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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


You know, thinking back there is at least one thing I hate R/S for doing: making the cover art legendaries version exclusive. THAT was something that was cool in G/S, being able to just go out and get them both, just with a difference in levels (and apparently signature moves.)


I kinda wish they tried it for a new game, with a new orchestration. Two Pokemon just having a battle, set to awesome music. Since then, the intros have just tried to pimp the legendary Pokemon on the cover.
Well, have they? Crystal and Emerald seem to be the only ones that seem to have the cover-legendaries as part of the intro itself, rather than just the title screen.

You know, thinking back there is at least one thing I hate R/S for doing: making the cover art legendaries version exclusive. THAT was something that was cool in G/S, being able to just go out and get them both, just with a difference in levels (and apparently signature moves.)
Eh, if anything it actually gave more legitimacy to there being two versions. At least with Ruby and Sapphire it meant each game had its own plotline and villains.


The next gen needs a double battle with both legendaries at once in the 3rd game. With each of the legendary's themes intertwining into one amazing battle track.


The next gen needs to not have a so transparently unfinished story. Black and White were fantastic for the new plot-driven emphasis, but so much of it was so obviously missing (third legendary dragon, N's backstory) that you could just about hear the GameFreak whispering "we'll tell you more when you buy Grey" in your ear.


After playing the first few hours of the Japanese version I was really excited because of the increased story emphasis. Then I got the english version and realized how empty it was :/
The next gen needs a double battle with both legendaries at once in the 3rd game. With each of the legendary's themes intertwining into one amazing battle track.

Go Ichinose better do the track, then, as his legendary battle themes in HG/SS proved his ability to develop such a complex track.

How about we talk about first towns in each game, i.e. Pallet Town? Not sure if there's too much to compare and contrast there, but it's no worse than opening game intros.


After playing the first few hours of the Japanese version I was really excited because of the increased story emphasis. Then I got the english version and realized how empty it was :/
Well, it was still far better than anything that ever came before and as a narrative experience, driving you from town to town, it was quite satisfying. It was only towards the end that I started to feel it felt undercooked. But still, so many epic moments.

How about we talk about first towns in each game, i.e. Pallet Town? Not sure if there's too much to compare and contrast there, but it's no worse than opening game intros.
I wasted that half hour constructing that post, I'm sure :(

But first towns are... well, first towns. Boring. Do you mean more "first hours", where we discuss the way the events are handled inside the first towns?


The next gen needs to not have a so transparently unfinished story. Black and White were fantastic for the new plot-driven emphasis, but so much of it was so obviously missing (third legendary dragon, N's backstory) that you could just about hear the GameFreak whispering "we'll tell you more when you buy Grey" in your ear.

I wouldn't go as far as callling BW's story unfinished. Kyurem's absence from the main story is less a deliberate omission and more of a sequel hook. The only reason it's so obvious is because GF have done this twice already with Rayquaza and Giratina. N's backstory isn't really that big a deal IMO. Even if he was a magical orphan or some Half Pokémon, Half human hybrid Ghetsis found in the woods, would the plot change that much? Again, I'm sure it'll be expanded on when Grey hits the 3DS but it's not like BW felt lacking because it wasn't there.
I wouldn't go as far as callling BW's story unfinished. Kyurem's absence from the main story is less a deliberate omission and more of a sequel hook. The only reason it's so obvious is because GF have done this twice already with Rayquaza and Giratina. N's backstory isn't really that big a deal IMO. Even if he was a magical orphan or some Half Pokémon, Half human hybrid Ghetsis found in the woods, would the plot change that much? Again, I'm sure it'll be expanded on when Grey hits the 3DS but it's not like BW felt lacking because it wasn't there.

Yep. Black and White told a complete story, with potential hooks for another one. Fill in some backstory like Platinum did for Cyrus and Galactic, and add a bit more after the end (I want to battle the
Striaton Gym Leaders
Shadow Triad, damnit), and call it a night.

They could definitely do a fullblown sequel to the Plasma plot, but I somewhat doubt Game Freak will.


I personally really want another N battle after the end. He just kinda flies off and that's it. I want my epic repeatable rival battle with him!


