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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"


Boy, going through Soul Silver this past week has been an unexpected slog. I only have the first four gym badges, but my team is so weak because:

1) The available mons have been nothing but weak commons up to this point
2) I'm not at the experience share yet, and
3) I've already beaten all of the small selection of trainers on my journey so far and I refuse to grind on wilds

I have a level 24 Quilava, a Togepi and Drowsee both at level 17, and everything else is in the low teens. It's pathetic. Even my Togepi and Drowsee usually have to switch out for Quilava at some point in any given battle because they're too weak to finish off a lot of opponents singlehandedly.

I really don't remember it being this bad on my initial playthrough.

Everything else about the game is still great, but I'm so unmotivated to keep going :( I really was planning on getting to Red this time, too (something I haven't done since the original Silver)
more support mons for Pokken

Well you know, this gen's been a sight better than just having (basketball player/football player/street dancer) in G5, in terms of out-and-about trainers.
Well you know, this gen's been a sight better than just having (basketball player/football player/street dancer) in G5, in terms of out-and-about trainers.

Well, design wise they at least weren't very offensive(no fish lips or noses that reach their ears), but yeah XY did it way better by just mixing them into the regular trainer classes.


I wonder what the region for gen VII is going to be based on. Australia would be cool just for the crazy bugs that might come with it. Or maybe they'll go back to Japan, though I'm not sure if there's any region left that's interesting enough to use.


I wonder what the region for gen VII is going to be based on. Australia would be cool just for the crazy bugs that might come with it. Or maybe they'll go back to Japan, though I'm not sure if there's any region left that's interesting enough to use.

Well, there's still South America and the rest of Europe (Italy, Germany, Spain)


Boy, going through Soul Silver this past week has been an unexpected slog. I only have the first four gym badges, but my team is so weak because:

1) The available mons have been nothing but weak commons up to this point
2) I'm not at the experience share yet, and
3) I've already beaten all of the small selection of trainers on my journey so far and I refuse to grind on wilds

I have a level 24 Quilava, a Togepi and Drowsee both at level 17, and everything else is in the low teens. It's pathetic. Even my Togepi and Drowsee usually have to switch out for Quilava at some point in any given battle because they're too weak to finish off a lot of opponents singlehandedly.

I really don't remember it being this bad on my initial playthrough.

Everything else about the game is still great, but I'm so unmotivated to keep going :( I really was planning on getting to Red this time, too (something I haven't done since the original Silver)

Yeah Gen 2 has the worse level curve ever and you can blame Kanto for that, which is why the whole 2 region thing never came back.

Kanto should have never been in gen 2 in the first place, it completely overshadowed Johto.

Is the bridge from Clair to the E4 that bad? Because I recall after beating the E4, all of the Kanto leaders were easily steamrolled (meaning the grind wasn't an issue)

I have used a Charmander in every generation and normally either before or after the 6th gym Charmeleon evolves into a Charizard.

In gen 2 however he doesn't fully evolves till after we have obtained the final Johto badge, that's how bad the level curve is.

Those Miltanks on Route 47 give out 1000 XP a pop.

I will have to remember that when I replay the Johto games.

I wonder what the region for gen VII is going to be based on. Australia would be cool just for the crazy bugs that might come with it. Or maybe they'll go back to Japan, though I'm not sure if there's any region left that's interesting enough to use.

Personally I hope the next region is based on Scotland.

But either way I hope that the gen VII region harks back to Sinnoh design, in where you are able to explore at your own pace and not in liner hand holdy fashion that Game Freak doubled down with during the course of gen 6.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I wonder what the region for gen VII is going to be based on. Australia would be cool just for the crazy bugs that might come with it. Or maybe they'll go back to Japan, though I'm not sure if there's any region left that's interesting enough to use.

They have Tohoku still. A few years ago I did a little project thinking of a region based on it and there's a lot of neat places there to use. But I don't know if Game Freak wants to return to Japan now...

I think Hawaii would be pretty interesting though---you could add in some Japanese elements to it and such, and I'd like to see them take another stab at an island-based Region if they could make Surf more fun.

But my idea next time around is Germany, and focusing on perhaps explaining the origin of Fairy Pokemon due to the Japanese word for fairytales, meruhen, coming from the German word marchen. That's one thing that bothered me about Generation VI, they didn't even attempt to explain Fairy-type Pokemon. Even G/S made mention of Steel and Dark being newly discovered, but Generation VI completely ignored Fairy being new as far as I remember---though maybe that's another "alternate universe" element put forth by ORAS.

Either way, I really wouldn't look too far into Magearna when it comes to what Region is next---don't forget the first "American" Pokemon was a kabuki fox with a French name.


I really want a region based on a South or Central American area. Mostly because of my Guatemalan ancestry but also because it would make for ruins, a proper jungle, and lots of wonderful animals. And I almost forgot, I want it because of the first movie! Hey, Mew's South American even in the games.

I think in general I like my regions with as much mythology as possible (Sinnoh) so I want the next area to be one that lends itself well to such a thing again. Gives it an adventurous feeling to me. Non linearity helps with with that too though.

I also love the tropical feeling of Hoenn so I want to get that from another region again.

But really, they can do all that with any place if they wanted to. Just depends on what they set out to do with the next region.
Actually he tweeted he will NOT be at E3. Sry :p

Huh? From what I can tell the Tweet was in reply to someone asking him if he'd becoming to a con and he said it was too close to E3 and asked to give his regards to the officials of that con.

EDIT: lol, a list of "leaked" Pokemon for a Gen 6.5 is floating around with 69 Pokemon. Fakes season is the best.



RIP any Mega not called Mega Mom or Sala. Mega Fug and Mawile are barely holding on to their seats at the top table, one dude is keeping them alive.

I love it. People were asking for CHALK to go away and their prayers were answered.

I don't know why people are complaining when they got exactly what they wanted >.>

Hopefully people realize now there's always going to be overcentralizing Pokemon in EVERY format they create

RIP any Mega not called Mega Mom or Sala. Mega Fug and Mawile are barely holding on to their seats at the top table, one dude is keeping them alive.
Holy shit, did half the teams really do the exact same goddamn thing? This is worse than CHALK? Which at least had an open slot and more room for small variations


I'm laughing at the Lilligant. I need to know what role it played on that team. It just looks so out of place among those legendaries and megas.
Then you can't Mega Kang/Mence, which is a pretty big dealbreaker

All the Smeargle's the real issue though. Dark Void is really bad for the game and honestly shouldn't exist.
seriously. I hope you guys are excited for worlds where we will get to watch primal grouudon and xerneas sleeping constantly
This would be an awful idea, as now Smeargle will die before doing anything
Mental Herb Smeargle is a thing and is probably part of the reason why people stopped using Crobat or whatever :X

Seriously, random stupid items on Smeargle are enough to make you lose a round if your luck isn't stellar. It's really silly.


I've got three weekends in a row to play against those teams :D

Anaheim this weekend, Portland next weekend, Seattle the weekend after.
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