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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
well fuck, that was a feels episode








Also I fucking love this smug face and the dialog


"Your plans have been foiled!"
"Is it?"

And the preview for the one-hour special shows Lysandre merging with the Monolith Zygarde.

And the gym leaders with Unicorn Zygarde



Well then I guess that's the final nail in the coffin for non gen 1 Alola form Pokémon.

It's not exactly a bad thing, but X & Y already did the Gen I pandering, so it is disappointing to see this. Seems like these games will be more of a celebration of Gen I than a celebration of the entire franchise, which is a real shame for an anniversary game.

I also already dislike Samson Oak. I get the joke, but relatives that are not twins looking (almost) exactly the same in movies, games or any other kind of fiction always makes me unable to suspend my disbelief. I really hate that trope.
Was watching a nature documentary on BBC 4 and they were talking about Remora and Manta ray and their symbiotic relationship and it just reminded me of Mantine and Remoraid.

Always the first thing I think of with regards to those two


But not everyone started with gen 1 so the gen 1 pandering only really effects the crowd that grew up with gen 1.

Now I am not saying that Game Freak can't do gen 1 pandering if anything they should have small references to Kanto to make tihe world feel convective.

But what I am not okay is how they went to the extreme in X and Y what with;

-First wild encounter being a Pidgey.
-Santalune Forest being Viridian Forest 2.0
-Kanto starter being given away after the first badge with their mega stone attached
-Snorlax blocking the road and the fetch quest of obtaining the Pokéflute
-First encounter of Team Flare in Glittering Cave where you get the Fossil, this is similar to Mt. Moon where you first meet Team Rocket and obtain the Fossil, heck you can rock smash for an old Amber and have two fossil Pokémon just like Gen 1.
-Free Lapras, including a 3D Lapras model
-The legendary birds being Kalo legendary trio for no real reason.
-Mewtwo chilling in the Pokémon Village because...reason.
-Team Flare goal in making money, similar to Team Rocket's goal.
-Sycamore battling you with the Kanto starters.
-A NPC mentions Blue.

Sometime less is more as that they don't overshadow other generations as I felt that X and Y suffered due to the gen 1 pandering, granted it had other flaws but the pandering didn't do it any favours.

Yeah, X/Y campaign really had too much. I'm too much of s bulba fam to not make him basically a 2nd starter, there were waaaaay too many references, etc.

This is also a reason I think a lot of B&W Pokemon will suffer. BW had a ton of Pokemon who were meant to be Unovas version of Kanto Pokemon, like the Jellicent vs Tentacruel line, Swoobat vs Zubst line, Patrat vs Rattata, Pidgey vs Pidove, Gigalith vs Golem, Conkdurr vs Machamp, Trubbish and Grimer, Drilbur and Duglett, Foonguss and Voltorb, Sawk&Throh vs Hitmonlee/chan, etc. But GF doesn't seem to want to make these gen v Pokemon replace the gen 1 Pokemon anywhere in the games. It would be dumb of caves had both roggenrola and geodude, or Zubat AND Swoobat, so GF seems to just go with the gen 1 variant almost every time. And so, gen v, whose designs I often actually liked but already felt suffered in having to establish the Zubat and Tentacools of its region that other gens didn't have to, has its designs like this pushed further away from people's thoughts

I think cool fan service should be like how in RSE, getting the full pokedex made Professor Birch give you one of the gen 2 starters. That was really neat, didn't get in the way of main game (although tbh gen 2 and 5 starters I could easily see getting boxed more than the others), but was still fan service to gen 2. Some of the gen 2 Pokemon in gen 3 are also so well integrated I thought they were gen 3 for the longest time: Slugma and Skarmory were gen 3 for me for the longest time.

On a completely different note, I sorta want to start something for the Pokemon community playing single player. You guys probably have heard of Nuzlockes by now, right? Well, I have another sort of "challenge", called Scrambles


User A: Hi, I am looking for a Challenge for Sapphire, no trading, make it brutally difficult.

User B: User A, take a Zubat, name it Flapper. It must hold a Cheri Berry to fight. If it loses it mid-battle, it must switch out. It can evolve into Golbat whenever, but to evolve again, it must solo 2 of Wattson's Pokemon on the first try. Fail this and it must solo the first Pokemon from each of the remaining Gym Leaders.

Basically, scrambles are challenges where you are assigned your 6 Pokemon by someone else. In return, the person who gets the 6 Pokemon will often post their stories of their in-game progress. What I really enjoy about scrambles is that, in both the post where someone assigns a Pokemon, and the recap of the players journeys, you can role play with your Pokemon more than usual. It also adds a connection with your Pokemon that's similar to the way you get with the Pokemon in your Nuzlockes that survive massacres and become a key figure on your team (Projared's Vileplum Nuptup, the OG Nuzlocke comics), or the way TPP got attached to many of its powerhouses (Bird Jesus, LazrGatr, M4 the Azumarill, etc.)

