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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"


Why didn't they play that Pokemon Go trailer at the Super Bowl? That was sick.

Granted, it's just a mobile game but that illustrated the wonder of Pokemon pretty well. Throw on that there's a legitimate video game coming out by the end of the year at the end and you have a great future of Pokemon video.


Pokemon Global Trade System is the greatest thing ever.

I just managed to get an Yveltal because someone wanted a Tympole... gat damn.


Pokemon Global Trade System is the greatest thing ever.

I just managed to get an Yveltal because someone wanted a Tympole... gat damn.

I'm always leery of those since you can never tell if's some kid that doesn't know any better or a hacker. It's the same reason I don't keep anything good I get from wonder trade.


I'm always leery of those since you can never tell if's some kid that doesn't know any better or a hacker. It's the same reason I don't keep anything good I get from wonder trade.

Oh it's very likely to be hacked, but it's another filled slot on my pokedex so I'm not complaining.


I originally posted this on on my twitter page but I feel like sharing it here.

20 years ago in Japan Pokémon Red and Green was released. Of course we European wouldn’t get the game till 1999.

But that was not my first encounter with Pokémon, it was actually in 1998 when I woke up early and saw 2 minute of the animé but I turned it over as it didn’t have subtitle. Oh how little did I know that the series will soon be a big part of my life.

A year later and big changes happened for me as my family moved to a new house, in a new city meaning I went to a new school and I hated it.

I struggled to make friend and I didn’t like the school or the teachers…they were weird man. But that all changed when the Pokémon craze hit the UK and soon everyone was talking about Pokémon which are animal with superpowers.

At first I was indifference to the series as I didn’t have the game or access to the animé, but that all changed when a classmate was trying to sell his Red version, as his aunt had brought him two copies of it, he approached me and offered it to me.

At first I refused as I only had a £1 but he then lowered the price to £1 and that point I accepted and brought the game.

I rushed home and dug out my older brothers Game Boy pocket and popped Pokémon Red in and started playing I chose Charmander as my starter.

However I didn’t understand the game and I ended up struggling against Misty, so I reset the game as I thought that I must have missed something and I did how to catch Pokémon.

So I chose Charmander and caught Pikachu and Butterfree and continued on my way and defeating Misty. I eventually progressed further but I got lost as I didn’t know where Rock tunnel was.

So I brought a guide and reset the game again, I sure seem to love resetting the game, but this time I chose Bulbasaur as the guide suggested it as I was a beginner not just to Pokémon but both in video game and RPG.

With Bulbasuar’s help I eventually made it to the Elite 4 and defeated them and capture the powerful Mewtwo but I didn’t stop there I continued training Venusaur, getting him up level 87which impressed the kids at school as they all cheated whereas I did it naturally.

I then began the process of catching all 150 Pokémon which meant that I needed to trade with other people to trade with and I did eventually have 149 Pokémon but I was short by one which was Tauros, I eventually got Tauros thus completing the Pokédex I was happy…then I reset the game. ¬_¬;
I later asked my mother for Pokémon Yellow for my birthday and I still remember the day when she brought it home and I just stared at the box and began playing it.

As the year went by I still continued playing Pokémon training different generation of Pokémon while at the same time creating a head story of my Pokémon journey with my trusty Charmander.

Pokémon also was the whole reason why I ended up buying the Game Cube and discovering other Nintendo IP.

And with the latest announcement of Pokémon Sun and Moon my love of the Pokémon series still continues to burn bright and I can’t wait to see how the series will evolve of the course of the next 20 years.

So Happy 20th Birthday Pokémon.

Why didn't they play that Pokemon Go trailer at the Super Bowl? That was sick.

Granted, it's just a mobile game but that illustrated the wonder of Pokemon pretty well. Throw on that there's a legitimate video game coming out by the end of the year at the end and you have a great future of Pokemon video.

No idea, the super bowl advert did a poor job in showing 20 years of Pokémon and just straight up opted to gen 1 pandering with Pokémon references that only a hardcore Pokémon fan will spot despite the advert not being aimed at them.

The best advert that did a good job in celebrating 20 years of Pokémon was the one shown on the recent Pokémon direct.


What is the general consensus on the best 3DS Pokemon theme. I've been rocking Pokemon Hanafuda for a while and, while I love it, am looking for a change of pace. Just got the special edition New 3DS, but the included Red and Blue themes aren't great.

Will make an impulse buy if someone chimes in with something good before I pass out and wake up sober!


What is the general consensus on the best 3DS Pokemon theme. I've been rocking Pokemon Hanafuda for a while and, while I love it, am looking for a change of pace. Just got the special edition New 3DS, but the included Red and Blue themes aren't great.

Will make an impulse buy if someone chimes in with something good before I pass out and wake up sober!

I really like the theme that came with Super Mystery Dungeon. I haven't changed my 3DS theme since I got it.


And here's the music that goes with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQcTiXO4c44

EDIT: According to Serebii this was never released as a separate purchase. Sorry about that.


