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Pokémon Go |OT 2| Servers...gotta crash 'em all!

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So am I right in thinking that it's better to evolve a lower CP mon if it has a higher HP and both attacks are more powerful (tho the type of attack might be worse or something...?)?

I assume for the lower one I would just have to commit to using a bit more stardust to boost up the CP?

I have a 580 and 540 Drowzee in this situation. Very seldom am I faced with this though.


Is PTC down again for Europe? Unable to log in. It's getting a little tiring that I am unable to access this anytime in the later afternoon or early evening.

Found this guy in the wild last night. He just popped up and I yelped a little. Took like 10 razz berries and 20 great balls but hnnggghhh.

Shame on the CP but I already used the 3 he came with to get up to 700CP so I think he's got a lot to go. Just have to find some Dratini....


The feels when you see a Gyarados on your radar and then spend 15 minutes cycling around unable to find it. :(


Sorry if already asked, but what's the general sense of how many players here are using Pokevision, anyone know?

I feel dirty using it but it kind of replaces the borked Nearby Radar step system in the meantime... if something nearby pops up, I'll occasionally use Pokevision to locate it. It's cruel to see it nearby and be unable to otherwise find it without sheer luck of wandering around aimlessly.

Maximus P

Sorry if already asked, but what's the general sense of how many players here are using Pokevision, anyone know?

I feel dirty using it but it kind of replaces the borked Nearby Radar step system in the meantime... if something nearby pops up, I'll occasionally use Pokevision to locate it. It's cruel to see it nearby and be unable to otherwise find it without sheer luck of wandering around aimlessly.

There are people in this very thread that claim its cheating.I'd probably some what agree if it wasn't for the tracking been down since the game officially launched here.

Each pokemon only spawns for 15 minutes. So if it shows up, you have that length of time to find it, which at walking pace would make the task impossible without some way of tracking it down.

i'll continue to use pokevision until an update fixes the tracking

Maximus P

Found a Squirtle nest last week. And Today i found Charmander nest. Both of which are in parks close to my location.

I'm hitting both again some time soon.


I'm looking at central park through pokevision and I'm green with envy at all the lured pokestops and spawns dotted every 2 feet. GG you new yorkers :(
Not sure abiut the best, but I have been using this wonderful tool since yesterday:

Thanks, this was super helpful and actually worked really well. We had fun running around almost at midnight for a Pinsir and Ryhorn lol. Still have not gotten motivated enough to go across town for something though. Maybe when there is like a Bulbasaur nest or something. But starters are so rare here, but evees are everywhere. Easily most common behind Pidgey and Zubat.


There are people in this very thread that claim its cheating.I'd probably some what agree if it wasn't for the tracking been down since the game officially launched here.

Each pokemon only spawns for 15 minutes. So if it shows up, you have that length of time to find it, which at walking pace would make the task impossible without some way of tracking it down.

i'll continue to use pokevision until an update fixes the tracking
That's about where I'm at, but I try to avoid it.

Last night I suddenly had a Charmander appear "Nearby" at the top of the list. (Well, third on the full radar, but first on the mini-radar in the bottom corner, which I think means 'closest'...?) Anyway, refusing to use Pokevision, I walked around for 10 minutes in every direction and could not get it to spawn. It felt like I was right on top of it based on my semi-scientific triangulation attempts but no dice. So disappointing. The steps indicator would have netted me another Charmander.
No worries! Glad you got it working! :D

The general order of importance seems to be pokemon > skillset > IVs > CP (CP comes last because you can just pump stardust into something to make it's CP higher while the 3 before it are fixed and cannot be influenced)
Your chances of finding a specific perfect IV mon AND not get screwed by the random moves when it evolves are near non-existant so it's best to go with the best you can find and 95.6 is REALLY good, you'll probably not see a better one. I generally try and keep any pokemon that hit 80% or better as the majority will be well below that. Also, if that tentacruel has blizzard it'll be a nightmare as a gym defender as it's literally impossible to avoid (the damage window is larger than the dodge window so at best all anyone can do is reduce the damage they take from it XD )

Oh f***.

So basically on top of move sets as 'numbers' and IV, I should look at the what exactly the moves are as some are harder to dodge? THIS IS CRAZY :D

First, I am a bit pissed, as it's hydro pump, not blizzard. (I had another high CP tentacruel with blizzard, but the IV was far less interesting).

Second, ok, I'll try harder from now on then :D

- also, I knew about the evolve being a random reroll, I usually invest in fully evolved pokemons :) -


John Dunbar

correct about everything
finally got to level 20. only have one 1000+ cp pokemon though (1170 or so vaporeon). hopefully i find something decent because i'm done with the fucking pidgeys and weedles.


Is http://www.dslreports.com/front/gaftest.html working for anyone today? I keep getting this message,
"Nothing found if this is the first query Niantic servers should spawn pokemon, try again in 2-5 minutes. If this is not the first query, this hack to search may be temporarily unable to get any good information."

That tool is just awesome, since the pokevision doesn't seem to work right in my area. I've been able to find everything right on point, where as pokevision hardly spawns everything available in my area. :/
Oh f***.

So basically on top of move sets as 'numbers' and IV, I should look at the what exactly the moves are as some are harder to dodge? THIS IS CRAZY :D

First, I am a bit pissed, as it's hydro pump, not blizzard. (I had another high CP tentacruel with blizzard, but the IV was far less interesting).