Moving on, here are the "Unbreakable, MUST Be Followed Rules!"
Rule #1: A scrambler under no circumstance can have more than one of the same Pokemon in a Scramble...Unless your doing an all (Pokemon) run, but...

Rule #2: Under no circumstance can you give out no-evolution...Magikarp, Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Unown, Wurmple, Cascoon, Silcoon, Feebas, Kricketot, Burmy, Combee, and Tynamo.

Rule #3: Unless the user who wants a challenge wants one, do not give out a Legendary Pokemon, we do no want to hear about how you soloed the E4 with a Palkia.

Rule #4: When you post to say that you want a Challenge, you must specify...
The Version of your game
Whether you can trade or not
Difficulty (Optional, otherwise, we assume hard)
Anything else (Like your rules, what you do/don't want to see, etc.)
Rule #5: Unless Specified, The Standard Number of Pokemon (That do not break your rules) you can accept is 6, first come first serve. Unless Specified, a Challenge giver can only give out 1 Pokemon per Challenge.

Rule #6: You can only reject a challenge you were given ONLY IF it breaks your rules, or if it "Does not fit your difficulty", or if it is one of those downright stupid challenges that nobody would even consider doing, but yeah. If you get a challenge you want to reject but you didn't say no to, too bad. You have to put up with it.

Rule #7: Just have fun. Remember, Scrambles are not Nuzlockes.

So yeah, it would be cool of this could be a thing on GAF. If it got popular enough, we could even make a seperate thread for it


Yeah, X/Y campaign really had too much. I'm too much of s bulba fam to not make him basically a 2nd starter, there were waaaaay too many references, etc.

This is also a reason I think a lot of B&W Pokemon will suffer. BW had a ton of Pokemon who were meant to be Unovas version of Kanto Pokemon, like the Jellicent vs Tentacruel line, Swoobat vs Zubst line, Patrat vs Rattata, Pidgey vs Pidove, Gigalith vs Golem, Conkdurr vs Machamp, Trubbish and Grimer, Drilbur and Duglett, Foonguss and Voltorb, Sawk&Throh vs Hitmonlee/chan, etc. But GF doesn't seem to want to make these gen v Pokemon replace the gen 1 Pokemon anywhere in the games. It would be dumb of caves had both roggenrola and geodude, or Zubat AND Swoobat, so GF seems to just go with the gen 1 variant almost every time. And so, gen v, whose designs I often actually liked but already felt suffered in having to establish the Zubat and Tentacools of its region that other gens didn't have to, has its designs like this pushed further away from people's thoughts

Er, a lot of those Unova Pokemon are in Kalos right alongside their Kanto counterparts.

I do think it's a bummer GF hasn't given any of the Gen 5 any evolutions or megas though (besides... Audino lol)


I would much rather cave routes have a good amount of variety, and I remember X/Y doing a good job of that. Hoping for a large regional dex in Sun and Moon too
This is also a reason I think a lot of B&W Pokemon will suffer. BW had a ton of Pokemon who were meant to be Unovas version of Kanto Pokemon, like the Jellicent vs Tentacruel line, Swoobat vs Zubst line, Patrat vs Rattata, Pidgey vs Pidove, Gigalith vs Golem, Conkdurr vs Machamp, Trubbish and Grimer, Drilbur and Duglett, Foonguss and Voltorb, Sawk&Throh vs Hitmonlee/chan, etc. But GF doesn't seem to want to make these gen v Pokemon replace the gen 1 Pokemon anywhere in the games. It would be dumb of caves had both roggenrola and geodude, or Zubat AND Swoobat, so GF seems to just go with the gen 1 variant almost every time. And so, gen v, whose designs I often actually liked but already felt suffered in having to establish the Zubat and Tentacools of its region that other gens didn't have to, has its designs like this pushed further away from people's thoughts

Okay I'm sorry if this comes off as rude but this line of thinking is reaching of the highest degree. Really. I think it kinda is just ridiculous.

It's absolutely outrageous to even assert there's a case for it. Frillish and Jellicent are not counterparts to Tentacool and Tentacruel. In what way is this true at all? They're both jellyfish?

Same for Woobat/Swoobat and the Gigalith line. It's ridiculous. So we're not allowed to have bats and jellyfish and rock types that evolve through evolution anymore? I get pointing out coincidental similarities but in no way are the Pokemon you listed meant to evoke Gen I "counterparts." They all have different motifs, different styles, and in most cases only share a vague connection in that they are the same species.

