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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"


Yeah, and BW went pretty hard in the opposite direction (only new stuff til postgame but there was a lot of it) and I think the game was better for it.

I think that person is saying Gen 3 and 4 new regions were good while not having a significant nostalgia hook connecting them to Gen 1, proving that such a thing (a good game with few or no Gen 1 connections) is totally possible.

Oh ok. Well yeah I don't think a Pokemon game can only be good if it has gen 1 stuff in it


Finally got around to opening my Red.
It's ok, I guess.
After the Nendoroids though, I'm pretty underwhelmed. This isn't super high quality like some of my other non-posable stuff, so it's just kind of boring.
Probably gonna skip Serena and May.

Why wasn't Pikachu part of the Nendoroids...

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
All of the franchises you mentioned constantly have homages and throwbacks to the original series ... And are you telling me if Sun/Moon was a two part game that had half gen 1 as the plot like super sentai it would be better? Like how is that a better example of how to integrate gen 1

And you're saying all these things as if , again, it's a bad thing, whilst simultaneously acknowledging that gen 1 is loved so you're kind of answering your own concerns. Gen 1 is actually loved by a lot of people, actually does sell well, and even the developers have a special place in their heart for it. I don't see a problem with it except for feeling bad that other gens don't get special treatment in the same regard but it actually makes sense that gen 1 gets so much love, you know? I'm just saying it's not pandering, that's not howbyou use the word, and quite frankly if you relegate everything gen 1 to pandering it's an inherent implication that you just have a personal issue with gen 1 getting attention, be it gripes with gen 1 or a desire for other gens to get the treatment instead.

Maybe if the Pokemon franchise gets outsourced to another developer and it's chock full of gen 1 references we can call it pandering. But if the people making the game love gen 1 and the fans of the series respond well to it in an authentic way, its just a part of the series. Not to mention the fact that when gen 1 "pandering" has been a thing since literally gen 2, I think it's time to accept that gen 1 has a permanent place in the series pantheon

but the show I outright mentioned isn't even the first of the franchise, it's Gorenger and whenever Gorenger is referenced, it's mostly just make an appearance

also after checking, it didn't involve TOS or the first Doctor

And that literally is pandering, because you're showing favoritism and indulging in it. Yes it has a special place and yes it is a favorite, but there's a difference between making a product that celebrates the milestone of a FRANCHISE and just partying with what started. You know what is essentially this is? Power Rangers Super Mega Force levels of "acknowledgement" where they make big references (albeit empty references) to MMPR and Samurai (the Power Rangers before, which essentially was a resurrection) but ignore the rest. I mean, it's a big and arduous task, but I ask you to watch Gokaiger and Super Mega Force side by side to see how to do a milestone and not how to do it. You are celebrating a milestone, not just the first series' birthday.

I mean, if you're going for another dev, look at Pokken. While there's an unequal gen "repping", most of them are still a surprise and the gen 1 mons actually felt more "shoehorned" (pikachu check charizard check gengar check mewtwo check etc.) unlike the others, like boom suddenly Scizor, or Empleon.

It just begs the question then - if you're gonna be masturbatory towards Gen 1, why make future gens? Why not just rehash that old song or, in a more positive view, give an alternate retelling or exploration of the game?

Are you saying gens 2 and 6 relied on and literally only survived because of gen 1 references?

It's an element of all the games, but saying they all relied on gen 1 and that's all the games were is kinda blowing it out of proportion

Gen VI kinda had that breath especially with all the shit like bringing back a marketing catchphrase and intentional homages. But for Gen II yeah it's more like an expansion pack. Johto is so underutilized.


Showing favoritism is not pandering. Pandering is doing something that's only purpose is to appeal to an audience. Gen 1 references and throwbacks are rooted in an authentic love for the series. It would be pandering if game freak didn't actually love gen 1 and enjoy referencing it. They do put it on a pedestal...you can disagree with whether or not they should, for sure. Feel differently. But it's not pandering. People actually do love gen 1, so it's not "literally pandering".

And lol at gen 1 throwbacks in Pokemon being "masturbatory". There's a very implicit "I don't like gen 1" in most people's complaints about pandering, which explains the entire lens of viewing it as pandering in the first place.

"Why even make future gens"? Talk about blowing gen 1 references out of proportion geez lol. I'll give you gen 6 laying it on real heavy, though. And really, charizard Pikachu and gengar in pokken is shoehorning? Like it's totally forced? I think it makes sense..

