The biggest problem with Black/White was the animation.
It was absolute garbage, with so much recycled footage, which led into poor pacing for some episodes.
The biggest problem with Black/White was the animation.
It was absolute garbage, with so much recycled footage, which led into poor pacing for some episodes.
Misty is shit too
If you can read the glorious Nihongo, then Japanese blogs.Is there any good resources for learning Doubles meta? I want to finally try to get into the online stuff when Sun/Moon come out.
Is there any good resources for learning Doubles meta? I want to finally try to get into the online stuff when Sun/Moon come out.
Is there any good resources for learning Doubles meta? I want to finally try to get into the online stuff when Sun/Moon come out.
Play with us losers!
Helping Hand Umbreon all day long.
I still want to do a vgc '15 ORAS tournament before sun and moon come out, but last time I suggested it I got an incredibly lackluster response
I mean I only just got into team building and building a team, so... I have no idea what I am doing (see: Helping Hand Umbreon). I'd gladly partake if I could ever get a stable 3DS connection for longer than like 30 minutes, lol.
My idea included utilizing my absurd amount of free time to help breed pokemon for people newer to competitive pokemon, and I really wanted people to be asking for help and discussing how stuff worked to encourage people to get interested. Alas, the number of replies I got about the tournament the last time I tried could be counted on one hand
So how does one know if you're signed up for the Trainer Club newsletter? Because I was sure I signed up for the ORAS demo back then and got the code, but somehow I missed the Darkrai and Bird trio giveaways because I didn't get the newsletters.
If you can read the glorious Nihongo, then Japanese blogs.
Otherwise... Wherever you can find VGC '15 stuff in English. Nuggetbridge maybe? But it can be tricky due to the current format being VGC '16, which really shouldn't be used as a reference for learning doubles if you're not gonna go deep into it until gen 7.
Smogon has sections in their analysis dex for different formats, including doubles and different vgc formats. It's not perfect, but it's a good way to build familiarity with the format before diving into battle spot to learn from practice
Nugget bridge is also a good resource for vgc, but I find it can sometimes be annoying to find the type of info I want since they have a blog style.
Finally, keep in mind that each generation tends to have a dramatically different meta game due to the newer pokemon, moves, and abilities, all of which can change things up dramatically. Some core concepts of the format will likely remain (Protect or an equivalent move will probably always be a doubles staple that you want on almost everything for instance)
Play with us losers!
Helping Hand Umbreon all day long.
Huge Pokemon Giveaway!
So I'm going to be doing a bunch of breeding over the next week, before I switch to playing No Man's Sky. With Gen VII coming up, I want to have a bunch of Pokemon ready to breed since I assume we will only be able to use Pokemon with the + sign online. However, as long as the Destiny Knot + Everstone combo works again, I should be able to get 5 IV Pokemon pretty quickly.
The following are Pokemon I have bred / will be breeding. Those are the IV's natures and abilities I will be going for so I will be producing a lot of breeding rejects for these Pokemon. If you have a preference for male or female let me know and if you don't care about 5 IV's and just want egg moves and hidden abilities I can probably hook you up right away. If you want 5IV's it might take a bit longer. All of them are bred in Omega Ruby from the North America region. Also, I have a ton of BP to spare so if you want any items from the Battle Maison attached feel free to request them.
Without further ado, the available Pokemon:
Pokemon | Ability | Ball | Nature | IV's: HP/Atk/Def/Sp.A/Sp.D/Spd | Egg Moves
Charmander | Blaze | Luxury Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Dragon Dance
Slowpoke | Regenerator | Heal Ball | Relaxed | 31/x/31/31/31/0 | ---
Kangaskhan | Scrappy | Dusk Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Scyther | Technician | Poke Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Magikarp | Swift Swim | Great Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Dratini | Marvel Scale | Poke Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Extreme Speed, Aqua Jet
Mareep | Static | Heal Ball | Quiet | 31/x/31/31/31/0 | ---
Murkrow | Prankster | Heal Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Brave Bird
Sneasal | Inner Focus / Keen Eye | Repeat Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Ice Punch, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash
Houndour | Flash Fire | Luxury Ball | Timid | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | ---
Absol | Justiified | Premier Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Play Rough
Snivy | Contrary | Poke Ball | Timid | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | ---
Ferroseed | Iron Barbs | Nest Ball | Relaxed | 31/31/31/x/31/0 | ---
Litwick | Flash Fire | Luxury Ball | Quiet | 31/x/31/31/31/0 | ---
Pawniard | Defiant | Great Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Froakie | Protean | Luxury Ball | Timid | 31/x/31/31/31/31 | ---
Fletchling | Gale Wings | Repeat Ball | Adamant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
Hawlucha | Limber | Ultra Ball | Jolly | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | ---
If you are just a starting trainer, I don't request anything in return since I would be giving these breeding rejects away on Wonder Trade anyway, but I would rather share with the PokeGAF community.
Note: I probably won't be able to trade today, but send me a PM with your request and friend code, and I will have your Pokemon ready by the end of week.
Ive been signed up for ages and only got them from dec - now
Did you have the Poke Walker too?still shocked my heart gold sold in 15 minutes xD
Did you have the Poke Walker too?
After using Scizor and leveling up Empoleon I really hope they are playable in Pokken. And hope we get news on them soon.
Yeah I want to give him a spin as well. Here's hoping we hear some news soon on his release as well.Im hype for darkrai and I'd love those two as well
Get rid of Greninja.
Get rid of Greninja.
Lose Charizard.
But Mew sucks.
Can you guys be serious?![]()
I was serious when I said to lose zard, but I just don't like zard.
What is this team for anyway
Pokemon leage and victory road!
Drop Emolga or Zard then, but the league is pretty easy so you can just walk in with anything and stomp
Mew is level 100. I got from the legendary giveaway. He only knows pound. How will he get new moves? Isn't 100 the cap?
Mew can learn every single TM, HM, and Tutor move. You can make it fit into your team in any way you want.Mew is level 100. I got from the legendary giveaway. He only knows pound. How will he get new moves? Isn't 100 the cap?
Yes, Bank is the safest.Hi everyone!
In the last few months after getting Pokemon X, I've been replaying the classics and transferring my pokemon up to X.
I've gotten now almost 300! Wooo!
Question and concern however, I have all these Pokemon in my Pokemon X game, and I want to make sure I ... dont lose them to possible corruption?
I have the download version of X, and tried to use the 3DS back up tool to back up my save but it wont allow it.
What options do i have to protect all my progress and not lose any of my pokemon? Is the safest way just to keep them in my pokebank?