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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"


I love this from the gamexplain interview:

"A: So yeah you’ve got Dexio and Sina, as well as professor Oak’s cousin n the game, and I think this being the 20th anniv. Project, I’ve definitely tried to make sure there’s a lot of things--a lot of surprises or fun things in here for fans of each of the different generations."
I love this from the gamexplain interview:

"A: So yeah you’ve got Dexio and Sina, as well as professor Oak’s cousin n the game, and I think this being the 20th anniv. Project, I’ve definitely tried to make sure there’s a lot of things--a lot of surprises or fun things in here for fans of each of the different generations."

wish it had been Alolan forms tho

pls be cool stuff
Something that's been on my mind, especially since I saw some people bring it up in the Demo thread, but I really think people mis-remember how much of a dick your rival is in Red and Blue. All the time I see people complain that the rivals in newer games are your friends and they want to go back to the old days where your rival is an asshole and you're actually enemies and...Blue is not that. The only thing he does that's kinda mean is tell you that he's going to tell his sister not to give you a map. Aside from ending every conversation with "Smell ya later!" he's actually a pretty friendly guy. He wishes you luck a few times. He gives you actual advice on multiple occasions. He legitimately seems to want to see you grow stronger. At one point he even suggests you go thank Bill for creating the PC transfer system, which doesn't really seem particularly mean or menacing to me. He's a little arrogant, but not in any sort of menacing way or anything. Do people just remember Gary from the anime and misconstrue how the rival actually acted in the game?
While he's not nearly as much of a dick, like you said, it does feel as though he's written as a little too arrogant at times. There were supposed to be messages for every fight if you lost to him (all but the first battle went unused) and he was pretty savage for Gen 1 text limitations:
I won, I won!

I'm too good for
you, <Player>!

You did well to
even reach me,
<Rival>, the
PKMN genius!

Nice try, loser!


Blue's definitely supposed to be arrogant but he, and Red too have been mythologized by the fandom to such a ridiculous degree, haha. It's all in good fun though.

I've never had much of a problem with the rivals in this series except when they make the opposite player character the rival (Brendan/May, Serena/Calem). I find both of those to be the most boring. But Barry, Cheren and Bianca were all fine imo. I was iffy on Hugh.

Oh, I forgot about the other friends in XY. yeah they sucked lol


So who's going to wait to see what the Switch entails for the Pokemon series?

I am, I have not bought into the idea of the Switch at all, especially since I only care about handheld gaming (I couldn't give two shits about playing Pokemon on a TV) and having to shell out money (lets be real, this thing isn't going to go for less than $300, people on gaming side believing it will are deluded) for all those features I will never use is not appealing to me. I'm gonna sit back and see how it plays out over the next couple of years before deciding on whether to buy it.

Very excited for the potential of a Pokémon game on it.



Very excited for the potential of a Pokémon game on it.

This is exactly what Pokkén needs. Not sure if an expanded version of the current game or an entirely new entry would be better, but this form factor is perfect for Pokkén. Portability makes asymmetric multiplayer much more practical.

On that note, I have to say that I don't expect a Game Freak game any time soon. They are known for taking their time and expecting at least some considerable initial audience on their target platform. Moreover, Switch looks like it will be quite expensive during its first year or so, which is not ideal for younger players. Just releasing a port may also undersell the excitement of the first Pokémon game on the new system.

I reckon the next Gen 7 game will also be on 3DS, and Creatures/TPC will support Switch with more core-oriented games. This is why Pokkén is such a good choice. I wonder what audience Detective Pikachu targeted most.
Game Freak even said in the Gameinformer(?) interview that they look at the install base and decide based on that. If there's another game this generation, I wouldn't be surprised if it's on 3DS, like how BW2 stayed on DS.


D/P remakes? A Sun/Moon port was rumored to appear near the Switch's launch, so I could see a 3rd ultimate version popping up there while the last ever 3ds Pokémon games are the D/P remakes.


It's going to be weird to move away from dual screen for Pokémon. I'm sure however they do it though I'll get used to it pretty quick.

Still waiting on Detective Pikachu news....

