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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"

If this is unmodded BW2, Sandslash with Rock Tomb from the TM. Keep Swift around just in case she spams Double Team with Emolga.

If BW, Sandile I guess? Something physically tanky with ground or rock moves?

This is Blaze Black 2.

My current team is Magneton, Charmeleon, Lucario, Dwebble, Sandslash, and Hitmonchan.

I switched out my Hypno and Butterfree for the rock and ground types.

They're all level 31 with Dwebble being 32. I have a quick claw on Dwebble and a Sitrus Berry on Lucario.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe


Ash is getting crucified for losing league by both fans and the show.

Maybe you shouldn't have been Jesus in the second movie and probably a few others, Ash.


So does anybody know the reason why they've finally been making a concerted effort to have a "serious" plot with XY&Z?

Maybe because they already planned to do that in BW but failed. I guess they still wanted to execute the concept once, after their previous attempt was canned.


Getting back into X. Got all the gym badges so I can actually use the legendaries being distributed.

I am trying to get the other starters, but holy crap. It's nearly impossible to get them on GTS because everyone is trying to get legendaries for them. Sure ill give you a lvl 100 Mew for.your level 1 Chespin! NOT.

Anyone up for a reasonable trade? I've got either a Froakie or Fennekin if you're in the same boat. Quote for friend code.
This is Blaze Black 2.

My current team is Magneton, Charmeleon, Lucario, Dwebble, Sandslash, and Hitmonchan.

I switched out my Hypno and Butterfree for the rock and ground types.

They're all level 31 with Dwebble being 32. I have a quick claw on Dwebble and a Sitrus Berry on Lucario.

I'm assuming Magneton has thunder wave here, which sounds right because Magneton should probably have a moveset of:

Electric move/Steel move/Thunder Wave/Supersonic or Metal Sound

Haven't played this, but looking at her team:

1) Magneton hard walls both Emolga and Ampharos, and does decent damage to Emolga and Lanturn
2) Sandslash has the least to fear from Ampharos and Zebstrika
3) Dwebble evolves at level 34, which should help a BUNCH.

Sandslash will probably need the Sitrus Berry for this fight

What makes this difficult is every pokemon having U-turn or volt switch. I'd probably say lead with Hitmonchan and try to absorb the Flying Gem Acrobatics with Magneton (not sure if it leads with Light Screen first though). That lets your Sandslash come in on it much easier (not free though).

I'd guess the AI either uses light screen or u-turns to Electabuzz, which seems to hit hard all around. The only pokemon it doesn't have SE coverage on are Dwebble (let's say crustle) and Charmeleon. Regardless, because it's using U-turn, stay in with Magneton and use Thunder Wave.

Electabuzz is paralyzed, throw Charmeleon in there, use a random move so that when he brings in Lanturn, it loses its air balloon, then use Lucario and Bone Rush to KO.

If Bone Rush can't KO it at this point, bring in Hitmonchan instead. Because it should (?) be faster than Lanturn, Elsa will probably switch instead of using volt switch, and bring in Emolga, so switch to Crustle against Acrobatics, hit incoming Ampharos with something, then bring in Sandslash against the Power Gem. Here, use Rock Tomb with Sandslash, it will either KO Emolga (?) or slow Lanturn so that it can be KOd by a ground type move.

If it doesn't KO Emolga, and Rock Tomb doesn't slow it down enough, switch to Magneton. She switches to Electabuzz, you use supersonic/metal sound, you switch to Hitmonchan. Either she switches to Emolga, in which case hit it with your best move for neutral damage, or she stays in and you deal as much damage to Electabuzz before it KOs Hitmonchan with Psychic.

If against Emolga, bring in Crustle, and attack incoming Ampharos, then switch to Sandslash and use Rock Tomb to KO Emolga. She probably switches in Lanturn at this point, sack Crustle here, bring in Lucario, use Bone Rush and KO the 2nd time you use the move. She probably brings in Zebstrika, so switch in Sandslash against overheat, using up the white herb, KO or do a bunch of damage to Zebstrika with ground type moves. If she stays in with Zebstrika and Sandslash gets badly weakened, then use Sandslash to KO Electabuzz if it's brought in. If Ampharos is brought it, use Magneton, so that she brings in Electabuzz, and either KO Electabuzz (free win) or get KOd (bring in Sandslash, KO Electabuzz and damage Ampharos so that Lucario can finish)

If she switches at some point to reset Overheat drops, Sandslash should 2HKO everything, and all of the ;ast pokemon would be KOd on the 2nd turn because Sandslash outspeeds (probably). Using Lucario and Magneton to absorb overheats, just continue to bring Sandslash in against weakened Zebstrika and KO remaining pokemon.

