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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"

Man, I decided to play through all of the main series for the 20th anniversary and if it has taught me one thing, it is that GF really needs to do something about this HM bullshit in Sun/Moon. I know this is something that everyone says and everyone knows, but my god I just went through 6 games where every single time my team had a Water pokemon that knew Surf and Waterfall (played the remakes of RBY). Every time. I'm not even complaining about stuff like Cut/Strength anymore, and ORAS at least somewhat addressed Fly, but Surf/Waterfall is my new biggest pet peeve. And it isn't because the moves are bad, in fact it is because of how good the moves are. They are the highest BP special and physical water moves with 100% accuracy, and you generally get them at a point where they are super strong. Using a Special Water pokemon? You'd be crazy not to have it use surf as it's main STAB. Using a physical water mon? Well, why not use Waterfall! And it will have surf anyway because it is too much of a pain getting around without it. There are so many cool water moves I never use because why bother when at around badge 5/6 in every single game I get a 90 BP 100% accuracy monster of a move.

Sorry for the rant, just got to me after realizing how limiting it was on my team structure, and how dumb it was that I had to make myself weaker to avoid having the same moveset on my water pokemon 6 games in a row.



Doesn't look like I can pre download Pokken. Wanted to play for a bit tonight. Hopefully it won't take too long to download.

Count me in for getting rid of HMs. Just give me a flute that does everything. I don't think anyone would miss them. Although Bidoof usage would go way down :(
Doesn't look like I can pre download Pokken. Wanted to play for a bit tonight. Hopefully it won't take too long to download.

Count me in for getting rid of HMs. Just give me a flute that does everything. I don't think anyone would miss them. Although Bidoof usage would go way down :(

Either make the field versions of HMs be abilites that Pokemon can obtain and not something that takes a move slot and turn the HM moves into regular moves, or give us items like a surfboard for surf and the Eon Flute for fly.


On second thought this could be Zygarde's true calling. Give an item early on that let's you call Zygarde and as you go through the game it increases in form and can be called upon to do more HM moves.

On second thought this could be Zygarde's true calling. Give an item early on that let's you call Zygarde and as you go through the game it increases in form and can be called upon to do more HM moves.


to be the best hm slave that no one ever was


If they don't want to get rid of HMs because they symbolize "the trainer and pokémon working together to overcome an obstacle" (lol) they should implement them in other way. Instead of them being moves, just have them be an ability that every Pokémon with a certain type have. All Water Pokémon know Surf, every Fighting Pokémon know Strength, Most people train different Pokémon types so this wouldn't be a problem like carrying slaves around is.


Question. I bought White 2 used, has a completed save file. I initially bought White 2 just to use it as a way to transfer my Pokes from Platinum to the most current version. Now I see I don't even have to beat it. Does the game accept multiple saves? I'd like to keep the completed save but also start a new game anyway.
Question. I bought White 2 used, has a completed save file. I initially bought White 2 just to use it as a way to transfer my Pokes from Platinum to the most current version. Now I see I don't even have to beat it. Does the game accept multiple saves? I'd like to keep the completed save but also start a new game anyway.



Got some questions about White 2. Basically, I bought it used and found a complete save. I'm thinking to just continue what the previous player started since I don't think he/she touched any of the post-game content (he only has 10 Pokes total, lol). So, where do I go to start all that stuff? I'm in Virbank City, its the only one I've been to. And how do I access the map? Sorry, noob questions.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
On second thought this could be Zygarde's true calling. Give an item early on that let's you call Zygarde and as you go through the game it increases in form and can be called upon to do more HM moves.


Eurgh, how am I supposed to get a Hoopa when everyone on GTS wants either Meloetta or Genesect and the game physically won't let me trade mine because they're "special"?


Eurgh, how am I supposed to get a Hoopa when everyone on GTS wants either Meloetta or Genesect and the game physically won't let me trade mine because they're "special"?

