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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"


No, on Umbreon. I don't think Joleton would be able to do much with it.

Ahh. That's not a terrible idea, though I was thinking of Baby Doll Eyes, lol.

That said, I need a good coverage pokemon for Fire/Flying/Bug/etc that are super common (particularly the former two), and I was leaning towards my old Gen 2 favorite of Tyranitar. It also helps fill in my team's lack of (a.) weather control and (b.) physical bulk. Does that sound decent?

Also gives me access, potentially, to the mega. Though it seems his best physical set is the Dragon Dance set?

Core is currently:

Rotating chairs (eevees replace eevees):

Also still looking for a decent suicide lead option but I have like no real... grasp? on what makes a good suicide lead aside from, say, Infernape or Staraptor.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I wonder how those who are behind the Pokemon anime determine what Pokemon Ash should have.

I guess popularity and what "works" with his style.

Then again they gave him a fucking Roggenrolla and only stopped to Boldore because apparently Gigalith is hard to do.

Seriously, why are the leaks for Sun/Moon ten times more prevalent than they were for previous games?

seems like working with a Chinese third party is bound to have leaks.
You're talking about doubles, right? I'm not sure how this transfers over, but a suicide lead is something like Azelf in DPPt or Deoxys-D/S or Terrakion in B2W2.

Azelf was something like: Stealth Rock/2 attacks/Explosion with a focus sash

Deoxys-D/S were meant to just get as many hazards as they possibly could down before dying

Terrakion was similar with rocks and being fast, had a focus sash

Suicide leads are often meant to set up stuff hurt as much as they can, and not matter too much if KO'd early, as long as they got what was needed done. They don't have to suicide (lead Terrakion was often an SD set too, or something similar, due to added utility). Main way they are nullified is if they get KO'd earlier than they could achieve their goal, or if they are prevented from their goal until late game when it's more useless

I think I miss dedicated leads most because of the utility of anti-meta leads like Machamp (Dynamic Punch + Bullet Punch + Payback was a killer combo on so many leads). Lead metagame isn't as big anymore D:


You're talking about doubles, right? I'm not sure how this transfers over, but a suicide lead is something like Azelf in DPPt or Deoxys-D/S or Terrakion in B2W2.

Ya that's kind of what I pictured them as but my knowledge so far has come from piecing together understanding from watching, say for example, Cybertron play and seeing how he uses Staraptor and Infernape who, for the most part, he uses as suicide leads with different roles. Raptor brings in Intimidate and Final Gambit (on top of packing a heck of a punch with Brave Bird), while Infernape is "soft" but also can cover a wide range of options with Fake Out, Feint, Close Combat, and Overheat. Both serving to clear the way for his general backline/threats.

In doubles, also, a lot of what you listed doesn't seem nearly as viable since as I've come to picture it for myself: setting up is a turn not spent blowing shit up or protecting to avoid getting your own shit blown up.

My difficulties in figuring out a good "fit" in this category may also just come down to playstyle. For me, a lead is Milotic who doesn't suicide but instead like to stick around and control the field....

I liked to play as Blue when I played MTG. X_X
Ya that's kind of what I pictured them as but my knowledge so far has come from piecing together understanding from watching, say for example, Cybertron play and seeing how he uses Staraptor and Infernape who, for the most part, he uses as suicide leads with different roles. Raptor brings in Intimidate and Final Gambit (on top of packing a heck of a punch with Brave Bird), while Infernape is "soft" but also can cover a wide range of options with Fake Out, Feint, Close Combat, and Overheat. Both serving to clear the way for his general backline/threats.

In doubles, also, a lot of what you listed doesn't seem nearly as viable since as I've come to picture it for myself: setting up is a turn not spent blowing shit up or protecting to avoid getting your own shit blown up.

My difficulties in figuring out a good "fit" in this category may also just come down to playstyle. For me, a lead is Milotic who doesn't suicide but instead like to stick around and control the field....

I liked to play as Blue when I played MTG. X_X

Idk if this is a thing, but maybe something with Fake Out/Protect, Focus Sash, designed to set up trick room quickly and nuke

Staraptor example is probably a good suicide lead.

Although, tbh, the examples I gave for Gen 5 are REALLY specific too. Dedicated leads in singles mostly died in gen 5, asides from surges with Deoxys-S in BW and Deoxys-D is weatherless hyper offense (I really miss the Deoxys-D era tbh).

Froslass is a pretty good example across gens too.

Btw, does anyone here have much experience with Little Cup? Have always been really interested in playing it, but the weird way EVs seemed to work at Level 5 always confused me.


I guess learned that stat doubling/increasing items or abilities work off of their actual stats and not their base stats.

Marowak has some frightening attack, lol, if only it didn't cost his item slot (or if he had a movepool).

