Reading about EP038 always freaks me out. God knows why Bulbapedia have an animation of the offending scene.
Reading about EP038 always freaks me out. God knows why Bulbapedia have an animation of the offending scene.
of removed safe search imagesOf Google?
Not gonna lie; before I clicked the link, I thought you were talking about the Beauty and the Beach episode where James had the breasts.
Same fins, barbels, both have scales...they look similar.
I always purchase the Magikarp that guy sells in Red/Blue/Yellow because I eventually evolve it into Magikarp.
I always purchase the Magikarp that guy sells in Red/Blue/Yellow because I eventually evolve it into Magikarp. They should add more Pokemon you can "Purchase", it's kind of humorous.
B&W2 sub sub sub minor feature that will revolutionarize the world of pokémon
B&W2 sub sub sub minor feature that will revolutionarize the world of pokémon
One is a fish, the other is a giant dragon serpent of death. While they have some similar features, there is still a big difference.
I think you meanYOU DEFEATED
You get to pick one feature to bring back in Gen VI, the option to use another repel or your lead Pokemon following you in the overworld. Which do you pick?DUDE. That's great. Watch it get taken out in Gen VI.
I've never used a repel ever before, but this tweak is gonna make me use them fo sho
I've never used a repel ever before
I've never used a repel
never used a repel
You get to pick one feature to bring back in Gen VI, the option to use another repel or your lead Pokemon following you in the overworld. Which do you pick?
You must have the patience of a god...
Okay hard mode: add the running shoes toggle to the list.pokémon following of course...
It makes more sense if you look at it as revolver --> cannon rather than fish --> octopus. So rather than an animal becoming a stronger/more powerful animal, it's a projectile weapon becoming a stronger/more powerful projectile weapon. That's the logic behind that evolution chain.What about Remoraid/Octillery? That may be the biggest one.
Dude, that so called giant serpent of deaths head is an entire magikarp.
We'll have to agree to disagree here.
I always purchase the Magikarp that guy sells in Red/Blue/Yellow because I eventually evolve it into Gyarados. They should add more Pokemon you can "Purchase", it's kind of humorous.
You must have the patience of a god...
Not gonna lie; before I clicked the link, I thought you were talking about the Beauty and the Beach episode where James had the breasts.
I wasted around 30-40 minutes EV training a Shroomish before I bothered to check the availability of Focus Punch. I have no access to it without a second DS since apparently Breloom can't breed the move onto itself, and there are no Snubbulls in Black or White to chain-breed with.
don't ever google image search pokemon gym leaders unless you want horribly drawn hentai
Is there a handy list anywhere of Gen 3/4 TMs that are no longer TMs in Gen 5?
Okay hard mode: add the running shoes toggle to the list.
You can still only pick one.
It's actually real smart to buy one since it's a little while before you get an Old Rod...though I never did it. I was always sore how much it cost to get a Dratini from the Game Corner...trying to catch one in the Safari Zone was a pain (Seriously screw that area. Darn it to hell)
But yea, they should let you buy more Pokemon.
So, someone's seen the new movie, and says that Genesect was revealed in the trailer for the next one.
Does anyone seriously think we're not seeing Sixth Gen next year by this point?
I'd think they'd hold off the Genesect reveal until next year were that the case.I still don't. I still think Gen VI will come in 2014 and return to the traditional cycle.
I'd think they'd hold off the Genesect reveal until next year were that the case.
Eh, I dunno, but they're being really throwaway if they aren't planning to transition next year.
Can we convey that Genesect is the worst "out of the pokédex" legendary ever made?
What team are you using exactly?
Oh and for trainer rematches...check here
You can rematch them for as long as they're available in that time frame. Just leave the route they're on, ring them up then go back over. Instant leveling fun!
Shaymin exists.Can we convey that Genesect is the worst "out of the pokédex" legendary ever made?
Mmh let's see, my last team is...
Ampharos 37
Piloswine 38
Togetic 35
Meganium 39
Quagsire 38
Noctowl 31
With 2-3 other Pokemons in case of a specific need, like a fire sensitive ennemy.
I was thinking of leveling Togetic to 43+ and trying to capture with Lugia with him (false swip ? put him to sleep ? dusk ball ? I bet this will go all wrong...)
Knowing that I'm 38 and that the next ennemy is 45, I am worried about the huge leveling needed to have a chance here. I don't understand how my leveling can be so slow. I didn't experience that in Green Leaf and was begining to wonder if there wasn't something wrong with my pacing.
Thanks to all for your input, it is greatly appreciated.
Can we convey that Genesect is the worst "out of the pokédex" legendary ever made?
You're implying Phione is a legendary....phione
Can we convey that Genesect is the worst "out of the pokédex" legendary ever made?