Second, ok, I'll try harder from now on then :D

- also, I knew about the evolve being a random reroll, I usually invest in fully evolved pokemons :) -

Honestly, don't worry about it, most of the time all that really matters is the regular attack and defending pokemon don't dodge anyhoo so blizzard is more of a pain on a defender than something useful on an attacker.
For an attacker, blizzard is actually one of the worst as it has the lowest DPS of specials you could've ended up with and has the longest 'casting time', so hydro pump is fine and It'll still be nasty if used in defence as it does more damage if it hits, it just won't be completely undodge-able :3


A Blastoise spawned on pokevision just down the road from work... while the tram I was on away from work was just setting off, lol
So I think I've lost all of my save data. I transferred my account from my smashed up bricked phone to my new one. Logged in with my Gmail/google account, downloaded the game and now it's making me start again when I login with Google.

Am I boned?


So I think I've lost all of my save data. I transferred my account from my smashed up bricked phone to my new one. Logged in with my Gmail/google account, downloaded the game and now it's making me start again when I login with Google.

Am I boned?

You shouldn't be, just make sure that you log in the same way you did on your old phone. If you used PTC, sign in with PTC with your same account. Same with google. If you did that, then I don't know what happened.
You shouldn't be, just make sure that you log in the same way you did on your old phone. If you used PTC, sign in with PTC with your same account. Same with google. If you did that, then I don't know what happened.

I've logged in with Gmail, which is what I used and now it's prompting me to start over.

How sad. Level 20 too.
So IVs are hidden right? Any good way of knowing about them?

You can use this web-based calculator: https://pokeassistant.com/main/ivcalculator
Or get a copy of this excel sheet (read the instructions in the first post first though): https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRo...ed_iv_calculator_automatically_calculate_ivs/
Or if you're on android I guess you can try this app (I've yet to give it a shot so I can't guarantee how good it is): https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRo...ted_an_android_app_that_will_let_you_quickly/

There's more reliable and 100% accurate middle-man styled programs that require you to connect your phone to your PC and then it catches the data as it travels and slaps it on a sheet for you without any of the guesswork but I'll leave that for others to find if they want it (they're on the silph road reddit) Be aware that using the middle-man ones are very likely breaking the Terms of Service. I'm not sure if there's any way for them to actually detect you've done this though but don't say I didn't warn you :3
Is http://www.dslreports.com/front/gaftest.html working for anyone today? I keep getting this message,
"Nothing found if this is the first query Niantic servers should spawn pokemon, try again in 2-5 minutes. If this is not the first query, this hack to search may be temporarily unable to get any good information."

That tool is just awesome, since the pokevision doesn't seem to work right in my area. I've been able to find everything right on point, where as pokevision hardly spawns everything available in my area. :/

I am seeing this when I click on the site "Distance fix inaccurate - waiting for better fix (+/- 4951 meters)"

I live in Summerville, SC outside Charleston. It is a suburb and only the main street area has pokestops and gyms and not many to begin with. I usually have to buy a 100 pokeballs on the weekends when I want to really play because it is not possible to get them in a regular manner. I really feel you should get 10 balls a day if you log in or walk a minimum amount. This game does reward those in populated areas. I went to DC last week and my mouth dropped. In the Federal Triangle everything was a pokestop and lures were popping everywhere. There were literally 2 separate rose sculptures 10 feet apart and both were stops. I would have to drive over a mile for that here.
I know my username is registered because I can't have it! Really annoying. Not sure I can be bothered to even try contacting Niantic as they're probably too busy to answer.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
got a nidoking making it my 110th pokemon but also was the last of the pokemon i can get in my area now i gotta start making more beach trips and more trips into the inner city for stuff i dont have but on the plus side i found a 2k cp snorlax out in the wild and replaced my 1300 cp one with it


Quick question for anyone using the PokeVision website. Exactly how far on the map can I scroll out once I've selected my location -- and still get an accurate scan? Can I zoom out to incorporate most of my city and it still works? Or does it need to be a small area?
Nope. It's completely lost all my data. I've only 2 Google accounts and they're both making me start new games.

Sorry to hear. I went digging about to see if anyone had suggested any solutions but this is all I could find:

Pokémon Go Trainer Club progress resetting to level 1
This problem appears to arise when players have created more than one Pokémon Go account. If you created two accounts – for instance, one using Google and another using Pokémon Trainer Club -- then you’re probably experiencing this issue. The way to resolve it is to log out of your account via the Settings menu, then log in with the first account you used and use that one exclusively.

Seem to have lost your progress? Google or PTC
Although I don't have confirmed information. I want to say that it's due to the servers being funky. Try again later.

As mentioned above, try logging out and back in, ensuring you are using the correct account login.

Also, it was reported on a post I read (can't find the link) that a few other people had this issue. They completely shut down the app and then relogged, and it fixed their problem. I suggest that course of action. If it doesn't work, I would try again a little later with the same method. If it fails the second time, then either contact niantic or just restart

someone having a similar problem after an update to Ingress (including because it's the same company so maybe related?)

General opinion seems to be that you should just be able to log in to your account on the new phone and everything will magically be there :s
Might be worth poking niantic and asking "where be my data?"
This never works for me. Says Error: User opted not to share location?

Same for me. How do you get it to ask for permission to use your location?
try changing the http to https and ensure your GPS is turned on :3
If that still doesn't work, go into your browser settings -> site settings -> location and set it to 'ask' (modify instructions as required, i'm using chrome on mobile as an example here :D )
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