Froslass is a pretty good example across gens too.

Ooh this is actually a neat idea for my team! She also has similar pinnings to Infernape: fast, frailish, common weaknesses, and good offensive typing.
I guess learned that stat doubling/increasing items or abilities work off of their actual stats and not their base stats.

Marowak has some frightening attack, lol, if only it didn't cost his item slot (or if he had a movepool).

Ooh this is actually a neat idea for my team! She also has similar pinnings to Infernape: fast, frailish, common weaknesses, and good offensive typing.

Marowak had such a high attack that iirc in gen 2, you had to purposefully not invest fully into attack EVs because otherwise it would pull a reverse Ghandi after a Swords Dance and go past 1000 to a pitiful <100 attack stat.

And of course no non-SD stat because welcome to GSC, hope you enjoy 100 turn battles


Really liking Froslass or, specifically, what I see from it. Feels like a great suicide option and gels decently with Milotic or Serperior.

Marowak had such a high attack that iirc in gen 2, you had to purposefully not invest fully into attack EVs because otherwise it would pull a reverse Ghandi after a Swords Dance and go past 1000 to a pitiful <100 attack stat.

And of course no non-SD stat because welcome to GSC, hope you enjoy 100 turn battles

Marowak is one of my old favorites and I always thought he was great with his attack... and then I learned what actual competitive battling is like and, well, haha. One Knock Off and he's neutered and his movepool is bad. But he does have the great Lightning Rod ability.

I wonder if A.Marowak will be a good version since it will still keep the coveted Lightning Rod, but if he's still "item locked" he'll never be super-useful, and that Dark weakness to Knock Off is just going to SUCK.
I guess learned that stat doubling/increasing items or abilities work off of their actual stats and not their base stats.

Marowak has some frightening attack, lol, if only it didn't cost his item slot (or if he had a movepool).

This is why you Baton Pass speed boosts onto it

fuck Gen 3 for that btw


I completed my Johto living Pokédex yesterday! With Kanto, that's two regions down. Hoenn and Unova are both virtually completed, but Sinnoh and especially Kalos are spotty messes. I expect to have Hoenn finished by the end of the week and I'm waiting for the anniversary giveaways to finish off Unova. Sinnoh and Kalos are going to take some real work though.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh god that was the most hype inducing battles in Pokemon anime, holy shit. Hawlucha's Vegeta moment and revenge, Pikachu owning pseudos, that aerial combat, holy fucking shit.

RIP Noivern though, why you job ;_;

next week preview


Man it looks all kinds of wrong to me that Ash isn't the one with a Charizard. :(

Alright thanks! I'm only at Episode 4 of the current season.


Whats everyone main go to team in pokemon so far?

I started getting back into it. I think I found a main team to use that would consist of:


then im thinking of a general team just of my favs
where i have

Ampharos/or any of my favs.
pretty much


Whats everyone main go to team in pokemon so far?

I started getting back into it. I think I found a main team to use that would consist of:


then im thinking of a general team just of my favs
where i have

Ampharos/or any of my favs.

I did a play thru using ash current team in the anime
Even gave them all their current anime movesets. It was fun.

My current team for the battle chateau and restaurants is
Greninja using a competitive moveset
And Talonflame using a competitive moveset
Pikachu is the John Cena of the Pokémon world.


He should weaken but loss to Metagross after beating Tyranitar.

Pretty Solid episode. I wish they booked Niovern stronger though.
Pikachu is the John Cena of the Pokémon world.


He should weaken but loss to Metagross after beating Tyranitar.

Pretty Solid episode. I wish they booked Niovern stronger though.

When was the last time Noivern won a fight?
Love the guy but it lost so much it seems. :(


Pikachu always brings pulls out the stops for league appearances. Never to be outdone by whatever the new hotness is in the current region, Pikachu will punch above its weight and remind everyone why it sticks around. Did you all forget about the time it tied with a Latios?

EDIT: I have to admit, taking out a Tyranitar with barely a scratch is a hell of a push.


Electric Terrain will be more notable this gen with Tapu Koko and Surge Surfer.
More reason why Sleep Powder Whimsicott would be balanced.
Oh wow, this is actually really stupid.


Due to limited venue capacity and overwhelming demand, the 2016 Pokémon World Championships will be closed to the general public in the interest of providing the best possible event experience to our qualified players and their families. While the event has been open to the public in years past, only invited players and their families will be permitted to enter the venue this year, and everyone must have an official event badge.

Why leave an announcement like that so late?
So why do they have space problems in Worlds today unlike last time?
Among other things, everybody and their mom was invited for VGC because the CP bar turned out to be too low.

They book venues for these things waaaay in advance so they likely expected to have way fewer invitees than they ended up with.
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