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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"


One claiming competitive Pokémon's "time tax" is damaging it

Based on that one line.. I can see that being a barrier to entry, not necessarily a damaging one though.

From PokeJungle twitter.


Are we getting some starter evolution news today? Let's expect that and set ourselves up for dissapointment :)

I will continue to expect nothing, and get hyped even further when the news drop, thank you.


I guess I'm not opposed to maybe making a competitive Pokemon thread if Wiseblade has given up. I think it is something worth having.

I'll think about it.

Now we can boost IVs to the max, there's no reason to complain about IVs anymore.

Eh, Hyper Training requires Pokemon to be at level 100, it will mainly be helpful for legendaries and shinies. Depending on how easy it is to get bottle caps, it could still be faster to just bread for the right IVs for most Pokemon.

It's far from a perfect solution to the main reason for most complaints, so I doubt it will stop them.
I think there's still room for discussion on how IVs can be a negative to the competitive side of the games. Sadly, that thread wasn't a healthy discussion.


IV threads are such a mess, I don't even know why I bother.

talking about Pokemon in Gaming is like asking to walk on, not burning coal, but brimstone, the self assurance despite being ignorant is hilariously depressing

it's like trying to talk to the general public about live action transforming heroes outside of tokugaf, only to be met with idiots who try to sound "educated" with their only avenue being MMPR, and a trend I am noticing recently, KR Black

Now we can boost IVs to the max, there's no reason to complain about IVs anymore.

No offense but you guys are all typically the kind of posters that walk away from a disagreement thinking the other posters don't know what they're talking about when talking about something subjective. I'm pretty sure i go in the same category actually lol.

IVs are not objectively infallible and the fact that so many people who play the game just as deeply as us feel a certain way about it should tell you something.

You wanna talk about how talking about Pokemon in gaming side is hard doggie, yeesh, imagine how hard it is to have a negative opinion of ash or the anime around you. Like it's cool to have your opinion and I respect it but you literally walk away from those disagreements like "talking about Pokemon with other people is like talking to idiots.". Joe you defend things you've decided you like in a similarly unrealistically objective manner. Like no, hyper training does not solve everyones complaints with IVs , in fact, the fact you would think so very likely implies you don't actually register or empathize with people's complaints at all. Or similarly, people saying they like origins or generations style and would like a full anime and you sincerely believe it to be a fact that people don't really know what they want and that they would hate it anyways, despite them arguing for tone and style decisions. Wiseblade you will half handedly admit that some of the issues with IVs are somewhat real but not as bad as people think but then walk away saying you don't know why you bother like it's only a matter of time before the casuals come in and "ruin a thread" by disagreeing with you. And then there's the whole "people who want a Pokemon MMO don't know what they want and the idea would never work" crowd, don't get me started.

I'm just saying. All in all, it's our community that's toxic, not the other people. Well, them too. Every community and every poster is toxic to some extent but you know what I'm saying. The Pokemon community here is one of the most elitist ones there is, from my experience anyways. There was literally a time when so much as speculating upon the old games rerelease on VC was laughed at and they'd get a big fat "it's never going to happen." from the community. Of course im not tryingn to abdicate myself of blame either, I'm also guilty of arguing about opinions and thinking mine are serperior. I got mad respect for yall tho

Wise, you should still make the competitive battling thread. I know I would appreciate it. Unless you have some sort of delusion that you could create a thread on neogaf and not have people in it arguing about things and disagreeing with you.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
IVs aren't infallible but the way people argue there make it look like you have a bunch of people not knowing what it is, only hear it from hearsay, and try to spout a final word. It wouldn't be so bad if they were willing to discuss, but nope. And some even use it as an avenue for shitposting competitive Pokemon and even "why is even Pokemon competitive lol". I mean, we shouldn't be surprised though, it's a time-tested thing in Gaming.

I for one am welcome to changing how it works.
Is there any point to training a competitive Darkrai in game? Battlespot won't let you use mythicals after all. Even if you play someone with Smogon rules, Darkrai is uber. If you want to play with Darkrai, you might as well use showdown

As someone that just does free battles because I can never get ranked to work I've had to raise a couple legendaries just to stay competitive with the teams. Much as I hate Darkrai, he's certainly not as bad as Rayquaza, Kyogre, M Kangaskhan, and the other super commonly used guys.

However I don't see a physical Darkrai working any better especially with the amount of intimidate users are used now. There really needs to be a special version of intimidate to even that out.


