of his character in OS was that he was a blowhard who "shows more" but is actually shallow


Bad coverage

/as I speak, Alolan Serperior Grass/Dragon with Leaf Storm, Draco Meteor, and idk, who needs coverage anyways comes into being

I know. But I think that he was given such a powerful Ability specifically because he is a mono-Grass with one STAB and terrible coverage in general in both his movepool and typing (and, yes, I generally think GF tries to add balanced options but sometimes fuck up royally).

He's still absolutely terrifying if he sets up a single Leaf Storm, or if he has a Wide Guard/Helping Hand assistant.


I started Omega Ruby last night. Played for 4 hours. Only got 1 gym badge. Over an hour was spent just seeing what Wonder Trade could get me lol

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Are you talking about Gary or Ash?... lol


OS Ash despite his dunceness, learns about caring pokemon, faces the trials himself, etc. The diglett episode should show why.

then again OS and consistency tend to be two different things

OS Ash despite his dunceness, learns about caring pokemon, faces the trials himself, etc. The diglett episode should show why.

then again OS and consistency tend to be two different things

That was sort of a joke question, but yeah, I get what Gary is supposed to be. Though it seems like he's developing into less of a jerk.
Some leak stuff. Please take with a grain of salt as usual, but this particular leak was interesting enough to discuss.

So there's apparently leak that covers the names and types of every new pokemon that totals to 104 new pokemon from Alola which should put it between Gen IV and Gen II but this also does not include the Alola Forms which are rather close to being new pokemon and as a result should offer fresh sites for the game. Also Litten's Final Evolution is called Beltigre. God Damn, is that the best starter name?


Spore would be too broken for Whimsicott, plus it's a mushroom only move.
Sleep Powder is a good balance.

Give Meowstic-M Taunt too, would make him considerably more viable as a Prankster that isn't just there for Screens and Fake Out.
Some leak stuff. Please take with a grain of salt as usual, but this particular leak was interesting enough to discuss.

So there's apparently leak that covers the names and types of every new pokemon that totals to 104 new pokemon from Alola which should put it between Gen IV and Gen II but this also does not include the Alola Forms which are rather close to being new pokemon and as a result should offer fresh sites for the game.
For reference, here's a link to the leak I believe this guy's referring to: http://i.imgur.com/yfbFPkd.png
For reference, here's a link to the leak I believe this guy's referring to: http://i.imgur.com/yfbFPkd.png
At least with entire list leaks we'll know it's incorrect the second something not on it shows up. The worst case would be something matching a description and typing but not having the same name, then you'd have arguments for months about it being something that changed in development.

There's nothing outlandish on here after Exeggutor A so why not, I'll keep it in mind.


Again, you're making poor Jumpluff completely useless. As if people didn't forget about it thanks to Whimsicott already...

Jumpluff doesn't get insta-gibbed by a single poison attack (then again he gets gibbed by anything ice (well actually both of them get gibbed by everything)).

Dunno, I feel like they fill different roles.


Ha, just realized that Jumpluff has a lower total than Whimsicott.
It has less Defense, but its HP and Special Defense are much higher.
this.... feels real to me...

guess we'll find out soon!
At worst it's a great fake list that takes all the "real" leaks into account for authenticity.

For example, Delfin would be the Dolfin, Cumbersum would be the sea cucumber, Snohom's the snowman, and Darline would be the every-type kitty.

While I'm on #TeamFake since it was just randomly posted on 4chan with no context AFAIK, I still have to admire the amount of effort that went into this one.


Ha, just realized that Jumpluff has a lower total than Whimsicott.
It has less Defense, but its HP and Special Defense are much higher.

If Jumpluff had another 10 in Speed I think it'd be much closer to par with Whimsicott. But the lack of Prankster AND being slower make it a hard sell.

Then again Jumpluff has Chlorophyll so on Sun teams it'd likely outspeed everything anyway. And has access to the Stun/Sleep Spore which Whimsicott does not and, after doing some looking, probably should not.
On Johto episode 2. Had to stop mid-episode to post this. Oh my god if Ash loses this match against this new trainer baseball chick then goddang. He's acting so sure about winning "I won't even need 3 of my pokemon!" that it makes me think they're gonna turn it around on him and make him lose. But no way he can lose to this newbie pokemon trainer right? He's not reset in Johto like I remember him being in some other generations, or at least I think he's not... It will be so shameful for Ash if he loses to her right now.