Drilbur is a Diglett clone? What in the world dude? Come on. These are just really crazy reaching comparisons to try to make the "forgettable designs/running out of ideas" argument. It's flimsy af and doesn't hold up under scrutiny at all.

Sorry, again, for being caustic. But I frankly see this as misinformation. These Gen V Pokemon are not supposed to be reintroductions of old design ideas at all. It's a repeated misperception. Clearly some have callbacks in certain elements of their design but come on Ratatta = Patrat is insane. Normal types are on Route 1 all the time.


Okay I'm sorry if this comes off as rude but this line of thinking is reaching of the highest degree. Really. I think it kinda is just ridiculous.

It's absolutely outrageous to even assert there's a case for it. Frillish and Jellicent are not counterparts to Tentacool and Tentacruel. In what way is this true at all? They're both jellyfish?

Same for Woobat/Swoobat and the Gigalith line. It's ridiculous. So we're not allowed to have bats and jellyfish and rock types that evolve through evolution anymore? I get pointing out coincidental similarities but in no way are the Pokemon you listed meant to evoke Gen I "counterparts." They all have different motifs, different styles, and in most cases only share a vague connection in that they are the same species.

Drilbur is a Diglett clone? What in the world dude? Come on. These are just really crazy reaching comparisons to try to make the "forgettable designs/running out of ideas" argument. It's flimsy af and doesn't hold up under scrutiny at all.

Sorry, again, for being caustic. But I frankly see this as misinformation. These Gen V Pokemon are not supposed to be reintroductions of old design ideas at all. It's a repeated misperception. Clearly some have callbacks in certain elements of their design but come on Ratatta = Patrat is insane. Normal types are on Route 1 all the time.
I don't think it's ridiculous at all. He's not saying the Unova Pokemon are counterparts of the Kanto originals at all. He's saying they are new takes on old ideas. GameFreak clearly 'reimagined' many Kanto Pokemon when soft-rebooting the Pokedex for Black & White. I don't know how this is still up for debate tbh.

Jellicent and Excadrill are not clearly not clones of Tentacruel or Dugtrio, but do you really think it's a coincidence that the generation that finally removed Zubats and Geodudes from the caves and Tentacool from the sea introduced Pokemon based on the same general concepts? Do you really think that Sawk & Throh aren't new takes on Hitmonlee & Hitmonchan? Do you really think that Audino is not essentially the Unovan Chansey? Or that the Machamp line, which was shown to be the construction worker Pokemon in Gen 1, was not the inspiration behind the idea of Conkeldurr who takes that idea to the next level?

There's just far too many for it to be a coincidence. Drowzee and Munna are both based on Tapirs. Tympole is the new tadpole line, although at least it actually sets itself apart by evolving into a toad. Garbodor is the new 'waste' Pokemon in place of Muk. Zebstrika and Rapidash are elemental equines. They couldn't use Voltorb/Electrode as their Pokeball mimic, so they made Amoongus. Bouffalant and Tauros share more than a passing resemblance. Klinklang takes the idea of Magnemite just fusing together when it evolves and pushes the idea even further, with the gear system just getting more complex. Even Genesect has a very similar backstory to Mewtwo. Hell, several of these comparisons share the same height and weight and evolution methods as each other!

This is not a criticism of the Unova designs. There's several I prefer over the Kanto originals. To deny that GameFreak didn't revisit old ideas in Black/White is being pretty disingenuous though imo.


It's obvious that a third of Unova's Dex are counterparts to Pokémon in Kanto. What sets it apart is that many go in a different direction or simply execute the idea better.

Jellicent differentiates itself from Tentacruel

Garbodor >>>>>> Muk.

The entire Dex isn't made of counterparts, but the ones that are there are really good.


I'm probably going to do another breeding reject giveaway soon, stuff is starting to pile up already and Wonder Trade is as frustrating as ever.

Seriously, if I get ONE MORE FROAKIE...
I'm wondering since I completed my living dex somewhere in the past two weeks and now have the Shiny charm if I should breed for a Shiny.

I've never done that before intentionally and never used a Shiny before.

Which Shiny is awesome? The best to raise and train?


I'm wondering since I completed my living dex somewhere in the past two weeks and now have the Shiny charm if I should breed for a Shiny.

I've never done that before intentionally and never used a Shiny before.

Which Shiny is awesome? The best to raise and train?
Stop this foolish talk. Even under ideal conditions, the chance of a hatched Pokémon being shiny is 1 in 500. Add on top of that the basic requirements for a competitive Pokémon and you're left hatching more eggs than any sane person would deem reasonable.


Stop this foolish talk. Even under ideal conditions, the chance of a hatched Pokémon being shiny is 1 in 500. Add on top of that the basic requirements for a competitive Pokémon and you're left hatching more eggs than any sane person would deem reasonable.

