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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Could you imagine Game Freak throwing in that war tidbit nowadays? The edgiest backstory any of the Unova gym leaders have is being a miner.


Anyways this is stupid, but Alder's backstory is pretty "edgy." This "Game Freak has gotten softer over the years" crap is grating.
I would be inclined to disagree as well - the subject matter in BW, even if treaded on lightly, is plenty serious in a different way, considering their universe. The concept of 'why Pokemon let themselves be held like this' had been talked about for years before the game came out, and is a sort of legitimate concern that most characters within their world should have, even with the whole idealistic nature of the series.

The war thing in RBY was merely some background aspect of Lt. Surge's character, and wasn't even delved into that much, even with the extra info in FRLG.
I agree that the overall tone nowadays is less idealistic than in RBY, but the war thing is just so out of the blue in Kanto that it sticks out more.

Actually, the ghost stuff in gens IV and V is a creepy development which, largely, went entirely over my head the first time I played the games. The Old Chateux is creepy as fuck.


Dot Hacked
Hmm community thread dun think I've been in here before! Did anyone else go to see the new movie this weekend? I just got back home after seeing it earlier. Even if its just in limited release like this one I hope they'll continue putting 'em on the big screen. I always buy an watch 'em when they're released on dvd but the experience just isn't the same! Can't wait til the dvds out so I can see the "black version" lol.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Hmm community thread dun think I've been in here before! Did anyone else go to see the new movie this weekend? I just got back home after seeing it earlier. Even if its just in limited release like this one I hope they'll continue putting 'em on the big screen. I always buy an watch 'em when they're released on dvd but the experience just isn't the same! Can't wait til the dvds out so I can see the "black version" lol.

No. Feels bad man. :/

Well Black will be on CN soon I heard.
Pff. Bloody Americans, with your cinema releases of the movies.

I'll watch it on an overpriced DVD with no extras in about a year's time, and I'll be grateful!



Dot Hacked
No. Feels bad man. :/

It stinks for those that missed out. I've been preparing for this for months knowing in my mind I had to be 6 for 6 seeing PKMN movie theater releases! the goody bag was a nice bonus. Giant Victini TCG card get!

Well Black will be on CN soon I heard.

Oh yeah there was a screen just before the movie started saying the movie will be on CN next week just didn't catch which version it was. Dunno if I can handle watching a movie with commercial breaks!

Pff. Bloody Americans, with your cinema releases of the movies.

I'll watch it on an overpriced DVD with no extras in about a year's time, and I'll be grateful!


Its the first time in 8 years! We can ALL be jealous of japan cause they always get shown in theaters there ;.;

Do they put out the Pokemon movies on Blu-Ray yet or is it still DVD only?

These movies are getting a BR release in japan (might be the first ones to get one) but for other places its been strictly dvd only. A couple of earlier movies got bundled together on BR earlier in the year in the US but I don't think they were changed or improved at all (still fullscreen blah).


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I only saw the first three in theaters. 4-6 were in theaters too? I was pretty sure 3 was the last one.


Dot Hacked
I only saw the first three in theaters. 4-6 were in theaters too? I was pretty sure 3 was the last one.

Ack no I meant 6 including this one. 5 was the last one to get a theater release here. Had ta go further outta my way to see that one than I did this one strangely enough!
Pah, this moaning about cinema releases being gone for a while.

In the UK, we had no DVD releases between Jirachi and the Zoroark movie. They seem to be working through the backlog now.
I only saw the first three in theaters. 4-6 were in theaters too? I was pretty sure 3 was the last one.
Heroes (5) was the last one, most likely because of how low the proceeds got over time.

It seems like TPCi is sort of testing the waters with this limited release to see if it's worth it to bring the movies back into theaters and all.


I saw 1 - 3 in theatres
I think I saw most of a bootleg of 4
I rented 5

I also rented Mewtwo Returns. That's about it for movies for me.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Like I said I saw 1-3 in theaters. Drumming up support to go see 3 was a bit tough but I did it.

I saw very small parts of 4 on Cartoon Network, and was always interested in that because of
young Oak.
Need to watch it someday.

5... Heroes? I think I've seen the opening and bits of the ending on TV. Just was never interested.

Didn't care to see Jirachi or Deoxys. Fell out of interest in the series during the Advanced era.

Watched Lucario and Ranger when Diamond and Pearl came out to sort of catch up (they did after all feature a couple DP Pokemon prominently), since around this time I started getting back into the games and decided what the hell, why not watch the anime. I've got free time.

I watched all the Sinnoh movies on CN as they've come out. Maybe not on initial airing, but repeats.

Will watch Black when that hits CN. Don't know if I care enough to go out of my way to watch White.

I'll say that of movies 5 through 13, Lucario and Darkrai are probably my favorite. They're pretty well-contained, even if all movies post-2000 feel like an extended episode of the show.