Its seriously like anything gen 1 related is automatically pandering and terrible to some people, which is more indicative of a vendetta against RBY than any actual objective negative thing. Like yo you can play as charizard in this game I'm so sick of this gen 1 pandering. Lol wat

Anyways I think you guys get the point I'm trying to make. Its not pandering. And it's anti-Gen1 sentiment that makes someone feel that way

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Showing favoritism is not pandering. Pandering is doing something that's only purpose is to appeal to an audience. Gen 1 references and throwbacks are rooted in an authentic love for the series. It would be pandering if game freak didn't actually love gen 1 and enjoy referencing it. They do put it on a pedestal...you can disagree with whether or not they should, for sure. Feel differently. But it's not pandering. People actually do love gen 1, so it's not "literally pandering".

And lol at gen 1 throwbacks in Pokemon being "masturbatory". There's a very implicit "I don't like gen 1" in most people's complaints about pandering, which explains the entire lens of viewing it as pandering in the first place.

"Why even make future gens"? Talk about blowing gen 1 references out of proportion geez lol. I'll give you gen 6 laying it on real heavy, though. And really, charizard Pikachu and gengar in pokken is shoehorning? Like it's totally forced? I think it makes sense..

Its seriously like anything gen 1 related is automatically pandering and terrible to some people, which is more indicative of a vendetta against RBY than any actual objective negative thing. Like yo you can play as charizard in this game I'm so sick of this gen 1 pandering. Lol wat

Anyways I think you guys get the point I'm trying to make. Its not pandering. And it's anti-Gen1 sentiment that makes someone feel that way
But that literally is appealing to an audience. The hell does authenticity have anything to do with this? You just seem to hate the word "pander" if anything else even though it's literally describing what you just said. To pander doesn't have to involve the creator hating it or not, it just means it caters to a group of people with shades of exclusivity. That's just it. Did you pick up that alternative meaning from typical political garbage?

Masturbatory is a bit too much (and honestly why focus on that when you miss out the main point), but I was going for the angle of "why make newer content when you're going to fall back for the original anyway?" If that's your MO, why not just make new games that dabble into expanding the original, either through new PoV or stuff, rather than making new generations but still fall back to favor on the first? Many games do that after all.

I mentioned shoehorning in that it's "checking the checklist". And it's not just Pikachu and Gengar, you could include Charizard and Lucario for that.

And no it's not "anti gen1 sentiment" garbage you people seem to believe. No one is saying "no more gen 1!" Again, it's fine to show stuff from the past and hell even give it a bit more nudge than the others because it's expected, but to solely make it the star? Did you not learn from the comparison I made? Did you not understand the concept of at least a semi-balanced presentation of a milestone celebration?

You give the same "oh it's that anti-gen 1 sentiment" generalization without looking at the facets provided to you, and even outright ignoring them. I'll do the same - you sound like that "oh those people are haters" while covering your ears and even painting them as haters.


But that literally is appealing to an audience. The hell does authenticity have anything to do with this? You just seem to hate the word "pander" if anything else even though it's literally describing what you just said. To pander doesn't have to involve the creator hating it or not, it just means it caters to a group of people with shades of exclusivity. That's just it. Did you pick up that alternative meaning from typical political garbage?

Masturbatory is a bit too much (and honestly why focus on that when you miss out the main point), but I was going for the angle of "why make newer content when you're going to fall back for the original anyway?" If that's your MO, why not just make new games that dabble into expanding the original, either through new PoV or stuff, rather than making new generations but still fall back to favor on the first? Many games do that after all.

I mentioned shoehorning in that it's "checking the checklist". And it's not just Pikachu and Gengar, you could include Charizard and Lucario for that.

And no it's not "anti gen1 sentiment" garbage you people seem to believe. No one is saying "no more gen 1!" Again, it's fine to show stuff from the past and hell even give it a bit more nudge than the others because it's expected, but to solely make it the star? Did you not learn from the comparison I made? Did you not understand the concept of at least a semi-balanced presentation of a milestone celebration?

You give the same "oh it's that anti-gen 1 sentiment" generalization without looking at the facets provided to you, and even outright ignoring them. I'll do the same - you sound like that "oh those people are haters" while covering your ears and even painting them as haters.

