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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!



Hell Yeah fantastic
Why'd he turn that odd shade of red? why does the stripe pattern start extending across the body and then just stop? two sets of back scales and they no longer go down to the tail? and of course the phallic facial features.
If it's a Kremling imitator it's like the Paon version of King K.Rool
Still good but merely a fraction of The Krokorok greatness.

OMG Aero

Huge List Of The Greatest Shiny Pokemon (not in any order)
Why is there no love for Bluebro?

Man it's so annoying you can only change the nicknames of Pokemon you've caught. Ever since I caught that in Leafgreen I always used it in my endgame team for the third version so I was thinking I'd do the same for White 2, except I didn't nickname my Pokemon back then so now I'll have a full party of nicknamed Pokemon and then SLOWBRO because of the stupid all caps thing from old games.

Li Kao

I'm looking for some help on a Pokemon game here. This thread seems to be the place to ask, I hope I'm not mistaken.

I'm playing through Soulsilver at the moment, and my experience with Pokemon games consists of this game and Green Leaf, if memory serves. I had no problem on the first gen game apart for the final fight and the insane grinding I had to do to win it.

But Soulsilver is another story. I beat all 8 gym leaders and must now capture Lugia.
My problem is, I have a so hard time with the game that I don't know if I'm playing it 'right'. Level-wise it feels like banging my head against a wall. I can't seem to follow 10 minutes of plot without having to spend hours on fights to be in the level range of the boss fights. I had to redo the kimono ladies several times for example. And now I see Lugia is lvl 45 and my most advanced Pokemon is 38...

Well, I have no problem with experience grinding, but where do you think I should do it ? Wild Pokemons are not really experience-friendly in general, my phone contacts rarely propose a fight, how can I buff my little team ? (of adorable losers ^_^)


That Scizor was actually going to be on my would-be worst list.

If I were to pick a color for shiny Scizor, it'd be either blue or Scyther color.
I'm looking for some help on a Pokemon game here. This thread seems to be the place to ask, I hope I'm not mistaken.

I'm playing through Soulsilver at the moment, and my experience with Pokemon games consists of this game and Green Leaf, if memory serves. I had no problem on the first gen game apart for the final fight and the insane grinding I had to do to win it.

But Soulsilver is another story. I beat all 8 gym leaders and must now capture Lugia.
My problem is, I have a so hard time with the game that I don't know if I'm playing it 'right'. Level-wise it feels like banging my head against a wall. I can't seem to follow 10 minutes of plot without having to spend hours on fights to be in the level range of the boss fights. I had to redo the kimono ladies several times for example. And now I see Lugia is lvl 45 and my most advanced Pokemon is 38...

Well, I have no problem with experience grinding, but where do you think I should do it ? Wild Pokemons are not really experience-friendly in general, my phone contacts rarely propose a fight, how can I buff my little team ? (of adorable losers ^_^)

If you're really that worried, just catch Lugia in your Master Ball and proceed to the next leg of your journey. The trainers leading up to the Elite Four are nothing really special, and Victory Road offers a good place to grind for levels. Be sure that they're all in the mid-to-high-40's before you challenge the Elite Four, and don't even enter the Pokémon League building without being prepared.

I hope you have an Ice-type!

Just kicked Roark's dumbly named arse. Turtwig fucked up all 3 of his Pokemon with ease- the only hiccup being the failure to OHKO Cranidos. Fucker had a sliver left, then Roark used a Potion. He was dead the next turn. I forgot it only evolves at Lvl 18. :(

Caught a Zubat, a Ponyta, a Geodude and a Psyduck. Obviously, I named the Psyduck after Billiechu. No deaths yet!

Team is currently:

TURTWIG, lvl 16
Beef the Shinx, lvl 13
Billie the Psyduck, lvl 13
Captain the Starly, lvl 13
Fang Time the Zubat, lvl 9
Furious D the Ponyta, lvl 7

Just kicked Roark's dumbly named arse. Turtwig fucked up all 3 of his Pokemon with ease- the only hiccup being the failure to OHKO Cranidos. Fucker had a sliver left, then Roark used a Potion. He was dead the next turn. I forgot it only evolves at Lvl 18. :(

Caught a Zubat, a Ponyta, a Geodude and a Psyduck. Obviously, I named the Psyduck after Billiechu. No deaths yet!

Team is currently:

TURTWIG, lvl 16
Beef the Shinx, lvl 13
Billie the Psyduck, lvl 13
Captain the Starly, lvl 13
Fang Time the Zubat, lvl 9
Furious D the Ponyta, lvl 7

I've always wondered about these challenges myself. xD I'm not a fan of challenges, though. Hope it does keep up.

Please don't kill off the Turtwig for me


Could someone link me to a good ev / iv training guide? I still dont really understand the concept behind the two, and would like to learn more about it.
I'm looking for some help on a Pokemon game here. This thread seems to be the place to ask, I hope I'm not mistaken.

I'm playing through Soulsilver at the moment, and my experience with Pokemon games consists of this game and Green Leaf, if memory serves. I had no problem on the first gen game apart for the final fight and the insane grinding I had to do to win it.

But Soulsilver is another story. I beat all 8 gym leaders and must now capture Lugia.
My problem is, I have a so hard time with the game that I don't know if I'm playing it 'right'. Level-wise it feels like banging my head against a wall. I can't seem to follow 10 minutes of plot without having to spend hours on fights to be in the level range of the boss fights. I had to redo the kimono ladies several times for example. And now I see Lugia is lvl 45 and my most advanced Pokemon is 38...
It's been awhile since I've played but isn't it possible to temporarily skip Lugia for now by losing on purpose and returning to fight/capture it at a later time? I think I did that in my game but I'm not completely sure.

Don't try it until you get someone to confirm though! Hate to screw you out of getting Lugia.
Or an Ice move, since by its final evolution it'll have a 4x weakness to that. Better have it sit out the 7th gym if it's still alive by then.

I've been warned, especially given Platinum Candance is even more dangerous than normal.

On it Scrafty! I just figured no-one wants to be Zubat or Geodude. :lol
I'm looking for some help on a Pokemon game here. This thread seems to be the place to ask, I hope I'm not mistaken.

I'm playing through Soulsilver at the moment, and my experience with Pokemon games consists of this game and Green Leaf, if memory serves. I had no problem on the first gen game apart for the final fight and the insane grinding I had to do to win it.

But Soulsilver is another story. I beat all 8 gym leaders and must now capture Lugia.
My problem is, I have a so hard time with the game that I don't know if I'm playing it 'right'. Level-wise it feels like banging my head against a wall. I can't seem to follow 10 minutes of plot without having to spend hours on fights to be in the level range of the boss fights. I had to redo the kimono ladies several times for example. And now I see Lugia is lvl 45 and my most advanced Pokemon is 38...

Well, I have no problem with experience grinding, but where do you think I should do it ? Wild Pokemons are not really experience-friendly in general, my phone contacts rarely propose a fight, how can I buff my little team ? (of adorable losers ^_^)

What team are you using exactly?

Oh and for trainer rematches...check here
You can rematch them for as long as they're available in that time frame. Just leave the route they're on, ring them up then go back over. Instant leveling fun!
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