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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"

Why is Ash such a failure?
Red > Ash. I wish the regulair cartoon was more like Pokemon Origins.


Well, contrary to BW2, Emerald isn't a sequel to Ruby and Sapphire.

Bw2 is an actual continuation of the story.

But yeah, GF could still butcher this
Crystal isn't a sequel to GS either, but that Suicune malarkey still made it into HGSS.

I don't know what I'm arguing for/against, I'm just still bitter about the lack of Battle Frontier in ORAS.


Why is Ash such a failure?
Red > Ash. I wish the regulair cartoon was more like Pokemon Origins.


I don't know what I'm arguing for/against, I'm just still bitter about the lack of Battle Frontier in ORAS.

As you should be, it was insanely bullshit reasoning for leaving it out just because you thought people wouldn't have the attention span to appreciate it. I hope whoever really made that decision is never listened to again.
I think I remember reading a while back that the director of each game has a fair amount of autonomy and the producer (usually Masuda) just OKs the initial plan. I don't buy the excuse about the lack of the BF and I think it's obvious that ORAS was rushed, but some of the decisions in the game are inconsistent in terms of sticking strictly to R/S.

At least Ohmori is getting his chance with a whole generation and isn't weighed down by working off another gen.


yeah i dont buy that bs either he definitely was politicking on game freaks behalf. "we didnt have time" was probably not an acceptable answer for him


Neo Member
I'm curious what they will do for post-game in Sun & Moon. XY & ORAS had very disappointing post-game content, and I absolutely feel that the non-competitive players are getting the short end of the stick. The lack of Battle Frontier in ORAS was incredibly disappointing, especially considering HG/SS integrated the Suicune stuff from Crystal into HG/SS, as well as including a ton of post-game content. If XY and ORAS are anything to go by, my expectations aren't very high for post-game. The Delta Episode was fine, but the Looker story was thrash.

All ORAS was missing from being the best Pokemon game since Platinum was the Battle Frontier. It would have been a perfect game if they had it, but unfortunately, they did not. Hell, I'd even take the Black Tower/White Treehollow from Black 2 / White 2 as post-game content. At least it offers something different, if only slightly, from Battle Maison.


Guess who just became the Hoenn champion?

Man the Elite 4 battle was hype and was pretty challenging.

But overall after playing Pokémon Ruby and comparing it to Omega Ruby I have to say that the original is better due to being less hand holdy, challenging and doesn't suffer from being a 3D game but playing like a 2D game.

But what really surprised me the most was just how much I was loving Pokémon Ruby when I remember not feeling too hot on it when it was first released. I guess the passage of time was kind to gen 3.
So I decided to go back and play Lesf Green to get a Softboiled Clefable now that I will be able to get a competitive one through Hyper Training in SM. So the goal was to get a Calm one use Move Tutor to teach it Softboiled then transfer it up to OR to learn Moonblast and change the ability to Magic Guard. I remembered how breeding is so tedious in Leaf Green because there is no Everstone nature passing, no flame body to reduce breeding time and also no Synchronize if I want to capture one instead.

So I breed my female Clefairy with a ditto and it takes a long time since they don't like each other and only manage to hatch one egg since they don't seem to want to make another. It hatched and then the Cleffa was Hardy and then I remembered I would need to happiness evolve it so I thought maybe it would be faster to catch a Calm one. I went to Mount Moon, went down two floors and fought Geodude, Zubat, Paras, Zubat then Clefairy. I didn't have a Pokemon with False Swipe so I was using a Lvl.18 Meowth. I had used Pay Day on the Zubat to see how strong it was and it had 1 hit KOd it so I used Bite on the Clefairy remembering that it is a special move in Gen III. It only did about a third damage so that made me hopeful. I used bite again and then caught it in a Pokeball. Checked and it was Calm! I couldn't believe how lucky I was. I know it's not as exciting as a shiny story but I'm usually not this lucky.


Neo Member
I borrowed a copy and finished it. Did the post game too. Didn't really like it. Something about X and Y I found more enjoyable.

Funny I thought the same thing, for one it was easy in xy to move through the map it was an easy progression no going back and forth, which kind of makes oras kind of a pain for me playing xy as my first pokemon game.

Still just getting into the series and loving it so far, have no idea about online battling or ivs hopefully i can start that soon, right now I just want to catch all the pokemon to have then I'll work on other stuff. Surprised on how much there is to these games, lots more replayability than bigger console games that cost more.


So I'm guessing none of the gen4 rare event Pokemon can be brought over to Pokebank after using the void glitch (which I only just discovered exists)?

I'd like to do a mythical Pokemon playthrough of sort at some point, but as far I only have two* of them ready to use :p if only Shaymin and Meloetta were easy to get (and on a low level, unlike the recent distributions).

*if someone can throw a Phione my way that'd make three atleast :D
Funny I thought the same thing, for one it was easy in xy to move through the map it was an easy progression no going back and forth, which kind of makes oras kind of a pain for me playing xy as my first pokemon game.

Still just getting into the series and loving it so far, have no idea about online battling or ivs hopefully i can start that soon, right now I just want to catch all the pokemon to have then I'll work on other stuff. Surprised on how much there is to these games, lots more replayability than bigger console games that cost more.
Yea all the traveling water bits in ORAS really started to get boring to me.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
so percentage of SM news later are...?

Search your feelings

Red especially Origins Red would get thrashed if he was in the main anime universe, especially XY universe

He had 4 episodes. Can't really call him boring or exciting. Now if we got to see everything from Pokémon Red in the anime, then we could say more about his character.

