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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!



OMG Aero

Can you really call Samurott bipedal when it doesn't walk on two legs, only comes off four to wield its blade and even then still needs to keep one foreleg on the ground to support itself?
If Bianca or Ash win this tournament, I will die a happy 'mon.

Come on, they're totally building towards a Throh vs. Sawk finale. Scraggy isn't winning shit yet.

BTW, Doom, as evidence for the Axew x Scraggy thing; behold, a screenshot from when Scraggy was fighting in one of the recent Japanese episodes:

Scraxew 4ever.
Come on, they're totally building towards a Throh vs. Sawk finale. Scraggy isn't winning shit yet.

I know, but I don't like Stephan enough to want him to win, and Masomi is too new for me to care about him. Seeing how the title of BW073 is The Decisive Donamite Battle! Throh vs. Sawk, though, I think it's pretty much set in stone that one of them will win. A man can dream, can't he?

OMG Aero

I would be down for BW2's playable character being either N or his twin sister M who Ghetsis raised the same way but never mentioned and she was never seen because she was away researching Kyurem's other forms while N was trying to get Reshiram/Zekrom.

If she looked like that picture above it would probably be the first time I picked the female character in a Pokemon game too.


So what do you guys think the eventual 3DS Pokemon game will actually be?

My wishlist:
1. Full 3D errythang. I could take either top down or more Zelda-like camera but I want everything to be rendered.
2. Access to all of the existing Pokemon. Starting on a new system that cannot interact with DS's or the GBA would hopefully handcuff them into making getting the Pokemon you want a much more attainable goal.
3. Not another entire new set of Pokemon. Just stop it.

What it will end up being:
Nicer looking 2D stuff and all new Pokemon with no basic formula changes made. Oh yeah and functionality with a Wii U game.


This always baffles me.

Why should they? What possible advantages come of adding no new designs?

Because the new designs are just getting worse and worse outside of a few cool examples.

If they focus on what they already have then they can make a much more polished game surrounding them. The history is there and they can do cool stuff with that.

You guys seriously think they haven't been getting weaker and weaker since R/S?

Precisely the opposite. Quality of Pokemon designs has been steadily increasing in every Gen except the first.

Black and White designs beat the living shit out of G/S/C's designs.

You guys seriously think they haven't been getting weaker and weaker since R/S?


You seriously think there is motivation to buy the new games for anything else? That Game Freak has any incentive to stop making pokemon in terms of sales or fan feedback?
It begins. And I think they've stayed roughly the same in quality since the originals, if not better or worse in some instances. There was a lot of junk in the G/S/C designs, for example.


Precisely the opposite. Quality of Pokemon designs has been steadily increasing in every Gen except the first.

Black and White designs beat the living shit out of G/S/C's designs.

Agree to disagree then. I enjoy some of the B&W Pokemon designs(more than D/P at least) but I feel they're a far cry from the glory days.


You seriously think there is motivation to buy the new games for anything else? That Game Freak has any incentive to stop making pokemon in terms of sales or fan feedback?

Didn't say that at all. I said that I do actually think the 3DS game will have an all new set of Pokemon. I just hope that the previous generations aren't unattainable.
So it has to be EVERYWHERE to be the glory days? What about country-specific golden ages? How about Japan, which is now a nation dedicated to the Pokemon cause?

My avatar is laughing at this right now.


So it has to be EVERYWHERE to be the glory days? What about country-specific golden ages? How about Japan, which is now a nation dedicated to the Pokemon cause?

My avatar is laughing at this right now.

Well there was one period of time where it was a complete worldwide phenomena right?


Because the new designs are just getting worse and worse outside of a few cool examples.

If they focus on what they already have then they can make a much more polished game surrounding them. The history is there and they can do cool stuff with that.
I think Gen 5 has more designs I like than Gen 4 or Gen 3 tbh. Although personally I'd rather have them add some evolutions and change some abilities / movepools to make more Pokemon viable than add a bunch of new Pokemon that completely overpower then old ones like they did this time.


I think Gen 5 has more designs I like than Gen 4 or Gen 3 tbh. Although personally I'd rather have them add some evolutions and change some abilities / movepools to make more Pokemon viable than add a bunch of new Pokemon that completely overpower then old ones like they did this time.

I could definitely get on board with this.
I personally think that BW's new Pokémon blew most of R/S's out of the water. I don't think that there's one Gen V Pokémon that I truly loathe.

People tend to view the designs of the first two gens through a rose-tinted lens, calling the new designs stupid or lazy, whilst forgetting that Gen I brought us stinkers like Voltorb, Magenemite and Grimer, or that Gen II had Corsola and Heracross. I have nothing against any Pokémon ever (execpt maybe Rotom, but that's a long story), but I really think that so-called "fans" need to stop whining about the present without taking a good, hard look at the past.

(inb4 the "how dare you's")


'enry 'ollins

From my experience, a majority of people tend to prefer final evolutionary forms to starter forms. With that in mind, what is everyone's favorite Poke that doesn't evolve at all? Mine has to be this badass:

I tried. =/


I like Gen III more than Gen II, more Gen I is the OG classic.

That being said, of just Kanto, Ash has 20/150 on the PokeDex.

01. Bulbasaur
02. Charmander
02. Charmeleon
03. Charizard
04. Squirtle
05. Caterpie
06. Metapod
07. Butterfree
08. Beedrill
09. Pidgeotto
10. Pidgeot
11. Raticate
12. Pikachu
13. Primeape
14. Muk
15. Haunter FUCK YEAH
16. Krabby
17. Kingler
18. Tauros
19. Lapras
20. Snorlax
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