I've reached episode 23 in my journey to catch up in the Pokemon anime. It's the episode where Gastly, Haunter and Gengar aren't really evil, they're just trolls.
I love this show lol
I like how Ash essentially dies in the ghost episode so that the ghosts have someone to join them on a merry go round, they truly are trolls.
You only have 677 eps to go before you're caught up, Anth0ny!
we were discussing hgss last night, and here are some things that came up
lance being champion sucks. having two dragon type trainers as gym leader/champion sucks. THREE DRAGONITE? REALLY?
koga should have had a venusaur.
1 new dragon & 1 new ghost introduced in gen 2 really sucked.
seriously This is just highlighted by making those typings gym leaders and champions. Heck a champion that uses a single typing just plain sucks . -looks at Wallace and Lance-
Steven is kind of a one type guy with 3 steels. At least he's as much as Lance is.
Gen 3 added enough steels, so he didn't have to.
In his second fight he has Garchomp, Salamence, and Altaria. At least that's something!I was surprised in HGSS, that they didn't allow Lance to reach outside of Gen 2's limited Dragon types in the Pokedex and pull a few from Gen 3/4.
At least one of his Dragonite's could have been Dragonair, just to.. change it up.. I guess?
1 new dragon & 1 new ghost introduced in gen 2 really sucked.
Well, that's mostly become less of a problem over time, right? It's a good thing that now (with a National dex), one could make a strong monotype team of potentially any type, even Bug thanks to Gen V.
I'm not a big fan of them just making replacement Geodudes and Zubats every generation. They might as well just bring them back.well, personally, i'm hoping every new gen (not counting remakes or sequels, if we ever get those) are self contained, like unova.
I'm not a big fan of them just making replacement Geodudes and Zubats every generation. They might as well just bring them back.
No!gigalith > golem
Well, there'salso, overall, we didn't have very much of that situation.
Well, there's
Gigalith - Golem
Swoobat - Golbat
Conkeldurr - Machamp
Gothitelle - Gardevoir
Unfezant - Pidgeot*
Watchog - Raticate*
* Though to be fair, these always get replaced every generation.
Eh, they're both human like psychic pokemon that wear dresses and have similar stats and move pools.i wouldn't consider gothitelle and gardevoir similar.
Machamp for LIFE!conkeldurr was also awesome.
Eh, they're both human like psychic pokemon that wear dresses and have similar stats and move pools.
yeah but the goth line is also exclusive to one version and has its own counterpart.
well, personally, i'm hoping every new gen (not counting remakes or sequels, if we ever get those) are self contained, like unova.
Gen 4 Lance could've had more dragon types, but by gen 2 they were still ultra super awesome rare and I like that. Them being weak to ice is stupid but they were still supposed to represent the unbeatable type, hence why they were so rare.
Ooh, no.
I enjoyed the fresh feel of B/W, but seeing new evos of past Pokemon and what they bring to the lines is one of my favourite parts of a new Pokemon generation. I loved the Diamond and Pearl reveals more than BW's, that's for sure.
a few old pokemon being around to get new evos would be fine, like some new eevee. i also didn't have many pokemon from dp or bw spoiled for me, i didn't see most of them until i encountered them in game.
Jaina Solo's torso? Good choice.
ghost as wellso what about ghost
ghost as well
i mean they're ghost pokemon that shit's gotta be rare!
Haunter > all other ghosts
Who the fuck is Haunter?Damn, man, good taste
Who the fuck is Haunter?
gengar is so much better than haunter.
honestly I love all three of these fuckers.
he's gengar for people who have no one to trade with
You mean for losers.
I had like a four-way connector that worked for both GB and GBC. Was sweet. I also had a second GB and both Gold and Silver. Oh man. Such good times.
I also had a GameShark but I could never get the damn thing to work, so I just stuck to in-game glitches like turning off while box transferring to clone.