I get what you're saying and disagree with pretty much all of it, except you're damn right I don't like people using the word pandering. "Literally catering to an audience" does not equal "literally pandering" notice how you changed that, people actually ARE calling for an end to the gen 1 stuff, including popular characters in pokken is not shoehorning unless you are incapable of seeing those characters fit into anything without it being, to you, nothing but an attempt to appeal to an audience (like good luck making the argument that charizard lucario and pikachu dont fit in as fighting game ummmm ssb?), and yes authenticity has everything to do with whether or not something is pandering fyi. Me saying "I love Pokemon" while I'm running for the board of TPC even though ive gone on the record as saying "I despise Pokemon", in order to gain favor, that's pandering. Including gen 1 references is not automatically pandering just because it happens to appeal to someone, that would mean literally everything is considered pandering on some form. and it's hardly "falling on the first gen" or relying on it to include these references so saying the future gens are pointless due to their masturbatory inclusion is gross over-exaggeration. Gen 1 has not been the sole star of the 20th anniversary at all, and your idea of what the celebration SHOULD be is fine and all but it does not back up your argument that what they are currently doing is such a terrible thing, and in fact yes a negative outlook on the mere inclusion of gen 1 things is an implicit complaint about gen 1 itself and therefore is actually anti-gen1 sentiment. That's not to say there arent people with legitimate complaints or which one of those you fall into, but if you think people saying the gen 1 pandering needs to stop aren't expressing a sentiment that is inherently biased against gen 1 I don't know what to tell you. If they liked gen 1 it obviously wouldn't be a problem. I mean look at game freak. You're sitting here saying including pikachu charizard and new two in pokken is gen 1 pandering as if it's some mind-boggling design decision when really it makes total sense. Like maybe it's not pandering and you are just biased against the games including anything popular ? Like it would only be not pandering to anything if a new gen had nothing but new assets and future games only included obscure and not widely liked Pokemon? Idk. And I am listening, I just disagree.

Anyways that's where I stand! And I've gotten my fill of the subject.


i stopped reading after this because that is literally what pandering means.

to be fair i also didn't want to read a wall of text either

Everything caters to an audience. Not everything is pandering. Or do you guys believe everything ever is pandering in some form or another?

gerund or present participle: pandering
gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).

Pokemon games having throwbacks to the originals or including content from the originals is not pandering. Its game design. Sorry. Like i said, that belief has an inherent implication that gen 1 inclusions are negative things whose sole purpose is to cash grab a market. But in reality everyone actually just loves gen 1, most importantly the developers. They arguably love gen 1 even more than the fans, so how is them including something they like in the games pandering? To reach that conclusion you have to have a somewhat negative view of their decision.

And nice, its always cool when someone responds just to brag about how theyre too cool to read a post. "cool story bro, tldr".

Edit: you know, at least you guys are being nuanced ebough to not peg me as a genwunner, i do appreciate that


Everything caters to an audience. Not everything is pandering. Or do you guys believe everything ever is pandering in some form or another?

gerund or present participle: pandering
gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).
cater for/to
2.2 cater to Try to satisfy (a need or demand):
‘he catered to her every whim’

cater to

Definition of cater to: to provide what is wanted or needed by (someone or something) <The inn caters exclusively to foreign tourists.> <The library caters to scientists.> <That store caters for middle-class taste.> <(disapproving) As a child he was spoiled by parents who catered to his every need.>

Can mean both, my guy.



Can mean both, my guy.

Blatantly ignoring the parenthesized, sure...

Edit: Heres another one:

noun, Also, panderer
a person who furnishes clients for a prostitute or supplies persons for illicit sexual intercourse; procurer; pimp.
a person who caters to or profits from the weaknesses or vices of others.

Had no idea about the former usage lol

But yeah like i said pandering has a negative connotation to it which im sure is not even news to many of the people using it. The latter usage is actually probably what some people think about gen 1 stuff, that GF is exploiting gen 1 for profit and thats the only explanation, which is kind of the point im trying to make. Little ridiculous. You have to have a negative outlook to believe that.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Hell, the second definition you used outright said "to cater from a vice", in this case popularity. Note the "or".

Like, "SRW is pandering to Gundam Seed/Destiny".

Also I don't read poorly formatted paragraphs, not sure what's your attempt in that.


Hell, the second definition you used outright said "to cater from a vice", in this case popularity. Note the "or".

Like, "SRW is pandering to Gundam Seed/Destiny".

Also I don't read poorly formatted paragraphs, not sure what's your attempt in that.


Let me know when you've finally grasped the difference between pandering and service. Not sure ill be able to structure my post well enough to your liking to be worth an actual discussion though, just a heads up.
I don't know how they took a concept as awesome as the Alolan variants and limited it to 18 Pokemon.