Best way to get anything on the GTS is instead of looking for what you want, put up something and ask for it. As long as you put up something reasonably good, you get the trade most of the time, because there are enough kids that clone their stuff and will let it go for anything. I had a lot of success even just putting up the Xerneas/Yveltal from the story (I've played thru so many times that I have a bunch at this point).


What if Pikachu Libre in Pokken is really just Halwucha in disguise?


I got the first 3 movies on blu ray (well it finally arrived) and I gotta say, even though I was aware of the lack of bonus features, it was still hugely disappointing. I mean even the pikachu shorts are gone, its literally just the 3 films on 3 discs.


I got the first 3 movies on blu ray (well it finally arrived) and I gotta say, even though I was aware of the lack of bonus features, it was still hugely disappointing. I mean even the pikachu shorts are gone, its literally just the 3 films on 3 discs.

They should seriously consider official subtitle versions of the TV anime and all movies. It's not just for distributing the intended versions of the show, but also for the superior music, much better Pokémon voices, and so on. The ideal scenario in my mind would be including Japanese and international dubs, as well as two versions of each sub -- one maintaining original names and terms (Satoshi, Lizardon, Nibi), and the other localised editions of such terms (Ash, Charizard, Pewter).

There may be some issues with making this a reality, such as slight changes in animation, dialogue and timing, but I'm sure they can do it. I'd buy such collection in a heartbeat.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Target is doing a special promotion today (from 11am-2pm EST while supplies last for anyone interested) for a Shiny Magikarp card. Just to be clear, that is a TCG card and not a digital one for a Shiny Magikarp in game, right?

I would rather it be the digital code, so if it's just a TCG card then I'll be passing on it.


Just starting my first ever try at a nuzlocke run in Pokémon red. I know the basic rules, but what's the common consensus on catching new Pokémon after already gaining a team of six?


Just starting my first ever try at a nuzlocke run in Pokémon red. I know the basic rules, but what's the common consensus on catching new Pokémon after already gaining a team of six?

The same basic rules generally apply after a team of six, you can catch the first pokemon on each new route, and after 6 they just go to the box as backups for the eventual moment where something on your team faints and has to be released. You can generally sub them into your main team as you want, no real special consideration after getting a full team that I've seen.

The only other alternative rule that might affect this is sometimes people have a species clause where you can catch the first pokemon on a route that you don't already own, so like if you got a Pidgey on route 1 and the first thing you see on Route 2 is also a Pidgey it doesn't count, and you can catch the Ratatta you see next instead. But this can get kind of iffy in gen 1 with the lack of pokemon overall. In the end its up to you since its a personal challenge.
It's taking me a lot of time to find a Timid nature Ditto in Pokemon X. I catched a lot of them, and the only luck I had is that one Ditto with Jolly nature.

I need that Timid Ditto to breed a Gastly. My currrent Mega-Gengar isn't fast enough, even with 252 EV's, and it's due to his nature. My co-worker's shiny Greninja keeps kicking my ass. I was only able to beat him using Tailwind with Pidgeot first.

Anyway, finished the E4, was pretty easy. Last night I had my first couple of online battles and only lost one, which was a surprise. Overall, I've enjoyed the game, though it's not among the best ones.


The disappointment towards the first footage of Pokémon Go is weird.

Nobody should have expect a graphical masterpiece, especially not considering the platform it launches on.

As long as the promised features work as seamless as they do in all Pokémon games, I'm satisfied.
Is this the place to find Anyone that can help me or guide me in breeding ?

I have a Feraligatr with Firm nature, Ice Punch and Dragon Dance (Egg moves) but it doesn't have Sheer Force because I need one with that HA. So I'm looking for a Feraligatr with that abbility to breed it.

I'm also looking for a Serperior with a Contrary abbility, anyone can help?

And I'm still unlucky about that Timid Ditto. So if anyone can help with that, I would appreciate it.


