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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!



Please, GameFreak. Please. PLEASE.


Holy crap! That's a mouth there?! I always thought those things on the bottom were little fangs!

Holy crap! That's a mouth there?! I always thought those things on the bottom were little fangs!

I specifically chose this art to showcase how adorable they actually are. If I had my way, I would give him an equally-cute evolution that could learn Body Slam and Earthquake. The day I can proudly use a member of the Dunsparce family on my team is the day I can die happy.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Been having lots of Poke-related fun with the latest app craze, Draw Something.



There was another one too but I forgot to take a screenshot. Good thing my friends are fellow Pokenerds, they got them all too.



From my experience, a majority of people tend to prefer final evolutionary forms to starter forms. With that in mind, what is everyone's favorite Poke that doesn't evolve at all? Mine has to be this badass:

I tried. =/


Chillest motherfucker around


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I gets easier. Like all of these simple drawing apps you have to work within the confines of the system. I'm comfortable with it (sort of) because of spending a lot of time making stuff in MS Paint and Graffiti on Facebook.

OMG Aero

I personally think that BW's new Pokémon blew most of R/S's out of the water. I don't think that there's one Gen V Pokémon that I truly loathe.

People tend to view the designs of the first two gens through a rose-tinted lens, calling the new designs stupid or lazy, whilst forgetting that Gen I brought us stinkers like Voltorb, Magenemite and Grimer, or that Gen II had Corsola and Heracross. I have nothing against any Pokémon ever (execpt maybe Rotom, but that's a long story), but I really think that so-called "fans" need to stop whining about the present without taking a good, hard look at the past.

(inb4 the "how dare you's")
Whoa whoa whoa.
Are you talking shit about Magnemite, Heracross and Rotom?
I used to think you were cool ScraftyDevil.
Yeah I actually like Heracross a fair bit. Pretty solid Pokemon in its own right too, which only makes it better.

Kind of going for a "cutesy" run in Leaf Green right now. Girl trainer with Squirtle (shiny! through soft resetting), Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Meowth. Planning on rounding out the team with Cubone and Vulpix.
Don't diss Rotom. Guy's inspired by PULSEMAAAAAAN!

Bushi Seiryuuden's music is weird, so I've heard. Some of the tracks are overly-developed and over-lengthened, while the short pieces feel utterly-lacking. Unsurprising, as Junichi did do a bunch of long tracks for the original Pokemon soundtrack, accompanied by a bunch of overly-short ones.
Whoa whoa whoa.
Are you talking shit about Magnemite, Heracross and Rotom?
I used to think you were cool ScraftyDevil.

I actually think that Heracross and Magenemite are both charming and cool in their own ways, it's just that their designs (a bipedal Heracles beetle and a mass of metal and magnets) are somewhat simplistic when compared to some more recent designs. In retrospect, using the word "stinkers" was too harsh, and I apologize to anyone (man or 'mon) who was offended by my brazen statement. As for Rotom, we have a history.



So if anyone wants to listen to me and three other folks talk about Pokemon, the first episode of our podcast, the "Quackcast" is up now on iTunes, YouTube, Direct Download, and RSS (Zune and BlackBerry coming soon). Links are here:


We cover a bit about the GBU International Challenge and then go off into random tangents. Feedback always appreciated =) Hoping to put one out every month.


I just caught my second ever legit shiny Pokémon. First ever was a Fearow in Black last year. I just caught a gold Graveler in HeartGold. Coincidentally, the first shiny I ever got (in a trade in Pearl) was also a Graveler/Golem.


So if anyone wants to listen to me and three other folks talk about Pokemon, the first episode of our podcast, the "Quackcast" is up now on iTunes, YouTube, Direct Download, and RSS (Zune and BlackBerry coming soon). Links are here:


We cover a bit about the GBU International Challenge and then go off into random tangents. Feedback always appreciated =) Hoping to put one out every month.

I'll have to download this later. I sure do like podcasts.


Ok Pokegaf help.
Got my 3DS back from Nintendo Repair today and now it will not connect to the nintendo wfc.
The 3DS will connect to the shop and everything with no problem, just not Pokemon


Ok Pokegaf help.
Got my 3DS back from Nintendo Repair today and now it will not connect to the nintendo wfc.
The 3DS will connect to the shop and everything with no problem, just not Pokemon

game might need to be paired with the system again. is it giving an error?

OMG Aero

Ok Pokegaf help.
Got my 3DS back from Nintendo Repair today and now it will not connect to the nintendo wfc.
The 3DS will connect to the shop and everything with no problem, just not Pokemon

You went into the settings and added your internet connection to the DS wi-fi settings right?
3DS internet settings are separate to DS ones.


game might need to be paired with the system again. is it giving an error?

Eh I found it out.
When they reloaded everything, they did not fully put everything back so my "birthday"information did not match and somehow that caused a conflict


I haven't been enjoying Pokemon that much lately, so Black/White is probably the last generation I'll buy, unless they come out with something spectacularly new.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Dex Progress: 63/646

Is the only way to get Zorua through the Celebi event? Damn... this is what I get for being late to the party. That and Victini. Though I imagine the latter might get another event when B2W2 comes out... right?


Dex Progress: 63/646

Is the only way to get Zorua through the Celebi event? Damn... this is what I get for being late to the party. That and Victini. Though I imagine the latter might get another event when B2W2 comes out... right?

There were 2 events, so theres a lot of victini out there. I was able to get one from gts for a Ho-oh. Zoruas can be bred. The only thing you've really missed so far is Arceus, I think.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
There were 2 events, so theres a lot of victini out there. I was able to get one from gts for a Ho-oh. Zoruas can be bred. The only thing you've really missed so far is Arceus, I think.

I got the Arceus event so no worries there. I also got Reshiram (playing White, and using my copy of Black I got Zekrom earlier than I should have).

GTS works since I've seen Zorua. Is there a way to "see" Victini though?


Cool. Downloading via Instacast for iOS now.
Listening to Firestorm? It might blow my mind.
I'll have to download this later. I sure do like podcasts.
Yay! Feedback is always great. We're new at this :) It's also up on Zune Marketplace and BlackBerry Podcasts now.
Does Firestorm have a Canadian accent eh?
No. I may need to figure out how to do one by the next episode based on complaints.
Firestorm, from one Canadian to another, that was a mighty fine podcast, and you shouldn't change a thing.

One small complaint, though: how could you call it the Quackcast and NOT include Suairyu as one of the hosts?


Firestorm, from one Canadian to another, that was a mighty fine podcast, and you shouldn't change a thing.

One small complaint, though: how could you call it the Quackcast and NOT include Suairyu as one of the hosts?
The man wouldn't even know a Bouffalant if he saw one. The name Quackcast actually comes out of what our group of friends identify ourselves at these events by. It started as a joke but then became pretty big. You might see people wearing shirts with this logo at events:


They are friendly folks and will be very obnoxious while cheering :)
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