Haven't played Pokemon yellow in years but is that pikachu pretty strong? Would love to someday have a pikachu that comes close to being as powerful as the one Ash has.
Hell no. Gen I Pikachu is dead's not even fast enough to really take advantage of how critical hits are tied to speed in those games.Haven't played Pokemon yellow in years but is that pikachu pretty strong? Would love to someday have a pikachu that comes close to being as powerful as the one Ash has.
Ah should have known.Hell no. Gen I Pikachu is dead's not even fast enough to really take advantage of how critical hits are tied to speed in those games.
There's a reason the Light Ball exists.
I don't know about you, but I always end up picking up the third version, so BW2 was really refreshing to me from that view. I can see why it could be disappointing to someone that doesn't usually get these,
but I really hope they do the same if they continue doing third versions.
Hell no. Gen I Pikachu is dead's not even fast enough to really take advantage of how critical hits are tied to speed in those games.
There's a reason the Light Ball exists.
What was your final team for the rematch? I'm coming up to the Elite 4 rematch myself and I'd be interested to see how my team stacks up to yours (so I know if I'm ready or not).So I took on the revamped Elite 4 in FireRed and man they are tough and cunning like for example Lorelei switching out her Dewgong for Piloswine to counter my Jolteon Thunderbolt, though it didn't work as I selected Double Kick.
Though the final battle against Blue will be an event to remember as he did himself in as his Tyranitar sandstream ability ended up backfiring as it ended up knocking out his Arcanine as it had a slither of health and was primed to knock out my Charizard with Extreme speed.
Anyway I had fun playing Pokémon FireRed and the story I came up with and while I may not be jumping straight onto Pokémon Emerald I look forward to continuing my Pokémon Journey when I do.
What was your final team for the rematch? I'm coming up to the Elite 4 rematch myself and I'd be interested to see how my team stacks up to yours (so I know if I'm ready or not).
I caught a Larvitar on Seven Island and I'm in the middle of raising it while VS Seeker grinding. Wondering if I should use it or if I should stick with my original team that took out the E4.
Char was holding a leftover
Was breed and traded over as I wanted a Golduck with Psybeam, he was also holding Mystic Water.
Was holding Scope lens
Was holding King Rock
Was holding Lax incense
Was holding the Leftover.
So something I was thinking about Sun/Moon. Since I had only rented ORAS, the Rayquaza sitting in my XY box doesn't know Dragon Ascent. And since Mega Stones are still around, will Mega Ray still be a thing too? Do you think there'll be a tutor for the move somewhere in the game, like how they shoved NPCs in XY/ORAS for stuff like the DNA Splicers and Shaymin's Gracidea, or will I have to engage in complex shenanigans like bounce it through a friend that has a completed ORAS file, have them teach it, then find a way to get it to a Bank account of mine to transfer over?
This is also relevant to my interests.Does anyone have a complete list of Pokemon forms that stay in their respective form when deposited into the Box?
Does anyone have a complete list of Pokemon forms that stay in their respective form when deposited into the Box?
This is also relevant to my interests.
From Bulbapedia, it looks like every form except for Shaymin, Hoopa, and Furfrou stay in their form.
Bank doesn't let Cosplay Pikachu or Black/White Kyurem through either.
I never got why stuff like Spiky-Ear Pichu and Cosplay Pikachu have to remain shackled to their respective games. They don't seem like they'd take any significant effort to include in future gens
I can't possibly see how Castform can?
I'm guessing they want them to be special or something like that. I don't really care about Pikachu/Pichu because they really don't improve the Pokemon. Though it looks like Ash-Greninja will have a marker on it and Battle Bond more than likely won't be transferable, since Ash-Greninja is banned from VGC.
Unless Battle Bond is a gimmick ability and doesn't increase Greninja's stats that much, it's kind of a waste.
Castform's forms aren't permanent, they depend on the weather and revert after battle.
Edit: Cherrim's as well.
Those are in-battle only transformations, the ones mentioned at least persist as long as the Pokémon is in your party.I can't possibly see how Castform can? Or Cherrim?
So I don't think you're original answer addresses the question then. I mean isn't Tornadus trio same way then?
What's the reason behind Shaymin and Hoopa reverting anyway?
Hoopa reverts to it's normal form after a few days anyway because lore. Shaymin reverts at night or when it's frozen, so they probably just couldn't be bothered to let it stay like that in the PC.
Thinking about it, trying to use Shaymin-S online must be a pain sometimes.
I never got why stuff like Spiky-Ear Pichu and Cosplay Pikachu have to remain shackled to their respective games. They don't seem like they'd take any significant effort to include in future gens
Playing platinum for the first time in since it released. In fact I haven't played a Gen 4 game in probably 8 years and so far its pretty boring. Just got the first badge. Everything just seems so dull. There's like no identity to this game/ region. Will update as I progress.
Playing platinum for the first time in since it released. In fact I haven't played a Gen 4 game in probably 8 years and so far its pretty boring. Just got the first badge. Everything just seems so dull. There's like no identity to this game/ region. Will update as I progress.
The only other complete GX card we've seen so far is Snorlax who had 190 HP, this probably means that Lurantis has some pretty good defenses. Would make sense as its signature move is a charging one.Lurantis is seriously a top-tier Pokemon design, the main reason I'm thinking about going with Litten as my Starter first instead of Rowlet so I can use it as my Grass-type.
I disagree. That would be a great description of how I felt with my return to Hoenn in ORAS, but I started another playthrough of Platinum and I get the opposite feeling, Sinnoh is a great region.
Lurantis is seriously a top-tier Pokemon design, the main reason I'm thinking about going with Litten as my Starter first instead of Rowlet so I can use it as my Grass-type.
Nah Sinnoh is generic as hell, the lakes are all it has going for it.
I want a new 8 bit pokemon in the style of RBY for the eshop, complete with old school level design and bag limit, and higher difficulty
I don't know which is the better water type. Blastoise or Vaporeon.
Depends on what you want to do of course, but I typically leaned Vaporeon until Blastoise got his Mega Stone.
I need a water type for my Yellow team. I've never used either one.
Very few Pokémon in RBY have actually good learnsets.
Gen 1 Charizard and Arcanine actually have the exact same problem of being average until they get Dig. They're both good Pokémon afterwards.Yep, raising a Charizard in gen 1 is a pain as Ember is the last good damaging attack he learn till he learns Slash at level 33 so I had to rely on TM to make him useful in battle.
Nah Sinnoh is generic as hell, the lakes are all it has going for it.
Sinnoh has the best map layout in the game bar-none
I've been enjoying reading Smogon in bed (like right now) for the last month and seeing where all the Pokemon rank in tiers. From reading it it sounds like the two biggest things that need nerfs are Scald and Stealth Rock. Almost every single Pokemon that can learn it uses Scald and Stealth Rock cripples so many Pokemon, especially in the lower tiers.
I believe they're only compatible with Gen VI games, yes.So I have a code for volcanion and arceus I want to give my daughter on Christmas with her copy of sun. But then it hit me the codes probably only work with the previous games right? So I should get her one of those as well?
I hate scald. It's already godlike, but it gets you out of being frozen too.