Amazon.Jp has it

yes, they can ship books internationally
otherwise, cdjapan or maybe an import store
if you have a kinokuniya nearby they might have some copies too soon enough

Oooh sweet, I will probably order one.

The disappointment towards the first footage of Pokémon Go is weird.

Nobody should have expect a graphical masterpiece, especially not considering the platform it launches on.

As long as the promised features work as seamless as they do in all Pokémon games, I'm satisfied.

Honestly I am glad that people are waking up and realising that Pokémon Go was never going to be what they expected from the grossly misleading trailer.

Which why I just rolled my eyes when they got all hyped up for a rubbish mobile game.

Is this the place to find Anyone that can help me or guide me in breeding ?

I have a Feraligatr with Firm nature, Ice Punch and Dragon Dance (Egg moves) but it doesn't have Sheer Force because I need one with that HA. So I'm looking for a Feraligatr with that abbility to breed it.

Never heard of a firm nature, but if you give your Feraligatr an everstone to hold he can pass it down to the off spring.

As for the off spring inheriting the hidden ability you need either a female or male Feraligatr with the hidden ability and breed it with the Feraligatr that you want to breed with.
Never heard of a firm nature, but if you give your Feraligatr an everstone to hold he can pass it down to the off spring.

As for the off spring inheriting the hidden ability you need either a female or male Feraligatr with the hidden ability and breed it with the Feraligatr that you want to breed with.

Sorry, bad translation. It has the Adamant Nature.

So I'll need one Feraligatr with the HA, my Feraligatr with the Adamant Nature and the egg moves, equiped with the Everstone. Got it.

Now to find a Feraligatr with Sheer Force.
Thought with Zapdos being a legendary it would be better. Caught one in the Chargstone cave and used it in the battle against Skyla. It got KO'd in a couple hits and only managed to take out one of her six.

That battle overall was pretty easy. It came down to my Mismagius, but I beat her on my first try. Was thinking it was going to be hard since my pokemon were at lower levels and it was a triple battle. I could have definitely annihilated her as I felt I made a lot of mistakes in that battle.


Thought with Zapdos being a legendary it would be better. Caught one in the Chargstone cave and used it in the battle against Skyla. It got KO'd in a couple hits and only managed to take out one of her six.

That battle overall was pretty easy. It came down to my Mismagius, but I beat her on my first try. Was thinking it was going to be hard since my pokemon were at lower levels and it was a triple battle. I could have definitely annihilated her as I felt I made a lot of mistakes in that battle.

I keep forgetting you're playing hacked versions of the games so whenever I see your posts I'm always very confused at first, lol
Guys, back again asking for help with breeding.

Already breed a Totodile with the nature, ability and moves that I wanted! Someone sent me a Totodile with Sheer Force over GTS for my Fennekin, and managed to get an egg that gave me the perfect Totodile, so I'm all set with him.

I also got a Snivy with Contrary, but I'm still unlucky about that Timid Ditto to breed Pokemon with that nature...

Now onto the question:

I'm breeding a Sandile with Jolly nature. I put my Krookodile with a Jolly Ditto into that, but all I get are different Sandile with other natures (one even with a different abilty), but never Jolly.

How can I improve my chances of getting a Sandile with the Nature of the Ditto ?


Guys, back again asking for help with breeding.

Already breed a Totodile with the nature, ability and moves that I wanted! Someone sent me a Totodile with Sheer Force over GTS for my Fennekin, and managed to get an egg that gave me the perfect Totodile, so I'm all set with him.

I also got a Snivy with Contrary, but I'm still unlucky about that Timid Ditto to breed Pokemon with that nature...

Now onto the question:

I'm breeding a Sandile with Jolly nature. I put my Krookodile with a Jolly Ditto into that, but all I get are different Sandile with other natures (one even with a different abilty), but never Jolly.

How can I improve my chances of getting a Sandile with the Nature of the Ditto ?

Give the Ditto an Everstone and all the offspring will be Jolly.
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