He is right, you know. I have bred three shinies and it takes dozens of hours at minimum
I have four competitive shinies, including a Carracosta with every IV maxed out, and none of them took me a significant amount of time, an hour, two hours max. I also regularly breed shinies by accident.
You probably won't have my ridiculous luck.

Of course, now I'm actually trying to get a shiny Vulpix and have hatched a godforsaken amount of eggs for almost nothing (I have a perfect +Spe -Def Vulpix now tho, I guess that's a plus). It's so luck-based it's ridiculous. lol. At least now I know what the normal shiny-hunting experience is like... *cries*
Stop this foolish talk. Even under ideal conditions, the chance of a hatched Pokémon being shiny is 1 in 500. Add on top of that the basic requirements for a competitive Pokémon and you're left hatching more eggs than any sane person would deem reasonable.

He is right, you know. I have bred three shinies and it takes dozens of hours at minimum

I have four competitive shinies, including a Carracosta with every IV maxed out, and none of them took me a significant amount of time, an hour, two hours max. I also regularly breed shinies by accident.
You probably won't have my ridiculous luck.

Of course, now I'm actually trying to get a shiny Vulpix and have hatched a godforsaken amount of eggs for almost nothing (I have a perfect +Spe -Def Vulpix now tho, I guess that's a plus). It's so luck-based it's ridiculous. lol. At least now I know what the normal shiny-hunting experience is like... *cries*


Ok.... I didn't even want to do it anyway!


It's stupid. I'll just watch Poké tubers instead!

Joking. Seriously didn't know it was that difficult even with the Shiny charm.
The good news is

1) If you're aiming for a non-HA ability you can just lock in the nature with the Everstone, get your egg moves too, ability capsule the nature if necessary, and then fix the IVs in Sun and Moon if necessary. So when you get a shiny you're done in that case, even if you want a competitive one (RIP if you want HA, gotta pray the 60% chance comes through).

2) It's not *that* bad if you do it in small sessions over a longer period of time. Don't be that guy who binges and then cries.
I doubt your kid will let you binge anyways.


So I went on Global Link today for some odd reason and saw that TPC had put up a news story about Sun/Moon's PGL features.


Judging from the pictures provided, it looks like there's a decent degree of customisation. If you're able to get as specific as Pokémon Battle Revolution on the Wii allowed with its custom rulesets, this could get really interesting. I think I might be really excited for Sun & Moon, you guys!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
found these in /vp/, really interesting statistics

note it considers megas and formes separate, as well as typing retcons



no wonder Psychic was broken in gen 1, so many Poison types!


found these in /vp/, really interesting statistics

note it considers megas and formes separate, as well as typing retcons

no wonder Psychic was broken in gen 1, so many Poison types!

Sooo.. The reason why Psychic is less broken now, is because Bug slowly took over, and Poison was almost neglected?

Edit: Funny how the Ice type is spread almost evenly across all six generations.. Considering that it has the fewest 'mons of all the types.


So I went on Global Link today for some odd reason and saw that TPC had put up a news story about Sun/Moon's PGL features.


Judging from the pictures provided, it looks like there's a decent degree of customisation. If you're able to get as specific as Pokémon Battle Revolution on the Wii allowed with its custom rulesets, this could get really interesting. I think I might be really excited for Sun & Moon, you guys!

I just wish we had control of the Pokémon allowed more than "Alola Dex" or "National Dex"
Quick question for you HeartGold buffs:

I am currently leveling up my team to fight Red (at level 71 currently) and i have to pick between either Fly or Aerial Ace as a main attacking move for my Crobat! Which one to get? Fly does more damage but is vulnerable it seems while AA always hits but does less damage hmm...

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Sooo.. The reason why Psychic is less broken now, is because Bug slowly took over, and Poison was almost neglected?

Edit: Funny how the Ice type is spread almost evenly across all six generations.. Considering that it has the fewest 'mons of all the types.

huh, that it is

Quick question for you HeartGold buffs:

I am currently leveling up my team to fight Red (at level 71 currently) and i have to pick between either Fly or Aerial Ace as a main attacking move for my Crobat! Which one to get? Fly does more damage but is vulnerable it seems while AA always hits but does less damage hmm...

Aerial Ace

no miss + attacks at that turn


I just wish he had control of the Pokémon allowed more than "Alola Dex" or "National Dex"
There's also a "Alola born" tab in the pictures displayed.

I have hope that the the options are a bit more robust on release. Like I mentioned, Pokémon Battle Revolution had robust custom ruleset options which could be used for online play. TPC should just contract Genius Sonority to work on Global Link, they outdid themselves with PBR.
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