PokeGAF is now a group of Ashs.
PokeGAF is now a group of Ashs.
PokeGAF is now a group of Ashs.
We evolve our Raichus.
What do Raichus evolve into?
Pachirisu is rather generic looking now that I think about it. Well, generic as in Pokemon electric mice generic.
I suppose it could use an evolve form to spice it up.
Emolga is my favorite Pikachu knock-off. Secondary flying type is pretty great.
Minun > Plusle. Because Blue.Emolga is Flying Pikachu without the balloons. Emolga may be my favorite knock-off as well. That, or Plusle.
I've always wondered why all the electric rat Pokemon (except for Pichu and Pikachu) don't have an evolution.
Real talk: Emolga > Raichu.
Real talk: Emolga > Raichu.
Real talk: Emolga > Raichu.
Shame about all those water Pokemon.
Because Galvantula is fucking awesome that's why.Who would use an electric type in the first place anyway?
Yeah, they all totally suck.
Especially Empoleon.
It was all downhill once Piplup evolved. That stinking penguin died so much to Earthquake (And everyone seemed to have it) that I almost felt like reloading and picking the true champion of Platinum, Chimchar.
What if it's actually a giant turtle-dinosaur that is the best?That'd be me
Because Galvantula is fucking awesome that's why.
Because Galvantula is fucking awesome that's why.
. Most of the time they pretend that Raichu doesn't exist too.
Minun > Plusle. Because Blue.
Best Electric Pokemon? I'd probably have to say Zapdos.
Best Electric Pokemon? I'd probably have to say Zapdos.
Fuck refrigerators, Mowtom is where it's at.Yes, that or Rotom. Haunted refrigerators are pretty cool.
Zapdos above all the rest. Yellow/black plumage = awesomeBest Electric Pokemon? I'd probably have to say Zapdos.
I think so.Can BW directly trade with BW2? And can they do so before clearing the main game in BW2?
Fuck refrigerators, Mowtom is where it's at.
Can BW directly trade with BW2? And can they do so before clearing the main game in BW2?
Best Electric Pokemon? I'd probably have to say Zapdos.