Guess I'll have to wait for that movie now though.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Boss doggie what happened in the anime?

sorry missed out on the ep stream and had to go for raws

Ash just returned goodra back to his family

suddenly Xerosic

Greninja becoming solid snake

Xerosic's Malamar mindcontrolled Clemont to build his machine

BUT IT WAS A RUSE ALL ALONG, Clemont resisted control

greninja gets appointed by zygarde as Kalos's hero, like in the past

although for some odd reason
Greninja is permanently in Ash Greninja form



Mimikyu's Song Trailer


YO YO, listen to Mimikyu's rap

I'm not Pikachu, I'm Mimikyu, you hear
Just a lonesome little Mimikyu, you hear

The sun in the sky it's just a little scary
The places I love are where it's nice and gloomy
I really want to be friends with all of you
That's why I try to be just like Pikachu

These clothes I'm wearing, you think they look fitting?
I made them myself, isn't that amazing?
Don't flip it up, that'd just be the worst
If you take a peak, you might get cursed

I'm not Pikachu, I'm Mimikyu, you hear
I'm not a monster, I'm Mimikyu, you hear

With my big claws I'll definitely protect you
With Thunderbolt I'm sure to be a help to you
I'll train to be your ally to the end
So please, won't you make me your friend?

I'm not Pikachu, I'm Mimikyu, you hear
Let's become friends, I'm Mimikyu, you hear
I'm not Pikachu, I'm Mimikyu, you hear
Just a lonesome little Mimikyu, you hear

I'm not Pikachu, I'm Mimikyu, you hear
I'm not a monster, I'm Mimikyu, you hear
I'm not Pikachu, I'm Mimikyu, you hear
Let's become friends, I'm Mimikyu, you hear&#65279;
sorry missed out on the ep stream and had to go for raws

Ash just returned goodra back to his family

suddenly Xerosic

Greninja becoming solid snake

Xerosic's Malamar mindcontrolled Clemont to build his machine

BUT IT WAS A RUSE ALL ALONG, Clemont resisted control

greninja gets appointed by zygarde as Kalos's hero, like in the past

although for some odd reason
Greninja is permanently in Ash Greninja form
And with that the best season of the series ended. Been fun xyz. Too bad sun and moon is replacing you.


I really hope Ash and Pikachu get personalities again in Sun & Moon.
Pikachu has been super bland since at least Black & White, minus some fun episodes (like the Pokéball factory), and Ash was like a block of wood in X/Y.

The new animation style pretty much guarantees it, just in terms of how they move/interact, but I hope it also translates in the story/writing.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
True, but I still don't know why the writers went with that as a thing. And now leaving Greninja too? He's gonna come back to Kanto with just 3 new Pokemon lmao

Next episode is the goodbye ep.

And yeah it's weird, and I think he should release Hawlucha (and thus Noivern) too.

I mean he only caught 5.

Technically speaking he only caught Hawlucha and Fletchling traditionally. Froakie and Goomy joined him and Noivern was watched. And even then Hawlucha was more of a "I'll test your mettle then I'll join you". Hell, I'm actually surprised he isn't releasing Hawlucha since back then the way the dialog implied that Machamp will watch over the forest while he's gone, so it's like he should be returning.

I really hope Ash and Pikachu get personalities again in Sun & Moon.
Pikachu has been super bland since at least Black & White, minus some fun episodes (like the Pokéball factory), and Ash was like a block of wood in X/Y.

The new animation style pretty much guarantees it, just in terms of how they move/interact, but I hope it also translates in the story/writing.

I dislike this "gag character = personality", same people complain with Taiki back in Digimon Xros Wars. Honestly I actually like the cool, collected smart character because it's a rarity as a lead trait.
Thinking about it... Does it seem like the folks that visit here seem to be different lately? It does feel like the people that were here when I first joined GAF wasn't... Really here. Weird.
Cross posting from our Pokemon GO thread:

TRU is advertising about a special in store event on Sun. Oct 30th. First 50 people get a Pikachu figure (looks like one of the new TOMY ones) and you can also take home a promo Charmander card from the new expansion and a mini collector album.


Also, Pokemon GO Plus will be available if you're still looking for one.

Speaking of the TCG, TRU is also advertising that Evolutions is exclusive to them first?


I'm looking to trade for Deoxys or Tornadus or a white-flower Flabebe/Floette/Florges.
I have some shiny legendaries and assorted event Pokemon. I can also breed pretty much anything. PM me if you're interested.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So is it even worth finishing the XY anime? I'm still waiting for the dub to finish.

Yes it is. Despite the league stuff XY still is a great show and the best the series has pushed out, despite what the poster above me tells you. Just remember that this is Pokemon anime.
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