Edit: Oh my god I had to stop again. She brought out Pidgey and Ash started going on about "I remember how I caught my first pidgey" yadayadayada like nigga go back to pallet town and get your Pidgeot that's still there waiting for you.

Then he brings out Charizard against a new trainer's Pidgey? SMH. If I were Charizard I would turn around, learn to use Fire Blast, use it on Ash and lay down.

Edit: Well at least they didn't reset him yet.

Edit: All the baseball banter in this episode is amazing lol.
On Johto episode 2. Had to stop mid-episode to post this. Oh my god if Ash loses this match against this new trainer baseball chick then goddang. He's acting so sure about winning "I won't even need 3 of my pokemon!" that it makes me think they're gonna turn it around on him and make him lose. But no way he can lose to this newbie pokemon trainer right? He's not reset in Johto like I remember him being in some other generations, or at least I think he's not... It will be so shameful for Ash if he loses to her right now.

Edit: Oh my god I had to stop again. She brought out Pidgey and Ash started going on about "I remember how I caught my first pidgey" yadayadayada like nigga go back to pallet town and get your Pidgeot that's still there waiting for you.

Then he brings out Charizard against a new trainer's Pidgey? SMH. If I were Charizard I would turn around, learn to use Fire Blast, use it on Ash and lay down.

Edit: Well at least they didn't reset him yet.

Edit: All the baseball banter in this episode is amazing lol.
It pisses me off how that all plays out next
Holy crap.

So I started ORAS just to try it out and, I couldn't put it down before going to bed. It's so much more fun than X. Area Nav and Poke Nav are genius features. Going into a new area to be greeted with flying Pokemon only to tell you can catch those Pokemon and need to find them on your Poke Nav? That is crack for Cindi. I currently have three Zigzagoons. I have nicknamed every Pokemon I've caught via sneaking up on them with the aid of the Poke Nav. Giving these Pokemon higher levels and unique skills is amazing. It truly feels like your own special mon and I've nicknamed every one because of it. I can't stop catching Pokemon and these features just enhance everything for me. If you've read my posts you know that I'm more of a catcher than a battler. Right now I'm so addicted to catching. I've not felt like this since the original. Even X didn't give me that spark. Oh, and telling you when you've caught every Pokemon in an area? Priceless. Recording every area and letting you review what Pokemon are in specific areas and allowing you chart your progress? Even more priceless.

Also, things feel more open ended. I could go to two different cities now via two different routes and I'm not sure which to head for.

I finished Team Flare's base tonight in X and I just popped in ORAS for a bit just to get a taste and I want X to be over with already so I can move on to Sapphire! I've caught at least 13 Pokemon now and I'm barely out of the second town. I don't know what team to make already because so many choices and unique skills!

If Sun Moon doesn't have Poke Nav and Area Nav I say we riot. These features are amazing.

I am having so much fun with Sapphire. Please end X!


Jumpluff doesn't get insta-gibbed by a single poison attack (then again he gets gibbed by anything ice (well actually both of them get gibbed by everything)).

Dunno, I feel like they fill different roles.

They fill different roles because Whimsicott completely outclasses Jumpluff as a support Pokemon. Sleep Powder means very little in the face of Prankster.

Acrobatics Jumpluff is fun though.
Huge Pokemon Giveaway!

So I'm going to be doing a bunch of breeding over the next week, before I switch to playing No Man's Sky. With Gen VII coming up, I want to have a bunch of Pokemon ready to breed since I assume we will only be able to use Pokemon with the + sign online. However, as long as the Destiny Knot + Everstone combo works again, I should be able to get 5 IV Pokemon pretty quickly.

The following are Pokemon I have bred / will be breeding. Those are the IV's natures and abilities I will be going for so I will be producing a lot of breeding rejects for these Pokemon. If you have a preference for male or female let me know and if you don't care about 5 IV's and just want egg moves and hidden abilities I can probably hook you up right away. If you want 5IV's it might take a bit longer. All of them are bred in Omega Ruby from the North America region. Also, I have a ton of BP to spare so if you want any items from the Battle Maison attached feel free to request them.