If against Electabuzz after it KOd Hitmonchan, bring in Sandslash and use Rock Tomb against incoming Emolga to KO. Sandslash can deal with the remaining pokemon. Use Magneton to KO or weaken Electabuzz, so Sandslash doesn't have to worry about healthy Electabuzz surviving it. Bait Overheats with Magneton/Lucario again.

Going WAAAY back, if Bone Rush CAN KO Lanturn, bring in Lucario and Bone Rush to KO. She'll probably bring in Emolga, attack the turn you switch to Magneton, then switch to Zebstrika or Electabuzz.

Make Magneton use thunder wave, if Zebstrika gets paralyzed, EITHER:

If Crustle doesn't have Stealth Rocks, use Crustle to absorb 1st Overheat, possibly 2nd, basically sacking it while using Rock Slide to safely bring in Sandslash, so that Sandslash can Rock Tomb Emolga on the switch in. If Rock Tomb doesn't KO it or drop it's speed low enough for Sandslash to KO, do a Magneton to Electabuzz switch cycle, bring in Hitmonchan, and either hit Emolga with a strong neutral move to help KO before repeating cycle until Hitmonchan gets KO'd by Electabuzz, or stay in and damage Electabuzz until Hitmonchan is KO'd by it. Either way, bring in Sandslash again, 2nd Rock Tomb should KO here (if not...., repeat this shit, and just have Sandslash tank the possible Cross Chop from paralyzed Electabuzz when bringing it in. Might bring it too low to deal with full power Overheat though).

Worst case scenario, low health Sandslash KOs Emolga, she brings in Zebstrika, you sack Lucario, bring in Sandslash, KO Electabuzz, bring in Zebstrika, sack Magneton, Sandslash 2HKO Ampharos, and I'm not sure Sandslash survives overheat here. KO?, go grind some more.

If Crustle DOES have stealth rocks, Zebstrika switch means switch to Sandslash, absorb 1st Overheat, predict Emolga switch and switch to Crustle.

With Crustle vs Emolga, either hit hard with Rock Slide as you can or use stealth rocks. I'm not sure if game logic would say to go for Acrobatics or to switch out, if the former, use Rock Slide.

If Crustle KOs Emolga, just hit hard from there on out; Lucario's Bone Rush works past Ampharos's Shuca berry, Sandslash is what you need to deal with Zebstrika, and Magneton walls Ampharos. Probably dealing with some cycle of


at which point you sack Crustle to safely bring Sandslash in, and either sweep with it using remaining pokemon to bait and absorb strong Overheats.

If she switches Emolga out, she'll probably switch to Ampharos, use stealth rocks. Then use Magneton --> Electabuzz --> Hitmonchan --> Emolga --> Magneton to repeatedly wear down Emolga. In case she ever switches to Zebstrika against Magneton, be using thunder wave repeatedly (the mix of Stealth Rocks and Sandslash outspeeding everything but Emogla which Magneton beats basically wins the battle if this happens). If she ever stays in with Electabuzz to KO Hitmonchan, use Sandslash Rock Tomb trap to damage Emolga to were Stealth Rocks ensures it's done for the battle, sacking Crustle if you have to do this twice, leading to essentially a repeat of one of the earlier scenarios.

Going WAAAAY back again, if she switches Electabuzz in after KOing Lanturn, use Hitmonchan to damage Electabuzz. If she switches to Emolga, repeat pattern, and if not, keep going until either Electabuzz KOs Hitmonchan and you bring in Sandslash for your first Rock Tomb against Emolga, Magneton switch, bring Crustle in against Electabuzz until it's KOd, leading to either Emolga getting KOd by Rock Tomb on the switch (Sandslash sweeps here) or Sandslash KOs Zebstrika (Sandslash/Lucario outspeed and KO Electabuzz and Magneton walls last pokemon).