You make it sound like something exciting happened in the entirety of Gen I

even Gen II was more exciting

Jay RaR

Just reset my X save to play through the story again, so goodbye competitive items, Blazekinite, Y Megastones, Friend Safari peeps, etc. Moved all my pokes to the bank before deleting of course.

Before I did though, I bred the X starters with their hidden abilities (Fennekin took awhile to get smh), some egg moves (Toxic Spikes on Froakie and Synthesis on Chespin), and 4 IVs on each lol. I wanted to do a run through of the story with them and for the most part it was fun! Had a rough start since I had to start from level 1 and had to keep my levels low since they gain experience faster. I turned on Set mode and had EXP share off to make things a little more challenging. There were a couple of times when I was in a pinch, but the variety of this team made the game kinda easy to run through. Protean shenanigans with Froakie and stall tactics with Chespin and his Leech Seed + Synthesis (+ Toxic Spikes sometimes) were hilarious. Bulletproof and Magician weren't really that useful in my run, but Protean was hella OP lol. I also tried to delay the mid evos from evolving to lvl 50 so I can enjoy seeing them before they evolve. So in all, it was a slightly challenging run. I just wish my pokes didn't get bonus experience since I was in a new file lol.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Well shit, Team Flare arc pulling out all the stops.

Alain breaks down with almost word per word of Megaman X4's WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOR! And Ash is like "I'll protect you Alain!" and he breaks the absorber beam thing that was absorbing his life, and Lysandre was like "all according to keikaku". Yaoi fans are having a blast.

The Zygarde vs Zygarde moment was also hype. Godzilla noises and EXTREME SPEED ZYGARDE.

Also dat Bonnie-Zygarde moment where she feels Squishy.

Next episode, Clembot dies.

Also apparently, Mega Charizard X's, particularly Alain's, is roided. The whole "absorb Mega Energy" was the reason why X form is stronger than usual.


My class got cancelled today so I was able to stay in and watch and watch the latest episode for the first time in months. It was pretty good, but I'm more hyped for seeing Steven show up next episode. Can't wait.

Also RIP Citroid


Also apparently, Mega Charizard X's, particularly Alain's, is roided. The whole "absorb Mega Energy" was the reason why X form is stronger than usual.

lol what, where did you get that from? I've watched the episode twice and as far as I'm aware nothing of the sort was mentioned. Sounds like shit that /padt/ or Reddit would come up with.

EDIT 2: As expected Adamant has to take time out of his busy schedule to prove another nonsense /padt/ rumour wrong. I understand that people are salty about Ash losing again, but Jesus people need to stop making things up to make themselves feel better about the lose. Now Adamant had to waste his time with this shit when he could have been busy translating the latest episodes ffs.

Btw Boss Doggie just so you know, none of this is directed at you, I'm just sick and tried of the bullshit that /padt/ comes out with at times.

With all that said and done, it's time to talk about the best part of today's morning anime, Rola with her hair down.

I used to talk so much shit about Aikatsu!, but turns out that it's pretty good. I enjoy watching it more than I do Pokemon tbh, them songs are hype.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah I saw Adamant's post, so it's just some shitposter spreading lol

Bonnie is gonna suffer regardless of how this arc ends.

As for Aikatsu I already miss the original gang :(


There's no way that they're removing megas. I mean, I know that I've talked shit about them in the past, but that was only because of how poorly implemented the mechanic was, it would have been fine if they just given megas to Pokemon that actually needed it instead of also giving it to fucking legendaries and psuedos.

I expect GF to iron out the mechanic though, not completely remove it, but if they have actually removed it then lol. Even though I very much doubt that megas have been removed, the thought of seeing the likes of Manectric, Lopunny, Medichanm, Mawile and Charizard tumbling back down the tiers into oblivion is making me chuckle.


The animation has taken a major step forward for the games. Really love the personality.

That Snorlax Z move did highlight how ridiculous Pokemon look with a static fainting animation though. It immediately reminded me of that comic of the Pidgey merely fainting from a planet sized hyper beam.
the thought of seeing the likes of Manectric, Lopunny, Medichanm, Mawile and Charizard tumbling back down the tiers into oblivion is making me chuckle.

you know what i would i would be willing to give up megas just to see sneaky pebbles meme come back

Did they say which retailer would have the snorlax preorder?

it's probably a online distribution like with torchic and mega blaziken and the launch of X&Y


Posted in the announcement topic but thought it was worth posting here too for posterity.

To give some lore to Dark Rattata vs. Yungoos for those out of the loop.

"The 1800's were a huge century for sugar cane and plantations shot up on many tropical islands including Hawai'i and Jamaica. With sugar cane came rats, attracted to the sweet plant, which ended up causing quite a bit of crop destruction and loss. In 1872 a gentleman by the name of W. B. Espeut, in an attempt to control the rising rat populations introduced Small Asian Mongoose from Calcutta to the island of Jamaica. A subsequent paper published by Espeut, that praised the results intrigued local Hawaiian plantation owners who, in 1883, brought 72 mongooses from Jamaica to the Hamakua Coast here on the Big Island. These were raised and their offspring were shipped to plantations on other islands.

So just what is the problem with mongooses? Well, for one, they are active mostly during the day, whereas the rat is active at night - so while they did eat some rats, they had very little impact on the overall rat population."

Gumshoos is the detective out looking for evil villain Raticate but they never see each other since they're out at different times of the day.
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