Edit- I also got Mewtwo Returns on DVD, probably the only Pokemon DVD I ever got. And I got it myself. That was a pretty good movie too. It also seemed a bit darker than normal.


Dot Hacked
Watched Lucario and Ranger when Diamond and Pearl came out to sort of catch up (they did after all feature a couple DP Pokemon prominently), since around this time I started getting back into the games and decided what the hell, why not watch the anime. I've got free time.

I also have time so is there a good way of catching up on the tv series? I was forced ta drop out somewhere near the end of the Hoenn league. Saw the start of D/P but not to much after. Wouldn't mind seeing Hoenne again from the beginning since it was a good series. Do I gotta wait until pokemon.com cycles alllll the way back to the start?


Movie 3 is the best of the movies. Charizard vs. Entei, plus the fact that they can actually straight up fight things seeing as they're "illusions" or w/e. Also, I didn't see 4 till waaaay later, so I was distracted by how much it felt like a Mononoke knock-off. Also, the weird
Darkrai... plant... thing, well before Darkrai existed.
The first movie was fairly interesting and well done for what it was, even though the dub kinda ruined it and changed the message to something that was completely fucking nonsensical within the context of Pokemon. I haven't seen it since I was 12, though, so nostalgia might be coloring my recollection a bit.

Also, in the original Japanese, Mew was apparently just as prejudiced as Mewtwo, only in the opposite direction, which I thought was pretty neat.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I also have time so is there a good way of catching up on the tv series? I was forced ta drop out somewhere near the end of the Hoenn league. Saw the start of D/P but not to much after. Wouldn't mind seeing Hoenne again from the beginning since it was a good series. Do I gotta wait until pokemon.com cycles alllll the way back to the start?

I did make a good list a while ago of the good Sinnoh eps to watch. Hrm... basically it was the gym battles, Team Galactic, contests, and an assortment of some of the better filler eps.

The first movie was fairly interesting and well done for what it was, even though the dub kinda ruined it and changed the message to something that was completely fucking nonsensical within the context of Pokemon. I haven't seen it since I was 12, though, so nostalgia might be coloring my recollection a bit.

Also, in the original Japanese, Mew was apparently just as prejudiced as Mewtwo, only in the opposite direction, which I thought was pretty neat.

Yeah I knew the anti-war stuff was BS even as a kid.
Yeah I knew the anti-war stuff was BS even as a kid.

It kind of baffles me as to why they would do that. They didn't even really bother to change any of the leadup; it's still building up to the original message and then the dub just pulls the rug out and gives us just complete nonsense.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
It kind of baffles me as to why they would do that. They didn't even really bother to change any of the leadup; it's still building up to the original message and then the dub just pulls the rug out and gives us just complete nonsense.

What was the original message?


Saw 1-3 in theatres. I don't think I'll ever see a movie with 6 friends again, like I did with movies 1 and 2.

until they offer free pokemon cards again
My favorite is probably... the Lucario one.

Main reasons being that whole medieval backstory thing they had going on with the whole red vs green war, the location design, and Aaron + Lucario. The Regis were an odd presense though, but they have the best crazy voices ever, so I don't mind. Also, the dramatic scenes in the tree were good as well (the earlier one and the final one).


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
you guys still talking about your shitty movies?



Has the Shiny Ratio increased with newer games?

Only if you breed two Pokémon from different-language games together. Then, it's 4x normal (in 4th gen) or 6x normal (in 5th gen). Still pretty rare, though.
In 4th gen, there's also the PokéRadar; getting a high enough chain of the same species with that catapults your chance of finding a shiny sky-high. If you go this way, be prepared to get really, really annoyed at Bidoofs breaking your chain.

Or you could not bother with all that and abuse the pseudo-random number generator to guarantee yourself a shiny :p
This really has nothing to do with Pokémon, but...
I created a Mario Kart 7 Community for PokéGAF!

Just in case you don't want to play with none Super Nerds.


After playing portal 1, I have no desire to play portal 2.


I played Portal 1 for the first time this year, and I picked up Portal 2 immediately. It was the only game that was released this year that I purchased (before November) besides Pokemon. Very addicting stuff.

Just watched the Ash vs. Sabrina battle in the anime. I was in tears when Kadabra was on the floor laughing. "KADA BURA BURA BURA BURA BURA":lol

I played Portal 1 for the first time this year, and I picked up Portal 2 immediately. It was the only game that was released this year that I purchased (before November) besides Pokemon. Very addicting stuff.

Just watched the Ash vs. Sabrina battle in the anime. I was in tears when Kadabra was on the floor laughing. "KADA BURA BURA BURA BURA BURA":lol

I also played Portal for the first time this year when it went F2P that one weekend. It was fun, but not enough to convince me to get the sequel.

Haunter was just the best during those episodes.
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