OR Hitmonchan KOs Electabuzz, at which point Emolga to Magneton will lead to Zebstrika getting paralyzed, Crustle sack, bring in Sandslash, first Rock Tomb against Emolga, Magneton to Electabuzz to Crustle and victory more assured because Sandslash and Lucario outspeed Zebstrika

I assumed a pretty brutal AI, and the AI acting smartly with switching. If the AI isn't switching Emolga or Lanturn in against Sandslash, then battle is easier, just attack normally. Even if the battle doesn't play out this way, many of the situations I mention will probably come up. Overall principles as I was writing this seem to be:

1) Magneton hard walling Emolga and Armpharos can be used to spread paralysis
2) Sandslash + Lucario only can't sweep ONLY because of faster pokemon
3) Use up Zebstrika's 1st overheat with white herb before going for it
4) Use charmeleon, Hitmonchan, and Crustle more as lures and sacks, they don't have specific roles.

5) Try to keep Sandslash as healthy as possible


Getting back into X. Got all the gym badges so I can actually use the legendaries being distributed.

I am trying to get the other starters, but holy crap. It's nearly impossible to get them on GTS because everyone is trying to get legendaries for them. Sure ill give you a lvl 100 Mew for.your level 1 Chespin! NOT.

Anyone up for a reasonable trade? I've got either a Froakie or Fennekin if you're in the same boat. Quote for friend code.

You honestly have a better chance of getting them through Wonder Trade. I've got most starters (from all generations) thanks to WT. And with hidden abilitites!

Breeding rejects are a blessing.


Getting back into X. Got all the gym badges so I can actually use the legendaries being distributed.

I am trying to get the other starters, but holy crap. It's nearly impossible to get them on GTS because everyone is trying to get legendaries for them. Sure ill give you a lvl 100 Mew for.your level 1 Chespin! NOT.

Anyone up for a reasonable trade? I've got either a Froakie or Fennekin if you're in the same boat. Quote for friend code.
What exactly are you looking for? Give me a list and I'll get to work.


Yeah, the normal trades get finished up quickly so most of the remaining GTS requests will be the stupid/impossible ones. I'd love it if they could find a way to hide those legendary requests in gen7's GTS.
I happen to have a couple of Chespin lying around if that's what you're looking for, tho I won't be on for the next couple of hours.

On a semi-related note, I decided to continue my Alpha Sapphire file before restarting Pokemon Y. I forgot how many features these games had, going from Blue VC to this is pretty crazy.

Here's the thing tho... I don't remember how to get the Playnav Plus back on the bottom screen. :p
I switched to the Power Training so I could earn a Dawn Stone for one of the challenges, but flicking through the menus and all I'm getting is Amie, Power Training and the wireless communication menu. I'm probably being super oblivious here and the answer is really simple, but I just can't figure it out! It's the Smash 4 menu all over again, arrrrgh


Yeah, the normal trades get finished up quickly so most of the remaining GTS requests will be the stupid/impossible ones. I'd love it if they could find a way to hide those legendary requests in gen7's GTS.
I happen to have a couple of Chespin lying around if that's what you're looking for, tho I won't be on for the next couple of hours.

On a semi-related note, I decided to continue my Alpha Sapphire file before restarting Pokemon Y. I forgot how many features these games had, going from Blue VC to this is pretty crazy.

Here's the thing tho... I don't remember how to get the Playnav Plus back on the bottom screen. :p
I switched to the Power Training so I could earn a Dawn Stone for one of the challenges, but flicking through the menus and all I'm getting is Amie, Power Training and the wireless communication menu. I'm probably being super oblivious here and the answer is really simple, but I just can't figure it out! It's the Smash 4 menu all over again, arrrrgh

Back out / return /escape button


Rule 1: If you're seeking, you're doing it wrong - Don't bother looking through what has already been posted on GTS. Just deposit something and request what you are after.

Rule 2: GTS is built for general requests - while you can find some real gems on there, don't expect some HA 6IV monster just because you asked. Anyone can ignore your note and complete the trade without giving you what you REALLY want.

