BW remake is going to be interesting since the sequels have to be included in some way or another
Tell that to Emerald.
Tell that to Emerald.
Crystal isn't a sequel to GS either, but that Suicune malarkey still made it into HGSS.Well, contrary to BW2, Emerald isn't a sequel to Ruby and Sapphire.
Bw2 is an actual continuation of the story.
But yeah, GF could still butcher this
Why is Ash such a failure?
Red > Ash. I wish the regulair cartoon was more like Pokemon Origins.
I don't know what I'm arguing for/against, I'm just still bitter about the lack of Battle Frontier in ORAS.
Get out.The Delta Episode was fine, but the Looker story was thrash.
PREACHThe Delta Episode was fine, but the Looker story was thrash.
NO UGet out.
Get out.
I borrowed a copy and finished it. Did the post game too. Didn't really like it. Something about X and Y I found more enjoyable.
Yea all the traveling water bits in ORAS really started to get boring to me.Funny I thought the same thing, for one it was easy in xy to move through the map it was an easy progression no going back and forth, which kind of makes oras kind of a pain for me playing xy as my first pokemon game.
Still just getting into the series and loving it so far, have no idea about online battling or ivs hopefully i can start that soon, right now I just want to catch all the pokemon to have then I'll work on other stuff. Surprised on how much there is to these games, lots more replayability than bigger console games that cost more.
Why is Ash such a failure?
Red > Ash. I wish the regulair cartoon was more like Pokemon Origins.
he's a champion but boring af
Victini is now available as a Mystery Gift for the European and Australian versions of X/Y and ORAS.
Search your feelings
He had 4 episodes. Can't really call him boring or exciting. Now if we got to see everything from Pokémon Red in the anime, then we could say more about his character.
I'm going to give it a 90% of there being SM news in this percentage of SM news later are...?
Also apparently, Mega Charizard X's, particularly Alain's, is roided. The whole "absorb Mega Energy" was the reason why X form is stronger than usual.
Unique Z-Stones?
Yeah, Megas are dead.
how? theyre not the same at all
Mega Stone hunting and Z-Stone hunting is something I do not see co-existing.
Mega Stones don't transfer either.
the thought of seeing the likes of Manectric, Lopunny, Medichanm, Mawile and Charizard tumbling back down the tiers into oblivion is making me chuckle.
Did they say which retailer would have the snorlax preorder?
5:46: The next Pokémon Sun & Moon news will come on September 6th at 22:00 JST which is 14:00 BST, 15:00 CEST, 09:00 EDT, 06:00 PDT, 23:00 AEST
Rockruff info?yooo
Mega Stone hunting and Z-Stone hunting is something I do not see co-existing.
Mega Stones don't transfer either.
Rockruff info?