I guess I'm not opposed to maybe making a competitive Pokemon thread if Wiseblade has given up. I think it is something worth having.

I'll think about it.

Eh, Hyper Training requires Pokemon to be at level 100, it will mainly be helpful for legendaries and shinies. Depending on how easy it is to get bottle caps, it could still be faster to just bread for the right IVs for most Pokemon.

It's far from a perfect solution to the main reason for most complaints, so I doubt it will stop them.
I think there's still room for discussion on how IVs can be a negative to the competitive side of the games. Sadly, that thread wasn't a healthy discussion.
Depending on the availability of Bottlecaps & Rare Candies, it could come close. Like I said in the other thread, if Game Freak would start treating Rare Candies the same way they treat EV boosting vitamins, it'd at least move the grind away from the Day Care Centre and to the Battle Tower, which at least alleviates the "countless hours biking back and forth" criticism. Hell, make them purchasable at the regional Shopping Mall after becoming Champion. That would give people something to do with their money.


I'm just saying. All in all, it's our community that's toxic, not the other people. Well, them too. Every community and every poster is toxic to some extent but you know what I'm saying. The Pokemon community here is one of the most elitist ones there is, from my experience anyways. There was literally a time when so much as speculating upon the old games rerelease on VC was laughed at and they'd get a big fat "it's never going to happen." from the community. Of course im not tryingn to abdicate myself of blame either, I'm also guilty of arguing about opinions and thinking mine are serperior. I got mad respect for yall tho

I'm not sure if I would call it toxic, but the Pokémon community is extremely broad in levels and types of interest, and I would attribute a lot of conflict on just that. On one side, you have people who are overwhelmed by the franchise's size and complexity. On the other side you have people who are accustomed to all systems, quirks and traditions the series offers. The former may at times be misinformed or outdated about the current state of affairs, resulting in unfair judgement of certain elements. The latter, as the proverb says, are like fish in the water, comprehending the series exactly as it is and rationalizing flaws as if they organically belong in the formula. "A fish is the last to acknowledge the existence of water".

Of all time I invest on hobbies, I would say that perhaps more than half goes to Pokémon. For that reason, I try to take a step back whenever I see a "misinformed" view, rather than instantly correct whoever made it. Hardcore fans may see the value of IVs as "Pokémon genetics", but may overestimate how much value that has to begin with. Or they may understand that the XY series of the anime was actually pretty good compared to previous ones, but continuous comparative examination may have lessened their capacity to evaluate its actual quality. Or they may understand about how games and anime can both be good without being the same thing, but may not understand why a fan may prefer one's style to the other. More casual fans may not appreciate the same things hardcore fans appreciate.

I'd say that despite extremely different types and levels of interest, the Pokémon community is (generally speaking) a very pleasant environment. There are definitely worse fanbases who aren't nearly as diverse and populous. However, I do agree with Kyzer that some elitistic tendencies become very evident at times, especially in recent days. We should all be wary of the fact that some people may have a different interest in the series than we do, and be more open-minded about certain ideas they may present.
Hey guys I figure you all would know better than most, where is the most comprehensive list of things banned from battle spot ranked battles? I've tried so many times to play but no matter what team I bring without legendaries and no megas I'm never able to play. And I'd love to get away from the uber fest known as free battles.

And sadly the official site is not very helpful in all this, why can't they just tell you what in your team is banned in the actual menu?


Are you playing ORAS? If so, are you using Pokémon transferred from past generations? In ORAS Battle Spot, you can only use Pokémon marked with the blue hexagon, ie. obtained in Gen 6 games.



I'm not sure if I would call it toxic, but the Pokémon community is extremely broad in levels and types of interest, and I would attribute a lot of conflict on just that. On one side, you have people who are overwhelmed by the franchise's size and complexity. On the other side you have people who are accustomed to all systems, quirks and traditions the series offers. The former may at times be misinformed or outdated about the current state of affairs, resulting in unfair judgement of certain elements. The latter, as the proverb says, are like fish in the water, comprehending the series exactly as it is and rationalizing flaws as if they organically belong in the formula. "A fish is the last to acknowledge the existence of water".

