A while back I swore I'd try and get a national dex by the time Sun & Moon came out, but by virtue of basically not playing the game at all since then, that has been an abject failure (still at only around 200 or so). I should just accept I'm actually a super-casual player who buys the game, plays through the main story and post-game story content while only really collecting just enough to make a team I like, maybe takes a crack or two at battle facility content, gets stomped for it because my teams are built for overleveled-steamroll-with-type-advantage single player and not competitive battling, then largely puts the game down except for once in a while.
I don't know if what Sun/Moon has will be enough to change any of that, but we'll see.
I don't know if what Sun/Moon has will be enough to change any of that, but we'll see.