So you get the theme when buying SMD? I'm still finishing up Persona Q, but that's my next RPG to play.

Also think another GAF tourney is possible before S/M?


Gameexplain said you can only send RBY pokemon to sun and moon, is it true?

Because if it is I think they are removing the IV system from Gen 7.
Gameexplain said you can only send RBY pokemon to sun and moon, is it true?

Because if it is I think they are removing the IV system from Gen 7.

Yes, you can. You can send Gen VI Pokemon over too. The wording says you can't "Directly" transfer Gen I Pokemon to the Gen VI games, implying that after the Pokemon have been brought to Sun and Moon than might be able to be transfered backwards to Gen VI.
I doubt they are getting rid of IVs, but I hope they provide a system to improve a Pokemon's IVs as well as have a numeric representation of them somewhere (along with EVs)


Need a recommendation as I haven't played (and beat) a Pokemon game since Emerald. I've dabbled with others here and there but would really like to get into one and play from start to finish.

I'm definitely a very casual player and not interested in any competitive stuff at all. Basically I'm looking for a pretty simple version to play and get reacquainted with the series, is X/Y the best option for me at this point?


Need a recommendation as I haven't played (and beat) a Pokemon game since Emerald. I've dabbled with others here and there but would really like to get into one and play from start to finish.

I'm definitely a very casual player and not interested in any competitive stuff at all. Basically I'm looking for a pretty simple version to play and get reacquainted with the series, is X/Y the best option for me at this point?
I would say yes.


Need a recommendation as I haven't played (and beat) a Pokemon game since Emerald. I've dabbled with others here and there but would really like to get into one and play from start to finish.

I'm definitely a very casual player and not interested in any competitive stuff at all. Basically I'm looking for a pretty simple version to play and get reacquainted with the series, is X/Y the best option for me at this point?

X/Y is most likely your best bet.


Thanks guys. I still have my copy of Emerald but I just can't go back to playing on such a small screen with my DS. Plus I figured it's time for something brand new. I'll play that again in due time I'm sure.

As to X/Y, just a coin flip on which to pick? I know there must be some Pokemon differences but again, I'm way too removed from the series to know which are good or bad. Probably gonna go with X unless there's any reason to look at Y.
Thanks guys. I still have my copy of Emerald but I just can't go back to playing on such a small screen with my DS. Plus I figured it's time for something brand new. I'll play that again in due time I'm sure.

As to X/Y, just a coin flip on which to pick? I know there must be some Pokemon differences but again, I'm way too removed from the series to know which are good or bad. Probably gonna go with X unless there's any reason to look at Y.
X has the superior legendary. Go X


Edit: alright let me add this before more take my word as serious. IMO x has the superior legendary(i dont like yvetal)


Why is X's legendary superior? To me, Yveltal is one of the best new Pokemon in a long while. It oozes cool factor like no other Pokemon.

Is that the abilities that let Pokemon swim, fly, destroy rocks etc?

X/Y was the game that introduced the fairy type and Xerneas was a fairy type legendary. That alone would have made it more appealing to me, however I also prefer its design. The only thing Y has going for it (IMO) is Skrelp/Dragalge, but Clauncher/Clawitzer is really awesome too.

That's not what IV's are. Each stat a Pokemon has has an invisible number attached to it (between 1 and 31 I believe) that determines how high the stat can go. Two Pokemon at the same level with different IV's will have different stats.
X/Y was the game that introduced the fairy type and Xerneas was a fairy type legendary. That alone would have made it more appealing to me, however I also prefer its design. The only thing Y has going for it (IMO) is Skrelp/Dragalge, but Clauncher/Clawitzer is really awesome too.

That's not what IV's are. Each stat a Pokemon has has an invisible number attached to it (between 1 and 31 I believe) that determines how high the stat can go. Two Pokemon at the same level with different IV's will have different stats.
Only thing i hate is..god slurpuff is not a good looking Pokemon to me lol i wouldn't made trading that thing for y's version. And i agree clauncher rocks.


Woah wait, so two Pikachu's which are both lvl 10 can actually be very different in stats?

I don't know anything about the legendaries' moves and didn't know Xeneas was a Fairy-type, I wonder why though. But in pure design I just love Yveltal; has it been in any anime episode yet?
Woah wait, so two Pikachu's which are both lvl 10 can actually be very different in stats?

I don't know anything about the legendaries' moves and didn't know Xeneas was a Fairy-type, I wonder why though. But in pure design I just love Yveltal; has it been in any anime episode yet?
Yup lol. My pikachu could have more speed and defense than yours while yours could have more regular attack and special defense. Its a whole meta man i dont get into it tho its really complicated when you think about it. Stab,iv,ev,natures,stats its alot to take in competitive wise
Man, how would I even know what my Pikachu is good at then. What is EV even?