I wouldn't go as far as callling BW's story unfinished. Kyurem's absence from the main story is less a deliberate omission and more of a sequel hook. The only reason it's so obvious is because GF have done this twice already with Rayquaza and Giratina. N's backstory isn't really that big a deal IMO. Even if he was a magical orphan or some Half Pokémon, Half human hybrid Ghetsis found in the woods, would the plot change that much? Again, I'm sure it'll be expanded on when Grey hits the 3DS but it's not like BW felt lacking because it wasn't there.
It tells a complete story, yes. I think "story" was a bad choice of words on my part. Perhaps a better word would have been "mythos". I mean, we recently found out N is a mathematical genius and that's why he has that pendant. When playing, while I felt it was a satisfying narrative arc I also felt there were a lot of details missing and glaringly so.

And yeah, the post-game was thin. There was a lot more they could have exploited there.


Yep. Black and White told a complete story, with potential hooks for another one. Fill in some backstory like Platinum did for Cyrus and Galactic, and add a bit more after the end (I want to battle the
Striaton Gym Leaders
Shadow Triad, damnit), and call it a night.

They could definitely do a fullblown sequel to the Plasma plot, but I somewhat doubt Game Freak will.

Forget about the shadow Triad, Each of the sages should have been a major battle.


gosox333 I'm not crazy I'm just a duck and between jobs.

I thought the "feel better about myself" comment was ironic since you wanted details on people felling entitled.
Whenever I see people who are complete tossers I get such a smug sense of "well, at least I'm not them!" and feel really good about myself. It's all I have these days.

Juicy gossip is everything. Seriously I'm this close to just going to the board and observing it myself but somehow it's always more satisfying when coming through a third-party. I think I just enjoy tasting the venom in their words.


gosox333 I'm not crazy I'm just a duck and between jobs.

Whenever I see people who are complete tossers I get such a smug sense of "well, at least I'm not them!" and feel really good about myself. It's all I have these days.

Juicy gossip is everything. Seriously I'm this close to just going to the board and observing it myself but somehow it's always more satisfying when coming through a third-party. I think I just enjoy tasting the venom in their words.

I understand this completely.


Ducks can't use people computers. I won't be fooled.

Who here watches Chuggaaconroy's channel? His recent Pokemon Emerald LP is some pretty good amusement, and he's got just the right amount of bad humor and bad luck to make it a worthwhile view.

—Actually: who here doesn't like to watch LPs made for games that were just released—like, say, Black and White? I noticed a lot of those launch-day mega-LPs that essentially canned the whole quest experience into a get-views-quick kind of deal for budding YT channels, though I'm one to question the taste of LPing a game so early, when everyone's just getting started on the game.


—Actually: who here doesn't like to watch LPs made for games that were just released—like, say, Black and White? I noticed a lot of those launch-day mega-LPs that essentially canned the whole quest experience into a get-views-quick kind of deal for budding YT channels, though I'm one to question the taste of LPing a game so early, when everyone's just getting started on the game.
LP's are only fun if:
- You know the workings of the game already, having completed it and quite possibly mined its depths.
- The game is so awful you never want to play it.

And that's only if the person doing the commentary has any sense of comic timing and, y'know, humour. 99% of them don't. Very rarely this requirement of humour can be ignored if the person is super knowledgeable and has a lot of interesting things to say, such as in that amazing Jurassic Park: Trespasser LP.
I either watch LPs of games that I know I won't play anytime soon and don't mind spoilers, of games that I'm currently playing (sort of a side-by-side thing, like "how did they react to this part?"), and of games that I've played already.

I'll watch a release-day LP only if the person is interesting enough, and I already have the game.


Holy crap! Shiny Mawile! Anything dangerous it can do that would require me to Masterball it? (Challenger's cave in B/W)

Edit: Caught it. Awesome. First completely random shiny, after playing since the very beginning.
Holy crap! Shiny Mawile! Anything dangerous it can do that would require me to Masterball it? (Challenger's cave in B/W)

Edit: Caught it. Awesome. First completely random shiny, after playing since the very beginning.
Cool, self-caught shinies are always great.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Ugh, it's internet elitism at it's finest. They have like, five or six members that have been there forever that seem to be everywhere all the time.


These guys treat everybody like trash and act like they own the place.


What bugs me is that while they're being dicks, they're being snooty about it too. It wouldn't bug me so much if they were just like "lolz your stupid, get out". No, they use big words and have the most undeserving sense of entitlement I've ever seen on the internet.



there's not really any elitism here.

when did modern pokegaf come about, anyway? hgss? that's when i started to post in pokemon threads.


I have nothing but disdain for Smogon's rulesets.

