Hot Coldman
Needs a name!
Or the Ooze, in fact i'm naming the next Grimer or Trubbish I catch the Ooze and will mentally play this music in my head for each battle it's in.
My Muk is called Oozium 238
Needs a name!
Needs a name!
Needs a name![IMG]
I don't understand what is going on in her chest area. I'm highly confused.
I don't understand what is going on in her chest area. I'm highly confused.
Named the first one Wiggles but its ability sucks so the second one is Ser Squish
I don't understand what is going on in her chest area. I'm highly confused.
You chose my nickname\o/!!!
I don't understand what is going on in her chest area. I'm highly confused.
She's a spaceman.[IMG]
amy shall rise again!
I'm looking for some help on a Pokemon game here. This thread seems to be the place to ask, I hope I'm not mistaken.
I'm playing through Soulsilver at the moment, and my experience with Pokemon games consists of this game and Green Leaf, if memory serves. I had no problem on the first gen game apart for the final fight and the insane grinding I had to do to win it.
But Soulsilver is another story. I beat all 8 gym leaders and must now capture Lugia.
My problem is, I have a so hard time with the game that I don't know if I'm playing it 'right'. Level-wise it feels like banging my head against a wall. I can't seem to follow 10 minutes of plot without having to spend hours on fights to be in the level range of the boss fights. I had to redo the kimono ladies several times for example. And now I see Lugia is lvl 45 and my most advanced Pokemon is 38...
Well, I have no problem with experience grinding, but where do you think I should do it ? Wild Pokemons are not really experience-friendly in general, my phone contacts rarely propose a fight, how can I buff my little team ? (of adorable losers ^_^)
Not as fun to say as Spaceman.Astronaut.
Okay, that one is.Galaxian.
don't ever google image search pokemon gym leaders unless you want horribly drawn hentai
don't ever google image search pokemon gym leaders unless you want horribly drawn hentai
I thought that was like the second law of the internet. Don't remove safe search off google unless you want to see the true depths humanity can sink to.
Back to Pokemon, I was wondering just what some Pokemon (Like Dratini, Magikarp, Feebas etc) would look like if their evolutions actually resembled the previous ones.
Magikarp and Gyarados actually look like each other, though.
Actually I would have expected Dragonair to evolve into something like Gyrados as opposed to Magikarp. It probably wouldn't look as vicious but you get the idea.
Actually I would have expected Dragonair to evolve into something like Gyrados as opposed to Magikarp. It probably wouldn't look as vicious but you get the idea.
don't ever google image search pokemon gym leaders unless you want horribly drawn hentai
Shocking News.
But blue?
God damn it I can never get over how he makes me think of The Joker. >.> Was it ever explained why Rayquaza looks like a toy?
It seems we have an expert here....
It seems we have an expert here....
I thought that was like the second law of the internet. Don't remove safe search off google unless you want to see the true depths humanity can sink to.
Back to Pokemon, I was wondering just what some Pokemon (Like Dratini, Magikarp, Feebas etc) would look like if their evolutions actually resembled the previous ones.