HM's are the fly, swim, rock abilities right?
Lol you can go off of natures like a jolly pikachu may be good at...nd so on. Someone in here is probably much better at explaining. Have you played xy? Super training is a part of that whole hidden system.

Yes hm's are the moves you use outside of battles


Man, how would I even know what my Pikachu is good at then. What is EV even?

HM's are the fly, swim, rock abilities right?

You would have to input your Pokemon's stats into an IV calculator like the one over at Serebii to figure out what your IV's are.

EV's are similar to IV's in that they are invisible numbers that calculate your stats. Every time you defeat or catch a Pokemon every Pokemon that gained EXP will also gain EV's depending on the Pokemon you defeated. For example defeating a Pikachu would give you two EV points for your speed stat. Every Pokemon can gain 510 EV points across all of their stats (each stat maxed out at 252 points so you can only max out two stats and put a few more points into another). Here's an in depth explanation: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Effort_values

Along with both EV's and IV's your Pokemon's nature (Jolly, Timid, Rash, etc) also affect it's stats. You can easily ignore all of this stuff unless you plan on playing competitively.

Yes, HM's are the moves that you can use outside of battle like surf and fly.


I think I am gonna wait with all of that IV and EV stuff. I'm actually shocked it works like that. It feels like I have lost my innocence.

I'll just continue my laid back and calm playthrough of Omega Ruby.

But I do want to get into competitive play in S&M.
It's absolutely not required knowledge to play through the main game - it's there if you really want to go deep, but otherwise you can just catch anything and make it work.


I put over 130 hours into Pokemon X, and had decided not to get OR/AS thinking we'd get another game shortly after... but damn, knowing Sun/Moon are like 10 months away I'm seriously considering just grabbing OR and playing through that because now I'm hyped and really itching for a new Pokemon game... Why is it so expensive though D: $43 over at Amazon and nothing below $35 on ebay, it's ridiculous.


Was inspired to pick up and cruise through OR this weekend. A little bummed I missed out on the Mew promo at my local shop but it's been fun wonder trading and traveling the gym circuit. I think i'm just about to get Groudon.

Also picked up yellow and holding Start+Select on startup to get original resolution is such a nice touch.
I put over 130 hours into Pokemon X, and had decided not to get OR/AS thinking we'd get another game shortly after... but damn, knowing Sun/Moon are like 10 months away I'm seriously considering just grabbing OR and playing through that because now I'm hyped and really itching for a new Pokemon game... Why is it so expensive though D: $43 over at Amazon and nothing below $35 on ebay, it's ridiculous.
If you can play Japanese games on your 3DS and don't care about online multiplayer, get the Japanese version. It should be cheaper.


I really hope they bring back the ability of purchase evolution items in Sun/Moon instead of forcing you to play a mini-game. If they make you play mini-games then hopefully they at least give you points which you can then purchase them with like in HS/SS. *Glares at ORAS super training*.


So I watched the Hoopa movie, it was dull and not hard to see why it bombed in Japan it was devoid of any plot or character development.

Also they got Kyurem's form wrong, seemed to think that Kyogre can fly, forgot that Clemont's Bunnelby knows a ground type move so they didn't need to drag the poor Hippopotas, which Ash totally should have caught.

Hoopa himself was also annoying.

But I do want to get into competitive play in S&M.

Can we stop referring Sun and Moon by "S&M"? My poor brain can't handle it. -_-;

I really hope they bring back the ability of purchase evolution items in Sun/Moon instead of forcing you to play a mini-game. If they make you play mini-games then hopefully they at least give you points which you can then purchase them with like in HS/SS. *Glares at ORAS super training*.

Yeah, I never got why they felt the need of changing up how you get the evolution stones in every generation just have it can you buy them for the Pokémart or via rock smash.


Too bad they already used Battle Dimension in the DP episodes; Battle Dimension Sun and Moon has a nice ring to it.


Just got to where Goodra is released. At least we (sort of) got to see Goodra fly.

Also Goodra and Florges in one episode. Special defense out of control.
I recently decided I wanted to complete my Pokedex, but I missed the Diance and Hoopa events. So I figured here was the best place to ask, what's the likelihood they'll be distributed again in the near future?


Twitch Watches Pokémon has rekindled my anime-loving flame in a big way.

Might catch up on the Diamond and Pearl episodes I never watched.

The Sinnoh arc is the best in the series it had a brilliant build up and managed to stick the landing, despite the show falling apart towards the end.

Just got to where Goodra is released. At least we (sort of) got to see Goodra fly.

Yep, all of Ash's Kalos team will fly in some form or other. ¬_¬;
The 24-hour Twitch Watches Pokemon stream really brings nostalgia back for me (played/watched Pokemon from Gen 1 to Gen 4 (1-3 I owned the consoles for, 4 I borrowed my sibiling's)) to really play Pokemon again. Unfortunately I don't have a 3DS but the 20th anniversary new 3DS with OG Red/Blue bundle is looking really attractive even with the near $300 price tag.
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