What's the general verdict on Smogon around here? I used to visit during Gen III era but not really anymore. I also hated how Hidden Power was so popular on NetBattle, mainly because it was near impossible to get ingame and IMO cheapened it.

Speaking of which, here's the team I have planned out for Yellow.

~ Quick Attack
~ Sesimic Toss
~ Thunderbolt
~ Thunder Wave

Pikachu sucks, but I always keep my starter. Thunderbolt to attack, Sesimic Toss actually hits Ground types, QA for the quick finisher.

~ Blizzard
~ Rock Slide
~ Earthquake
~ Double Kick

Wanted to try out Nidoking, debating wherever to use this or Tauros. I'd rather use the later, but he comes in late in the game and I already have Nidoking.

~ Fly
~ Dig
~ Slash
~ Flamethrower

Dig because the Earthquake TM goes to Nidoking. Critical Hit Slash and Flamethrower should do damage. Since I'm doing this on an actual Gameboy, I'm not going to bother getting him Rock Slide.

~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt
~ Hyper Beam

Hyper Beam doesn't recharge if you knock an oppenent out. Ice Beam for Grass/Flying, Thunderbolt gets other Waters. I'm thinking about maybe using Body Slam over Thunderbolt

~ Psychic
~ Strength
~ Mega Drain
~ Leech Seed

I've never actually used him before, so I think I'll try him out.

~ Thunder
~ Thunder Wave
~ Pin Missile
~ Double Kick

Pikachu sucks, so I need a real Electric Pokemon on my team. Thunder because Gyarados gets the Thunderbolt TM, Pin Missile for Grass types, and Double Kick for Rock Types. It's going to be funny when I challenge Gary's Jolteon with my Jolteon. If Gyarados gets the Body Slam TM, then I will give Jolteon Thunderbolt...although I'm debating between using this or Zapdos.
What's the general verdict on Smogon around here? I used to visit during Gen III era but not really anymore. I also hated how Hidden Power was so popular on NetBattle, mainly because it was near impossible to get ingame and IMO cheapened it.

I liked Smogon until they stopped using logic when it came to banning things.


Hidden Power is my number one issue with Smogon sets/the competitive metagame or whatever. It's impossible to control, and it's the point where you pretty much have to get things to work out PERFECT. Ugh.


Holy crap! Shiny Mawile! Anything dangerous it can do that would require me to Masterball it? (Challenger's cave in B/W)

Edit: Caught it. Awesome. First completely random shiny, after playing since the very beginning.

Congrats! I've never seen a shiny in 800+hours in between Diamond and Black :(
Care to detail some of these? Just curious.

They banned Garchomp (which I wasn't really against) because of how he was tearing up the OU scene with little to no trouble, even against people that were prepared. Things started going downhill once they banned Salamence, for reasons that I still don't know to this day.

Then 5th Gen rolled out, and they decided to ban Drizzle Politoed. People asked why Toed and not Tyranitar, for example, and I think the best answer people could come up with was along the lines of "Kingdra is good, Tyranitar is not."
LP's are only fun if:
- You know the workings of the game already, having completed it and quite possibly mined its depths.
- The game is so awful you never want to play it.

And that's only if the person doing the commentary has any sense of comic timing and, y'know, humour. 99% of them don't. Very rarely this requirement of humour can be ignored if the person is super knowledgeable and has a lot of interesting things to say, such as in that amazing Jurassic Park: Trespasser LP.
Agreed on most points, but that didn't answer the question from your point of view. Much like what I spouted out about Disney in the Akira thread, which was rather uncalled for.

Supergreatfriend, TotalBiscuit, and ProtoJon are my favorite LP maestros for production values, personality, and ability to play the darned game. I've yet to see a really-good Pokemon LP, though Chuggaa's are decent. Slowflake rambles on way too much too. But, really, I was asking about how people felt about launch-day LPs, not so much a general LP discussion.


They banned Garchomp (which I wasn't really against) because of how he was tearing up the OU scene with little to no trouble, even against people that were prepared. Things started going downhill once they banned Salamence, for reasons that I still don't know to this day.

Then 5th Gen rolled out, and they decided to ban Drizzle Politoed. People asked why Toed and not Tyranitar, for example, and I think the best answer people could come up with was along the lines of "Kingdra is good, Tyranitar is not."

The thought of Politoed being banned is hilarious.

Of all Pokemon...Politoed.
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