Of all time I invest on hobbies, I would say that perhaps more than half goes to Pokémon. For that reason, I try to take a step back whenever I see a "misinformed" view, rather than instantly correct whoever made it. Hardcore fans may see the value of IVs as "Pokémon genetics", but may overestimate how much value that has to begin with. Or they may understand that the XY series of the anime was actually pretty good compared to previous ones, but continuous comparative examination may have lessened their capacity to evaluate its actual quality. Or they may understand about how games and anime can both be good without being the same thing, but may not understand why a fan may prefer one's style to the other. More casual fans may not appreciate the same things hardcore fans appreciate.

I'd say that despite extremely different types and levels of interest, the Pokémon community is (generally speaking) a very pleasant environment. There are definitely worse fanbases who aren't nearly as diverse and populous. However, I do agree with Kyzer that some elitistic tendencies become very evident at times, especially in recent days. We should all be wary of the fact that some people may have a different interest in the series than we do, and be more open-minded about certain ideas they may present.

well put, and youre right theres such a huge variation in the audience and that probably has a lot to do with it

Sun/Moon will come out and PokeGAF will be reunited for a bit


It looks like EV training is going to be easier too, Super Training appears to be replaced with a system using the unified Alolan currency. Sun/Moon might actually do everything but expose the raw numbers.

well put, and youre right theres such a huge variation in the audience and that probably has a lot to do with it

Sun/Moon will come out and PokeGAF will be reunited for a bit

I'm here and just saw it! I am extremely happy!
It's actually just called ASH-GRENINJA


Not related to your post, but good news wiseblade- We now have QR Rental teams that anyone can make to be shared and used online. Now people can stop bitching about time investments for building a competitive team
That sounds great!

I'm really looking forward to GAF tournaments now. COuld be great, and it'd be fun to encourage people to create rental teams for others to use if they want for the tournaments. Or even make a tournament where everyone needs to select a rental team someone else on GAF made
Are you playing ORAS? If so, are you using Pokémon transferred from past generations? In ORAS Battle Spot, you can only use Pokémon marked with the blue hexagon, ie. obtained in Gen 6 games.

That might be it, ill take a look at my team. Thank you.

Woah did that trailer music remind anyone of music from Golden Sun?

Edit: That was totally it my Scizor was from a previous gen. Thaaaank you!


I'm really looking forward to GAF tournaments now. COuld be great, and it'd be fun to encourage people to create rental teams for others to use if they want for the tournaments. Or even make a tournament where everyone needs to select a rental team someone else on GAF made
Where did you see that?


I really like the Fire/Fighting type combo. Sure, 4/7 for starter lines is a bit much, but I've liked the designs of the previous three.

Blaziken and Infernape are both actually good too.
Now starting to question if komala has an evo..was hoping they'd show it by now.

I wouldn't be shocked if it stays unrevealed until release. The reveals pre-release aren't set in stone. For example, Gumshoos has already been revealed for Sun/Moon, but Diggersby wasn't until after XY's release.


What did I say that was elitist? Especially compared to an echo chamber of people saying the developers are stupid for not catering to their specific need.
Elitist was coming in here as if you were a voice of reason in a thread elsewhere. Stupid was trying to pass off time spent breeding as similar to time spent practicing mechanical skill.
Dang, no Volcanion code. Hope I can get one through other means.

If anyone has a spare, I'd be happy to give it a good home. So to speak.


Elitist was coming in here as if you were a voice of reason in a thread elsewhere. Stupid was trying to pass off time spent breeding as similar to time spent practicing mechanical skill.
I'd argue the similarity is there in that having high level execution means nothing if you can't actually fight against a live opponent. And I was definitely being more reasonable than the people equating breeding with STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.
Now with Volcanion I get to have a complete dex for a month. :p

Dang, no Volcanion code. Hope I can get one through other means.

If anyone has a spare, I'd be happy to give it a good home. So to speak.
What region? I have one spare EU code.


Hmm debating whether I should shove Super Greninja in the PC or release it, kinda leaning towards the latter.

Now starting to question if komala has an evo..was hoping they'd show it by now.

Actually there are few Pokémon that we still don't know if they have evolution or not and with the game releasing next month they're probably winding down on the Pokémon news.

Though the Demo is releasing in two weeks so we will find out when it gets data mined, assuming Game Freak didn't do the smart thing and scrubbed the data.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
people are really over dramatic with Ash Greninja salt, it's so hilarious

good thing it's gonna be recorded in the dex as a form at least

Archers rely on their speed, wtf have you even played

fast ranged characters with powerful hitting attacks is a bad balance, usually ranged glass cannons are slow too to compensate for their ridiculous powerful ranged attacks
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