Without further ado, the available Pokemon:
Pokemon | Ability | Ball | Nature | IV's: HP/Atk/Def/Sp.A/Sp.D/Spd | Egg Moves
Charmander | Blaze | Luxury Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Dragon Dance
Slowpoke | Regenerator | Heal Ball | Relaxed | 31/x/31/31/31/0 | ---
Kangaskhan | Scrappy | Dusk Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Scyther | Technician | Poke Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Magikarp | Swift Swim | Great Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Dratini | Marvel Scale | Poke Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Extreme Speed, Aqua Jet
Mareep | Static | Heal Ball | Quiet | 31/x/31/31/31/0 | ---
Murkrow | Prankster | Heal Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Brave Bird
Sneasal | Inner Focus / Keen Eye | Repeat Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Ice Punch, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash
Houndour | Flash Fire | Luxury Ball | Timid | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | ---
Absol | Justiified | Premier Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Play Rough
Snivy | Contrary | Poke Ball | Timid | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | ---
Ferroseed | Iron Barbs | Nest Ball | Relaxed | 31/31/31/x/31/0 | ---
Litwick | Flash Fire | Luxury Ball | Quiet | 31/x/31/31/31/0 | ---
Pawniard | Defiant | Great Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Froakie | Protean | Luxury Ball | Timid | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | ---
Fletchling | Gale Wings | Repeat Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Hawlucha | Limber | Ultra Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---

If you are just a starting trainer, I don't request anything in return since I would be giving these breeding rejects away on Wonder Trade anyway, but I would rather share with the PokeGAF community.

Note: I probably won't be able to trade today, but send me a PM with your request and friend code, and I will have your Pokemon ready by the end of week.


Huge Pokemon Giveaway!

So I'm going to be doing a bunch of breeding over the next week, before I switch to playing No Man's Sky. With Gen VII coming up, I want to have a bunch of Pokemon ready to breed since I assume we will only be able to use Pokemon with the + sign online. However, as long as the Destiny Knot + Everstone combo works again, I should be able to get 5 IV Pokemon pretty quickly.

The following are Pokemon I have bred / will be breeding. Those are the IV's natures and abilities I will be going for so I will be producing a lot of breeding rejects for these Pokemon. If you have a preference for male or female let me know and if you don't care about 5 IV's and just want egg moves and hidden abilities I can probably hook you up right away. If you want 5IV's it might take a bit longer. All of them are bred in Omega Ruby from the North America region. Also, I have a ton of BP to spare so if you want any items from the Battle Maison attached feel free to request them.

Without further ado, the available Pokemon:
Pokemon | Ability | Ball | Nature | IV's: HP/Atk/Def/Sp.A/Sp.D/Spd | Egg Moves
Charmander | Blaze | Luxury Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Dragon Dance
Slowpoke | Regenerator | Heal Ball | Relaxed | 31/x/31/31/31/0 | ---
Kangaskhan | Scrappy | Dusk Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Scyther | Technician | Poke Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Magikarp | Swift Swim | Great Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Dratini | Marvel Scale | Poke Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Extreme Speed, Aqua Jet
Mareep | Static | Heal Ball | Quiet | 31/x/31/31/31/0 | ---
Murkrow | Prankster | Heal Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Brave Bird
Sneasal | Inner Focus / Keen Eye | Repeat Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Ice Punch, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash
Houndour | Flash Fire | Luxury Ball | Timid | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | ---
Absol | Justiified | Premier Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Play Rough
Snivy | Contrary | Poke Ball | Timid | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | ---
Ferroseed | Iron Barbs | Nest Ball | Relaxed | 31/31/31/x/31/0 | ---
Litwick | Flash Fire | Luxury Ball | Quiet | 31/x/31/31/31/0 | ---
Pawniard | Defiant | Great Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Froakie | Protean | Luxury Ball | Timid | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | ---
Fletchling | Gale Wings | Repeat Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Hawlucha | Limber | Ultra Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---

If you are just a starting trainer, I don't request anything in return since I would be giving these breeding rejects away on Wonder Trade anyway, but I would rather share with the PokeGAF community.

Note: I probably won't be able to trade today, but send me a PM with your request and friend code, and I will have your Pokemon ready by the end of week.

PM'd! I love me some breedjects !
What did people think of Pokemon XD? I enjoyed Colosseum, but never played XD for whatever reason.
It's fun and definitely harder than Colosseum while also having better QoL features. It's a bit annoying to get good natures on a few Pokemon that are still viable to this day due to the special moves, but if you're just playing through for the hell of it it's quite good.

Also the only game to give you an Eevee starter and let you choose what it evolves into in the first town.
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