Like, I'm not saying they needed to re-do the entire dex or anything but come on.
It being 18 Pokemon would've been a fine start bit as you said the fact it's limited to one gen and may never be a thing again knowing gamefreak..ugh


I just want to say, no one is calling for the removal of all gen 1 references, we just want it to be less in your face. Let the game stand on its on merits rather than relying on nostalgia to push the game. SM was much better than XY in this regard, except for Alolan Pokemon which should have been spread out instead of limited to Kanto Pokemon.


Alolan noctowl(dark/psychic) and Alolan Stantler would've been sweet especially the latter

Except it's not. That's not a good excuse

What? I'm saying it makes the least sense that there's no Johto alola forms because Johto is basically the same region as kanto, geographically. Maybe blue Granbull is a hint for stars
What? I'm saying it makes the least sense that there's no Johto alola forms because Johto is basically the same region as kanto, geographically. Maybe blue Granbull is a hint for stars
Bah misread apologies. Stars will definitely have more whether they expand to other gens is the question


Gen 2 needed it a lot more than anyone really. Not making Bellossom relevant again is a mistake.
I agree that there should've been more rep for Gen 2 Pokemon (and characters, no Johto reps in the Battle Tree wtf?), but Gen V needed Alola forms way more than Gen 2 did, they got a total of 1 Mega, and it's not even that good.

I just want to say, no one is calling for the removal of all gen 1 references, we just want it to be less in your face. Let the game stand on its on merits rather than relying on nostalgia to push the game. SM was much better than XY in this regard, except for Alolan Pokemon which should have been spread out instead of limited to Kanto Pokemon.
Pretty much. I don't want Kanto/Gen 1 to get some super special luxury treatment every generation. Like say what you will about the Alola forms, but X/Y was straight pandering: 2 Megas for the favorite starter and the Big Legendary of the Gen, giving out the Kanto starters in-game for free before Gym 2, fucking Santalune Forest, and Team Flare clearly trying to ape Team Rocket to the detriment of the plot.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
American names anyway. God they doubled down when TPCi took over.


Let me know when you've finally grasped the difference between pandering and service. Not sure ill be able to structure my post well enough to your liking to be worth an actual discussion though, just a heads up.

Pandering is a form of service tho but whatever.


American names anyway. God they doubled down when TPCi took over.

Pandering is a form of service tho but whatever.

Exactly. Meaning not all service is pandering. Were getting so deep into this for no reason. You can view it as pandering if you want.

If we can go to kanto in stars, I will be too busy having fun to realize Game Freak only put kanto in the game to hook people like me into buying it (pandering) as opposed to it being a design decision that they really enjoy and think will be fun for players (service, paying homage). Meanwhile in your mind maybe you will dislike that they are yet again leaning on gen 1 in order to be successful and that they are blatantly pandering to people who like gen 1 for the money, and not enjoy the experience.

Lets change the topic now lol


Exactly. Meaning not all service is pandering. Were getting so deep into this for no reason. You can view it as pandering if you want.

If we can go to kanto in stars, I will be too busy having fun to realize Game Freak only put kanto in the game to hook people like me into buying it (pandering) as opposed to it being a design decision that they really enjoy and think will be fun for players (service, paying homage). Meanwhile in your mind maybe you will dislike that they are yet again leaning on gen 1 in order to be successful and that they are blatantly pandering to people who like gen 1 for the money, and not enjoy the experience.

You mean like what's clearly already going on now? lmao
Lets change the topic now lol
Now I will.




Rank the Main Series antagonists now!

It's your boy Guzma




Rank the Main Series antagonists now!

It's your boy Guzma

The fact that you forgot someone says a lot about their ineffectiveness as a villain lmao

Neo TR Admins

I don't consider Guzma for this list since he ended up being hired help for Lusamine, but he'd probably be right below Lusamine if I did


The fact that you forgot someone says a lot about their ineffectiveness as a villain lmao

Neo TR Admins

I don't consider Guzma for this list since he ended up being hired help for Lusamine, but he'd probably be right below Lusamine if I did
Funny, because the Pokémon generations episode reminding me how much Lysandre sucks inspired the list.


I love Guzma so much. Like, I will come up with possible back stories and so many work. He was so charismatic that I absolutely got why Skull followed him despite the fact he would beat the shit out of them. Made for such an interesting contrast with how peaceful and sunny Alolan was.
Yo Boi

Lysandre's crap, but at least I could remember him without looking him up.
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