Rule 3: Trade fodder is not made equal - starters and generally hard to obtain Pokémon will move quicker than a Bidoof.

Rule 4: Seriously, don't even bother seeking


Uhh, is that one leak confirmed? It said that there would be a Happy Hour Meowth at worlds and it was there

Nope. It's possible (somehow) for people to read Game Freak's event servers and find events that have been uploaded but yet not made active. Apparently this Meowth has been sitting dormant on the servers for a while now.


Nope. It's possible (somehow) for people to read Game Freak's event servers and find events that have been uploaded but yet not made active. Apparently this Meowth has been sitting dormant on the servers for a while now.

Ah, alright. Oh well
Nope. It's possible (somehow) for people to read Game Freak's event servers and find events that have been uploaded but yet not made active. Apparently this Meowth has been sitting dormant on the servers for a while now.

Is this the same "leak" that said Rainbow(Ash) Greninja will be revealed at the end of world's today?

Damn that was a lot. So it sounds like I can do it with my current team, but I'll just have to level up Dwebble a bit to stand a chance. Wish I had an electric TM for Magneton, because I got rid of Thundershock for Spark without realizing Spark is physical and Magneton has low ATK.
Yeah, this battle would not be that hard if it wasn't for Volt Switches. This fight is like fighting against an actual person. Has moves to prepare for any type I have and constantly switches out to take advantage of those weaknesses. I think I should attack a paralysis berry to someone. Zebstrika's Overheat is really problematic. I had it sweep almost my entire team one time.

My Hitmonchan actually kind of sucks right now. I got it via leveling up Tyrogue so it's movelist is Rock Smash, Foresight, Fake Out, and Helping Hand. I've gone a long time without any good moves. Would Dig help out at all in this or is the AI good enough to just switch out when I use it?


What exactly are you looking for? Give me a list and I'll get to work.

Right now I'm interested in the gen 1 and gen 6 starters.

I have:

- Charmander
- Froakie
- Fennekin

I need:
- Chespin
- Squirtle
- Bulbasaur

I have a Charmander uploaded to GTS asking for Squirtle in exchange. Hopefully that finishes up soon.

I don't need the evolutions because I have a ditto and I can breed dupes all I want.


Right now I'm interested in the gen 1 and gen 6 starters.

I have:

- Charmander
- Froakie
- Fennekin

I need:
- Chespin
- Squirtle
- Bulbasaur

I have a Charmander uploaded to GTS asking for Squirtle in exchange. Hopefully that fiynishes up soon.

I don't need the evolutions because I have a ditto and I can breed dupes all I want.
that's all? I'll breed them and send you a pm when I'm done.


I gotta say I really am just in love with gen 6. It's just so damn playable. If they can have the single player quality of BW with the QoL of gen 6 Sun/Moon could easily be the best game in the series

Love Pokebank too.
I gotta say I really am just in love with gen 6. It's just so damn playable. If they can have the single player quality of BW with the QoL of gen 6 Sun/Moon could easily be the best game in the series

Love Pokebank too.
Wish the bank let you store items.


I gotta say I really am just in love with gen 6. It's just so damn playable. If they can have the single player quality of BW with the QoL of gen 6 Sun/Moon could easily be the best game in the series

Love Pokebank too.

Agreed. The cutscenes and character interactions in the trailers are making me hopeful.


Neo Member
Is there a list of friend numbers somewhere? I need friends for the safari

My friend code is 4055-7674-1276, let me know if I can add you


Is there a list of friend numbers somewhere? I need friends for the safari

My friend code is 4055-7674-1276, let me know if I can add you
My FC is in my profile. I'll add you later when I'm home. I apparently have a wartortle and something else. You can flip back a page or so to see what I have. I haven't beaten the game yet to unlock the 3rd

I'll add you as well if you want padwarrior
My FC is in my profile. I'll add you later when I'm home. I apparently have a wartortle and something else. You can flip back a page or so to see what I have. I haven't beaten the game yet to unlock the 3rd

I'll add you as well if you want padwarrior
Sweet I'll add you as well.
Probably their life energy. That's what was used to power the Flower Cannon in the games.

I guess ash and his Pokemon must be special.
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